Supernatural - Season 3
The CW
Eric Kripke
Thriller Horror
2007 - 2008
No. of Episodes
Main Cast
The following weapons were used in Season 3 of the television series Supernatural:
Colt M1911A1
Dean (Jensen Ackles) uses a custom M1911A1 with an engraved slide and ivory grips with golden Colt medallions as his main weapon throughout the series. He mostly carries it in condition 2, with a loaded magazine and a round in the chamber and the hammer down. Interestingly enough, most of the time he is seen pointing this gun at someone, the hammer is down, which means that he won't be able to fire right away unless he cocks it, which is not really ideal. The opposite is true with Sam's Taurus PT92, which he carries with the hammer down (which wouldn't matter on a double action pistol like the PT92), but he almost always seem to cock the hammer when readying it.
Custom engraved nickel plated Colt MKIV Series 80 with pearl grips - .45 ACP
Dean searching a property with his Colt at the ready in "The Magnificent Seven" (S03E01).
The custom M1911A1 laying on the floor after it is dropped in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Dean with his Colt in "Bedtime Stories" (S03E05).
The M1911A1 can be seen on the table in "Red Sky at Morning" (S03E06) when Bela arrives.
The brothers with their pistols in "Malleus Maleficarum" (S03E09).
Dean admiring his M1911A1 in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11).
A shot of the Colt showing the slide engravings in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12).
Dean using his pistol to threaten Bela in "Time Is on My Side" (S03E15).
A shot from "No Rest for the Wicked" (S03E16) showing the M1911A1, the Taurus PT92AFS and the handguard from the sawn off shotgun, the three most commonly seen firearms in the series.
Taurus PT92AFS
Sam (Jared Padalecki) uses a Taurus PT92AFS with pearl grips as his main weapon throughout the series.
Nickel Taurus PT92 with Pearl Grips - 9x19mm
Sam and Dean preparing to enter a room with their pistols at the ready in " The Magnificent Seven" (S03E01).
However, all they find is a family of rotting corpses.
A side on view of the Taurus in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03) showing the pearl grips.
The Taurus is knocked out of Sam's hand by a lucky shot.
Sam drawing his pistol when Bela arrives in "Fresh Blood" (S03E07).
The brothers with their pistols at the ready in "Fresh Blood" (S03E07).
Sam holding his pistol on what turns out to be a Santa watching pornography in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" (S03E08).
Sam with his pistol at the ready whilst searching for witches in "Malleus Maleficarum" (S03E09).
Sam searching Bela's hotel room in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12).
Beretta 92FS Inox
During "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03) the Taurus PT92AFS briefly changes to a Beretta 92FS Inox with the grips painted white. This is likely a replica or rubber gun, as the weapon is used for a stunt.
Beretta 92FS Inox - 9x19mm
Desert Eagle Mark VII
Bela Talbot (Lauren Cohan) carries a nickel plated Desert Eagle Mark VII when she confronts Dean in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Desert Eagle MK VII with nickel finish - .44 Magnum
Bela confronting Dean with her Desert Eagle
A closer view of the pistol. Although the pistol is in shadow and the safety is not seen to confirm the exact model, it can be presumed that it is a Mark VII as seen in other seasons.
Bela accidentally catches a cursed rabbit's foot. Just visible in this shot is the lack of a rail on the top of the barrel.
Glock 17
A 3rd generation Glock 17 fitted with a weapons light is briefly seen in the mobile home belonging to Kubrick (Michael Massee) in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Glock 17, 3rd generation - 9x19mm
The Glock is visible when Kubrick reaches for a Bowie knife.
2nd generation Glock 17s are used by FBI agents Victor Henriksen (Charles Malik Whitfield) and Carl Reidy (Kurt Evans) in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12).
Glock 17, 2nd generation - 9x19mm
Agent Carl Reidy holding his pistol on the brothers.
Agent Victor Henriksen gesticulating with his Glock.
Dean (
Jensen Ackles) aiming Agent Henriksen's Glock after he takes it from him.
Agent Henriksen looking at his Glock after he shoots an innocent man whilst possessed.
COP 357 Derringer
A COP 357 Derringer can briefly be seen in the Kubrick's weapon collection in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
COP 357 Derringer - .357 Magnum
The COP 357 is visible in the centre of the top of the weapons rack.
Walther PPK/S
A Walther PPK/S can briefly be seen in the Kubrick's weapon collection in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03). The Walther PPK/S is also the standard pistol used by Bela Talbot (Lauren Cohan).
