The Pretenders Los Simuladores
Damian Szifron
Crime Drama Comedy
No. of Seasons
No. of Episodes
Main Cast
Los Simuladores (English: The Pretenders) is an Argentine crime drama television series about a group of con artists who use their skills to deal out their own brand of justice on the behalf of common people. The series aired for two season on Argentine network Telefe between 2002 and 2004.
The following weapons were used in the television series The Pretenders (Los Simuladores):
Colt Detective Special
In the series premiere, Pablo Lamponne (Alejandro Fiore) use a Colt Detective Special during a fake store robbery.
Colt Detective Special - .38 Special
Lamponne threatens Mario Santos (
Federico D'Elia) with a ridiculous costume and a Colt Detective Special in "Tarjeta de Navidad" (S1E01).
Lamponne aims his Colt Detective Special at Cosano's head because he does not reveal what is in his briefcase. (S1E01).
Lamponne threatens to kill Cosanos's wife with the Colt Detective Special. (S1E01).
Lamponne cocks the hammer of the Colt Detective Special and aims it at Cosano. (S1E01).
Colt Python
In "Diagnóstico rectoscopico" (S1E02), one of Laguzzi's debt collectors uses a Colt Python to threaten Martín Venegas (Pasta Dioguardi). Mario Santos (Federico D'Elia) carries a Colt Python when he poses as a PFA (Policía Federal Argentina, Argentine Federal Police) officer in "El testigo español" (S1E04).
Colt Python w/ 6" barrel - .357 Magnum
Martín Venegas is threatened with the execution of him and his sons if he does not pay what he owes in "Diagnóstico rectoscópico" (S1E02).
Laguzzi, already in Venegas' store, explains what will happen to him if he does not pay up. (S1E02).
After learning that Venegas has the same blood type as Laguzzi and can therefore save his life, the thugs immediately kidnap him. (S1E02).
A close-up view of the Colt Python in "Seguro de desempleo" (S1E03).
Santos orders that Villareal be removed from the scene and placed under arrest in "El testigo español" (S1E04).
A better view of the Colt Python in the hands of Mario Santos in "El testigo español" (S1E04).
Taurus Model 605
In "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07), a bank guard uses a Taurus Model 605 to defend himself during a bank robbery. In "Episodio Final" (S2E11), the Taurus Model 605 is one of Franco Milazzo's (César Vianco) secondary handguns.
Taurus Model 605 - .357 Magnum
A close-up view of the Taurus Model 605 in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The security guard prepares himself to fire his Taurus Model 605 at the leg of one of the bank robbers in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The security guard pointing the Taurus Model 605 at the camera in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The guard takes cover during a shootout with one of the bank robbers in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The Taurus Model 605 on the ground in "Episodio Final" (S2E11).
Taurus RT 889
A bank robber (Emilio Bardi) uses a Taurus RT 889 throughout the bank robbery in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07). It is also used during a shootout with a bank security guard. It is correctly described as a six-shot revolver.
Taurus RT 889 - .38 Special
One of the bank robbers points his Taurus RT 889 at one security guard in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The Taurus RT 889 in the hands of one of the bank robbers in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
A front view of the Taurus RT 889 in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Beretta 84FS
Emiliano Ravenna (Diego Peretti) uses a Beretta 84FS in the store while acting as a PFA officer in "Tarjeta de Navidad" (S1E01).
Ravenna dressed like a PFA officer enters in the store armed with a Beretta 84FS in "Tarjeta de Navidad" (S1E01).
Another view of Ravenna aiming his Beretta 84FS at Lamponne in "Tarjeta de Navidad" (S1E01).
Browning Hi-Power
The Policía Federal Argentina uses several Browning Hi-Powers during the bank robbery. It could also be the Argentine-produced DGFM Hi-Power pistol used by the real-life PFA.
Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm Parabellum
DGFM Hi-Power - 9x19mm Parabellum
The police chief with the Browning Hi-Power arrives at the bank in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
A distant view of the Browning Hi-Power in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The police chief aims his Browning Hi-Power and yells at the bank robbers to surrender peacefully in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Beretta 92FS
Another bank robber uses a Beretta 92FS during the bank robbery in "Fuera de calculo" (S1E07), but it is never fired. Later, Neron (Jorge Alberto Gómez) plants a Beretta 92FS on the corpse of a bank robbers. In "Episodio Final" (S2E11), Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) uses a Beretta 92FS as a secondary handgun.
Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Beretta 92FS is used to threaten a bank teller in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Another view of the Beretta 92FS when the robbers arrive at the bank in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Once one of the bank robbers is shut down, Nerón (Jorge Alberto Gómez) plants a Beretta 92FS on the corpse to justify Vargas' actions in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Nerón shows the Beretta 92FS to everyone in the crime scene, exonerating Vargas in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Gabriel Medina (
Martín Seefeld) threatens Officer Vargas with a Beretta 92FS, preventing him from executing another bank robber in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Bersa Thunder 9
In "El anillo de Salomón" (S2E10), Mario Santos (Federico D'Elia) has a nightmare where Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) kills all the simulators with a Bersa Thunder 9. A FBI agent is armed with a the Bersa Thunder 9 in the same episode. In "Episodio Final" (S2E11). Bersa Thunder 9 is one of the handguns that Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) has in his gun case.
Bersa Thunder 9 - 9x19mm Parabellum
After killing Medina, Milazzo aims his Bersa Thunder 9 at Ravenna. (S2E10).
Milazzo shoots Ravenna for the second time with his Bersa Thunder 9. (S2E10).
A good side shot from the Bersa Thunder 9.
Milazzo aim his pistol at Santos after killing the other simulators. (S2E10).
Santos accepts that he will die at the hands of Milazzo, while observing the laser sight of the latter's Bersa Thunder 9. (S2E10).
A perfect front shot of the Bersa Thunder 9.
One of the FBI agents points his Bersa Thunder 9 at the camera. (S2E10).
The Bersa Thunder 9 in the gun case with the Taurus PT92AFS, Taurus PT92AF, and Taurus PT22. (S2E11).
One of the guns that Milazzo leaves on the ground is a Bersa Thunder 9. (S2E11).
The Bersa Thunder 9 on the ground. (S2E11).
Colt Double Eagle
Another of Laguzzi's debt collectors carries what appears to be a Colt Double Eagle with a blued finish in "Diagnóstico rectoscópico" (S1E02).
Colt Double Eagle w/ blued finish - 9x19mm Parabellum
Martín Venegas is threatened with the execution of him and his sons if he does not pay what he owes in "Diagnóstico rectoscópico" (S1E02).
Note the grip of the pistol which identifies it as a Colt Double Eagle. (S1E02).
Colt Gold Cup National Match
Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) uses a Colt Gold Cup National Match to threaten Hugo Maresca (Daniel Valenzuela) at the beginning of "El último héroe" (S1E09). Diego Crucitti (Lorenzo Quinteros) arms himself with a Colt Gold Cup National Match in "El colaborador foráneo" (S1E11), but never uses it.
Colt Gold Cup National Match - .45 ACP
The pistol used in the series has a ring hammer.
"Go back to the ghetto where you came from..."Milazzo points his Colt Gold Cup National Match at Maresca head in "El último héroe" (S1E09).
A good shot of the right side of Milazzo's Colt Gold Cup National Match in "El último héroe" (S1E09).
Crucitti takes out a Colt Gold Cup National Match from one of his desk drawers. (S1E11).
A close-up shot of Crucitti sticking his Colt Gold Cup National Match into his waistband. (S1E11).
In a continuity error, the Colt Colt Gold Cup National Match's slide is locked back when in the previous shot Crucitti takes it out with the slide in battery...
Note that the Colt Gold Cup National Match appears to have a beaver tail grip. (S1E11).
