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Call of Duty 3

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Call of Duty 3
Cod3 box.jpg
Official Box Art
Release Date: November 7, 2006
Developer: Treyarch
Publisher: Activision
Series: Call of Duty
Platforms: PlayStation 2
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Genre: First-Person Shooter

Call of Duty 3 is the third entry in the Call of Duty first-person shooter series, which was developed by Treyarch on behalf of Activision. It is the third main part of the Call of Duty series and the second title developed by Treyarch after Call of Duty 2: Big Red One. For the first and only time in the series, it is the only main title exclusively released for the console. The game is set during World War II, focusing on the events surrounding the Normandy Breakout in 1944 (Falaise Pocket). Players experience the war from the perspective of different soldiers in various Allied forces, including American, British, Canadian, and Polish units. The campaign takes place across multiple fronts in France, where players engage in intense combat against German forces.

The game features a mix of infantry battles, vehicle combat, and stealth missions, offering a more immersive and cinematic experience compared to previous titles in the series. It also introduces a multiplayer mode, allowing players to compete online in different team-based scenarios. In multiplayer, players can choose from seven distinct soldier classes, each with unique abilities and weapons. The classes include Anti-Armor, Heavy Assault, Light Assault, Medic, Rifleman, Scout, and Support. Unlike traditional weapon selection, each class comes with a primary weapon, a secondary pistol, and a unique ability, such as reviving teammates (Medic) or calling in artillery (Scout). The game supports up to 24 players on PS3 and Xbox 360, but the Wii version has no multiplayer, and the PS2 version supports up to 16 players with limited map options. Multiplayer factions are limited to American and German forces, with no playable British, Canadian, or Polish factions.

The following weapons appear in the video game Call of Duty 3:



The M1911A1 is the standard sidearm of the Allied Forces. It is only available in multiplayer for all American classes.

M1911A1 - .45ACP
The Colt M1911A1 in Multiplayer.
Aiming the M1911A1.
A frame of the M1911's reloading animation.
Fist-pumping the American flag. The melee animation of both pistols consists a left jab.

Walther P38

The Walther P38 is the standard sidearm for all German classes in multiplayer.

Walther P38 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Walther P38 in Multiplayer.
Iron sight view. Bizarrely, the hammer decocks itself when aiming.
Dropping out a used magazine.
Inserting a new one.


Fallschirmjägergewehr 42

The FG 42 is only available in the singleplayer campaign used by German soldiers in the second mission "The Island" and can be found in the missions "The Mace" and "Fuel Plant". It comes without a scope and a ZF4 scope which share the same ammunition.

Fallschirmjägergewehr 42/I - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Inspecting a destroyed M3 Stuart Rhino with the FG42 in hand.
Fallschirmjägergewehr 42/I with Zeiss ZF4 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
FG42 with the Zeiss ZF4 scope.
ADS of the FG42.
Grabbing the box magazine.
Followed by a rapid yank of the charging handle.
Melee animation of the FG42.

Gewehr 43

The Gewehr 43 is a German semi-automatic rifle. Only usable in the 2 forest levels in the singleplayer campaign.

Gewehr 43 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Gewehr 43 in the Forêt d'Ecouves woodland.
Aiming the G43; the sights are not really aligned particularly well.
The reload animation has the bolt locked back first...
...followed by swapping magazines...
...and closing it with potato-hands.
Meleeing with the G43.

Karabiner 98k

The Karabiner 98k is the service rifle of Axis forces. The scoped version is only available in the mission "The Island". It is the standard-issue rifle for the German Rifleman class in multiplayer mode, where the safety is always depicted in the "ON" position, which obviously should render the weapon unable to fire. There is a modeling error where in third person the front sight appears to be hooded, but when it's picked up there is no hood over the front sight in first person. The Kar98k appears also with a scope; both in single- and mulitplayer.

Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Karabiner 98 Kurz in hand.
Iron sights of the K98K.
Cycling the bolt action, note the character's left thumb clipping the rear sight.
"Et tu, bolt handle?"
Reloading via a stripper clip.
Stock attack.
Kar 98k with Zeiss ZF42 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The scoped Karabiner 98K.
Cycling the action.
Stock attack.

Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk. I

The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I is the service rifle of British, Canadian, and Polish forces in the singleplayer campaign. A unique sniper version is used by Private Cole in the mission "Laison River".

Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mark I - .303 British
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I outside of German-occupied coal plant.
Aiming the Mk I.
Cycling the bolt.
Ejecting the last .303 case at the start of a reload.
Loading in a stripper clip of ammo. Similar to the shotgun, a reload from empty can be interrupted with only 5 rounds inserted instead of 10.
Rifle butt animation.
Enfield No. 4's bunched together at the crest of Mount Ormel, belonging to deceased Polish soldiers.
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mark I (T) - .303 British
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I with a sniper scope.
Reloading the scoped Lee-Enfield with .303 of an inch of air.

M1 Garand

The main rifle of American forces is the M1 Garand. It appears in almost all of the American singleplayer missions and is carried by the Rifleman class in multiplayer. There is a modeling error in first person where it is all wood with the exception of the trigger group on the bottom of the stock when there should be the bottom of the internal magazine.

M1 Garand - .30-06 Springfield
M1 Garand in idle outside of St. Lô.
ADS view.
An in-action shot of the M1 firing off a round. Note the inconsistency between the ammo counter and the two shots rendered inside the magazine.
Followed by an obligatory ping noise....
Loading in a new en-bloc clip.
Driving the bolt handle forward. The M1 Garand is supposed to automatically slam after a clip is inserted, but this scenario isn't completely impossible in reality due to non-optimal gun conditions.

M1903A4 Springfield

The sniper rifle of the Americans is the M1903A4 Springfield. Available in the missions "The Forest" and "Chambois". Used by a soldier to snipe a German radio op in the cutscene to "Crossroads". The Springfield is available for the Allied Scout class in multiplayer.

M1903A4 Springfield with Model 330 Weaver scope - .30-06 Springfield
M1903A4 Springfield in the mission "The Forest".
Scope view, which is a generic reticule used on all scoped weapons in game.
Cycling the action.
Reloading the Springfield.
Stock attack.

Sturmgewehr 44

The Sturmgewehr 44 appears in the game as the "MP44". Used by German support gunners, mostly seen after the twelfth mission "The Corridor of Death". It is the primary weapon for the Axis Heavy Assault class in multiplayer.

Sturmgewehr 44 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
Sturmgewehr 44 in multiplayer.
Aiming the "MP44" or at least attempting to with disregard for the rear "V" notch.
Reloading with an intangible hand.
Melee attack. The right side of the receiver is mirrored, lacking the ejection port and signature dust cover.

Submachine Gun

MP 40

The MP 40 is the submachine gun of German forces found in every singleplayer mission in the campaign. In the multiplayer, it is used by the Light Assault class.

MP 40 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Private Nichols with a newly acquired Maschinepistole 40, letting everyone else know that he has poor ammo conservation skills with his Uncle Sam issued weapons.
Aiming the MP 40.
Reloading the MP 40, unlike other entries in the series, the bolt is locked back in the "safe" position at the beginning of a reload.
Releasing the bolt.
Nichols rather loosely hangs on to the rear of the MP 40 while dishing out some good ol' fashioned liberation with the wire stock.

Sten Mk. II

The Sten Mk II is the main SMG for the British and Canadian armies and is only playable in the singleplayer campaign. When idle, it is held from the assembly in front of the trigger guard, but when aiming down the sights it is held from the handguard. Either way, this is the first Call of Duty game where the Sten is held properly instead of being held from the magazine.

Sten Mark II - 9x19mm
SAS Sergeant Doyle holds his Sten on a poor fellow that clearly didn't know his arse from his elbow.
View down the peep hole sight. Note how his supporting hand has moved further up.
Doyle throttles the magazine for fresh ammunition...
...and then proceeds to push the bolt forward. It appears that the Sten was incorrectly treated as a closed bolt SMG by the animators.
In a pinch, the stock makes for a great melee weapon, too.

Thompson M1A1

The M1A1 Thompson is used in almost all of the American levels in the singleplayer campaign and is available for the Allied Light Assault class in multiplayer. Uses an incorrect 20-round magazine (20's were issued to paratroopers). Note that the Thompson in the coverart at the top of this page is actually a M1928A1, a common trope of WWII shooter games.

M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
M1A1 in game.
Nichols marvels at the extent of the Third Reich's anti-gravity and invisible ammunition technology.
Pulling the bolt back.


Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun"

The Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" is used by the American and British forces in the singleplayer missions "Night Drop", "Mayenne Bridge", "The Forest" and "Hostage!". A Winchester is also wielded by Leroy Huxley. In multiplayer it is used by the Allied and Axis Medic classes. Interestingly, in an empty reload, the player character loads five shells, racks the pumping handle and then inserts a sixth extra shell, while during mid-reloads he just loads the shells required appropriately. This was the only game in the entire series until Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) to feature the correct reloading process of pumping the handle exclusively during empty reloads. The weapon is incorrectly modeled with the ejection port mirrored to the left side. The M1897's hammer appears to be permanently cocked in firing animations.

Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" - 12 gauge
Sergeant Doyle with his newly acquired Trench Gun.
Aiming the Winchester M1897.
Pumping the shotgun.
Inserting new shells into the tube magazine.
Chambering a shell from the full magazine, which is done in a rather dramatic fashion.
The melee animation shows off a loaded shell holder slipped over the stock.

Machine Guns

Bren Mk. I

The Bren gun is used by the British, Canadian, and Polish forces in the singleplayer campaign.

Bren Mark I - .303 British
Private Cole of the 4th Canadian Division wields the Bren gun in the mission "Falaise Road".
Aiming the Bren.
Opening the bolt of the Bren.
Changing .303 magazines. For some reason, the character's dominant hand holds the Bren by its stock while reloading.
Wonky hand positions with the stock attack, as usual.

Browning M2HB

The Browning M2HB is used once in the campaign, in the beginning of the mission "Falaise Road".

Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
Cole aiming downward with the "Kangaroo"-mounted M2HB.

Browning M1919A6

The Browning M1919A6 is used by support gunners of the Allied Forces in Multiplayer Mode and as an emplaced machine gun in the last two levels. The M1919A4 is seen mounted on Sherman tanks.

Browning M1919A4 on M2 tripod - .30-06 Springfield
M1919A6, late WWII manufacture with muzzle booster - .30-06 Springfield
Browning M1919A6 in Multiplayer.
Aiming the Browning, note the player immediately goes prone if doing this while standing.
Clearing the chamber. The belt deserts upon reloading.
Opening the tray cover. Note the foregrip hanging loose.
Placing in another belt of .30-06.
Melee animation of the M1919A6.
Sergeant Kowalski using the rather uncommonly-found mounted M1919A6 in defense of Mount Ormel.
Corporal "Bohater" Wojciech manning another emplaced M1919A6.

M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) is used by American support gunners; it is available in the missions "The Island" and "Chambois". The bonus materials label it as the M1918A2 version, even though the menu image and the first-person model depict the earlier M1918. However, the third-person model during gameplay does actually show the M1918A2 variant. The BAR is used by the Allied Heavy Assault class in multiplayer.

M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle - .30-06 Springfield
M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle - .30-06 Springfield
The M1918 BAR in the mission "The Island".
BAR iron sights.
Pulling back the charging handle.
The BAR has a rather unique animation where the character's hand fidgets around trying to release and remove the magazine. This reload animation, as with the animations of the MP44 and G43, were originally from Call of Duty 2: Big Red One.
The magazine is always empty, but at least the follower has some nice detail.
Meleeing shows the right side is completely solid, however.

MG 34

The MG 34 with Gurttrommel 34 - 50 round belt drum magazine is used by support Gunners of the Axis Forces in Multiplayer mode; it is also Mounted on Tiger and Panzer tanks. It can be used in the mission "The Mace". The game's bonus materials incorrectly refer it to as a light machine gun; it is actually a general-purpose machine gun.

MG 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG 34 and some Sd.Kfz. 251 Ausf. D half-tracks and a usable (!) motorcycle.
MG 34 sights.
Clearing the MG 34's chamber. Note the vented heat shield texture appears on the bipod as well, oddly enough.
Swapping out the drum magazine. As with the MG 42 in World at War, the tray cover is never opened, which would make reloading rather difficult to complete.
The melee animation shows off a very low-detailed pistol grip.

MG 42

The MG 42 is the standard mounted machine gun of German forces, and is used frequently by Allied troops as well. The game's bonus materials incorrectly refer it to as a light machine gun.

Maschinengewehr 42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Waffen SS soldiers fire the MG 42.
Manning the MG 42, which has unlimited ammo despite no feed source. It will overheat if fired for too long.

Vickers K

The Vickers K is seen mounted on SAS jeeps in the singleplayer mission "Hostage!".

Vickers K - .303 British
A SAS jeep with Vickers K machine guns.
Sergeant Doyle uses the passenger-side mounted Vickers K machine guns to inform the Bosch that he is THE SCALES OF JUSTICE!



The Gewehrgranatengerät Rifle Grenade Launcher is issued to the Wehrmacht Rifleman in Multiplayer, used on the Karabiner 98 Kurz.

