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The Terminator (1984)
The Terminator is the 1984 science fiction film directed by James Cameron, according to him based on a dream he had during the filming of Piranha II: The Spawning. The feature stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the title character, a killer cyborg sent by machines from the future programmed with the sole mission of eliminating Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the woman who will give birth to the leader of the future human resistance. Michael Biehn co-stars as Kyle Reese, a human soldier also sent from the future in order to protect Sarah. Arnold Schwarzenegger would reprise the role in the sequels Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) as well as appear via CGI in 2009's Terminator Salvation. He returned to a starring role in the 2015 sequel Terminator: Genisys and then in Terminator: Dark Fate, which had Cameron return to the series as producer and Linda Hamilton would return as Sarah.
The following weapons were used in the film The Terminator:
AMT Hardballer .45 Longslide
The ".45 Longslide" that the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) acquires in the gun store is an AMT Hardballer Longslide with 7-inch (178mm) barrel and a primitive laserlock sight (a one-off made by Ed Reynolds from the company Laser Products Corporation, which would later become SureFire) shortly after his arrival from 2029. The pistol is first seen used to terminate two women from a phone book who share the name Sarah Connor. When he arrives at the apartment of the correct Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the Terminator is seen with it when confronting her roommate, Ginger Ventura (Bess Motta). Upon tracking Sarah to the Tech Noir nightclub, the Terminator loses this weapon when Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) intervenes in the attempted termination, at which point he switches to his IMI Uzi.

Smith & Wesson Model 15
Soon after arriving in the present, Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) grabs a Smith & Wesson Model 15 from a police officer and holds him at gunpoint while demanding to be told the current date, then flees into a nearby department store when more police arrive. After Kyle and Sarah are apprehended by the police later on, several officers can be seen holding Smith & Wesson Model 15s. Several officers also use S&W Model 15s when the Terminator raids the police station. A nickel-plated Model 15 is also seen being wielded by the Terminator when he runs out of ammunition for his AR-18 during the car chase at the end.

Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) holds the police officer's own Smith & Wesson Model 15 on him when he asks what year it is.
Ruger Speed Six
Lieutenant Edward Traxler (Paul Winfield) carries a snubnose Ruger Speed Six with rubber grips (appears to be Pachmayr Compac Boot Grips), in a shoulder holster throughout the film. In a deleted scene, a gravely wounded Lieutenant Edward Traxler gives Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) his revolver as he and Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) escape the police station. In another deleted scene, Kyle instinctively aims this revolver at Sarah when the two get into a tense confrontation. Later, at the Tiki motel, Kyle gives it to Sarah when he leaves to buy supplies.
Note: This was previously listed to be a snubnose Ruger Security Six, however, the fixed sights (observed in the deleted scene where Kyle aims the revolver at Sarah, and later when Kyle gives Sarah the revolver at Tiki Motel), the boot grip (observed in the shootout at the police station, and the previously mentioned Tiki motel scene), and the lack of a raised front sight (which is common on the Security Six; observed in the deleted scene where Kyle point the revolver at Sarah) shows the revolver in the film to be the Ruger Speed Six.
Ruger Security Six
At the end of the film, Sarah carries a full size stainless Ruger Security Six with Pachmayr rubber grips on her lap as she rides through the Mexican desert.
Colt Python
A Colt Python is briefly seen in the hands of a police officer that searches the stolen patrol car that the Terminator abandoned.
Colt Detective Special
A detective is seen dropping a Colt Detective Special when Reese knocks him out during the Terminator's assault on the police station.
Note: This was previously listed to possibly be a Smith & Wesson Model 36, however, when Kyle kicks the detective, the shape of the trigger guard is briefly shown to be of a Colt Detective Special. When the revolver falls on the floor, the 1st generation Detective Special factory round butt grip is observed.