Colt M1911A1
One of the fake PFA officers points his Colt M1911A1 at Carlos Villareal (Osvaldo Santoro) when he finds him hiding at a gas station in "El testigo español" (S1E04). It could be also the Argentina-produced DGFM Sistema Colt Modelo 1927 pistol used by the real-life PFA.
Colt M1911A1 (Commercial Model) - .45 ACP
DGFM Sistema Colt Modelo 1927 - .45 ACP
Carlos Villareal is arrested after being found inside the gas station, being accused of being an important witness in a fake murder case in "El testigo español". (S1E04).
Heckler & Koch P7
In "Z-9000" (S2E03), the leader of the troop of fake soldiers replaces his FMAP FAL with a Heckler & Koch P7 with a two-tone finish when he arrives at a hotel room where his objective was seen.
Heckler & Koch P7 w/ two-tone finish - 9x19mm Parabellum
The leader of the soldiers leans out with his Heckler & Koch P7 towards the hotel door in "Z-9000" (S2E03).
The leader of the soldiers gives the order to his men to advance towards the room in "Z-9000" (S2E03).
The entire troop of soldiers gathers at the door of the room, waiting for their leader's order to enter in "Z-9000" (S2E03).
Heckler & Koch USP
In "Z-2000" (S2E02), the gun store owner gives Milazzo a Heckler & Koch USP with a two-tone finish at the request of the latter.
Heckler & Koch USP w/ two-tone finish - 9x19mm Parabellum
The gunsmith gives Milazzo a Heckler & Koch USP pistol... (S2E02).
...and opens the slide of the pistol and removes the magazine.
After making sure the gun was unloaded, the gunsmith hands Heckler & Koch's USP to Milazzo. (S2E02).
Milazzo grabs the Heckler & Koch USP. (S2E02).
Milazzo inspects the right side of the USP. (S2E02).
It should be noted that Milazzo requested a .40 pistol, so presumably the USP seen on screen is the variant for the .40 S&W.
Milazzo stares at his new handgun... (S2E02).
...and close the slide of the Heckler & Koch USP. (S2E02).
Norinco Type 54
During the beginning of "Los cuatro notables" (S2E01), a thief robs María Anselmi (María Marull) and her father with a Type 54 pistol.
Norinco Type 54 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The thug breaks the window of Anselmi's car to threaten her and her father with his Norinco Type 54 in the opening of "Los cuatro notables" (S2E01).
Taurus PT22
In "Episodio Final" (S2E11), Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) has a Taurus PT22 in his gun case. Milazzo seems not to have carried this pocket pistol during his mission, because he does not leave this weapon on the ground when he receives the order to do so.
The Taurus PT22 in the gun case with the Taurus PT92AFS, Taurus PT92AF, and Bersa Thunder 9 in "Episodio Final" (S2E11),
Taurus PT92AF
In the "Episodio Final" (S2E11), Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) carries a Taurus PT92AF as a secondary weapon in case one of his other pistols runs out of ammunition.
Taurus PT92AF - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Taurus PT92AF in a gun case with the Bersa Thunder 9, Taurus PT92AFS, and Taurus PT22. (S2E11).
The Taurus PT92AF on the ground. (S2E11).
A better view of the Taurus PT92AF. (S2E11).
Taurus PT92AFS
Alejandro Lampone (Alejandro Fiore) uses a Taurus PT92AFS with a silver suppressor to simulate the execution of several people in "El testigo español" (S1E04). In "El anillo de Salomón" (S2E10), Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) practice his aiming in an makeshift shooting range with a Taurus PT92AFS. Franco Milazzo (César Vianco) use a Taurus PT92AFS with laser sight to try and kill the simulators in "Episodio Final" (S2E11).
Taurus PT92AFS - 9x19mm Parabellum
Alejandro Lampone points his Taurus PT92AFS at Villarreal. (S1E04)
Lampone points his suppressed Taurus PT92AFS at Villarreal's lawyer (who is actually Emilio Ravenna) from the back in "El testigo español" (S1E04).
