Safe House
Theatrical Poster
Directed by
Daniel Espinosa
Release Date
Relativity Media Stuber Productions
Universal Pictures
Safe House is a 2012 action thriller directed by Daniel Espinosa (Snabba Cash) and stars Ryan Reynolds as Matt Weston, a low-level CIA agent in charge of a CIA safe house in Cape Town, South Africa who receives a very dangerous "house guest" by the name of Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington), who happens to be a high level agency operative. When the safe house is breached, Weston finds himself on the run with Frost from both government agencies and criminal elements. The cast included Robert Patrick, Brendan Gleeson, Vera Farmiga, and Ruben Blades as well as Snabba Cash stars Joel Kinnaman and Fares Fares.
The following weapons were used in the film Safe House (2012):
SIG Pro SP 2022
CIA Agent Matthew Weston (Ryan Reynolds) carries a SIG Pro SP2022 as his sidearm for the film. Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) also handles Weston's SIG at one point in the film.
Matt chambers his SIG Pro before Kiefer's team arrives at the safe house.
Matt commandeers a BMW at gunpoint.
Matt holds his SIG on Tobin as they have a short-lived mexican stand-off.
Matt fires his sidearm at the shantytown. His SIG has suffered a stovepipe malfunction, meaning that a spent shell casing has jammed vertically in the ejection port.
Matt wields his SIG Pro at another safe house.
SIG-Sauer P226
Vargas (Fares Fares) uses a SIG-Sauer P226 as his sidearm throughout the film, sometimes fitted with a suppressor. Several of Vargas' henchmen also use P226s as their sidearms. David Barlow (Brendan Gleeson) also uses a SIG-Sauer P226 in the film, as does Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) and Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington).
Factory black (K-Kote) SIG Sauer P226 - 9x19mm
Vargas attaches a suppressor on his P226.
Vargas fires his suppressed P226 at Weston.
Matt holds a P226 after firing it.
Tobin fires a P226 after taking it from one of Vargas' men.
Vargas searches for Frost, his P226 in hand.
Beretta 92S
South African Police Service (SAPS) officers use Beretta 92S handguns as their sidearms in the film, most notably seen during the shootout at Green Point Stadium. Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) takes one from a dead officer, and uses it for a majority of the film.
A police officer fires his Beretta in the air at the stadium.
Tobin holds his Beretta on Matt as they have a short-lived mexican stand-off.
Frost fires the Beretta next to Weston's head. It is likely the weapon used for this scene was prop, with muzzle-flash added in post-production, since discharging a weapon this close to one's ear is likely to cause permanent damage to your ear drum and/or loss of hearing.
Tobin reaches for his Beretta 92S. Note the rounded trigger guard.
Frost holds his Beretta at Carlos' house.
Glock 17
Daniel Kiefer (Robert Patrick) and his CIA team members, including Agent Miller (Jake McLaughlin), use a Glock 17 pistols as his sidearms in the film. David Barlow (Brendan Gleeson) also uses a Glock 17 in the film.
3rd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm. Note the finger grooves, thumb reliefs, and accessory rail on the frame, which differentiate it from the older model.
A Glock 17 is seen holstered on the belt of a CIA operative.
Agent Miller holds his Glock 17 during the shootout at the safe house.
David Barlow holds his Glock as he searches for Tobin Frost.
Tokarev TT-33
An hitman uses a Tokarev TT-33 in the film.
Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The hitman holds his Tokarev before kicking in a bathroom door.
The hitman holds his Tokarev.
Steyr M9A1
Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) uses a Steyr M9A1 as his sidearm in Cape Town, but dumps it before entering an American embassy.
Frost chambers his Steyr. This particular scene was cut from the final film, and is only seen in the trailer.
Tobin fires his Steyr to create a diversion for his pursuers.
Heckler & Koch USP Compact
Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) uses a Heckler & Koch USP Compact near the climax of the film at the second safe house.
Heckler & Koch USP Compact - 9x19mm
Frost walks with his USP Compact.
NOTE: This scene appeared only in the trailer of the film.
Tobin fires his USP Compact.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch UMP9
Several of Vargas' hitmen are armed with Heckler & Koch UMP9 submachine guns.
Heckler & Koch UMP9 (note curved magazine) - 9x19mm
A hitman holds his UMP-9 at the safe house.
A hitman aims his UMP-9 at the shantytown.
"He's on the roof!"One of Vargas' hitmen opens fire as he spots Tobin at the shantytown.
