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If you're creating a new page for a B&W (aka Black & White) movie or television series make sure to add either [[Category:Movie]] or [[Category:Television]] and [[Category:B&W]] to the page so that it will be listed here.
Pages in category "B&W"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 909 total.
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- A Bullet For Joey
- A Captain at Fifteen (Pyatnadtsatiletniy kapitan)
- A Colt Is My Passport
- A Farewell to Arms (1932)
- A Field in England
- A Game without Rules (Hra bez pravidel)
- A Generation (Pokolenie)
- A Gentle Creature (Krotkaya)
- A Good Lad (Slavnyy malyy)
- A Hill in Korea
- A Jester's Tale (Bláznova kronika)
- A Man Named Rocca (Un nommé La Rocca)
- A Matter of Resistance
- A Night to Remember
- A Noisy Household (Bespokoynoe khozyaystvo)
- A Slight Case of Murder
- A Star Called Wormwood (Hvězda zvaná Pelyněk)
- A Step into the Darkness (Krok do tmy)
- A Walk in the Sun
- Across the Cemetery (Cherez kladbishche)
- Across the Pacific
- Action B (Akce B)
- The Adjutant of His Excellency (Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva)
- Advance to the Rear
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)
- The Adventures of Sir Michael (Przygody pana Michala)
- The Adventures of Superman
- The Adventures of Werner Holt (Die Abenteuer des Werner Holt)
- Aelita
- Affairs of the Past (Dela davno minuvshikh dney...)
- After The Thin Man
- Again the Ringer (Neues vom Hexer)
- Air Force (1943)
- The Air Seller (Prodavetz vozdukha)
- Al Capone
- Alamases's Gorge (Ushchelye Alamasov)
- Aleksandr Parkhomenko
- Algiers
- Alphaville
- Alpine Ballad (Alpiyskaya ballada)
- An Extraordinary Assignment (Chrezvychajnoe poruchenie)
- An Hour Before the Dawn (Za chas do rassveta)
- An Ordinary Miracle (Obyknovennoye chudo) (1964)
- Anatomy of a Murder
- And All Will Be Quiet (Potem nastapi cisza)
- And Quiet Flows the Don (Tikhiy Don) (1930)
- And Then There Were None (1945)
- And Your Love Too
- The Andy Griffith Show
- Angel and Sinner
- Angels With Dirty Faces
- Another Thin Man
- Antosha Rybkin
- Any Number Can Win
- Appointment with Danger
- Arsenal
- The Artist
- The Ascent (Voskhozhdeniye)
- Ashes and Diamonds
- The Asphalt Jungle
- The Assassination (Atentát)
- At That Time, at Christmas... (Tenkrát o vánocích)
- At War as at War (Na Voyne kak na Voyne)
- At Your Threshold (U Tvoyego Poroga)
- Atlantic
- Attack
- Attack and Retreat (Italiani brava gente)
- Awaara
- Baby Doll
- Baby Face
- Back to Bataan
- Ballad of a Soldier (Ballada o soldate)
- Bandits of Orgosolo (Banditi a Orgosolo)
- The Baron of Arizona
- Bataan
- The Battle After the Victory (Boy posle pobedy)
- Battle Circus
- The Battle of Algiers
- The Battle of Stalingrad (Stalingradskaya bitva), Part I
- The Battle of Stalingrad (Stalingradskaya bitva), Part II
- The Battle of the Rails (La bataille du rail)
- Battleground (1949)
- Battleship Potemkin
- The Bear (Medved)
- The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms
- Beau Geste
- The Beggar from Cologne Cathedral (Der Bettler vom Kölner Dom)
- Behold a Pale Horse
- Belfast (2021)
- The Bells Toll for the Barefooted (Zvony pre bosých)
- Bells Without Joy (Carillons sans joie)
- Bennie the Howl (Benya Krik)
- Bezymyannyy Island (Ostrov Bezymyannyy)
- The Big Combo
- The Big Heat
- The Big Parade
- The Big Sleep (1946)
- The Big Trail
- The Birth of a Nation
- The Black Abbot (Der schwarze Abt)
- The Black Battalion (Cerný prapor)
- The Black Captain (Chyornyy kapitan)
- The Black Cat
- The Black Monocle (Le Monocle noir)
- Black Moon's Degree (Hradus chornoho Misyatsya)
- The Black Scorpion
- The Black Seagull (Chyornaya chayka)
- Black Sun (Chyornoye solntse)
- Blind Alley
- Blind Husbands
- Block-Heads
- Blowing Wild
- The Blue Dahlia
- The Blue Express
- The Blue Lamp
- Blue Steel (1934)
- The Bonnie Parker Story
- Border Is Locked Tight (Granitsa na zamke)
- Born by Revolution: Assault (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Napadenie)
- Born by Revolution: Exam (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Ekzamen)
- Born by Revolution: Hard Autumn (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Trudnaya osen)
- Born by Revolution: On Fire (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: V ogne)
- Born by Revolution: On the Night of the 20th (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: V noch na 20-e)
- Born by Revolution: Six Days (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Shest dney)
- Born by Revolution: The Last Meeting (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Poslednyaya vstrecha)
- Born by Revolution: Turnskins (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: Oborotni)
- Born by Revolution: We Will Help You (Rozhdyonnaya revolyutsiey: My pomozhem tebe)
- The Boss of Big Town
- Boule de Suif
- Branded to Kill
- Breakthrough
- The Bridge (1959)
- The Bridge (Most) (1942)
- Brown on Resolution
- Bulldog Drummond Escapes
- Bulldog Drummond in Africa
- Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
- Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police
- Bullet Ballet
- Bullets or Ballots
- Businessmen (Delovye lyudi)
- By Rocket to the Moon
- By the Law (Po zakonu)
- Calcutta
- The Camp Followers (Le soldatesse)
- Canal (Kanal)
- Cape Fear (1962)
- Capt. Grant's Family (Deti kapitana Granta)
- Captain Dabac
- The Captain from Köpenick (1931)
- The Captain
- Captured!
- Carriage to Vienna (Kocár do Vídne)
- Carry on, Sergeant!
- Carve Her Name With Pride
- Casablanca
- Case No. 306 (Delo No. 306)
- Casino Royale (1954)
- Cavalcade
- The Challenge (La sfida)
- Chapaev
- Charlie Chan in the Secret Service
- Check Passed: No Mines (Provereno nema mina)
- Cheka Employee (Sotrudnik ChK)
- The Chief of Chukotka (Nachalnik Chukotki)
- China Gate
- China Seas
- Chronicle of the Night (Khronika nochi)
- Chronicles of a Dive Bomber (Khronika pikiruyushchego bombardirovshchika)
- Chuk and Gek
- City for Conquest
- City Lights
- City of Life and Death
- Clouds Over Europe
- Code Name: Tiger (Le Tigre aime la chair fraîche)
- Combat!
- Commandant of the Bird Island (Komendant Ptichyego ostrova)
- Confidential Agent
- Confidentially Yours (Vivement dimanche!)
- Consider All Risks (Classe tous risques)
- The Corporal and Others
- Corps of General Shubnikov (Korpus generala Shubnikova)
- Courage (Muzhestvo)
- The Cranes are Flying
- Creature from the Black Lagoon
- Crime on a Summer Morning (Par un beau matin d'été)
- The Crimson Circle
- The Crimson Kimono
- Cross and Mauser (Krest i mauzer)
- Cruelty (Zhestokost)
- Cul-de-sac
- The Curse of the Hidden Vault (Die Gruft mit dem Rätselschloss)