This article currently has one or more unidentified weapons. If you can help identify any of the weapons labelled "unknown," please do so.
Batwoman - Season 3 (2021 - 2022)
The following weapons were used in Season 3 of the television series Batwoman:
Beretta 92FS Inox
The Beretta 92FS Inox is seen with a mercenary (Jennifer Cheon Garcia) in "Freeze".
Beretta 92FS Inox with pearl grips - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Inox aimed at Dee Smithy in "Freeze".
Another angle to show the pearl grip.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 is used by officers in the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD). Victor Zsasz (Alex Morf) uses it after Marcus breaks him out of Arkham Asylum in "Broken Toys".
Glock 17 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Officer Renee Montoya (Victoria Cartagena) aims her sidearm at Mary in "How Does Your Garden Grow?".
Victor says hi in "Brokent Toys".
Taurus PT92AF
A Taurus PT92AF with a gold finish and black barrel is used in "Trust Destiny" with Marquis Jet (Nick Creegan). The Taurus in this episode is the same one that was previously used in Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball, Driven to Kill, and Psych, though in this episode, the gun appears to have been fitted with black Hogue grips, rather than the faux pearl grips from previous movie/TV show appearances.
Nickel Taurus PT92 with Pearl Grips - 9x19mm
The gold Taurus PT92 aimed at Lucius in "Trust Destiny".
Nice shot of the PT92, showing the rubber Hogue grips.
Marcus takes out the blimp pilot after hearing that the controls were hacked in "Are We Having Fun Yet?".
In this shot, you can see the black barrel.
Single Action Army
A Single Action Army is seen on a bar sign in "Are We Having Fun Yet?".
Colt Single Action Army w/ 4.75" ('Quick-Draw'-length) barrel - .45 Long Colt
The Hold Up bar sign in "Are We Having Fun Yet?". This is used from stock footage.
Smith & Wesson Model 36
A Smith & Wesson Model 36 is seen with Mason (Alistair Abell) in "Loose Tooth".
Smith & Wesson Pre-Model 36 "Chief's Special" - .38 Special
Mason aims the revolver at Alice in "Loose Tooth".
Not sure if revolver on the right is a modified one based on a Webley...
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 is seen with some mercenaries in "Freeze".
Heckler & Koch MP7A1 - 4.6x30mm
The mercenary with the MP7A1 in "Freeze".
Assault Rifles
What seems to be an AK-47 with black furniture is seen in a rifle crate in "Mad as a Hatter".
Ryan handling the rifle in "Mad as a Hatter".
PM md. 90
A PM md. 90 is seen in a rifle crate in "Mad as a Hatter".
Ryan shows the seized md. 90 in "Mad as a Hatter".
A brief shot of the barrel, which shows that it's a md. 90 (or an AIMS).
The md. 90 with no stock (or stock folded, hard to see) in "Mad as a Hatter".
Zastava M70B1
Some armed criminals are seen with the Zastava M70B1 in "Mad as a Hatter".
Zastava M70B1 fixed stock rifle - 7.62x39mm
The Zastava M70B1 in "Mad as a Hatter". It's hard to see since the foregrip is partially covered by the hand, but you can see tha the holes are big enough for at least the front and rear.
12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun
The 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun is used by Sophie when she opens fire on gas cans on a parked pickup in "Meet Your Maker".
Stevens 311 Series H - 12 Gauge
Sophie opens fire with the shotgun in "Meet Your Maker".
Remington Model 870
A Remington Model 870 is used by an Arkham Asylum inmate in "Broken Toys".
Photoshopped Remington 870 Police Magnum with a sawed-off stock - 12 gauge
The AA inmate aims the shotgun at Alice in "Broken Toys".
Remington 870 "Non Gun" (long barrel).
Closeup of the shotgun before Alice takes it. The flimsy look shows that it's a stunt version.
Sniper Rifles
Remington Model 700
A Remington Model 700 is seen with Lucius in "Meet Your Maker" when he shows a modified Model 700 with a long rail. A (presumably) regular Model 700 is seen with a hunter somewhere in National Park in the dark.
Lucius shows the modified sniper rifle to Ryan in "Meet Your Maker".
Ryan handles the rifle. Note how the rail is placed on the receiver.
Lucius runs inside National Park to avoid Pamela's vines.
Remington 700 - 7.62x51mm NATO
A hunter comes across Mary in "Meet Your Maker".
Batcave Armory
The armory on the left rear side in "Mad as a Hatter".
Bat Pistol
Ryan fires the Bat pistol in "Mad as a Hatter".
Ryan fires the Bat pistol at the Bat Blim in "Are We Having Fun Yet?".
Kiki Roulette's Armory