Spy Classroom - Season 1 (January - March 2023)
The following weapons were used in Season 1 of the anime series Spy Classroom:
Beretta M1919
A Beretta M1919 used by Grete. Olivia takes it after disarming her in "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV".
Grete aims the M1919 at Klaus in "Mission: Daughter Dearest I".
Grete fires her M1919 in "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV".
The dropped M1919 after Olivia tosses a knife at her.
Olivia threatens to blow Grete's brains out.
FN Model 1900
A FN Model 1900 is seen with various bad guys.
The 1900 being fired in "File: Fool Erna".
David Mannheim
persuades Lily to hand over a meat pie recipe in "File: Daughter Dearest Grete".
FN Model 1910
The FN Model 1910 is seen in "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV" with Olivia, who has it as her sidearm. Sibylla snatches it from her during a fight.
Sibylla shows her prized catch in "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV".
Firing the M1910 sideways.
Walther P38
The Walther P38 is used by Sibylla as her personal sidearm.
The P38's slide pulled back in the OP sequence, "Toka".
Sibylla takes out her P38 during a sneaking mission in "Mission: Flower Garden I".
Sibylla using the P38 in the eyecatch of "File: Pandemonium Sybilla".
During a fight, Sibylla takes out her P38 in "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV".
Walther PPK
The Walther PPK is seen with the rest of the Lamplight unit as their issued sidearm.
Sibylla takes the PPK from Sara's waistband in the OP sequence, "Toka".
Thea aims her PPK during a sneaking mission in "Mission: Flower Garden I".
Annette uses the isoceles stance.
The PPK with a nervous Sara.
Sara fumbles with the slide of the PPK in "File: Meadow Sara".
Sara armed with the PPK in an eyecatch.
Grete's PPK in an ankle holster in the eyecatch of "File: Daughter Dearest Grete".
Nagant M1895
The Nagant M1895 is seen with the assassin known as Corpse and Olivia in "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV".
"Suppressed" Nagant revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant.
Corpse gloats during his first meeting with Olivia in "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV" after shooting his target.
You can see the attached suppressor.
Good photo of Olivia using the suppressed revolver.
Olivia practicing using the weapon on a live (and restrained) target.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
A Smith & Wesson Model 10 appears to be used by Monika as her personal sidearm.
Smith & Wesson Model M&P Revolver with 5" Barrel - .38 Special
The Model 10's cylinder rolled on Monika's arm in the OP sequence, "Toka".
Monika takes out her revolver during a sneaking mission in "Mission: Flower Garden I".
Monika opens fire on an armed kidnapper in "File: Fool Erna".
A shot of the M&P's grip in "File: Lamplight Days".
At the end of "File: Daughter Dearest Grete", Monika sets off the worst cliffhanger after she aims the revolver at Thea.
Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless
A Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless is seen with current Inferno agent Klaus in "Mission: Flower Garden III".
Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless nickel - .32 S&W
Klaus with a badly animated compact Safety Hammerless in "Mission: Flower Garden III".
Reloading the revolver in the episode eyecatch.
Smith & Wesson Schofield
The Smith & Wesson Schofield is seen with an armed criminal in "File: Pandemonium Sybilla". Sibylla disarms said person of his weapon.
Actual Hero Smith & Wesson Schofield Model 3 used by Tom Selleck in
Crossfire Trail. Courtesy of NRA National Firearms Museum.
A shot of the revolver in "File: Pandemonium Sybilla".
This shot shows the grip.
Sibylla seizes the revolver.
Webley Mk IV
A Webley Mk IV is seen with ex-Inferno agent Guido in "Mission: Flower Garden III".
Webley Mk VI, nickel plated - .455 Webley
Guido with his revolver in "Mission: Flower Garden III".
Submachine Guns
Erma EMP
The Erma EMP is seen with Galgadian soldiers as their primary submachine gun. They're also sometimes used by various bad guys.
Erma EMP (Erma EMP 35)- 9x19mm. This is a later model. Note the fixed rear sights and the safety latch in front of the bolt handle.
A Galgadian soldier on a patrol in "Mission: Flower Garden I".
A Galgadian soldier on guard duty in "Mission: Flower Garden II".
The image of a Galgadian soldier taken by camera.
The EMP with an armed kidnapper in the middle of "File: Fool Erna".
Gewehr 43
A Gewehr 43 is supposedly used by Ghost in an assassination attempt in "Mission: Daughter Dearest II".
Gewehr 43 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Gewehr 43 in "Mission: Daughter Dearest II" as used by Ghost.
Mauser Model 1889
What seems to be Belgian Mauser 1889s are seen with masked soldiers during the Great War. Uwe Appel uses it as his personal weapon after being targeted by Corpse in "Mission: Daughter Dearest II".
Fusil d'Infanterie Mle. 1889 - 7.65x53mm Mauser
Masked soldiers go in a village that was bombarded by poison gas in a flashback in "Mission: Flower Garden I".
Uwe is handed an 1889 by the head maid, Olivia, in "Mission: Daughter Dearest II".
In this shot, you can see the guide rod.
After Corpse opens fire, Uwe returns fire.
Uwe fires his 1889 in "Mission: Daughter Dearest III".
Uwe unknowingly scores a hit on Olivia near the end of "Mission: Daughter Dearest IV".
Improvised grenade
Olivia tosses an improvised grenade in "Mission: Daughter Dearest III".