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User talk:Nanomat
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Now, HAPPY EDITING! bunni (talk) 19:54, 19 October 2018 (EDT)
Well, well
Finally you joined :D Ultimate94ninja (talk) 04:35, 21 October 2018 (EDT)
- Yeah, I thought the start of BO4 would be an appropriate time to join the fray :D --Nanomat (talk) 18:15, 21 October 2018 (EDT)
Hey Nanomat, I want to request your help. The current description of the FN FAL from Modern Warfare 2 is a bit of a mess. The in-game model as I see it seems to be a FN LAR with a DSA receiver, but since I am not that well versed on FN FAL parts, I want to request your help for a better description of what the in-game weapon is, since I know that you know a lot about specific firearm parts. --Wuzh (talk) 16:48, 10 November 2018 (EST)
- I don't see problem with the FAL. The current description seems accurate though I think the entire thing is LAR with only the magazine and charging handle from the DSA. In fact I don't see which part is from the normal FAL, even the stock looks like it has the steep slope right before the rear sight, maybe the barrel is from the FAL? As for the DSA receiver, why you think is from the DSA? --Nanomat (talk) 17:18, 10 November 2018 (EST)
Rise of Nations
Are you planning on creating a page for Rise of Nations? --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:33, 10 November 2018 (EST)
Sometimes I feel like your identification language is too strong; you often say that something IS another thing even though they only share some of the traits, not all of them. Video games would often base fictional designs on real objects, but modify them to the point where they have no one-to-one real world analogues. In this case, saying that something IS a real thing would be false, because the in-game thing doesn't exist in real life. I think you should use "based on" more often in the future. Sorry if I sounded like I was being deliberately against you out there. --Wuzh (talk) 20:49, 7 February 2019 (EST)
- Yeah, okay I admit that I should use "based on" but on the other hand you are too obsessed with the idea that something has to be modelled down to the latest bolt of some real thing in order to be that thing. Let's take for example the AA12 from COD Online. The stock obviously has different angle compared to the real thing and muzzle also appears to be fictionalized but in the end the thing should be listed as AA12, but if we follow your thinking the fact that no shotgun exists in real life with the exact same stock angle and muzzle means that we should list it as "fictional shotgun loosely based on the real life's AA12". Cmon man that's ridiculous. --Nanomat (talk) 21:06, 7 February 2019 (EST)
- Hmm. Good point. Rethinking this, I think that one important difference here is that the box mag has too little traits. A generic belt box magazine may have some aspects that matches with some real objects, but because it doesn't have an overwhelming match with anything, I think that can be described as "fictional" for lack of a better term. The AA-12 is a much more complex object, with a lot of distinctive traits, and can still be identified even with many parts altered. (somewhat related to this, IMFDB doesn't do pages on American cartoons like the Simpsons because their guns are too generic and doesn't have conclusive identifications; a generic Simpsons revolver can have parts that resemble real revolvers, but doesn't match with anything overall, somewhat like my case with the belt box here)
- Yeah, okay I admit that I should use "based on" but on the other hand you are too obsessed with the idea that something has to be modelled down to the latest bolt of some real thing in order to be that thing. Let's take for example the AA12 from COD Online. The stock obviously has different angle compared to the real thing and muzzle also appears to be fictionalized but in the end the thing should be listed as AA12, but if we follow your thinking the fact that no shotgun exists in real life with the exact same stock angle and muzzle means that we should list it as "fictional shotgun loosely based on the real life's AA12". Cmon man that's ridiculous. --Nanomat (talk) 21:06, 7 February 2019 (EST)
- To put it another way, if the belt box had smooth textures identical to the M249 belt box, I would've felt more comfortable saying that it was based on the M249 belt box ("M249 belt box sized up to 7.62mm" or something). As the belt box is for now, I don't really feel like it fits anything I know. --Wuzh (talk) 21:18, 7 February 2019 (EST)
- The textures doesn't matter here, you said it yourself the game modellers have their creative liberty. They take some real life item and modify its appearance however they want. You say the box has too little traits, I say it has one big general trait: the cut down angle on one side and the way the ammo belt mounts on the left side in the game's M249 and M240 guns. Can you show me other box with that shape? --Nanomat (talk) 21:30, 7 February 2019 (EST)
Trigger discipline
I saw that you added some complaints on some of the pages about trigger discipline appearing anachronistically. Out of curiosity, when was trigger discipline first invented? (and maybe you can add that to the pages too to elaborate on their errors) --Wuzh (talk) 10:21, 10 July 2019 (EDT)
- Here are a few discussions on the topic: source, source and source. It appears that it is believed that trigger discipline started around the Vietnam War but I've never seen footage of it from that period. The earliest evidence of TD I managed to find is in Red Dawn so it is safe to assume that it was a thing in the 80s. It appears that it was standard procedure in the US military by 1989. Then there is a dude who claims that:
- "I am always reminded of the book Black Hawk Down when the author is describing the differences between the Rangers and the Delta guys. He was saying how the Rangers would be kept the stricter rules and were hounded for things like trigger discipline/gun safety but then the D-boys would waltz around with their CAR-15s, safeties off and piss off the Ranger officers to no end."
