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FN Model 1910/1922

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The FN Model 1910/1922 and variants can be seen in the following films, television series, video games, and anime used by the following actors:

FN Model 1910

FN Model 1910 - .380 ACP
FN Model 1910 with wood grips - .380 ACP


(1910 - 1983)

  • Type: Pistol
  • Caliber(s): .32 ACP, .380 ACP
  • Weight: 1.3 lbs (0.59 kg)
  • Length: 6.02 in (15.3 cm)
  • Barrel length(s): ? in ( cm)
  • Capacity: 6 (.380 ACP), 7 (.32 ACP)
  • Fire Modes: Semi-Auto


Title Actor Character Notes Date
That Night's Wife Tokihiko Okada Shuji Hashizume 1931
Emiko Yagumo Mayumi
M Seen among confiscated weapons 1931
The Testament of Dr. Mabuse Policemen 1933
Marionettes (Marionetki) Anatoli Ktorov Prince Do 1933
The Man Who Knew Too Much Leslie Banks Bob Lawrence 1934
School of Courage (Shkola muzhestva) Leonid Kharitonov Boris Gorikov 1954
Nikolai Garin Col. Zhikharev
Vladimir Basov White Army Poruchik
The Devil's General Curd Jürgens Harry Harras 1955
Viktor de Kowa Schmidt-Lausitz
German soldiers
The Crash of the Emirate (Krushenie emirata) Vladimir Krasnopolskiy Valerian Vladimirovich Kuybyshev In holster 1955
Abdusalom Rakhimov Kurban Saidov
Artavazd Kefchiyan Turkish officer
Murder on Dante Street (Ubiystvo na ulitse Dante) Evgeniya Kozyreva Madeleine Thibault 1956
When a Woman Meddles (Quand la femme s'en mêle) Jean Lefebvre Fred 1957
Edwige Feuillère Maine
Bernard Blier Félix Seguin
On the Other Side (Po tu storonu) Vsevolod Safonov Anton Matveyev 1958
Lyudmila Kasatkina Varya
The Variegateds Case (Delo "pyostrykh") Ivan Pereverzev "Stranger" 1958
The Green Wagon (Zelyonyy Furgon) Criminals 1959
The Golden Eshelon (Zolotoy eshelon) Vasiliy Shukshin Andrey Nizovtsev 1959
The World in My Pocket Nadja Tiller Ginny 1961
Rod Steiger Frank Morgan
Peter van Eyck Bleck
The Black Monocle (Le Monocle noir) Jacques Marin Trochu 1961
Raoul Saint-Yves Jean
Dr. No Sean Connery James Bond suppressor 1962
Optimistic Tragedy (Optimisticheskaya tragediya) Margarita Volodina Commissar 1963
An Ordinary Miracle (Obyknovennoye chudo) Georgiy Georgiu Minister-Administrator 1964
Erast Garin King
A Star Called Wormwood (Hvězda zvaná Pelyněk) Jaroslav Rauser Dicker 1964
Rudolf Deyl František Noha
Cheka Employee (Sotrudnik ChK) Seen in armory 1964
The Secret of the Chinese Carnation Dietmar Schönherr Dr. Cecil Wilkens 1964
Olga Schoberová Susan Bexter
Dominique Boschero Mary Lou
The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin (Giperboloid inzhenera Garina) Evgeni Evstigneev Pyotr Garin 1965
Vsevolod Safonov Vasily Shelga
Mikhail Astangov Rolling
Viktor Chekmaryov "Four-fingered"
Pavel Shpringfeld Gaston "Duck Nose"
À tout coeur à Tokyo pour OSS 117 Wilson´s man 1966
The Phantom of Morrisville (Fantom Morrisvillu) Vit Olmer Allan Pinkerton 1966
Waldemar Matuska Manuel Diaz
Fury (Yarost) Evgeniy Matveev Vasiliy Gulyavin 1966
After the Fox Angelo Spaggiari Felix Kessler "The Big Man of Germany" 1966
Tokyo Drifter Tamio Kawaji Tatsuzo replica, suppressed 1966
Hideaki Nitani Kenji replica
Eiji Go Tanaka
Eimei Esumi Otsuka
Isao Tamagawa Umetani
A Colt Is My Passport Hiroshi Chô Shimazu assassin 1967
Shimazu's thug
Japan's Longest Day Toshio Kurosawa Major Kenji Hatanaka 1967
Japanese officers
Branded to Kill Koji Nanbara Number One Killer 1967
The Shield and the Sword (Shchit i mech) Stanislav Lyubshin Johann Weiss 1968
Vatslav Dvorzhetsky Lansdorff
Anatoliy Kubatskiy Franz
Valentina Titova Nina Aleksandrova In holster
Aleksey Glazyrin Maj. Steinglitz
Bonnot's Gang (La bande à Bonnot) Jacques Brel Raymond la Science Engraved nickel plated with pearl grips 1968
Annie Girardot Maria la Belge
Red Square (Krasnaya ploshchad) Stanislav Lyubshin Dmitriy Amelin 1970
Gentlemen of Fortune (Dzhentlmeny udachi) Evgeni Leonov Docent 1971
I'm a Detective (Ya, sledovatel...) Seen in ballistic lab 1972
The Bamboo House of Dolls uncredited Yisheng 1973
Borsalino and Co. Alain Delon Roch Siffredi 1974
Lionel Vitrant Fernand
Agony (Agoniya) Sergey Muchenikov Grand Duke Dmitri 1974
The French Detective (Adieu, poulet) Assassin 1975
Velvet Season (Barkhatnyy sezon) French police 1978
Who Will Pay for the Fortune? (Kto zaplatit za udachu?) Aleksandr Filippenko Konkov 1980
Vitaly Solomin Kuskov
Fiasco of Operation Terror (Krakh operatsii "Terror") Leonid Kulagin Kirill Nikolaev 1981
Krzysztof Chamiec Felix Dzerzhinsky
Teheran 43 Arutyun Akopyan Teheran photographer 1981
Investigation (Rassledovaniye) Vladimir Samoylov Semen Vorobyev 1981
The White Rose Wulf Kessler Hans Scholl 1982
Once Upon A Time In America Robert De Niro David "Noodles" Aarison 1984
The Last Emperor John Lone Puyi 1987
The Sicilian Michael Wincott Cpl. Silvestro Canio 1987
Christopher Lambert Salvatore Giuliano
Moonzund Oleg Menshikov Sr. Lt. Sergey Artenyev 1988
Malcolm X Delroy Lindo West Indian Archie 1992
Of Freaks and Men Sergey Makovetskiy Johann 1998
Alyosha Dyo Kolia
Knock Off Lela Rochon Karen Lee 1998
Rob Schneider Tommy Hendricks
Ghost Ship crew-member 2002
Catch Me If You Can French police 2002
The Lost City Andy Garcia Fico Fellove nickel-plated 2005
The Vermin (Škodná) Oldrich Vlach mjr. Polícko 2006
Michal Slaný Zbynek Jansa
The Wind That Shakes The Barley IRA 2006
Max Manus: Man of War Mats Eldøen Edvard Tallaksen continuity error 2008
Female Agents Sophie Marceau Louise Desfontaines 2008
The Army of Crime Robinson Stévenin Marcel Rayman 2009
Vichy French Policemen
Oba: The Last Samurai Yutaka Takenouchi Captain Sakae Ōba 2011
Hotel Lux Jürgen Vogel Siggi Meyer 2011