After cocking the slide, Milazzo begins shooting some pretenders identikits photos with his Taurus PT92AFS. (S2E10).
Milazzo listens to what Detective Molero tells him about the pretenders while continuing to practice his aim. (S2E10).
The Taurus PT92AFS in a gun case with the Bersa Thunder 9, Taurus PT92AF, and a Taurus PT22. (S2E11).
Milazzo selects the Taurus PT92AFS as his main handgun and racks the slide. (S2E11).
An excellent close-up of the pistol shows off the markings, confirming it as a PT92AFS. (S2E11).
Milazzo practices his aim with the Taurus PT92AFS while taking a shower. (S2E11).
A surprised Milazzo aims his Taurus PT92AFS at the
Simuladores. (S2E11).
In a production error, the pistol's slide locks back when Milazzo is supposed to fire once more immediately afterwards. (S2E11).
In the next scene, the slide remains locked back.
Milazzo leaves the Taurus PT92AFS on the ground. (S2E11).
Milazzo leaves all his guns on the ground on the orders of an (Fake) FBI agent. (S2E11).
The Taurus PT92AFS on the ground with the Bersa Thunder 9, Taurus PT92AF, and Taurus Model 605. (S2E11).
Unknown Pistol
When the PFA withdraws at Máximo Cozzetti's (Esteban Student) request, a nickel-plated pistol can be distinguished, possibly a nickel Colt M1911A1.
For comparison: Colt M1911A1 w/ satin-nickel finish- .45 ACP
A nickel-plated pistol with black grips in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Submachine Guns
In "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07), a police officer is seen with an FMK-3 during the bank robbery. In "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13), a police officer is briefly seen with an FMK-3. One of the fake soldiers carries an FMK-3 as a sidearm in "Z-9000" (S2E02).
FMK-3 - 9x19mm Parabellum
A police officer with an FMK-3. (S1E07).
The same police officer with his FMK-3. (S1E07).
The police officer with his inseparable FMK-3 is still there even after Cozzetti orders them back. (S1E07).
The only clear shot of the FMK-3 in the hands of the policeman during the transfer of Bruno Sontag in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13)
The soldier with the FMK-3 shoots towards the air window where "The Creature" has just escaped in "Z-9000" (S2E02).
A member of Máximo Cozzetti's militia uses an IMI Uzi as his main firearm in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07). In "Z-2000" (S2E02), one of the fake soldiers hired by los simuladores (the Pretenders) uses an IMI Uzi.
IMI Uzi - 9x19mm Parabellum
The last Cozzetti Militia member with an IMI Uzi. (S1E07).
One of the fake soldiers peeks down the hallway of room 716-7 with his IMI Uzi. (S2E02).
The soldier with his IMI Uzi guards the entrance to the room.
Note that in the previous shot the Uzi had the stock extended and now it is collapsed. (S2E02).
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Some PFA officers are armed with MP5A3s with foregrip-mounted weaponlights in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07), but their never use it. In "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13) it is used by some members of the Blue Team at the entrance to the American airport. In "Z-9000" (S2E02), an fake Argentine soldier is briefly seen using a Heckler & Koch MP5A3. In "El anillo de Salomón" (S2E10), the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with some accesories is used by an Argentinian army soldier.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 w/ stock collapsed - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Blue Team surprises Bruno Sontag and his lawyer with their MP5A3s in hand. (S1E13)
Ignore the Spanish subtitles.
The Blue Team holds the gangsters until airport security arrives to arrest them for having photos of Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler in their passports in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13).
One of the fake soldiers fires his indistinguishable Heckler & Koch MP5A3 at the complex's ventilation window in "Z-9000" (S2E02).
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 w/ forend weaponlight - 9x19mm Parabellum
A PFA officer uses an MP5A3 while the Cozzetti Militia orders them to retreat in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
A better view of the MP5A3 in "Fuera de Calculo" in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Another PFA officer uses an MP5A3 in "Fuera de Calculo" in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
One of the Argentine army soldiers accompanying the FBI agents points his Heckler & Koch MP5A3 at the camera.