- Now, I can't say for certain when it was invented therefore I can't add such info on the pages but generally speaking here is what I gather from the available info:
- WW1 - absolutely no TD
- WW2 - might be an extremely slim possibility of some kind of TD but generally speaking no proper TD
- Vietnam - possibly started to be developed but pretty much nobody cared about it, no official enforcement, extremely slim possibility of appearing in this era
- 70s - used by new zealand SAS in 1980, seen in the Iranian Revolution and the Carnation Revolution but it appears to be an occasional and instinctive impulse rather than specifically trained procedure, non-TD and a form of pseudo-TD are still the norm
- 80s - apparently started to become a thing, military starts to put emphasize on safety procedures, Red Dawn and Die Hard depict it, photos from the US Invasion of Panama show it to be common among US soldiers (source, source, source), used by secret service agents during the 1981 Reagan assassination attempt, still very rare chance of appearing in this era
- Late 90s to early 2000s - becoming a standard procedure even in law enforcement, Keanu employs it in Speed, photo of federal agent capturing Elián González (2000), acceptable to be depicted in this era
- late 2000s to 2010s - TD is mandatory, if you work with guns and don't employ it you are unprofessional, in fact it's so prominent that they tend to depict it in WW2 games lol
"Magazine release nest?"
Can you elaborate what you meant by the "magazine release nest" in this edit? You said that it is your own wording for the lack of a proper terminology. --Wuzh (talk) 22:32, 30 November 2019 (EST)
- Here is what I called "bolt release paddle nest" as I don't know if there is any specific term for that and I can't come up with more appropriate English word for it. Whatever it is, it has the shape found on the default M4 or Noveske receivers. --Nanomat (talk) 16:55, 1 December 2019 (EST)
Help with "Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask"
Hello, Nanomat! A great thanks for the help with the Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask. Now, I had upload all screenshots. Excuse me, I have some request: if it's possible, may you help me with the ID af several other flintlock pistols? Pyramid Silent (talk) 13:20, 18 January 2020 (EST)
- Many thanks! I guess, that this page is complite now? Pyramid Silent (talk) 17:12, 19 January 2020 (EST)
Thank you
I just wanted to say thanks for contributing for my first page, They Hunger; I really hadn't noticed that it was an AP-9/TEC-9 hybrid. :) --Dan San (talk) 19:51, 1 July 2020 (EDT)
Chinese style drums
What I meant is the BOCW AKS-74U uses what looks like this:
as opposed to the Soviet RPK drum magazines that have a different design (I thought the above style was Chinese, but let me know if I'm wrong)
Granted, your description of the QBZ's 50 rounder is better.--AgentGumby (talk) 16:35, 2 November 2020 (EST)
- Ok, I see what you mean now. Apparently there are similar drums of Romanian and Bulgarian origin, from what I've seen.--AgentGumby (talk) 11:15, 3 November 2020 (EST)
RE: Late XM177E1
When the dimensions are stated near the end of an image's URL, there's a good chance that the image is available in a larger size. This was indeed the case for that XM177 image: I removed the "?caw=800" from the URL, aaaaaand mission accomplished. Speaking of that image, when I checked the relevant page that you linked (and after Google-translating it), I noticed that the guy used the image to compare it with an airsoft XM177. Hopefully the image doesn't show an airsoft gun either (it probably doesn't). --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 12:28, 26 February 2021 (EST)
- Having looked it up again, airsoft XM177E1s don't seem to have versions with bayonet lugs, so yeah, the image is probably a genuine carbine modified with a bayonet lug. As for the pattern A / B thing, I suppose that it's just the guy's own wording for illustrating two different versions. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 05:50, 27 February 2021 (EST)
RE: Sandbox
Eh, it's easy, just create a page titled "User:Nanomat/Sandbox" and add the info in it (you could then link this sandbox in your userpage). Now, if a game is actually eligible for inclusion, you could alternatively create a talk page for the relevant title (e.g. "Talk:Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood") and add the info in it. Sometimes people do it that way when they don't have enough info/screenshots to provide. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 09:46, 8 October 2021 (EDT)