Submachine Guns
Another weapon the Terminator acquires from the gun store is a full-size, fully automatic Uzi (with the film specifically stating "Uzi 9 millimeter"). The Terminator purchasing an automatic Uzi with a short barrel would be rather unrealistic, since civilian Uzis were semi-auto carbines with 16" barrels. A short dummy barrel was sometimes installed to entice buyers; the gun sold here, however, is just a regular open-bolt Uzi. Regarding the automatic fire, Director James Cameron mentioned in the magazine "Soldier of Fortune" that he assumed that in story terms the Terminator had converted the Uzi and the AR-18 into full auto weapons in his hotel room.
The Terminator uses the Uzi mainly in the Tech Noir nightclub, when Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) interferes with his attempts to terminate Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton). After losing his .45, the Terminator unloads several rounds at the nightclub, killing quite a few innocent bystanders, but fails to hit Sarah, or Kyle.
The Uzi appears to be attached to a leather shoulder rig which the Terminator uses to conceal the weapon under his armpit (much like how Kyle conceals his Ithaca shotgun under his armpit but with a piece of rope instead of a leather shoulder rig). This rig appears to be used by bodyguards as this leather shoulder rig is available for purchase; the Terminator probably acquired this item from the gun store when he stole the Uzi and his other weapons. He loses the weapon when Kyle uses his Ithaca to blast him out of the club's window.
Another Uzi with a wooden stock is very briefly seen in a flashback sequence of Kyle Reese remembering the "Skin Job" Terminator attacking his Resistance base.

Franchi SPAS-12
The "12 Gauge Autoloader" acquired by the Terminator while in the gun store is a Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun. The clerk mentions that the shotgun is Italian (which is accurate) and could go "pump or auto" (which is also accurate). The Terminator first is seen using the shotgun in the gun store and then as one of the two weapons he uses during the assault on the police station. A SPAS-12 is also seen in the hands of a human Resistance fighter in one of the "Future War" flashbacks. The SPAS-12's top folding stock was removed by the Terminator before the attack at the police station, presumably since a Terminator would not need the stock for recoil or stability. Schwarzenegger fired the SPAS-12 with one hand, displaying the 'strength' of the Cyborg.
Trivia: In most drafts of the screenplay prior to filming, this weapon was described as a Remington 1100, but the SPAS-12 was selected to be the Terminator's shotgun prior to the start of production. The Terminator would later use a Remington 1100 in Terminator Genisys.

The Terminator kills the gun store owner (Dick Miller). In reality, very few gun stores keep live ammunition within reach of a customer on the counter top. Some stores might have crates of ammunition for sales or special deals on the floor, but gun store employees would pull their own sidearms on any customer who grabbed a box of ammo and had a live weapon in their hands at the same time (not that it would have helped in this case).

Ithaca 37 (Extended Magazine Tube with Sawn-Off Stock)
Upon arriving in present day Los Angeles, Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) procures an Ithaca 37 shotgun from an unattended police car. In addition to having a extended 7-round magazine tube, Reese saws off most of the buttstock to give it a pistol grip instead, making it easier to conceal under his trenchcoat. He is also seen attaching it to himself with a piece of rope (a reference is made to this in 2009's Terminator Salvation). Reese notably uses it against the Terminator in the Tech Noir nightclub shootout (knocking him back several feet, which seems even more unlikely given he is a cyborg), and the ensuing car chase after he and Sarah escape the car garage. Between acquiring the Ithaca and discharging it for the first time in the night club, Reese pumps the forend three times. First when he saws off the stock, again when he wakes up from his nightmare and for the third time just before shooting the Terminator at the night club. Not a single time is a shell ejected from the extraction port, which suggests Reese unloaded it prior to sawing off the stock, and only loaded it before he entered the night club. In a continuity error, an Ithaca without the extended mag tube is seen being held by Reese in the shootout.

Ithaca 37
Following the skirmish at the Tech Noir nightclub, the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) acquires his own Ithaca 37. The model used by the Terminator is the standard riot model with a full stock and 4-shot magazine tube. He keeps it with him while he stalks Kyle and Sarah in the parking garage. He then uses it to exchange fire with Kyle in the ensuing chase. During the police station massacre, a few cops can be seen with Ithaca 37s. In one camera shot during the shootout at the Tech Noir nightclub, Reese's Ithaca 37 turns into one with a standard 4-round tube due to a continuity error.