Walther PPK/S, stainless steel with Pachmayr grips - .380 ACP
The PPK/S is visible in the top left of the weapons rack in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Bela removing her PPK/S from a wine chiller in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Bela aiming her PPK/S at Dean.
Bela and Dean in a Mexican standoff.
Gordon Walker (
Sterling K. Brown) with Bela's PPK/S in "Fresh Blood" (S03E07). Visible in this shot is the gold log of the Pachmayr grips.
Gordon unloads the PPK/S by dropping the magazine out of the pistol, but he forgets to rack the slide to remove a chambered round, if there was one. Note that this is a 7 round magazine, meaning that this pistol is either a PPK in .32 ACP or a PPK/S in .380 ACP.
In "Time Is on My Side" (S03E15) Bela has a suppressor fitted to her PPK/S.
Bela aiming her suppressed PPK/S.
AMT Automag III
An AMT Automag III can briefly be seen in the Kubrick's weapon collection in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
AMT Automag III - .30 Carbine
The Automag is visible on the right of the weapons rack. Note the lack of a frame safety differentiating this pistol from other longslide 1911 variants.
Ruger P89
A Ruger P89 can briefly be seen in the Kubrick's weapon collection in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The Ruger P89 is the centre of the three pistols in the middle of the weapons rack.
Colt Defender
A Colt Defender can briefly be seen in the Kubrick's weapon collection in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The Colt Defender is the bottom of the three pistols in the middle of the weapons rack.
Smith & Wesson 5906
An early model Smith & Wesson 5906 is used by a bar patron (Matthew Harrison) to shoot a man in "Sin City" (S03E04).
Smith & Wesson 5906, early model with adjustable sights - 9x19mm
The man approaches the pool table with his pistol drawn. Note the early model hooked trigger guard.
Th man aiming his S&W 5906. Note that it has the large adjustable rear sight.
Heckler & Koch Mark 23
Gordon Walker (Sterling K. Brown) uses a Heckler & Koch Mark 23 in "Fresh Blood" (S03E07).
Heckler & Koch Mark 23 - .45 ACP
The Mark 23 acting as a motivational tool.
Gordon reloading his pistol after a brief firefight
A clear view of the side of the pistol showing the Mark 23's threaded barrel and raised sights.
Wildey Hunter
A Wildey Hunter is seen in the trunk of the Impala during the alternate future portrayed in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11). This weapons compartment was originally seen in the back of John Winchester's 1983 GMC Sierra in Season 1.
Wildey Hunter, 8" barrel - .475 Wildey Magnum
The Wildey Hunter is in the top right corner of the upper section of the weapons compartment.
Vektor CP1
A Vektor CP1 is seen in the trunk of the Impala during the alternate future portrayed in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11). This weapons compartment was originally seen in the back of John Winchester's 1983 GMC Sierra in Season 1.
The Vektor CP1 is in upper section of the weapons compartment, just below and to the left of the crucifix.
Colt Mustang Plus II
A Colt Mustang Plus II is seen in the trunk of the Impala during the alternate future portrayed in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11). This weapons compartment was originally seen in the back of John Winchester's 1983 GMC Sierra in Season 1.
Colt Mustang Plus II - .380 ACP
The Mustang is at the bottom of the upper section of the weapons compartment.
Beretta 92FS
Various members of the Sheriff's Department in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12) use Beretta 92FS pistols.
One of the Deputies that arrests Sam and Dean with his pistol drawn.
Deputy Phil Amici (
Tyler McClendon) also uses a Beretta 92FS. In the foreground is Sheriff Dodd's pistol.
Sheriff Dodd aiming his Beretta at the brothers through the bars of their cell.
SIG-Sauer P228
FBI Deputy Director Steven Groves (Peter DeLuise) carries a suppressed SIG-Sauer P228 in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12).
Deputy Director Groves aiming his pistol through the bars of the brothers' cell.
Sam (
Jared Padalecki) holding the P228 by its suppressor as he surrenders it.
A clear shot of the P228 laying on the ground showing the rounded trigger guard and double stack frame step.
Taurus PT911
Bela Talbot (Lauren Cohan) carries a concealed Taurus PT911 "Time Is on My Side" (S03E15).
Taurus PT911, stainless steel finish - 9x19mm
Dean (
Jensen Ackles) taking the Taurus from Bela after he searches her.
