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War (2007)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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War poster.jpg
Film Poster
Country Flag of the United States.jpg United States
Directed by Philip G. Atwell
Release Date 2007
Language English
Studio Lionsgate
Distributor Lionsgate
Main Cast
Character Actor
Rogue / Tom Lone Jet Li
FBI Agent John Crawford Jason Statham
Tom Lone Terry Chen
Li Chang John Lone
Kira Yanagawa Devon Aoki
Shiro Yanagawa Ryo Ishibashi
Benny Luis Guzmán
Maria Chang Nadine Velazquez
Goi Sung Kang
Takada Kenneth Choi

War is a 2007 American action thriller directed by Philip G. Atwell. The film tells about FBI Agent John Crawford (Jason Statham) attempts to take down an assassin named Rogue (Jet Li), who murders his partner. Meanwhile Rogue, with cruelty and ruthless, provokes a war between the Chinese Triad gang and the Japanese Yakuza gang.

The following weapons were used in the film War:



Walther P99

Rogue (Jet Li) uses a 1st Generation Walther P99 with a QPQ-finished slide as his sidearm throughout the film. However, in one of the more glaring Hollywood firearms inaccuracies in recent memory, Rogue's P99 is neither the 9x19mm nor the .40 S&W model. Instead, it is depicted as being chambered for the 5.7x28mm round - the same round FN's Five-seveN and P90 guns use, and a round that is significantly longer than the two calibers it can be chambered for. Strangely, a Five-seveN is seen in the film held by Benny (Luis Guzmán) when he and John Crawford (Jason Statham) corner the plastic surgeon (Saul Rubinek).

Walther P99 with QPQ-finished slide - 9x19mm
A masked Rogue fires his Walther P99 at Tom Lone.
Rogue's (Jet Li) gun locker.
The magazine for Rogue's P99 as you can see is not 9mm and looks suspiciously like a Five-seveN magazine.
Rogue checks his Walther P99.

Jericho 941 R

The Jericho 941 R is used by many of the Yakuzas. One of the most notable scenes the Jericho appears is the shootout at the tea house. This is the gun that Takada (Kenneth Choi) is reaching for when he is stabbed through the hand by John Crawford (Jason Statham). Crawford later uses the same pistol. Rogue (Jet Li) also picks up one from another Yakuza henchman during the fight scene at the exotic car dealership near the end of the film.

Early model Jericho 941 R - 9x19mm
A Jericho 941 R lying on the table.
A Yakuza escorts Rogue (Jet Li).
Rogue (Jet Li) picks up the Jericho 941 R and fires it.

Beretta 92FS made to resemble Beretta 93R

A Yakuza member is seen with a Beretta 92FS made to resemble a Beretta 93R, fitted with a suppressor and loaded with the 20-round magazine. You can tell it's not a 93R due to it having a slide mounted safety, a more contoured slide as opposed to a more angler slide, a smaller trigger guard and longer dust-cover, the opposite is true for a 93R.

Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
Beretta 93R - 9x19mm
A Yakuza holds his Beretta before Rogue cuts off his hand with a Katana sword.
A Yakuza's severed hand still holding the Beretta.

Colt M1911 variant

Wu Ti (Mark Cheng), one of Li Chang's henchmen, who leads the tea house raid, uses a suppressed Colt M1911 variant.

Colt M1911A1 with stainless steel finish - .45 ACP
Wu Ti holding his suppressed Colt M1911 variant.

COP 357 Derringer

Kira Yanagawa (Devon Aoki) carries a COP 357 Derringer as her personal weapon. She brandishes it once in front of Takada (Kenneth Choi) to show she means business.

COP 357 Derringer - .357 Magnum
Kira Yanagawa threatens Takada (Kenneth Choi).
Kira pulling her pistol on Takada's head.

Beretta 8000 Cougar F

FBI Agent John Crawford (Jason Statham) uses a Beretta 8000 Cougar F as his sidearm throughout the film. It appears that his partners, including Tom Lone (Terry Chen), also use this gun.