Title Actor Character Notes / Episode Date
Operation Trust (Operatsiya "Trest") Lyudmila Kasatkina Maria Zakharchenko 1967
Donatas Banionis Eduard Staunitz
Heart of Bonivur (Serdtse Bonivura) Pyotr Glebov Rotmistr Nikolay Karayev 1969
Viktor Korshunov Podporuchik Boris Lyubanskiy
Boris Chirkov Storozhenkov In holster
Seventeen Moments of Spring Vyacheslav Tikhonov Stierlitz 1973
Failure of Engineer Garin (Krakh inzhenera Garina) Oleg Borisov Pyotr Garin 1973
Born by Revolution: Hard Autumn (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Trudnaya osen) Sergey Dvoretskiy Lebedev 1974
Born by Revolution: Exam (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Ekzamen) Aleksandr Estrin Petrovich 1975
The Professionals Henchman "Old Dog With New Tricks" 1977-1981
TASS Is Authorized to Declare... (TASS upolnomochen zayavit...) Seen on table 1984
Dempsey and Makepeace Michael Brandon Lt. Dempsey "The Hit" (S02E08) 1985
Billy Murray Billy Kennaway
The Life of Klim Samgin (Zhizn Klima Samgina) Svetlana Kryuchkova Lyubov Somova Ep.10 1988
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Sean Patrick Flanery Indiana Jones 1992-1993
Torchwood Alien "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang", With stainless steel finish 2006
Agatha Christie's Poirot: Cat Among the Pigeons Natasha Little Ann Shapland 2008
The Promise Irgun fighters 2011
Peaky Blinders Tom Vaughan-Lawlor Byrne 2013
Agatha Christie's Poirot: The Labours of Hercules Richard Katz Gustave 2013
The Assassination: Sarajevo, 1914 Eugen Knecht Gavrilo Princip 2014
Foyle's War - Season 9 Henry Garrett Neville Smith "Elise" (S9E3) 2015
Babylon Berlin - Season 3 Meret Becker Esther Kasabian Ep. 25 2020
Davos 1917 Sven Schelker Thanner 2023
David Kross Dr. Mangold