MagTech MT 586
One of the bank robbers uses a MagTech MT 586 during the bank robbery in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07), but it is never fired during the entire heist. In "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13), several police officers carry a MagTech MT 586 with black furniture during the transfer of Bruno Sontag (Tony Vilas) to the Italian embassy in Argentina. In "Z-2000" (S2E02), Two MagTech MT 586 can be seen in the armory. You could also see what look like two MagTech MT 586.2PG.
MagTech MT 586P.2 w/ 19" barrel - 12 gauge
The MT 586 in the hands of one of the bank robbers in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
After the death of his mate, his comrade tries to avenge him but the other bank robber stop him in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The same bank robber threatens to execute a hostage if the area is not cleared in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The MT 586 on a table. (S1E07)
The MT 586 in a scene where Mario Santos' plan is discussed in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Another angle of the MT 586 on a table, rather inadvisably pointing directly at one of the participants in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
The policeman leaves the prison with his MagTech MT 586 in hand in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13).
The police officer is ordered to line up with his colleagues before Bruno Sontag is taken out of prison in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13).
Note that the receiver and top of the barrel indicate that it is a MagTech MT 586.
A good side shot of the MagTech MT 586 in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13).
MagTech MT 586.2PG - 12 gauge
One MagTech MT 586.2PG are seen in the armory's gun rack, along with their older brother and other shotguns (of which one with a stock stands out).
Franchi SPAS-12
In "Z-9000" (S2E02), a fake Argentine soldier is briefly seen carrying a Franchi SPAS-12 in the operation against Carlos Lorenzo (Luis Luque).
Franchi SPAS-12 w/ stock folded - 12 gauge
The fake soldier opens the door to the (fake) anomalous materials containment center with his SPAS-12 in hand. (S2E02).
Steyr AUG A1 Carbine
In "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07), another PFA officer use a Steyr AUG A1 with 16" barrel. It also is never fired.
Steyr AUG A1 carbine (Green) with 16" Barrel - 5.56x45mm
In "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07), a PFA officer uses a Steyr AUG A1 Carbine.
Steyr AUG A1 Carbine in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Colt M16A1
A Cozzetti Militia member is armed with a Colt M16A1 with A2 Foregrip in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07). In "Z-2000" (S2E02), one of the fake soldiers carries the same Colt M16A1 with A2 foregrip as a kind of service firearm. In "El anillo de Salomón" (S2E10), an FBI agent is armed with a Colt M16A1 with some accesories during the ambush where three of the pretender assistants were mistaken for members of Al Qaeda..
Colt M16A1 w/ A2 handguards - 5.56x45mm NATO
The first Cosetti Militia member exits the van and grabs a Colt M16A1. (S1E07).
Another Cozzetti Militia member presents himself to Salamanca (
Martin Adjemin). (S1E07).
Cozzetti (Esteban Student) orders his militiamen to go to the roof to function as snipers. (S1E07).
In a continuity error, Officer Vargas appears with a Colt M16A1 instead of his Heckler & Koch G3SG/1. Apparently, there was a confusion during the production because behind Vargas, one of the members of Cozzetti's militia appears with Varga's Heckler & Koch G3SG/1. (S1E07).
The soldiers advance down the hallway of room 716-7, one of them carrying a Colt M16A1. (S2E02).
Before opening the door to room 716-7, the soldier with the M16A1 points to the door. (S2E02).
The leader of the fake soldiers gives the order for his soldiers to enter the room. (S2E02).
A close-up shot of the Colt M16A1.
The FBI agent points his M16A1 directly at the camera. (S1E10).
The FBI agent insults the fake Al-Qaeda members if they understand what they are saying. (S2E10).
A close-up shot of the M16A1.
Another member of Cozzetti's Militia is armed with a scoped FMAP FAL. In "Z-9000" (S2E02), the FMAP FAL is used by a fake soldier in the complex disguised as an anomalous materials containment center.
