This article currently has one or more unidentified weapons. If you can help identify any of the weapons labelled "unknown," please do so.
Batwoman - Season 2 (2021).
The following weapons were used in Season 2 of the television series Batwoman:
Advanced Taser M26
An Advanced Taser M26 is used by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang) in "Armed and Dangerous".
The Advanced Taser M26, loaded with a 25' range "Extra Penetration" cartridge (indicated by the green blast doors, and normally used to pierce thicker clothing such as that worn in colder environments). The integral laser sight is just below the muzzle, with the emitter in line with the lower edge of the trigger guard.
Mary confronts Alice in "Armed and Dangerous".
Beretta 92FS
The Beretta 92FS is used by various characters throughout the season.
The 92FS fired at Ryan in "Fair Skin, Blue Eyes" by an armed False Face Society gangster.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 is used by the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) as their standard sidearms. The False Face gang use them as their sidearms as well. Crows bodycamera video in "Armed and Dangerous" shows Luke having a Glock despite him using a mobile phone in the previous episode, showing that it was doctored.
Glock 17 - 9x19mm Parabellum
A Glock 17 aimed at Ryan during a hold up in "Prior Criminal History".
A False Face gangster aims his sidearm at Angelique in "Arrive Alive".
A GCPD officer confronts a POI near the end of "And Justice for All".
Crows bodycamera footage in "Armed and Dangerous" show Luke with the Glock.
The Glock 17 with a corrupt GCPD officer searches an interrogation room in "Kate Kane".
Glock 26
The Glock 26 is used in "Bat Girl Magic!" by a Hamilton scientist before Victor Zsasz (Alex Morf) disarms him.
The Glock 26 aimed at Victor in "Bat Girl Magic!".
Victor about to fire the seized pistol.
An M1911A1 with a threaded barrel is used by a masked gunman at the start of "What Happened to Kate Kane?". Roman Sionis aka Black Mask (Peter Outerbridge) uses one as his personal sidearm.
Canis Customs Colt Snake Match 1911.
The M1911A1 aimed at Ryan in the new Batsuit in "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
World War II Ithaca made M1911A1 with light grey finish - .45 ACP
Sionis with his M1911A1 out in "Time off for Good Behavior".
Sophie Moore (
Meagan Tandy) takes Black Mask's sidearm in "Arrive Alive".
Dual M1911A1s are used by Sionis in "Power".
Smith & Wesson M&P
A Smith & Wesson M&P is used in "Arrive Alive" with Ocean (Nathan Owens).
Smith & Wesson M&P9 - 9x19mm
The M&P9 with Ocean in "Arrive Alive".
Walther P99
The Walther P99 continues to be the primary sidearm of Crows Security contractors. A False Face gangster uses one in "Initiate Self-Destruct". Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott) continues to use it as his personal sidearm after CS is disbanded.
The P99 used by Jacob when he confronts Alice in "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
A news headlines showing Jacob firing his P99 in "Prior Criminal History".
A CS contractor confront Ryan Wilder after she stops a heist.
Beth Kane aka Alice (
Rachel Skarsten) takes Sophie's P99 and aims it at Luke in "Fair Skin, Blue Eyes".
Sophie infiltrate Black Mask's hideout in "Arrive Alive".
A masked False Face gangster with the P99 after shooting Ocean in "Initiate Self-Destruct".
"You're coming with us, kiddo."
Jacob uses his P99 while he and Alice
kidnapp an amnesiac Kate Kane in "Rebirth".
Walther P99 with BA-6 laser sight - 9x19mm
Sophie confronts Alice Kane at the end of "Prior Criminal History".
Walther P99 with XML light and Smith & Wesson-made slide - 9x19mm
Julia Pennyworth (Christina Wolfe) searches a deserted staircase in "Time off for Good Behavior".
Colt Python
A stainless Colt Python is used in "Fair Skin, Blue Eyes" by Kevin Johnson (Eli Tsepiso Larmour). A graphic with a Python is seen on Ryan's shirt in "Rule #1".
Colt Python - .357 Magnum
Closeup of the Python near the end of "Fair Skin, Blue Eyes".
Colt Python Elite with 6 inch barrel- .357 Magnum
The Python on Ryan's shirt in "Rule #1".
Dan Wesson Model 715
A Dan Wesson Model 715 is seen with a masked criminal using it to intimidate Sophie in "Do Not Resuscitate".
Dan Wesson Model 715 with 6" barrel - .357 Magnum
The Model 715 in "Do Not Resucitate".