Title Character Notes Date
Golgo 13: The Professional The priest 1983
Lupin III: Voyage to Danger Fujiko Mine 1993
Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure Fujiko Mine 1995
Case Closed - Season 4 Fake Misao Nakamura Ep. 105 1998
You're Under Arrest: The Movie 1999
Case Closed: Captured in Her Eyes Kazato Kyosuke silencer 2000
Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa Riza Hawkeye 2005
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Edward Elric 2009 - 2010
Riza Hawkeye
Gene Havoc
Winry Rockbelle
Amestrian soldiers and MPs
High School of the Dead Seen in opening credits 2010
Takagi's mother In leg holster
The Mystic Archives of Dantalian Guardsmen Ep. 10 "Phantom Score"; nickel-plated 2011
Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie Fujikio Mine nickel-plated 2013
Izetta: The Last Witch Sieghard Müller 2016
Sirius the Jaeger Hideomi Iba Ep. 05, 11 2018
Spy Classroom - Season 1 Olivia "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV 2023


Historical Notes: The FN Model 1910 was the weapon used by Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28th, 1914, thus starting World War I. The FN Model 1910 was designed by John M. Browning.

FN Model 1922

FN Model 1922 - .32 ACP
FN Model 1922 with wood grips - .32 ACP


(1922 - 1983)

  • Type: Pistol
  • Caliber(s): .32 ACP, .380 ACP
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs (0.7 kg)
  • Length: 7 in (17.8 cm)
  • Barrel length(s): ? in ( cm)
  • Capacity: 8 (.380 ACP), 9 (.32 ACP)
  • Fire Modes: Semi-Auto


