NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 3
2011 - 2012
No. of Episodes
Main Cast
The following weapons were used in Season 3 of the television series NCIS: Los Angeles:
SIG-Sauer P229 E2
Beginning in Season 3, NCIS Special Agents G. Callen (Chris O'Donnell), Sam Hanna (L.L. Cool J) and Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) switch from the SIG-Sauer P228 to the new model SIG-Sauer P229 E2 with the redesigned slide and new grips. CIA agent Michael Saleh (Sherman Augustus) uses a P229 in "Greed" (S3E08). Five-O Task Force Detective Chin Ho Kelly (Daniel Dae Kim) draws his P229 while apprehending a suspect in "Touch of Death" (S3E21), a crossover episode with Hawaii Five-O. Interestingly, Chin Ho Kelly normally carries a standard P229R on Hawaii Five-O.
SIG-Sauer P229 E2 - 9x19mm
G. Callen holds his new P229 in "Sacrifice" (S3E05).
Sam Hanna draws his new P229 in "Sacrifice" (S3E05).
NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye (
Daniela Ruah) draws her new P229 in "Greed" (S3E08).
Kensi Blye fires her P229 in Partners (S3E14).
Kensi Blye pulls her Sig P229 to search her mother's house in Blye,K, Part 2 (S3E17).
CIA agent Michael Saleh (
Sherman Augustus) aiming the P229 at Kensi's neck in "Greed" (S3E08).
NCIS Assistant Director Owen Granger (
Miguel Ferrer) draws his P229 in "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17).
G. Callen draws his P229 E2 in "Sans Voir Part 2" (S3E24).
A close up of G. Callen's P229 E2 in "Sans Voir Part 2" (S3E24).
SIG-Sauer P226
A two-tone SIG-Sauer P226 was used by a Libyan Mukhabarat el-Jamahiriya agent in Los Angeles when he fired at G and Sam in "Deadline" (S3E04). The same one is also used in "Sacrifice" (S3E05) and "Greed" (S3E08). A nickel-plated P226 is seen in "The Watchers" (S0312).
SIG-Sauer P226 (two-tone) - 9x19mm
The Mukhabarat el-Jamahiriya agent firing his P226 at G and Sam in "Deadline" (S3E04).
Eva (
America Olivo) holds the two-tone P226 on a supposed corrupt CIA agent in "Sacrifice" (S3E05).
A two-tone P226 in the hands of a Mexican gangster in "Greed" (S3E08).
The nickel-plated P226 on the table in "The Watchers" (S0312).
SIG-Sauer P238
Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) carries a SIG-Sauer P238 on an undercover assignment in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Kensi aims the P238 in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Kensi fires her P238 in Neighborhood Watch (S3E22).
Beretta 92FS
At the beginning of Season 3, Detective Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) continues to carry the Beretta 92FS as his main sidearm due to his status with the LAPD and merely assignment to NCIS as a liaison officer. A Peña Cartel henchman in "Partners" is armed with the 92FS. In "Sans Voir" (S3E23), Richard Mayfield (Scott MacDonald) uses one to shoot Renko before Sam shoots him from the back. LAPD officers aim their 92FS at Callen in the same episode.
Cartel henchman armed with 92FS.
In "Sans Voir" (S3E23), Richard Mayfield (
Scott MacDonald) aiming the 92FS at Renko.
LAPD officers aim their 92FS pistols at Callen in "Sans Voir" (S3E23). Note the excellent trigger discipline, although the badges they're wearing are not actual LAPD badges (due to copyright issues), but rather generic prop badges.
Beretta 92FS Inox (Full Auto)
A Beretta 92FS Inox converted to fire on full auto is used by a Sudanese Al-Qaeda terrorist in "Greed" (S3E08).
Beretta 92FS Inox - 9x19mm.
A Sudanese Al-Qaeda terrorist about to fire the Inox on full auto at the NCIS agents in "Greed" (S3E08).
A bit of a close-up on the full auto Inox in "Greed" (S3E08).
Glock 17
Lauren Hunter (Claire Forlani) pulls a Glock 17 in "Lange, H" (S3E01). Some of the Mexican gangsters in "Greed" use Glock 17s to engage G and Sam.
Mexican gangster firing Glock 17 at G in "Greed" (S3E08).
Glock 19
The Glock 19 is used by an Al-Qaeda terrorist in "Sacrifice" (S3E05). A Glock 19 also appears to be pulled by Peter Clairmont (Spencer Garrett) during a fight with Kensi in "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17).