Flintlocks in The Great
Many thanks for help with these flintlocks. It was a really tricky issue. --Greg-Z (talk) 01:06, 15 February 2022 (EST)
- Here are some more images of this pistol. Velementov draws it and raises very fast, so the gun is seen mostly blurry. I don't know how to cut a piece of video, sorry. If you think that it may be useful, I can take all screenshots of this scene and combine them into an animated GIF but it would take time. --Greg-Z (talk) 04:24, 16 February 2022 (EST)
Welcome to Seaspon 2 with even more flintlocks :) I only would like to explain preemptively why in this case I identified French cavalry pistol exactly as An IX rather than Mle 1763/66 in Season 1. This pistol (I strongly suspect that a single prop was reused in all scenes) has shorter and more simplified muzzle cap than 63/66, the grip is more curved, and the way the trigger guard is attached also looks An IX-ish. While the pistol in Season 1 had steel furniture which is uncommon for An IX, this one has a correct brass furniture. I compared modern replicas of both models (Mle 1766 and An IX), and I'm pretty sure that my identification is correct. Anyway, in this dumb comedy, a very decent work of the armorer. --Greg-Z (talk) 09:59, 23 February 2022 (EST)
One more curious flintlock pistol
I would like to request your help with a curious flintlock pistol in Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters. Marquis de Moncoutant carries a long, dragoon-style pistol. I have a suspect that it may be an Mle 1733 (sometimes named 1734) Dragoon Pistol, exactly Dragoon, not 1733 Navy or 1733 Gendarmerie that are shorter. This replica looks similar to the screen gun (but the plate on the left side is not exactly same) although I'm not absolutely sure that it was already produced in late 1990s when the film was made. Also there is a number of mid-18th century "Officer or Gentlemen" pistols (like this one) that also resemble the screen gun. Thanks in advance for any idea that could lead to the solution of this puzzle. --Greg-Z (talk) 00:05, 6 March 2022 (EST) P.S. An even more uncommon pistol will follow in Hornblower: Mutiny that is currently in work, so next week I will again ask you for help. --Greg-Z (talk) 00:05, 6 March 2022 (EST)
- Thanks, so we'll keep this pistol as Mle 1733, at least until we'll see (as it usually happens, by accident) something more precisely suitable :). The bolt on the plate also puzzles me. Maybe, really this is for the belt hook, in case his replica is intended for customisation and transforming from Dragoon to, for example, a Navy version. So OK with this pistol, let's follow to another puzzle: Captain Sawyer's pistols in Hornblower: Mutiny. For the most part, they resemble Pedersoli Charles Moore Dueling Pistol, but they have belt hooks and swivel ramrods. I spent a lot of time looking for something like this, but didn't find anything. Possibly, the screen guns are customised specially for filming... or there is (or was in 1990s) some replica that I still didn't find. --Greg-Z (talk) 13:01, 8 March 2022 (EST)
- I came across such replica: Hawken Percussion Pistol, also by Pedersoli but currently non presented on their site. It has swivel ramrod, very similar to the one of the screen pistols. How do you think, is it possible that the screen guns are made of parts of percussion Hawker and flintlock Charles Moore? This could be a good explanation, but how likely is this? --Greg-Z (talk) 09:56, 9 March 2022 (EST)
AC: Brotherhood page
Hey thank you for the message. Can I ask you how you would suggest to proceed? Was thinking of merging the pages--Dannyguns (talk) 08:01, 27 February 2023 (UTC)
Can you please help me IDing the attachments? Thank you.
https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Talk:Gun_Club_VR --Dannyguns (talk) 09:45, 6 April 2023 (UTC)
Thank you--Dannyguns (talk) 12:44, 7 April 2023 (UTC)
MW2 (2009) Uniform and gear identification
Nanomat, can you provide me a list of the uniforms and gear used by Spetsnaz, U.S. Army Rangers and VDV Airborne Troops? Please? its for something im working on.--VolkNet (talk) 22:40, 9 January 2024 (UTC)
Thank You!--VolkNet (talk) 01:44, 11 January 2024 (UTC)
Re-Cod4/MW2 changes
Heya. So the only reason I decided to change the images (despite the inaccuracies for the two) was because the original image used was (according to the Talk page for the M203) a photoshop instead of the real deal. --Kona (talk) 02:10, 3 October 2024 (UTC)