Title Actor Character Notes Date
Rome, Open City (Roma città aperta) Ákos Tolnay The Austrian 1945
The Last Ten Days Personal firearm of Adolf Hitler 1955
Ernst Thälmann - Leader of his Class Hans-Peter Minetti Fiete Jansen 1955
Razzia (Razzia sur la chnouf) Lino Ventura Roger le Catalan 1955
Jean Gabin Henri Ferré
Pierre-Louis Inspector Leroux
And God Created Woman Brigitte Bardot Juliette Hardy With wood grips 1956
Jean-Louis Trintignant Michel Tardieu
Curd Jürgens Eric Carradine
Speaking of Murder (Le rouge est mis) Albert Dinan Inspector Pluvier 1957
The Mask of the Gorilla (Le Gorille vous salue bien) Jean-Marie Rivière Valério 1958
Sinners of Paris (Rafles sur la ville) Charles Vanel Le Fondu 1958
Georges Vitray Inspector Taillis
Henri Coutet The insane man
Three Days to Live (Trois jours à vivre) Georges Flamant Inspector Lucien Segalier 1958
Face of the Frog Jochen Brockmann Philo Johnson 1959
Consider All Risks (Classe tous risques) French gendarme 1960
The Crimson Circle Karl-Georg Saebisch Chief Inspector Parr 1960
Klausjürgen Wussow Derrick Yale
Renate Ewert Thalia Drummond
Eddi Arent Sergeant Haggett
A Man Named Rocca (Un nommé La Rocca) (uncredited) Villanova 1961
The Finger Man (Le Doulos) Serge Reggiani Maurice Faugel 1962
Philippe Nahon Rémy
Monsieur Gangster Robert Dalban Jean Suppressed 1963
Cheka Employee (Sotrudnik ChK) Valeriy Mukharyamov Panteley Dymov 1964
Topkapi Turkish police 1964
Room 13 A gangster 1964
The Letter (Paket) Valeriy Zolotukhin Petya Trofimov 1965
Is Paris Burning? French Resistance fighters 1966
The Upper Hand (Du rififi à Paname) Daniel Ceccaldi Commissioner Noël 1966
Line of Demarcation (La ligne de démarcation) Maurice Ronet Pierre de Damville 1966
Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill O'Brien's henchman 1966
Wake Up and Die (Svegliati e uccidi) A French criminal 1966
To Skin a Spy (Avec la peau des autres) Lino Ventura Pascal Fabre 1966
Ho! The cop With wood grips 1968
The Sixth of July (Shestoe iyulya) Yuriy Kayurov Vladimir Ilyich Lenin 1968
Bonnot's Gang (La bande à Bonnot) Bruno Cremer Jules Bonnot 1968
Jacques Brel Raymond la Science
Jean-Pierre Kalfon Octave Garnier
François Dyrek Édouard Carouy
Armand Mestral Louis Jouin
French police detectives
The Olsen Gang in a Fix Mozerella's trenchcoat thug Suppressed 1969
The Crook Charles Gérard Charles 1970
Borsalino Arnoldo Foà Marello 1970
French police
About Friends-Comrades (O druzyakh-tovarishchakh) Oleg Efremov Stanislav Kovalskiy 1970
The End of Ataman (Konets atamana) Asanali Ashimov Kasym-khan Chadiyarov 1970
Yuriy Sarantsev Nesterov
Max and the Junkmen (Max et les ferrailleurs) Michel Piccoli Max 1971
Police officers
The Pariah (La Scoumoune) Jean-Paul Belmondo Roberto Borgo Dismantled 1972
Manhunt in Milan (La mala ordina) In Enrico's arsenal 1972
The French Conspiracy (L'Attentat) Jean-Louis Trintignant François Darien 1972
Roy Scheider Michael Howard
R.A.S. Michel Peyrelon Lt. Keller 1973
The Seven-Ups Kidnappers 1973
Day for Night (La Nuit américaine) François Truffaut Ferrand 1973
Bernard Menez Bernard
Jean-Pierre Léaud Alphonse
The Hostage Gang (Le gang des otages) Daniel Cauchy Gilbert Nordier 1973
A Police Commissioner Accuses (Un comisar acuza) Iron Guard legionnaires 1974
Sadsacks Go to War (Les Bidasses s'en vont en guerre) Jacques Robiolles The lieutenant 1974
The Day That Shook the World Maximilian Schell Djuro Sarac With wood grips 1975
Irfan Mensur Gavrilo Princip
Rados Bajic Nedeljko Čabrinović
Jan Hrusínský Trifun 'Trifko' Grabež
The Victor (Pobeditel) Georgiy Taratorkin Poruchik Georgiy Mokashev With wood grips 1976
Aleksandr Zbruev Yakov Spiridonov
Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (Brillianty dlya diktatury proletariata) A conspirator 1976
Soldier of Orange Eric van der Donk Dutch army officer 1977
Dutch police, constabularies
Trans-Siberian Express (Transsibirskiy ekspress) Asanali Ashimov Chadiyarov With wood grips 1977
Nonna Terentyeva Alexandra Demidova
Blood and Diamonds (Diamanti Sporchi Di Sangue) Claudio Cassinelli Guido Mauri 1977
Carmelo Reale Marco
Velvet Season (Barkhatnyy sezon) Bernard's henchmen 1978
Wait for John Grafton (Gaidiet "Dzonu Graftonu") Juris Plavins Christophor Krasilnikov 1979
Inspector Blunder (Inspecteur la Bavure) Coluche Michel Clément 1980
The Fall of Italy (Pad Italije) Italian officers and Ustasha 1981
A Youth Orchestra (Orkestar jedne mladosti) Yugoslavian officer With wood grips 1985
First Meeting, Last Meeting (Pervaya vstrecha, poslednyaya vstrecha) Mikhail Morozov Pyotr Chukhontsev Standing for FN Model 1910 1987
The Vexxer Joachim Fuchsberger Lord David Dickham Without the front sight 2007
The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake (Jian hu nu xia Qiu Jin) Yi Huang Qiu Jin 2011
Cold Steel (Bian di lang yan) Mickey He Xiao Wu 2011
Victor Chen A Gui
Chinese officers
'71 Barry Keoghan Sean Bannon 2014
Look Who's Back Oliver Masucci Adolf Hitler 2015


