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Taxi for Tobruk (Un taxi pour Tobrouk)

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Taxi for Tobruk
Un taxi pour Tobrouk
Taxi for Tobruk Poster.jpg
Cinema Poster
Country FRA.jpg France
ESP 45-77.jpg Spain
GER.jpg West Germany
Directed by Denys de La Patellière
Release Date May 9, 1961
Language French
Studio Franco London Films
Continental Film
Procusa See
Distributor Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont
Main Cast
Character Actor
Theo Dumas Lino Ventura
François Gensac Maurice Biraud
Samuel Goldmann Charles Aznavour
Jean Ramirez Germán Cobos
Ludwig von Stegel Hardy Krüger

Taxi for Tobruk is a 1961 French war drama directed by Denys de La Patellière. The story takes place in North Africa during the Second Battle of El Alamein. Four French soldiers, serving in the British Long Range Desert Group, return after the raid on a German base with a captured German officer.

The following weapons were used in the film Taxi for Tobruk (Un taxi pour Tobrouk):

Submachine Guns

Sten Mk. II

All four Frenchmen use Sten Mk II SMGs.

Sten Mark II (Canadian) - 9x19mm
Jean Ramirez (Germán Cobos) carries two Stens while Theo Dumas (Lino Ventura) carries his Sten and Gensac's rifle.
Ramirez holds a Sten.
Theo Dumas and Samuel Goldmann (Charles Aznavour) carry Stens.
Ramirez, Dumas and Goldman with Stens in ambush.
Goldman aims.
A Sten is seen next to François Gensac (Maurice Biraud).
Dumas with Sten.
Ramirez cleans his Sten.

MP 38/MP 40

Capt. Ludwig von Stegel (Hardy Krüger) uses an MP 38. In several scenes, German soldiers are also seen with SMGs that can be MP 40s or MP 38s.

MP 38 - 9x19mm Parabellum
MP 40 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Jean Ramirez (Germán Cobos) examines a captured MP at the background.
Theo Dumas (Lino Ventura) holds an MP while pretending to be a German soldier.
German soldiers with MP 40s guard British POWs.
A German soldier at the right holds an MP 40.
Ludwig von Stegel holds his MP.
Longitudinal grooving on the receiver allows to identify this SMG as MP 38.
Note a strange position of the under barrel rod.


Mauser Model 1943

In several scenes, François Gensac (Maurice Biraud) is armed with a M43 Spanish Mauser rifle (the movie was filmed in Spain). M43s, standing in for Karabiner 98k, are also carried by German soldiers.

Mosquetón Mauser Coruña modelo 1943 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Theo Dumas (Lino Ventura) carries his Sten and Gensac's rifle.
A good view of the business end of the rifle.
François Gensac in ambush.
Straight bolt handles of two rifles are seen.
A German soldier next to the door of the depot holds a Mauser rifle.

Unidentified rifles

In one scene unidentified rifles are seen in hands of German soldiers, guarding British POWs. Judging by the handguards, extending up to the muzzle, and the "ears" on the front sight, seen on one of these rifles, Spanish Mauser 1895 Carbine seems to be a possible guess.

Carabina Mauser Modelo 1895 - 7x57mm Mauser
Two soldiers, sitting on a armored vehicle at the left, holds carbines, possibly Spanish 1895 model.

Machine Guns

Maxim MG08

A Maxim MG08, standing for British Vickers, is mounted on the LRDG jeep (according to our colleagues from IMCDB, it's a Dodge 1 1/2-Ton).

Maxim MG 08 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Jean Ramirez (Germán Cobos) fires the machine gun during the night attack.
Ramirez fires at the German plane. Note the inscription on the ammo box: "250 CAL .30" that doesn't match the caliber of MG08.
A view of the machine gun on pivot mounting.

MG 42

An MG42 is mounted on a German jeep, captured by Frenchmen.

MG 42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
MG42 is mounted on the car.
Jean Ramirez (Germán Cobos) aims the MG42.
Another view of the machine gun.

Browning M1919A5

Browning M1919A5 machine guns are seen mounted on M8 Greyhound armoured cars and M4 Sherman tanks.

Browning M1919A5 - .30-06 Springfield
A coaxial M1919 is seen on Greyhound.
M1919 machine guns are mounted on Sherman tanks.

Browning M2HB

Browning M2HB machine guns are seen mounted on M8 Greyhound armoured cars and M4 Sherman and M24 Chaffee tanks.

Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG
An M2HB is mounted on Greyhound.
M4 tank on post-war military parade in Paris.
M24 tanks on post-war military parade in Paris.


Hispano Aviación HA-1112

A Hispano Aviación HA-1112 fighter plane, the Spanish post-war version of Messerschmitt Bf 109 stands for Bf 109 in one scene (like in many other WW2 Spanish filmed movies). The Spanish plane is armed with two 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 guns.

Un taxi pour Tobrouk-HA1112.jpg

M8 Greyhound

Two M8 Greyhound armored cars appear in one scene. They are armed with 37 mm Gun M6, a coaxial Browning M1919A5, and a Browning M2HB over the turret.

Two Greyhounds in desert.
A close view of the turret.

M4 Sherman

M4 Sherman tanks of several modifications are seen in the final scene of a post-war military parade.

Un taxi pour Tobrouk-Sherman-1.jpg
Un taxi pour Tobrouk-Sherman-2.jpg

M24 Chaffee

M24 Chaffee tanks are seen in the final scene of the post-war military parade.

Un taxi pour Tobrouk-Chaffee.jpg


AMX-13 tanks are seen in the final scene of the post-war military parade.

Un taxi pour Tobrouk-AMX13.jpg

Panzer I

A German Panzer I light tank is seen in one scene. It is armed with two MG 34 machine guns (though the MGs themselves aren't seen on screen).

A Pz. I is seen at the right.


Several T-26 light tanks are seen in one scene. They are Soviet tanks, supplied for Republican Spain and used by the Spanish army for a long time. In the movie, they stand in for German tanks. The main gun of T-26 is a 45mm 20-К gun, a close relative of 45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K).

Two T-26s are seen at the left.
A turret of T-26 is seen at the left.

Fake Self-Propelled Gun

In one scene a fake German SPG is seen. It is mounted on a tractor chassis.

The vehicle is seen at the right.

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