Batwoman - Season 1 (2019-2020).
The following weapons were used in Season 1 of the television series Batwoman:
This article currently has one or more unidentified weapons. If you can help identify any of the weapons labelled "unknown," please do so.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 appears to be used by the Gotham City Police Department and Arkham Asylum security forces as the main sidearm. The Earth-99 version of Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson) uses it in "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09).
Glock 17 (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm Parabellum
A GCPD officer fires at the water in "The Rabbit Hole" (S1E02).
GCPD officers detain the actual Jacob Kane at the end of "A Mad Tea-Party" (S1E08).
Earth-99 Luke
greets Kara and Kate with his pistol in "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09).
Luke aims his Glock in "A Narrow Escape" (S1E17) at a corrupt GCPD officer.
Glock 17 - 9x19mm Parabellum
An AA guard takes his Glock out after another guard calls for an alert over an IED planted in "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16).
A mobster working for Sabatino aims his Glock at Julia in "If you Believe in Me, I'll Believe in You" (S1E18).
Heckler & Koch Mark 23
A Heckler & Koch Mark 23 is seen inside a Wayne Enterprise armory in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03).
Heckler & Koch Mk 23 Mod 0 Phase II Prototype - .45 ACP
The guncase open in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03) with the Mk 23. The suppressor and a pistol mag is seen inside the case.
IWI Desert Eagle Mark XIX
The IWI Desert Eagle Mark XIX is used by Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson) in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03) to show the Batsuit's ballistic features. Crows Security contractors use them in "O, Mouse!" (S1E20) to take out Batwoman.
IWI Desert Eagle Mark XIX, current production model with Picatinny railed barrel - .44 Magnum.
Luke loads up on the Mark XIX in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03).
Luke takes aim with the pistol.
CS contractors open fire in "O, Mouse!" on Batwoman.
Dual stainless M1911A1s are seen with Thomas Elliot aka Hush.
Satin Nickel M1911A1 - .45 ACP. Manufactured on license by Remington Rand - nickel plated later by its owner.
A stainless suppressor inserted on a stainless M1911A1 in "A Secret Kept from All the Rest" (S1E19).
A shot of the dual suppressed M1911A1s.
Hush opens fire on Batwoman.
Alice is pretty calm despite the suppressed M1911A1s aimed at her in "O, Mouse!" (S1E20).
Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projector
The Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projector is seen with the fake Jacob in "A Mad Tea-Party" (S1E08).
Palmer Cap-Chur Model 60 Short Range Projector. The Model 60 differs in having a rotating breech block and the rear sights being mounted farther back.
The Palmer pistol aimed at Sophie from the back in "A Mad Tea-Party" (S1E08).
Walther P99
The Walther P99 is the primary sidearm used by Crows Security contractors.
The dropped P99 seen at the start of "Pilot" (S1E01).
Sophie Moore (
Meagan Tandy) shoots a Wonderland gangster in "Mine is a Long and Sad Tale" (S1E05).
Jacob Kane (
Dougray Scott) opens fire at an exposed propane tank.
Elizabeth Kane aka Alice (
Rachel Skarsten) contemplates patricide after stealing Jacob's sidearm.
Kate Kane (
Ruby Rose) intervenes and threatens to execute Mouse.
Alice aims the P99 at Sophie's head at the end of "An Un-Birthday Present" (S1E11).
Alice looks psycho when she levels the P99 at Jacob in "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16).
Jacob aims his sidearm at Batwoman in "O, Mouse!" (S1E20).
Walther PPK
A Walther PPK appears to be seen in "The Rabbit Hole" by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang).
Mary carefully takes the pistol in "The Rabbit Hole" (S1E02).
Mary aims the weapon at Kate by mistake in "The Rabbit Hole" (S1E02).
Advanced Taser M26
Luke holds an Advanced Taser M26 when he confronts an intruder inside the Wayne Enterprise building.
Luke with the M26 aimed at Kate in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Colt Army/Navy
A Colt Army/Navy revolver is seen on a sign in "Mine is a Long and Sad Tale"(S1E05).
Colt 1860 Army - .44 caliber
Pietta "Colt 1851 Navy" with case hardened steel frame - .44 caliber
The revolver on the sign in "Mine is a Long and Sad Tale"(S1E05).
Smith & Wesson Model 36
What looks like a Smith & Wesson Model 36 is used in "The Rabbit Hole" with a Wonderland gangster.
Screen used Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver.
The dropped revolver at the start of "The Rabbit Hole" (S1E02).
Smith & Wesson Model M&P
A Wonderland gangster is seen with a Smith & Wesson Model M&P in "Mine is a Long and Sad Tale"(S1E05).
Pre-Model 10 M&P five screw with 6" Barrel
The Wonderland flees with the M&P after being shot in "Mine is a Long and Sad Tale"(S1E05).
Smith & Wesson Schofield Model 3
A Smith & Wesson Schofield Model 3 is seen with Earth-18 Jonah Hex in "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09).
Smith & Wesson Schofield Model 3 with blued finish - .45 Schofield.
Earth-18 Jonah does a quick draw before he's disarmed in "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09).
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
The Heckler & Koch MP5A2 is first seen in "The Rabbit Hole" with some CS contractors.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with a Navy Trigger Group - 9x19mm
A CS SRT operator breaches a Wonderland safehouse at the start of "The Rabbit Hole" (S1E02).
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
A Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with a UMP-based stock is seen with CS contractors as their primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with UMP stock and railed handguard - 9x19mm
The CS contractor guarding one of their armored vans in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Sophie with the MP5A3 in "Who are you?" (S1E04).