G holds his sidearm on the Al-Qaeda terrorist who is armed with the Glock trying to get away in "Sacrifice" (S3E05).
Kensi knocks away the Glock 19 pulled by Peter Clairmont (
Spencer Garrett) during a fight in "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17).
Glock 26
In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), NCIS Intelligence Analyst Nell Jones (Renée Felice Smith) is seen carrying a Glock 26 while covering Kensi's meeting. A contractor disguised as a reporter also uses a Glock 26 in the episode.
Glocl 26 - 9x19 Parabellum.
In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), NCIS Intelligence Analyst Nell Jones (
Renée Felice Smith) is seen carrying a
Glock 26 while covering Kensi's meeting.
In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), Kensi kicking the Glock 26 from the dead contractor.
Heckler & Koch P30
Five-O Task Force Detective Danny 'Danno' Williams (Scott Caan) draws his Heckler & Koch P30 while apprehending a suspect in "Touch of Death" (S3E21), a crossover episode with Hawaii Five-O.
Heckler & Koch P30 - 9x19mm
Makarov PM
Callen remembers seeing a Comescu criminal use a suppressed Makarov PM in Romania in "Lange, H." (S3E01). A stainless Makarov PM was used by a Russian sleeper agent in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
A suppressed
Makarov PM is the handgun Callen remembers seeing a Comescu criminal use in Romania in "Lange, H." (S3E01).
In "Betrayal" (S3E09), a Makarov is fired.
Makarov PM in Stainless (Baikal Imported Model IJ-70 Pistol) - .380 ACP
The stainless Makarov PM aimed at Kensi in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Kensi handling the stainless Makarov PM in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Smith & Wesson 5944
In later episodes of Season 3, Deeks appears to carry a Smith & Wesson 5944 as his sidearm. It can be identified by a spurred hammer.
An early model Smith & Wesson 5944 9x19mm
A later model of the Smith & Wesson 5944 9x19mm with a curved trigger guard
Deeks holds a Smith & Wesson 5944 while grabbing the gun off of a fallen enemy in "The Dragon and the Fairy" (S3E18).
Deeks takes aim with the 5944 in "Exit Strategy" (S3E13).
In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), Deeks using foliage as cover after a sniper fires at Kensi.
In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), Deeks covers the meeting venue with Sam and Nell.
Deeks aims his 5944 at a Russian SVR sleeper agent in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Smith & Wesson SW1911
A Cartel henchman uses a Smith & Wesson SW1911 in "Sacrifice" (S3E05).
Smith & Wesson SW1911 E-Series - .45 ACP
A Molina Cartel henchman firing a SW1911 at Deeks and Eva in "Sacrifice" (S3E05).
Sphinx AT 2000
In "Lange, H" (S3E01), a Sphinx AT 2000 is used by G, who smuggled it into Europe as he was not an NCIS agent by the time of Hetty's kidnapping.
In "Lange, H" (S3E01), G. holds the Sphinx AT 2000 on the head of the Comescu crime family in Romania.
Springfield Armory XD
A Springfield Armory XD is seen tucked away in "The Dragon and the Fairy" (S3E18). Notice the grips and magazine release as well as the trigger guard.
Springfield Armory XD - 9mm
G and Sam spot the tucked XD pistol in "The Dragon and the Fairy" (S3E18).
Walther PPK
In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), Peter Clairmont (Spencer Garrett) is seen pulling a Walther PPK on Kensi and the NCIS team.
Taurus PT 1911 AR
A Taurus PT 1911 AR with Novak sights is seen in the hands of a gunman in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
Taurus PT1911 AR- .45 ACP.
A Taurus PT1911 AR with Novak sights being fired in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
The Taurus PT 1911 AR in the hands of a gunman in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
Colt Python
A Colt Python is pulled on Hanna in "Partners" (S3E14). Hanna also uses the revolver.
Colt Python - .357 Magnum
Colt Python is pulled on Hanna in "Partners" (S3E14).
The Python before Hanna takes it away.
Sam Hanna with the revolver.
Smith & Wesson Model 10 Snub
Alexa Comescu holds a Smith & Wesson Model 10 snub in "Lange, H" (S3E01).
Alexa Comescu with the S&W Model 10 in "Lange, H" (S3E01).