Armalite AR-18
Yet another of the Terminator's guns is an Armalite AR-18 assault rifle. The gun is used with the stock removed (like the SPAS-12) and with two 40-round magazines taped together in a 'jungle style' configuration. He uses it primarily during the assault on the police station and while chasing down Kyle and Sarah from the hotel. Some drafts of the script referred to the rifle as an AR-18 and it is shown as such in the movie, though rather obviously a California gun store in 1984 would never sell a fully automatic rifle over the counter. The Terminator novel excuses this by stating the T-800 instead took a civilian AR-180 semi-automatic rifle and converted it to full-auto using tools stolen from a hardware store earlier in the day. In other drafts of the screenplay, the weapon was in fact described as an AR-180 and was also said to have a scope, though the latter feature does not appear in the finished film.

Colt M16A1
During the assault on the police station by the Terminator, several police officers head to the armory and begin passing out M16A1 rifles with 20-round magazines. Lt. Edward Traxler (Paul Winfield) is seen with an M16A1 and uses the rifle to shoot the Terminator in the back (which results in the Terminator turning around with his own AR-18 rifle). Detective Hal Vukovich (Lance Henriksen) opens up on the Terminator with one of his own after finding Traxler wounded by the cyborg. The Terminator then returns fire with both the AR-18 and SPAS-12.

Heckler & Koch HK91A3
Heckler & Koch HK91A3 rifles, fitted with the proprietary G3 bipod, can be seen wielded by resistance fighters in 2029 - One is most notably seen wielded by a fighter responsible for guarding the entrance to a human bunker. This makes sense, as a 7.62x51mm battle rifle would be a logical choice against heavily armored enemies. A number of HK91A3s can be seen on the gun racks at the Alamo Gun Store in 1984.

Valmet M82A
A Valmet M82A bullpup assault rifle is used as Kyle Reese's plasma gun (known as the Westinghouse M-25 plasma rifle in the official novelization of the film by Randall Frakes & Bill Wisher) in the future war scenes. The rifle in the film is the Valmet M82A that has the front sight moved to the body of the rifle rather than the barrel versus the M82. In some shots, the magazine is missing from the rifle.
The rifle was equipped with a fictional computerized digital tracking scope (built from scratch for the film using surplus video camera components), called the Flexy Sight in the novelization, that is able to mark, track down, and analyze potential cybernetic threats. An interesting trivia note is that Kyle's appearance in these scenes was the inspiration for the cover art and the appearance of the protagonist, Solid Snake, in the first Metal Gear game.

Machine Guns
Browning M2HB
Browning M2HB heavy machine guns are seen during the future war flashback sequences.
Lahti L-39
Amongst other miscellanous weapons in the Alamo Gun Store, a WW2 Finnish-made Lahti L-39 anti-tank rifle is on display.
"General Dynamics RBS-80"
A heavy gun is used by the Infiltrator Terminator (Franco Columbu) upon secretly entering the Resistance's underground bunker. This rapid-fire plasma cannon was identified in the Terminator novelization as the "General Dynamics RBS-80". The weapon prop has a custom barrel shroud and overall appears to be based off a Browning M2 Water Cooled machine gun. A similar cannon is also seen on the sunroof of the car driven by Reese while being chased by the Aerial HK. It is interesting that prop weapon really had a muzzle flash (probably acetylene), as seen in the shots without visual effects of plasma beams, that leaked into the original teaser trailer.
See the Discussion section for some interesting and detailed non gun-related trivia on the film.
For the film's teaser trailer, an animated sequence depicts Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator holding a skillfully drawn M1911A1 instead of the AMT Hardballer Longslide. The art appears to be based on early character concepts drawn by James Cameron himself and it's possible that he drew and animated the entire sequence.