A CS contractor on guard duty in "A Mad Tea-Party" (S1E08).
A CS SRT element prepares to breach during a raid in "How Queer Everything is Today?" (S1E10).
In "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16), a CS contractor breaches Tammy's residence.
The MP5A3s seen with CS contractors in "A Secret Kept from all the rest" (S1E19).
Closeup of the MP5A3 in "O, Woman!" (S1E20).
Heckler & Koch UMP
The Heckler & Koch UMP is seen with CS contractors as one of their primary submachine guns.
Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP
Vasquez secures the roof of a building in "Pilot".
Chuck Dodgson (Brendon Zub) meets up with Alice.
CS contractors keep an eye on vehicle traffic on a bridge leading to Gotham City's downtown area in "The Rabbit Hole" (S1E02).
A UMP seen in "O, Mouse!" (S1E20) with an EOTech sight.
An unidentified weapon is seen in "Tell Me the Truth" (S1E07).
The dropped weapon seen in "Tell Me the Truth" (S1E07).
12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun
A 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun is seen with Tammy (Tanja Dixon-Warren) in "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16).
Remington Model 1900 - 12 gauge
Tammy aims the weapon at Rachel in "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16).
The M4A1 is seen with the GCPD as their standard carbine.
Colt M4A1 with 6 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mm
A GCPD officer fires at the water in "The Rabbit Hole" (S1E02).
Norinco Type 56-1
The Norinco Type 56-1 is seen with armed Wonderland gangsters in some episodes.
Norinco Type 56-1 (under-folding stock variant) - 7.62x39mm
The Type 56-1 fired at Sophie and Jacob during an ambush in "Mine is a Long and Sad Tale"(S1E05).
Mossberg 500
A Mossberg 500 with a taclight is used by a GCPD officer during a manhunt in "Grinning from Ear to Ear" (S1E14).
A GCPD officer with the shotgun in "Grinning from Ear to Ear" (S1E14).
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
A Mossberg 500 Cruiser is used in "O, Mouse!" (S1E20) with Jacob after confronting Titan.
Mossberg 500 Cruiser - 12 Gauge
Jacob aims the Cruiser in "O, Mouse!" (S1E20).
Remington Model 870
The Remington Model 870 is used by both CS contractors and the GCPD.
Remington 870 with black furniture and pistol grip - 12 gauge
Sophie barges in with the shotgun in "Mine is a Long and Sad Tale" (S1E05).
The shotgun aimed at Alice's head.
Seems like a USAS-12 from the report...
Sniper Rifles
Accuracy International Artic Warfare
What seems to be an Accuracy International AW is seen with Sophie staking out Beth and Luke at the end of "Take Your Choice" (S1E12).
Accuracy International AW-F - 7.62x51mm NATO
Sophie contacting Crows HQ at the end of "Take Your Choice" (S1E12).
Remington M24
What seem to be Remington M24s are used by CS contractors on duty as sharpshooters.
M24 sniper rifle - 7.62x51mm NATO
CS contractors on guard duty as sharpshooters in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Remington Model 700
A Remington Model 700 is seen at the end of "Take Your Choice" (S1E12).
Remington 700 - 7.62x51mm NATO
The Remington 700 with Dr. Ethan Campbell (
Sebastian Roché) in "Take Your Choice" (S1E12).
Springfield M1A
A Springfield M1A outfitted in a JAE-100 chassis is used in "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16) by an assassin sent to kill several POIs.
M1A with JAE-100 stock - 7.62x51mm NATO
The modded M1A dropped next to the assassin shot by Kane at the end of "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16).
A hitman named "The Rifle" (Garfield Wilson) is seen using a custom short-barreled AR-15 to assassinate targets in "Tell Me the Truth" (S1E7).
The Rifle aims his AR-15.
M84 stun grenade
A M84 stun grenade is seen inside a WE armory in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03).
The M84 on a table in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03).
Grenade Launchers
A standalone M203A1 grenade launcher fitted with a refelex sight is seen inside a Wayne Enterprises armory in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03).
M203A1 with KAC Stand Alone Buttsock Module with steel telescoping stock fitted with reflex quadrant sight - 40x46mm
The pistol-gripped grenade launcher seen in "Down, Down, Down" (S1E03).
Batcave Armory
The Batcave contains several weapons seen in various episodes in the season.
Several weapons are seen hanging in "Pilot" (S1E01).
The Bat grenades, pistol and speargun in "Tell Me the Truth" (S1E07).
Kate stares at the armory after a night out at the start of "Through the Looking Glass" (S1E16).
Wayne Enterprises Armory
Coil Gun
A Coil Gun is first seen in "I'll Be Judge, I'll Be Jury" in a Hamilton Dynamics R&D lab.
The CG seen on display in "I'll Be Judge, I'll Be Jury".
Alice shows off the stolen CG in "Tell Me the Truth" (S1E07).
Alice examines the removed transistor.
Heatwave's Handheld Flamethrower
Earth-74 Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell) uses his handheld flamethrower in "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09).
Glock 17 mounted in CAA Tactical RONI-G2
In "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09), Mick asks Lyla in her Harbinger form if she wants to get burned or frozen.
Captain Cold's Cold Gun
Earth-74 Mick Rory uses Snart's cold gun in "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09).
In "Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 2" (S1E09), Mick asks Lyla in her Harbinger form if she wants to get burned or frozen.
Grappling Gun
The GG used by Johnny Sabatino (
Carmine Giovinazzo) in "If you Believe in Me, I'll Believe in You" (S1E18).
Batwoman using the GG to escape in "O, Mouse!" (S1E20).