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Shoot Out

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Shoot Out
Movie poster
Country Flag of the United States.jpg United States
Directed by Henry Hathaway
Release Date 1971
Language English
Studio Universal Pictures
Distributor Universal Pictures
Main Cast
Character Actor
Clay Lomax Gregory Peck
Decky Ortega Dawn Lyn
Bobby Jay Jones Robert F. Lyons
Trooper Jeff Corey
Sam Foley James Gregory
Skeeter John Davis Chandler
Pepe Pepe Serna
Brakeman Paul Fix

Shoot Out is a 1971 western film directed by Henry Hathaway on based Will James's novel about a bank robber, who returns after years of prison and wants deal his "bills". But a fate stands before him the one unexpected obstacle - a little girl who seems to be his daughter. Starring Gregory Peck and Dawn Lyn.

The following firearms were used in the film Shoot Out:

Single Action Army

Many characters, including Clay Lomax (Gregory Peck), carry various types of Single Action Army revolvers.

Colt Single Action Army w/ 5.5" barrel known as the "Artillery" model. The most common of the SAA revolvers as it is just the right length. - .45 Long Colt
Bobby Jay Jones (Robert F. Lyons) and Skeeter (right).
Skeeter (John Davis Chandler) draws his revolver on Trooper (Jeff Corey).
Bobby Jay Jones and Pepe (Pepe Serna) (right).
Colt Single Action Army w/ 4.75" barrel, case colored and blued, referred to as "Quick-Draw" or "Civilian" model.
Sam Foley (James Gregory) has a gun hidden in his safe.
Clay Lomax draws his gun on Bobby Jay Jones.

Remington Double Derringer

The Remington Double Derringer pocket pistol also appears in the film.

Remington Double Derringer - .41 R.F. Caliber. 4th model - Blued with black grips.
Decky Ortega (Dawn Lyn) finds a pocket pistol under her pillow .
Decky quietly hands the gun to her father Clay Lomax (Gregory Peck).
Bobby Jay Jones (Robert F. Lyons) holds the confiscated gun in his hand.

Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine

Skeeter (John Davis Chandler) is armed with a Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine. Clay Lomax (Gregory Peck) seizes this weapon.

Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.

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