Smith & Wesson Model 340PD
Kensi uses a Smith & Wesson Model 340PD on a shooting range in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
Smith & Wesson Model 340PD, fiber optic sights - .357 Magnum
Kensi aiming the 340PD while on the range in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
In "Sacrifice" (S3E05), an LAPD SWAT team are armed with Heckler & Koch MP5A2 submachine guns fitted with suppressors before they busted on a pawnshop.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2 w/ SEF trigger group & Surefire light- 9x19mm with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight
A SWAT team taking cover from the explosion after it took out one of the SWAT operators suppose to bust the door down with a battering ram in "Sacrifice" (S3E05). Note the lack of LAPD SWAT insignia as seen in previous episodes.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Some of the guards are armed with the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 in "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17). A NCIS agent is armed with the MP5A3 in "Sans Voir".
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 9x19mm with Navy trigger group
The estate guard aiming the MP5A3 at NCIS agents in "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17).
The MP5A3 being fired in "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17). The muzzle flash appears to be CGI.
A NCIS agent armed with a MP5A3. His MP5A3 has a picatinny receiver with a vertical foregrip.
Heckler & Koch MP5K
A Peña Cartel henchman is armed with the Heckler & Koch MP5K in "Partners" (S2E14).
A Peña Cartel henchman confronts G with the MP5K in "Partners" (S2E14).
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
Deeks and Kensi are armed with Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW's during a NCIS raid in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02).
Deeks with the MP5K-PDW while raiding a now abandoned massage parlor in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02). He does not hold the weapon via foregrip and instead, does this via magazine.
Heckler & Koch UMP
A Heckler & Koch UMP can be seen on a table as G and the other NCIS agents walk by it in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02).
The UMP is visible on the table in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02).
An Al-Qaeda terrorist fires an Uzi at G and Callen while fleeing via SUV in "Sacrifice" (S3E05). Neil Barrow fires an Uzi at NCIS agents in "Sans Voir".
IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
Al-Qaeda terrorist firing the Uzi in "Sacrifice" (S3E05).
Neil firing the Uzi at NCIS agents.
IMI Micro Uzi
An IMI Micro Uzi is used by SVR sleeper agents after attempting to ambush Deeks and Kensi in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
The SVR sleeper agent firing the suppressed Uzi pistol at Deeks and Kensi in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Another SVR sleeper agent fires his suppressed Uzi pistol in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
A gunman uses a MAC-10 to shoot at NCIS agents in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02).
Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - .45 ACP
A gunman armed with a MAC-10 engages G and the other NCIS agents at the massage parlor in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02).
Assault Rifles
AKMS assault rifles are recovered by Callen in an arms cache hidden inside an non-functioning air conditioner in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Closeup of the AKMS' pistol grip in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
You can see the folding stock of the AKMS in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Colt Law Enforcement Carbine
A Colt Law Enforcement Carbine was used by an LAPD SWAT officer in "The Debt" (S3E10).
Colt LE6920 SOCOM - 5.56x45mm.
A LAPD SWAT officer prepares to open fire with the LE Carbine in "The Debt" (S3E10).
Colt M4A1
Several Colt M4A1s are seen in a secret arms cache in "Sans Voir" (S3E23). NCIS agents also use M4A1s when guarding the Chameleon and in a raid in the same episode.
NCIS agents find M4A1s in a secret arms cache in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
A NCIS agent guarding the interrogation room entrance armed with a M4A1 in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
G (left) with a M4A1 outfitted with a vertical foregrip and Trijicon ACOG scope in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
Sam holding a M4A1 with a vertical foregrip and a Trijicon ACOG scope during a raid in "Sans Voir" (S3E23).
A gunrack behind Kensi had rifles that resemble FAMAS assault rifles. They are seen again in "Cyber Threat".
FAMAS-F1 - 5.56x45mm. Standard service rifle of the French Forces.
Another shot of the gunrack with FAMAS assault rifles in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02).
Heckler & Koch G3
In "Betrayal" (S3E09), Sudanese guards carry G3s with both wood and synthetic handguards. Sam uses a G3 with wood furniture at the end of the episode.
Early Heckler & Koch G3 rifle with wooden handguard and buttstock - 7.62x51mm NATO
In "Betrayal" (S3E09), Sudanese guard with the G3 and excellent trigger discipline.
In "Betrayal" (S3E09), Sam opens fire with the G3 after his legend is blown.
Heckler & Koch G36C
Heckler & Koch G36C assault rifles can be seen in a gunrack in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02). In "Exit Strategy" (S3E13), a henchman working under Montalban fires a G36C at NCIS agents trying to rescue Alex's family.
Heckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mm
A few G36Cs in a gunrack in "Cyber Threat" (S3E02).
In "Exit Strategy" (S3E13), a Montalban henchman armed with a G36C engages NCIS agents.
IMI Micro Galil
In "Greed" (S3E08), Mexican law enforcement officers are seen carrying Micro Galil rifles.