"The Colt" (Colt Paterson 1836 cartridge conversion)
"Back in 1835, when Halley's Comet was overhead, same night those men died at the Alamo, they say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun. He made it for a hunter. A man like us, only on horseback. Story goes, he made thirteen bullets. This hunter used the gun a half dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him... Somehow Daniel got his hands on it. They say... they say this gun can kill anything."
The pistol which is simply referred to as "The Colt" is a modified Colt Paterson 1836, first seen in Season 1. The actual gun appears to be built from a Pietta "Paterson Extra Deluxe" based on the engravings and silver inlay markings. The pistol is further modified with a cartridge conversion, by having a pentagram carved into each grip plate, and the barrel is engraved with "non timebo mala" which translates to "I will fear no evil" (a reference to Psalm 23).
Pietta "Paterson Extra Deluxe" - .36 caliber
A view of the disassembled Colt through a magnifying glass showing the frame engravings in "Sin City" (S03E04).
In order to adjust the point of aim Bobby files away a portion of the hammer, which acts as the rear sight on early revolvers such as this.
Dean picking up "The Colt" in "Sin City" (S03E04).
Sam (
Jared Padalecki) takes "The Colt" when he confronts the crossroads demon in "Bedtime Stories" (S03E05).
A side view of "The Colt" showing the engravings and silver inlay.
Dean (
Jensen Ackles) kills a vampire with "The Colt" in "Fresh Blood" (S03E07).
Dean holding "The Colt" in "Malleus Maleficarum" (S03E09).
Later in the episode Sam uses the Colt when he confronts a coven of witches.
Bela Talbot (
Lauren Cohan) takes "The Colt" in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12).
Colt Single Action Army
Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) carries a Colt Single Action Army with a "Cavalry" length barrel in "The Magnificent Seven" (S03E01).
Colt Single Action Army "Cavalry" - .45 Long Colt
Bobby draws his revolver whilst Dean picks the lock on the front door.
A shot from Dean's POV as he looks up from the floor after being knocked down.
Bobby stands ready outside a bar with his revolver drawn.
Colt Python
Kubrick (Michael Massee) carries a nickel plated Colt Python with a 4" barrel in several episodes.
Colt Python, nickel plated with a 4" barrel - .357 Magnum
Kubrick threatening Sam with his Colt in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03)
Dean disables Kubricks revolver with a pen thanks to rabbit's foot induced luck. Note that the length of barrel ahead of the front vent in the rib appears too long, indicating that this is possibly a replica of a lookalike pistol made by another company.
Kubrick pulling the pen from the muzzle of his revolver.
Kubrick uses the Colt Python again in "Fresh Blood" (S03E07) whilst pursuing the Winchester brothers.
Kubrick firing his revolver.
The Colt Python can be seen laying on a table along with its ammunition when Kubrick reaches for a Bowie knife.
Smith & Wesson Model 586
A Smith & Wesson Model 586 with a 6" barrel can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Smith & Wesson Model 586, 6 inch barrel - .357 Magnum
The Model 586 is in the bottom right corner of the weapons rack.
A closer view showing the frame of the revolver.
Smith & Wesson Model 686
Andy Johnson (Richard Keats) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 686 with a 4" barrel to commit suicide in "Sin City" (S03E04).
Smith & Wesson Model 686, 4 inch barrel - .357 Magnum
Andy holding the revolver against his chin.
A closer shot of the revolver showing that it has adjustable rear sights.
Smith & Wesson Model 28
Trotter (Don S. Davis) pulls a Smith & Wesson Model 28 with a 4 inch barrel on Sam (Jared Padalecki) in "Sin City" (S03E04).
S&W Model 28 Highway Patrolman with 4" barrel and Rubber Combat Grips - .357 Magnum
Trotter takes Sam unawares with his revolver.
Trotter holding the revolver against Sam's neck.
Sam tuns the tables on Trotter and takes his revolver. Visible in this shot is the tapered barrel indicating that this is the .357 Model 28 as opposed to the .44 Model 29.
Sam sheepishly unloading the revolver before returning it after it becomes apparent that Trotter is not a demon.
Ruger Speed Six
The young Dean Winchester (Ridge Canipe) keeps a Ruger Speed Six under his pillow in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" (S03E08). A Ruger Speed Six is also used by Ben Waters (John Shaw) in "Long-Distance Call" (S03E14).