Beretta 8000 Cougar F - 9x19mm
Tom Lone (Terry Chen) pulls his Cougar on a thug.
John Crawford (Jason Statham) threatens Captain Andrews (John Novak).
Crawford reloads his Cougar.
Crawford with his Beretta Cougar. Note that Jason Statham pulls the slide back when he reloads, which is a technique a lot of modern police use.

FN Five-seveN

An FN Five-seveN is held by Benny (Luis Guzmán) when he and Crawford corner the plastic surgeon (Saul Rubinek).

FN Five-seveN USG (U.S. Government) model - 5.7x28mm

Smith & Wesson Model 36

Li Chang (John Lone) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 36 to kill Wu Ti (Mark Cheng) in one scene.

Smith & Wesson Model 36 - 5 shot - .38 Special

Submachine Guns

Beretta M12

Triads use Beretta M12s to execute Yakuzas at the docks.

Beretta PM12S - 9x19mm
Wu Ti (Mark Cheng) holds the M12 before opening fire.
Wu Ti firing the M12 at Yakuzas.

Heckler & Koch UMP

An FBI agent is seen with a Heckler & Koch UMP during the raid at warehouse 16 and during the tea house raid. In the tea house, it is seen fitted with a red-dot sight.

Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP
An FBI agent holds the UMP.
An FBI agent holds the UMP in the tea house.

Heckler & Koch MP5K

Some Triads are seen with Heckler & Koch MP5Ks when they assault the tea house.

Heckler & Koch MP5K - 9x19mm
A Triad on the left firing his MP5K.


Some Yakuzas and Triads are seen with Uzis at the beginning of the film and during the tea house raid.

IMI Uzi - 9x19mm
An Uzi lying next to a dead thug.

Model 61 Skorpion

A Triad member is seen using a Yugoslavian-made Model 61 Skorpion right before Crawford shoots him.

Yugoslavian-made Model 61 Skorpion distinguishable by its black pistol grip - .32 ACP
A Triad fires the Skorpion.


Remington 870

At the beginning of the film, John Crawford (Jason Statham) uses a Remington 870 with a heat-shield, an extended magazine tube, and the pump has a flashlight until Rogue shoots him and made him drops it. A Remington 870 is also briefly seen in the hands of another FBI agent.

Remington 870 Police Magnum with black synthetic furniture with a heat-shield - 12 Gauge. Image used to show the extended magazine tube.
Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 Gauge

Crawford advancing with the shotgun.
Crawford advancing with the shotgun.
Crawford holding the shotgun.
Crawford holding the shotgun.
An FBI agent holds the shotgun.

Mossberg 500 Cruiser

Tom Lone (Terry Chen) uses a Mossberg 500 Cruiser to kill Rogue when Rogue raids his house.

Mossberg 500 Cruiser - 12 Gauge


Heckler & Koch G36K

FBI Agent Wick (Mathew St. Patrick) uses a Heckler & Koch G36K fitted with a foregrip in one scene.

Heckler & Koch G36K - 5.56x45mm
Wick (Mathew St. Patrick) firing his G36K.

Heckler & Koch SL8

Rogue (Jet Li) has a couple of Heckler & Koch SL8 rifles in his locker and uses them a few times.

Heckler & Koch SL8-4 - 5.56x45mm
SL8 rifles in Rogue's locker.

Heckler & Koch HK33

A full length Heckler & Koch HK33 is used by FBI Agent Goi (Sung Kang) as his sniper weapon throughout the film. But since we only see it fires in semi-auto, it could be an HK93.

Heckler & Koch HK33A2 select fire rifle with Scope - 5.56x45mm
Goi (Sung Kang) with his HK33.
Goi holds his HK33.
Goi fires his HK33.


We can see a bunch of M16 rifles with A2 handguards stacked neatly on a rack in Benny's (Luis Guzmán) office. We don't see what make of M16s they were, they could be M16A2s for all we know.

M16A2 - 5.56x45mm
Several M16s sit on the rack behind Benny (Luis Guzmán).

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