A dead hitman grips his UMP-9 at the second safe house.
A couple of Vargas' hitmen use IMI Uzis in the film.
IMI Uzi with Sionics suppressor - 9x19mm
One of Vargas' men fires his Uzi at Weston's car.
A hitman goes down holding his Uzi.
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
Several of Vargas' hitmen are use Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW submachine guns in the film.
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW fitted with a UMP-style stock - 9x19mm
A hitman holds his MP5K-PDW (on the right) during the attack on the safe house.
A hitman cleans his MP5K-PDW.
Another MP5K-PDW is visible on a table (upper left) as a couple of hitmen clean their weapons.
A hitman holds his MP5K-PDW at the shantytown.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
One of Vargas' hitmen uses a Heckler & Koch MP5A3s during the attack on the safe house.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight and safe-semi-two round burst Navy trigger group - 9x19mm
The hitman wields his MP5A3 at the safe house.
Olympic Arms K23B
Vargas (Fares Fares) uses an Olympic Arms K23B as his primary firearm in the film. The rifle is initially equipped with a telescopic sight and suppressor, but is mostly seen with an EOTech holosight.
Olympic Arms K23B 5.56x45mm
Vargas fires his carbine.
Vargas holds his Olympic Arms carbine at Carlos' house.
Vargas fires his carbine at Matt Weston at the shantytown.
Colt M4A1 Carbine
Daniel Kiefer (Robert Patrick) and his team wield M4A1 Carbines during the safe house shootout.
Colt M4A1 with 6 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mm
Velez (Vernon Willemse) aims his M4A1.
Kiefer fires his M4A1. Notice how his M4A1 has been fitted with an XM177-style flash-hider.
Vektor R5
Carlos Villar (Rubén Blades), a forger and a friend of Frost's, uses a Vektor R5 carbine to defend his home from Vargas and his men.
Carlos fires his Vektor R5 as he gets hit.
Heckler & Koch G36C
Several of Vargas' hitmen use Heckler & Koch G36C rifles in the film.
Heckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mm
A hitman fires his G36C at the safe house.
A G36C is seen on a table (lower left) as a couple of hitmen clean their weapons.
A hitman uses an AK-47 during the gunfight at the shantytown.
Type III AK-47 (with cleaning rod removed and laminated stock) - 7.62x39mm
The hitman fires his AK-47.
The hitman fires his AK-47.
Norinco Type 56
Several hitmen use Norinco Type 56 assault rifles in the film, most notably during the safe house attack.
Norinco Type 56, early milled receiver model with under-folding ("pig sticker") bayonet - 7.62x39mm
A hitman holds his Type 56 at the safe house (on the left).
A hitman exits an elevator, his Type 56 at the ready.
A Type 56 rifle is seen on a table as a couple of hitmen clean their weapons.
Norinco Type 56-1
Several hitmen use Norinco Type 56-1 (under-folding stock variant) assault rifles in the film, most notably during the safe house attack.
Type 56-1 assault rifle (under-folding stock variant), early model with milled receiver - 7.62x39mm
Two hitmen hold their Type 56-1 rifles (numbered 1. and 2.).
A hitman goes down firing his Type 56-1. Notice the distinctive full-hooded front sight.
A hitman visually checks the barrel of his Type 56-1 as he cleans his weapon.
SIG SG 551
One of Vargas' hitmen uses a SIG SG 551 rifle during the attack on the safe house.
The hitman with his SG 551 (circled in red).
Mossberg 590
A South African Police Service (SAPS) officer uses what appears to be a Mossberg 590 shotgun at the stadium.
Mossberg 590 with 8-round magazine tube and bayonet lug - 12 gauge
The police officer holds his Mossberg 590.
The police officer lowers his shotgun.
Remington 870
Keller (Joel Kinnaman), the keeper of the second safehouse, uses what appears to be a Remington 870 shotgun in the film. Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) takes the shotgun from him as he surprises him, and is never seen again.
Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 gauge
Keller reaches for the shotgun.
Only the stock of the shotgun is visible as Matt holds it behind Keller.
Machine Guns
M249 Paratrooper
A hitman who breaches the door of the safe house fires a M249 SAW Paratrooper before being cut down by one of the CIA agents.
M249 Paratrooper - a real blank adapted movie gun with bipod folded and a picatinny rail on the top of the feed tray cover - 5.56x45mm
The hitman fires his M249.
M84 Stun Grenade
Hitmen toss M84 stun grenades after breaching the safe house.
A flashbang is visible on the floor.