In "Greed" (S3E08), the Mexican law enforcement officer on the right is seen carrying a
Micro Galil rifle.
Norinco Type 56
In "The Dragon and the Fairy" (S3E18), a Tran bodyguard opens fire on Kensi and Deeks with a Norinco Type 56 rifle.
In "The Dragon and the Fairy" (S3E18), a Tran bodyguard is seen firing the Norinco Type 56.
SAR M41 (Classic Army Airsoft)
In "Greed" (S3E08) Mexican border patrol officers carry what are supposed to be Heckler & Koch G3A3 rifles with quad-rail forends and vertical forward grips. The weapon strongly resembles an airsoft Classic Army SAR Offizier SAR M41 rifle.
Classic Army SAR Offizier SAR M41, an airsoft rifle based on the G3.
In "Greed" (S3E08) Mexican border officer carries what is supposed to be
Heckler & Koch G3A3 rifles with quad-rail forends and vertical forward grips. The weapon strongly resembles an airsoft Classic Army SAR Offizier SAR M41 rifle.
Sniper Rifles
Remington 700PSS
In "Blye, K., Part I" (S3E16), Kensi is seen cleaning a Remington 700PSS rifle, which she says belonged to her father, who was a sniper in the Marine Corps. In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), G and Sam enter Kensi's home, where they find NCIS Assistant Director Owen Granger (Miguel Ferrer) holding the rifle.
In "Blye, K., Part I" (S3E16), Kensi is seen cleaning a
Remington 700PSS rifle, which she says belonged to her father, who was a sniper in the Marine Corps.
In "Blye, K., Part II" (S3E17), G and Sam enter Kensi's home, where they find NCIS Assistant Director Owen Granger (
Miguel Ferrer) holding the rifle.
Sam checks out the rifle.
Remington 870 (sawed off)
In "Greed" (S3E08), a sawed off Remington 870 was used by a Mexican drug cartel gangster to shoot at G and Sam.
Remington 870 "Witness Protection" - 12 Gauge
In "Greed" (S3E08), a Mexican gangster fires a sawed off Remington 870 at Sam, taking cover behind a BMW sedan.
12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun
Floyd Hobbs (revealed to be a SVR agent) uses a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun after "helping" Deeks and Kensi by allowing them inside his house in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
The old man armed with the 12 Gauge Double Barrel shotgun in "Neighborhood Watch" (S3E22).
Mossberg 500 Cruiser with Tamer Pistol Grip
Deeks uses a Mossberg 500 Cruiser with a Tamer pistol grip attached in "Sans Voir" to breach an apartment door.
In "Sans Voir" (S3E23), Deeks "unlocking" the door. Note that the shotgun is over the pistol grip unlike most pistol grips which cover the backend, thus revealing that it is a not-so-popular Tamer Pistol Grip.
In "Sans Voir" (S3E23), Deek's shotgun has a mossberg forestock, not a remington. Also seen is the vertical serrations. Also, when Sam tosses it to Deeks and he pumps the action you can clearly see that it is a mossgerg forestock with the straight angles unlike the remington forestock which has an obscure slant at the butt end of the forestock. (Also, you can note that Deeks chambers the round twice, once when he gets it, and once before he shoots it.)
Machine Guns
South Sudanese gunmen disguised as Sudanese militiamen is seen manning what appears to be an FN MAG fitted with spade grips.
FN MAG 58 - 7.62x51mm NATO
An FN MAG machine gun mounted on the back of a Land Rover in "Betrayal" (S3E09).
M60D Machine Gun
South Sudanese gunmen disguised as Sudanese militiamen use M60D machine guns mounted on technicals in "Betrayal" (S3E09).
M60D machine gun - 7.62x51mm NATO
South Sudanese gunmen disguised as Sudanese militiamen use
M60D machine guns mounted on technicals in "Betrayal" (S3E09).
Fake M67
In "Exit Strategy" (S3E13), GCT investigator Alex Elmslie (Douglas Weston) uses a M67-like grenade as his weapon, which is actually a smoke grenade.
The fake M67 hurled at the NCIS team in "Exit Strategy" (S3E13).
Alex Elmslie (Douglas Weston) after attempting to ambush an NCIS SUV in Los Angeles.
Rocket Launchers
Type 69 RPG
In "The Dragon and the Fairy" (S3E18), Sam and G uncover a cache of Chinese Type 69 RPGs in the Tran estate.
In "The Dragon and the Fairy" (S3E18), Sam discovers a crate of Chinese Type 69 rocket launchers.