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Tomb Raider (1996 VG)
Tomb Raider is a 1996 British videogame developed by now-defunct CORE Design and published by EIDOS, released on PC, PlayStation and Sega Saturn. The success of the game launched the Tomb Raider franchise. The game follows British archaeologist and explorer Lara Croft as she travels the world to find a mysterious artifact called the Scion.
The game had an PC Exclusive expansion, Unfinished Business, consisting of two mini-adventures played in order, Shadow of the Cat where Lara returns to Egypt to further explore one of the tombs and Unfinished Business where Lara discovers and clears out another Atlantean Stronghold.
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered, a re-release including Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III, and the expansions to all three games, was announced in September 2023 for release on February 14th 2024. This release includes optional enhanced graphics, as well as bringing Unfinished Business to consoles for the first time.
The following weapons appear in the video game Tomb Raider (1996 VG):
Browning Hi-Power
A pair of nickel plated Browning Hi-Power pistols serve as Lara's main weapons, with unlimited ammo (even in cutscenes) and, like most of the weapons she uses in the game, an infinite magazine size. Not particularly powerful, they are undoubtedly chambered in the standard 9x19mm rounds, since official advertisements for the game describe a "pair of 9mms as [Lara's] passport". At the time, the Browning Hi-Power was the standard-issue pistol of the British Army, which suggests Lara may have used these pistols for the patriotic touch. Higher detailed models that show the Hi-Power's unique slide design and slide release are seen in art work for the game. Larson appears to be armed with a pistol with some sort of lasersight or scope attached above the slide in the original game in the original game that reuses the Hi-Powers model with new textures and uses the same Hi-Power as Lara in the remaster.
IMI Desert Eagle Mark I
A pair of Desert Eagles called "Magnums" in-game are more powerful than the Browning Hi-Powers but have limited ammo. These are also Pierre's guns of choice, and can be collected from him after Lara defeats him if she has not acquired them yet. In the Natla's Mines level, where Lara's weapons have been taken away from her, the Cowboy working for Natla uses a pair of Magnums against Lara.
Magnum Research Desert Eagle L5
The remaster replaces the Magnums' model with a Magnum Research Desert Eagle L5, as noted by the shorter, fluted barrel and lightening cuts in the slide which is anachronistic as they were made to conform with the NY SAFE Act of 2013. Notably the "Cowboy" boss who drops the Magnums upon death only actually uses the Magnums in remastered graphics while he uses what appear to be very basic revolvers instead in the original graphics. (Consisting of circular barrels like a revolver but lacking even a cylinder in gameplay but exclusively depicted with six-shooters in artwork.)

Submachine Guns
Ingram MAC-10
A pair of MAC-10s, incorrectly called "Uzis" in-game, are more powerful and faster firing than the Browning Hi-Powers but like the Desert Eagles, have limited ammo. In Natla's Mines, the skateboarder attacks Lara with them, where he yells "You firin' at me? You firin' at me? Ain't nobody else here, so you must be firin' at me!" which is a nod to Taxi Driver. Another movie reference relating to these guns is the first place where they can be obtained in the game, where Lara has to take a leap of faith to grab onto an invisible platform with the guns on them, an allusion to the invisible bridge scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
While the original game's "Shotgun" is rather generic (not being obviously based on anything in particular, barring its re-use of the MAC-10's receiver textures), the remaster's iteration is a Mossberg 500 AT Cruiser Compact with a wooden forend and a large muzzle brake. In both games, it is a pistol-gripped pump-action shotgun that can't be dual wielded. The last of Natla's henchmen, Kold, is armed with a shotgun in Natla's Mines.
Notably the Mossberg 500AT was used as a picture on this article before the remaster decided to base the new shotgun model on it.