Another angle of the revolver aimed at Sophie.
Single Action Army
A Single Action Army is seen on a bar sign in "And Justice for All".
Colt Single Action Army w/ 4.75" ('Quick-Draw'-length) barrel - .45 Long Colt
The Hold Up bar sign in "And Justice for All".
Smith & Wesson Model 10
A Smith & Wesson Model 10 appears to be used by a masked gunman at the start of "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB (heavy barrel) revolver with black rubber grips - .38 Special
The revolver fired in "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with a UMP stock is used by CS contractors in the season as their primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with UMP stock and railed handguard - 9x19mm
CS contractors with the MP5A3 during a raid in "It's Best You Stop Digging".
Sophie searches an empty gun range for clues at the end of "Time off for Good Behavior".
Assault Rifles
Bushmaster ACR
A Bushmaster ACR is used by Sophie as her primary weapon starting in "Do Not Resuscitate".
Bushmaster ACR with folding stock, MOE handguard, Magpul MBUS sights, railed hanguard and PMAG magazine with 10.5 barrel - 5.56x45mm NATO
The ACR carried by Sophie in "Do Not Resuscitate".
Colt M4A1
The Colt M4A1 is seen with the GCPD's SWAT unit.
Colt M4A1 used in the film
S.W.A.T. (2003) - 5.56x45mm.
A GCPD SWAT element arrests Ryan in the middle of "Kate Kane".
A graphic consisting of M16 rifles in an X symbol is seen in a gun range in "Give You a Clue".
An Olympic Arms AR15 with A2 Handguards and the Olympic Arms stowaway pistol grip - 5.56mm
The M16s on the right in "Give You a Clue".
Over and Under Shotgun (O/U)
An Over and Under Shotgun (O/U) is used by the fake Bruce Wayne (Warren Christie) in the middle of "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
Beretta Perennia SV10 III - 12 Gauge
The fake Bruce searches the deserted amusement park in the middle of "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
Remington Model 870
A Remington Model 870 with a short barrel is seen in "Prior Criminal History".
Remington 870 with short barrel - 12 gauge
The short-barreled Remington 870 in "Prior Criminal History".
The shotgun aimed at Ryan.
Winchester 1300
A Winchester 1300 is used by Jacob to drive out bats infected with neurotoxins in "Prior Criminal History".
Winchester Model 1300 Defender with pistol grip - 12 gauge
Jacob fires the shotgun in "Prior Criminal History".
Sniper Rifles
Winchester Model 70
A Winchester Model 70 is used in "Give You a Clue" by Sophie when she has to take out specific targets to free Stephanie Brown.
Winchester Model 70 Alaskan - various calibers
Sophie shoulders the rifle in "Give You a Clue".
You can see the front sight of the Model 70.
Rocket Launchers
An RPG-7 is used by Victor in "Bat Girl Magic!".
Victor greets Batwoman in his apartment with his RPG-7 in "Bat Girl Magic!".
Victor aiming the iron sights.
Machine Guns
Batmobile Corvette Machine Guns
A Corvette version of the Batmobile is seen with machine guns. It's usually used with either lethal or rubber ammo.
The Corvette Batmobile screen in "Power".
The Corvette Batmobile opens fire during a chase.
Special Weapons
Sticky Gun
Hush uses the sticky gun briefly in "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
Hush fires sticky explosives in "What Happened to Kate Kane?".
Lightning Gun
A coil-based lightning gun is used throughout "Time Off for Good Behavior".
Luke examines one of the captured lightning guns in "Time Off for Good Behavior".
The lightning gun used by one of Ellis O'Brien's hired goons in a construction site.
Corrupt prison warden Ellis O'Brien (Derek Morrison) finding joy with the gun.
Luke making an entrance of his own.
CentrePoint Sniper Elite Crossbow
A modified CentrePoint Sniper Elite crossbow is taken by Kate Kane (Wallis Day) while under her Circe persona in "Kate Kane". The most significant modification is a shroud over the top of the crossbow ahead of the sight, most likely intended to represent a magazine feed system.
CentrePoint Sniper Elite 385 Crossbow
Kate takes the crossbow in "Kate Kane".
Closeup of Kate aiming the crossbow.
An angle of the dropped crossbow.
Sophie aims the crossbow at Kate.
Batcave Armory
Ryan inside the Batcave in "Prior Criminal History".
A shot of the Batcave armory in "Armed and Dangerous".
False Face Small Arms