Gewehrgranatengerät, mounted on Karabiner 98k rifle.
Affixing the Gewehrgranatengerät to a K98K.
Gewehrgranatengerät in idle.

M7 rifle grenade launcher

The M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher is used briefly by Dixon in the campaign to open a path in the mission "The Crossroads" and is available to the US Rifleman class in multiplayer.

M7 rifle grenade launcher
Attaching the M9A1 warhead.
M7 launcher in idle.
Meleeing shows off that there is still a loaded magazine(!), with the bolt open for some reason.

M9A1 Bazooka

The M9A1 Bazooka is the anti-tank weapon of the American Forces. It is usable at the end of the campaign, to destroy armored cars and tanks in the mission "Chambois".

M9A1 "Bazooka" - 2.36 inch
M9A1 Bazooka in multiplayer.
View down the optical sight.
Manhandling the M9A1.
Dropping in another 2.36 inch rocket.

Panzerschreck RPzB 54

The anti-tank weapon of the German forces is the Panzerschreck RPzB 54 without the distinctive blast shield. It can be used in the singleplayer missions "Falaise Road" and "The Mace" and is wielded by the Axis Anti-Armor class in multiplayer.

Panzerschreck RPzB 54 - 88mm
The Panzerschreck RPzB 54 in a multiplayer match.
Iron sights of the Panzerschreck.
Loading an infamous 88mm warhead before heading off to schreck more panzers.


AN/M8 HC smoke grenade

The AN/M8 HC smoke grenade can be used for concealment in the singleplayer and multiplayer modes. In the latter, it is available for the Medic and Rifleman classes of the Allied and Axis factions.

AN/M8 smoke grenade
A crate of AN/M8 smoke grenades.

Mk 2 hand grenade

The Mk 2 hand grenade is the standard hand grenade of the Allies in the game.

Mk2 Handgrenade
Left in the box.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate

The Model 24 Stielhandgranate is the standard hand grenade of the Axis forces.

Stielhandgranate Modell 24
CoD3 stiel.jpg
A dastardly Nazi crate of two Model 24 Steilhandgrantes.

Model 39 Eihandgranate

The Waffen SS Unterscharführer (Sergeant) that attacks Nichols in the mission "Crossroads" is dispatched with his own Model 39 Eihandgranate which is never usable outside of this quick time event.

Eihandgranate Modell 39

No. 74 Anti-Tank Grenade S.T.

The "Sticky Bomb" in multiplayer is a British No. 74 Anti-Tank Grenade S.T. "Sticky Bomb" grenade.

No. 74 Mk. II S.T. "Sticky Bomb"


The S-Mine appears for the first time in the Call of Duty series and is only available in multiplayer as the "Anti-personnel mine" for the Heavy and Light Assault classes.

S-Mine 35


8 cm Granatwerfer 34

A 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 must be used in the mission "The Forest" to repel a German counterattack.

8 cm Granatwerfer 34 (8 cm GrW 34) - 81.4 mm
CoD3 Grw34.jpg

8.8 cm FlaK 37

Several FlaK 37 88mm antiaircraft guns, which appear in the in-game description as FlaK 36/37, are seen during the missions "Night Drop" and "Laison River". The 37 was the more dedicated antiaircraft variant of the infamous 88mm FlaK guns, equipped with an additional gun-laying system with pointer dials. The same models were reused in Call of Duty: World at War.

Flugabwehrkanone (FlaK) 37 - 88x571mmR
Pte. Cole encounters a FlaK in a trench in "Laison River". Note the pointer dials of a FlaK 37 cradle, along with the earlier FlaK 18-style one-piece barrel often used with the 37.

8.8 cm Pak 43/41

At the end of the final mission, "Chambois" two 8.8 cm Pak 43/41 anti-tank guns can be used, in addition to the M9A1 Bazooka, to take out German tanks and armored cars.

Panzerabwehrkanone (PaK) 43/41 - 88x822mmR
CoD3 pak43.jpg
The Pak 43/41 with some debris.
Firing the Pak 43 at a Tiger 1.

15 cm Nebelwerfer 41

Two 15 cm Nebelwerfer 41 multiple rocket launchers can be seen in the mission "Mayenne Bridge".

Nebelwerfer 41 - 158 mm (6.22 inch)
Private Nichols looks at a Nebelwerfer whose crew he killed.

Hitler Youth Knife

In the mission "Crossroads" a Waffen SS soldier ambushes you with a surprisingly detailed Hitlerjugend knife.

The Hitler-Jugend-Fahrtenmesser.

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