Ruger Speed Six, blued finish and 2.75 inch barrel - .357 Magnum
Young Dean Winchester (
Ridge Canipe) lifts up his pillow to reveal the Speed Six in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" (S03E08). Not much detail is visible due to the lighting, but the design of the grip can be made out which matches the Speed Six.
Ben Waters (
John Shaw) opening his desk draw in "Long-Distance Call" (S03E14).
Ben removes the Speed six before holding it to his head.
Smith & Wesson Model 36
Cal (Kasey Kieler) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 36 in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11).
Smith & Wesson Model 36 - .38 Special
Cal aiming his revolver at Dean.
Side by Side Sawed Off Shotgun
Side by Side Sawed Off Shotguns are one of the most common weapons on the show, normally being used by the brothers whenever they are hunting a ghost. They are said to be loaded with rock salt shells due to the fact that spirits are repelled by salt.
Sawn off Zabala shotgun - 12 gauge
A sawed off shotgun is part of a booby trap left in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Dean (
Jensen Ackles) removes his shotgun from the trunk for a spot of ghost hunting in "Red Sky at Morning" (S03E06).
Ruby (
Katie Cassidy) tossing Dean his shotgun in "Malleus Maleficarum" (S03E09).
Dean catches the shotgun.
The "Evil Dean" in Dean's dream in "Dream a Little Dream of Me" gesturing with a sawed of shotgun.
During a compilation scene during the alternate future depicted in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11) Sam (
Jared Padalecki) can briefly be seen wielding a sawed off shotgun.
Dean firing the shotgun one handed in "Jus In Bello" (S03E09).
A close up of a pair of rock salt cartridges being loaded.
A shot of the broken shotgun through the camera's POV in the "Ghostfacers" (S03E13).
Ithaca 37 (Sawed Off)
A sawn off Ithaca 37 is used by the brothers on several occasions, most commonly when hunting ghosts loaded with rock salt shells. It is also commonly used as a prop to hold open the lid of the weapons compartment in the trunk of the Impala.
Sawn Off Ithaca 37 - 12 gauge
Dean (
Jensen Ackles) reassembling the Ithaca in "The Magnificent Seven" (S03E01).
Sam (
Jared Padalecki) loading white rock salt shells into his Ithaca in "Red Sky at Morning" (S03E06).
Sam taking the Ithaca from the trunk of the Impala during the alternate future depicted in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11).
The Ithaca is used as a prop for the lid of the Impala's weapon compartment in "Jus In Bello" (S03E09).
Dean briefly carries the Ithaca during the siege in "Jus In Bello" (S03E09) before handing it off to Sam.
Sam holding the Ithaca showing its lack of an ejection port on the right side of the receiver.
Sam loading the Ithaca before the brothers confront Lilith in "No Rest for the Wicked" (S03E16).
Remington 870
Isaac (Peter Macon) carries a Remington 870 with wood furniture in "The Magnificent Seven" (S03E01).
Dean being hit in the face with the butt of Isaac's shotgun.
Isaac aiming hit shotgun at a floored Dean.
A shot of the underside of Isaac's shotgun as he greets Bobby.
Franchi PA3
A Franchi PA3 can be seen in Kubrick's mobile home in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03). Only the grip is visible, but this matches the grip found on Franchi shotguns. Also the very bottom of the forward grip is visible, indicating this is a PA3 as opposed to a longer variant such as the PA8 or SPAS-12.
The only parts of the shotgun which are visible are the pistol grip and the very bottom of the front grip.
Winchester Model 1912
A Winchester Model 1912 can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
Winchester Model 1912 - 12 gauge
The Winchester Model 1912 is visible in the centre of the weapon rack above the Kukri (the large curved knife).
Remington Model 870 (Sawed Off)
Dean finds a sawed off Remington Model 870 in the storage locker belonging to their father in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03). Dean says it was the first sawed off he ever made, and takes it with him when they leave.
Remington 870 with sawed off barrel and stock - 12 gauge
Dean admiring his handiwork.
Over and Under Shotgun
The proprietor of the "Broward County Mystery Spot" (Andrew McIlroy) uses an Over and Under Shotgun in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11).
A side view of the shotgun as it is aimed at Sam.
The man aiming the shotgun at Dean.
Remington 870 Wingmaster
Various members of the Sheriff's Department in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12) use Remington 870 Slug Guns.
Remington 870 Slug Gun - 12 gauge
One of the Deputies that arrests Sam and Dean with his shotgun. Note the rear rifle sight indicating that this is a slug gun.
