Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue (1992).
The following weapons were used in the film Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue:
Beretta 92SB
The Beretta 92SB is used by Japanese-American CIA agent Sarah Fukamachi (Kiyomi Tsukada) as her sidearm of choice.
Sarah takes out her sidearm after she and Shin come under attack.
Sarah with her 92SB out during a raid on the secret Institute of Super Science convoy.
Going all anti-hero on Shin in the climax of the movie.
A nice closeup as Sarah fiddles with the safety decocker.
Colt MK IV Series 70
A Colt MK IV Series 70 appears to be used by one of the CIA Special Operations Group operators raiding Dr. Giichi Onizuka's (aka Cyborg Soldier Level 3) secret lab.
Colt MK IV Series 70 M1911A1 - .45 ACP.
A view of the SOG operator with the Colt pistol.
The operator mortally wounded.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
What appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 10 is seen (at least) with Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department while responding on an attack on plainclothes officers at the start of the movie. This would be unusual since by the 1990s, most law enforcement officers would be armed with the Nambu Model 60.
Smith & Wesson Military And Police - .38 Special.
A TMPD officer draws out his sidearm.
Smith & Wesson Model 19
What seems to be a Smith & Wesson Model 19 is seen with ISS guards. This'll tell you that they're not a very good company, considering the Swords and Firearms Control Law don't allow private security companies to be armed.
Actual screen used prop - Non-Firing Replica Smith & Wesson Model 19 made by MGC of Japan.
The Model 19 drawn while Ai undergoes a strange pregnancy episode.
ISS guards shot by SOG operators during the ISS compound raid.
Submachine Guns
The IMI Uzi is seen with SOG forces and with ISS scientist Dr. Iwao Himuro (Daijiro Harada). A majority of them have fake barrel extension shrouds mounted, given that these were used as gun props in Japanese movies and TV series made (at least) from the 70s to the 90s before air gun manufacturers were able to create true copies of the Uzi without the fake shrouds.
IMI Uzi with buttstock extended - 9x19mm
MAC-10 with barrel extension - 9x19mm
The faux Uzi seen with the SOG operator while examining the overturned truck.
Dr. Himuro loads the faux Uzi. Note that the ejection port is solid metal, which means that it's an actual gun prop.
Himuro opens fire at Shin Kazamatsuri.
IMI Uzi with buttstock extended - 9x19mm
On the left, you can see an actual Uzi being used by the SOG operator after he's knocked down.
Ingram MAC-10
The Ingram MAC-10 is seen with some SOG operators, outfitted with suppressors. In a few instances are MAC-10s seen with no suppressors.
MAC-10 used in the film
McQ- chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum with suppressor.
On the right, a SOG operator is knocked down while holding his suppressed MAC-10.
A SOG operator runs up the stairs during a raid on the ISS compound. Note that his so-called respirator is a modded airsoft mask.
MAC-10 - .45 ACP. This is the screen-used firearm seen in the film
The Dark Knight.
Thanks to James Georgopoulos.
The unsuppressed MAC-10 with a SOG operator after wounded ISS guards are executed.
Assault Rifles
Colt M16A1
Colt M16A1s are seen in the movie, almost all of them having Cobray flare launchers mounted underneath by the SOG and ISS security forces.
Early Model CM2037 "IMP" mounted onto M16A1 - 37mm flare
The SOG operator fires the M16A1 as the other fire faux/actual Uzis and Ingram MAC-10s during an ambush.
While it's hard to see the weapon in this shot, the shape/profile shows that it's an M16A1 with the Cobray.
A SOG operator behind Sarah during a raid on the ISS compound.
An ISS guard takes aim from a chopper during an aerial attack.
Sniper Rifles
Charter Arms AR-7
A Charter Arms AR-7 is seen with ISS assassin Goushima (Reiji Andou) aka Cyborg Soldier Level 2 when he goes after Shin and Sarah.
Charter Arms AR-7 rifle - .22 LR
Goushima stares at Sarah.
Goushima being shot by Sarah. Here you can see the entire AR-7, including receiver and stock.
Smoke grenade
An smoke grenade appears to be used by the SOG team when they raid the ISS compound.
The smoke grenade hurled prior to a dynamic entry.
Grenade Launchers
Cobray 37mm Launcher
A Cobray 37mm Launcher is seen mounted on various M16s, being portrayed as M203s.
Early Model CM2037 "IMP" mounted onto M16A1 - 37mm flare
The SOG operator fires the M16A1 as the other fire faux/actual Uzis and Ingram MAC-10s during an ambush.
While it's hard to see the weapon in this shot, the shape/profile shows that it's an M16A1 with the Cobray.
A SOG operator behind Sarah during a raid on the ISS compound.
An ISS guard takes aim from a chopper during an aerial attack.
Rocket Launchers
The M72 LAW is used by an ISS guard from a chopper while intercepting Sarah's SOG team.
Early production M72 LAW (inert drill version) - 66mm
The LAW being aimed. It's depicted (mostly off screen) that it was fired multiple times. Either he had a stash of them or the production crew didn't care to be accurate.
The M202 FLASH is used by the SOG team in taking on ISS security forces.
Unloaded M202A1 FLASH with firing pin assembly extended- 66mm
Sarah takes out the FLASH after intercepting the ISS convoy.
While it's hard to see since the scene was shot at night, the SOG operator is seen aiming the FLASH.
Sarah peers through the sight.
Gripping the dropped rocket launcher after an aerial attack.
A 66mm rocket fired at an ISS chopper.
Kamen Rider |
Television series | Shōwa era | |
Heisei era | |
Reiwa era | |
Spin-offs | |
TV specials | |
Anime | |
Films | Heisei era | |
Reiwa era | |
Original films | |
Hyper Battle | |
Spin-offs | |