The Macomber Affair
Original Theatrical Poster
Directed by
Zoltan Korda
Release Date
English Swahili
Benedict Bogeaus Productions
United Artists
The Macomber Affair is a 1947 B&W adventure drama movie, a screen adaptation of the 1936 Ernest Hemingway's short story "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", directed by Zoltan Korda and starring Gregory Peck, Joan Bennett, and Robert Preston.
The following weapons were used in the film The Macomber Affair:
Sporterized M1903 Springfield
During the safari, both Francis Macomber (Robert Preston) and his guide, professional big game hunter Robert Wilson (Gregory Peck) are armed with Sporterized M1903 Springfield rifles. These rifles are correctly described as "Springfields". Three or four rifles that differ in details like the front sights are used. In the original story only Macomber uses a Springfield rifle while Wilson's gun is a "short, ugly, shockingly big-bored .505 Gibbs".
A Griffin & Howe M1903 Sporter with iron sights.
He forgets to switch the safety until Wilson reminds him.
The double trigger set of Wilson's Springfield can be seen.
Macomber takes another rifle from the native servant Abdullah (Hassan Said) when he goes to finish off a wounded lion. This is also a Springfield but, as Wilson claims, of larger caliber (it's impossible to say if this statement is correct or simply expressed, following the text of the book).
Macomber and Wilson fire at buffalos.
Macomber loads his rifle.
Macomber fires at the charging buffalo.
Macomber and Wilson hold the rifles on a promotional image.
Wilson holds the rifle on a promotional image.
Mannlicher-Schoenauer Carbine
Macomber's wife Margaret (Joan Bennett) holds a Mannlicher-Schoenauer carbine during the safari. It is called "Mannlicher", following the the original story where the rifle is described as "6.5 Mannlicher".
Mannlicher-Schoenauer Carbine
Wilson suggests Margaret to try the Mannlicher-Schoenauer carbine.
Margaret holds the carbine.
Margaret reloads the carbine when she is practicing target shooting.
Margaret fires the carbine in the climactic scene.
She drops the gun, terrified of what she had done.
Double Rifle
One more gun, used by Wilson, is a double barreled gun that is supposed to be a Double rifle rather than a shotgun, judging by the front sight and the ammunition that Wilson loads - it looks way too long for 12 gauge shells and looks more like Nitro Express cartridges.
For reference: Westley-Richards "Droplock" Double Rifle - .375 H&H Magnum
Wilson takes the double rifle from the servant Kongoni (Earl Smith) and loads it. The cartridge can be seen in his hands.
Wilson fires at a charging lion almost point blank.
Wilson checks how the double gun is cleaned.
Kongoni holds the double rifle while tracking the wounded buffalo. The front sight can be seen.
Guns in the store
Numerous hunting guns, as well as eight handguns (some guesses can be assumed but none for sure), are seen in the gun store when Macombers choose guns for the safari.
Several long guns and handguns are seen at the background. The pistol on top may be (very roughly) a
Savage 1907, the second from the top pistol resembles an
M1911, the third gun is a revolver, and the bottom gun is again a pistol.
The bottom pistol at the right can be seen better.
The rack with long guns in center, four handguns hang at the left and four at the right.
Three rifles on the table. Two of them may be Springfields, but the one in center has a straight bolt handle.
Four handguns at the left to the gun rack can be seen slightly better. The pistol on top seems to be a compact hammerless gun, like a
Colt Model 1903/1908, the third from the top handgun is possibly a
Luger P08, and two other guns are revolvers of unknown models.