Dean (
Jensen Ackles) loading rock salt shells into one of the shotguns.
FBI agent Victor Henriksen (
Charles Malik Whitfield) carries one of these shotguns whilst defending the Sheriff's station. The writing visible on the side says "Remington Wingmaster" with Wingmaster being one of the available grades of shotguns from Remington.
Deputy Amici covers Nancy Fitzgerald (
Aimee Garcia) with his Remington 870 Wingmaster while she lays salt at the windows. The Slug Gun's front and rear rifle sights are visible in this shot.
Side by Side Shotgun
An off-duty police officer (Eric Breker) uses a full length Side by Side Shotgun when he confronts Dean in "Long-Distance Call" (S03E14).
Remington SPR210 Shotgun - 12 gauge
The off-duty police officer fires his shotgun at Dean as he enters the room
A view of the empty chambers of the broken shotgun.
Dean (
Jensen Ackles) grabs the shotgun off of the floor during the struggle.
Submachine Guns
Micro Uzi
A Micro Uzi can briefly be seen in the Kubrick's weapon collection in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The Micro Uzi is visible in the bottom right of the gun rack.
A MAC-11 can briefly be seen in the Kubrick's weapon collection in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The MAC-11 is visible towards the top of the gun rack beneath the two silver pistols.
Browning BLR 81
A Browning BLR 81 is visible in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03). A BLR 81 is also briefly seen being carried by FBI agent Victor Henriksen (Charles Malik Whitfield) whilst preparing for the demon assault in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12), although it is never used.
Early production Model of the Browning BLR Rifle - .308 Winchester
The BLR 81 is visible in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03), and is the top rifle on the rack. Note that the magazine is removed
Agent Henriksen is carrying the BLR 81 in his right hand in this shot from "Jus In Bello" (S03E12).
Mauser 98 Sporter
Kubrick (Michael Massee) can be seen cleaning and assembling a Mauser 98 Sporter with scope mounts in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03)
Mauser 98 Sporter - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Kubrick looking down the barrel of the Mauser after he has reassembled it.
Knight's Armament Revolver Rifle
A Knight's Armament Revolver Rifle is seen in the trunk of the Impala during the alternate future portrayed in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11). This weapons compartment was originally seen in the back of John Winchester's 1983 GMC Sierra in Season 1.
Knight's Armament Revolver Rifle - .30 Caliber
The KAC Revolver Rifle is at the top of the bottom portion of the weapons case.
Unidentified Rifle
An unidentified lever action rifle is visible among the weapons that are gathered by the Sheriff's Department whilst preparing for the demon assault in "Jus In Bello" (S03E12).
Other Weapons
M84 Stun Grenade
An M84 stun grenade can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The M84 is just visible on the far right of this frame.
Mk 2 Hand Grenade
An Mk 2 hand grenade can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The Mk 2 is the right grenade of the three grenades in this shot.
M26 Hand Grenade
An M26 hand grenade can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The Mk 2 is the left grenade of the three grenades in this shot.
F-1 Hand Grenade
An F-1 hand grenade can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
The F-1 is the centre grenade of the three grenades in this shot.
M18A1 Claymore
An M18A1 Claymore can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03).
M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel mine
The Claymore is visible in the bottom right of this shot.
Krieghoff Model L
A Krieghoff Model L flare pistol is seen in the trunk of the Impala during the alternate future portrayed in "Mystery Spot" (S03E11). This weapons compartment was originally seen in the back of John Winchester's 1983 GMC Sierra in Season 1.
Krieghoof Model L - 27mm flares
The Krieghoff is visible on the far right of the bottom section of the weapons compartment.
DefTech 37mm launcher
A DefTech 37mm launcher is seen in the trunk of the Impala, but is never used.
Defense Technologies/Federal Laboratories launcher with folding stock - 37mm
The DefTech lays in a section in the bottom of the Impala's weapons compartment.
Blasting Machine, 10 cap, Type 6901 No.1
Although not a weapon by itself, a Blasting Machine, 10 cap, Type 6901 No.1 can be seen in the storage locker belonging to John Winchester in "Bad Day at Black Rock" (S03E03). This is an electric detonator manufactured in 1939 by the White Rogers Electric Company which was used by the US Army to detonate various explosive charges and mines.
Blasting Machine, 10 cap, Type 6901 No.1
The Type 6901 No.1 Blasting Machine is visible in the bottom right of this shot, between the fragmentation and stun grenades.