Title Actor Character Notes / Episode Date
Operation Trust (Operatsiya "Trest") Aleksey Safonov Vladimir Styrne 1967
Donatas Banionis Eduard Staunitz
The Sinful People of Prague Frantisek Filipovský Mrázek "Černé rukavice" 1968-1970
Josef Vinklár Bouše "Černé rukavice"
Police officers "Černé rukavice"
Data Tutashkhia Otar Megvinetukhutsesi Data Tutashkhia 1977
Imedo Kakhiani Gogi Tsuladze
20th of December (20-e dekabrya) Vladimir Golovin Boris Savinkov 1982
The Twentieth Century Approaches (Dvadtsatyy vek nachinaetsya) Leonid Kuravlyov Von Bork 1987
Vasily Livanov Sherlock Holmes
Stolypin... Unlearned Lessons (Stolypin... Nevyuchennye uroki) Aleksey Devotchenko Boris Savinkov 2006
Andrey Arshinnikov Ivan Kalyayev
Roman Gabria Dmitriy Bogrov
Vitaliy Isakov Sulyatitskiy
Natalya Burmistrova Vera
March of Millions Jürgen Hentsch Berthold von Mahlenberg Ep. 1 2007
The White Guard (Belaya gvardiya) Konstantin Khabenskiy Aleksey Turbin 2012
Dmitriy Lysenkov Ivan Rusakov
Foyle's War - Season 9 Tim McMullan Arthur Valentine "High Castle" (S9E1) 2015
Demon of the Revolution (Demon revolyutsii) Dmitriy Lysenkov Jakub Ganetsky 2017
Davos 1917 Jeanette Hain Ilse von Hausner 2023
Dominique Devenport Johanna Gabathuler

Video Game

Title Appears as Mods Notes Date
Battlefield: 1918 "FN 1910" 2004
L.A. Noire ivory grips 2011
Squad 44: Letters From The Front "FN 1922" Added in December 2023 2018


Title Character Notes Date
Strike Witches: Road to Berlin Nederland soldiers .380, designated M.25 in Dutch service 2020

FN Browning Model 1955

FN Browning Model 1955 - .380 ACP

The Model 1910 pistol for the US market. Made by FN Herstal in Belgium, this variant is virtually identical to the European model except for the markings and grips. Importation ceased in 1968.


Title Actor Character Notes Date
Death and Glory in Changde Ray Lui Lt. Gen. Yu Chengwan 2010


Title Character Notes Date
You're Under Arrest! - Season 1 Chie Sagamiono File #15 "Game! Chie Sagamiono's Rematch" 1994 - 1999
Natsumi Tsujimoto File #21 "A Bank Robbery Evaluation Manual"
Miyuki Kobayakawa
Car thief File #51 "Bokuto Station Crime Investigation: Best Partner"
You're Under Arrest: The Movie Detective Emoto 1999

Rheinmetall 7.65

Rheinmetall 7.65 - .32 (7.65mm)


Title Actor Character Notes Date
The Beggar from Cologne Cathedral (Der Bettler vom Kölner Dom) Henry Stuart Tom Wilkens 1927

See Also

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