Argentine DGFM FMAP FAL - 7.62x51mm NATO
A Cozzetti Militia member exits the van with an FMAP FAL with a scope. (S1E07).
One of Cozzetti's militia presents himself to Salamanca (
Martin Adjemin). (S1E07).
The FMAP FAL with scope is seen at the left. (S1E07).
Militia members aim their rifles at the bank, waiting for the robber. (S1E07).
The soldier guarding the place (along with his companions) points his FMAP FAL at Cozetti and Lorenzo, without knowing that they were coming towards the place in "Z-9000" (S2E02).
The soldier with a FMAP FAL shoots towards the air vent where "The Creature" has just escaped in "Z-9000" (S2E02).
Heckler & Koch G3SG/1
Salamanca's sniper use a Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 to execute a surrendering bank robber in "Fuera de Calculo" (S1E07).
Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
The Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 in a case. (S1E07).
Salamanca's sniper justified for having executed an unarmed man. (S1E07).
The best side-view of the Heckler & Koch G3SG/1. (S1E07).
The sniper puts down his Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 after receiving an order. (S1E07).
A PFA officer with an Heckler & Koch G3SG/1. (S1E07).
One of Cozzetti's men loads a magazine back in the Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 after he drops it. (S1E07).
In a place away from the other officers, Vargas aims his Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 at the bank robbers. (S1E07).
Marlin Model 336
In "Z-2000" (S2E02), a Marlin Model 336 can be briefly seen in the guns shop, but at no point is it used.
Marlin Model 336 w/ stainless steel finish - .30-30 WCF
The only clear shot of the Marlin Model 336. (S2E02)
Remington Model 1867 Rolling Block
What appears to be a Remington Model 1867 Rolling Block Carbine appears in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13) in the hands of a prison security guard. This rifle is highly antiquated for the early 2000s setting (with its last recorded use being during the First World War) and it is not elaborated why a prison guard would be using one.
Remington Model 1867 Rolling Block Carbine - .43 Spanish
The prison guard watches Ravenna and Lamponne's path with his Remington Rolling Block in his hands in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13).
Once Ravenna and Lampone arrive at the prison warden's office, the guard leaves with his Remington Rolling Block in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13).
The security guard secures Ravenna and Lampone's passage again, but now from above with his Remington Rolling Block in "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13).
Ruger Mini-14 F
In the climax of "Z-2000" (S2E02), Milazzo visits a gun store where he is introduced to a Ruger Mini-14 F with stainless steel finish.
Ruger Mini-14 F w/ 18.5" barrel and stainless steel finish - 5.56x45mm NATO
The gun shop owner pulls out the Ruger Mini-14 F from one of his gun racks. (S2E02)
The gun shop owner presents Milazzo with his Ruger Mini-14 F. (S2E02)
A close-up of the Ruger Mini-14 F left side.
Milazzo holds up the Ruger Mini-14 F before asking about a handgun. (S2E02)
Unknown Rifle
During "Un trabajo involuntario" (S1E13), a prison guard uses an unknown rifle while guiding Medina through the facility. It's probably some .22 LR rifle due to its size. Like the aforementioned Rolling Block, a .22 LR rifle would be quite an inappropriate weapon for modern law enforcement use.
The prison guard holds his unidentified rifle.
TV Guns
When Milazzo watches TV to see an advertisement for a military reality show, the latter uses clips from an unidentified film starring Chuck Norris (who can be seen throwing a grenade) and from the film Commando. In "El anillo de Salomón" (S2E10), Lampone and his dog are watching TV, where Dirty Harry is airing on a local channel.
John Matrix (
Arnold Schwarzenegger) fires his M202A1 FLASH mock-up. Somehow, he fires a rocket from the same tube as before.
The Punk (
Albert Popwell) tries to shoot Callahan with his Winchester Model 12, but he is not fast enough.
Harry Callahan:
"This is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world..."Harry Callahan (
Clint Eastwood) aim his Smith & Wesson Model 29 at a Punk (
Albert Popwell).