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Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45

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Work In Progress

This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45 for current discussions. Content is subject to change.

Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45
Loading Screen
Release Date: June 6, 2008
Developer: Jackboot Games
Publisher: Steam (online)
Series: Red Orchestra
Platforms: Microsoft Windows
Genre: Tactical first-person shooter

Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45 is a popular and critically-acclaimed game mod for Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 which is gamplay is known for its focus on realism. A free DLC, Darkest Hour transforms the action from the Eastern Front to the European Theatre of Operations (ETO), adding new features such as:

1) New Armies and Campaigns: Players can control American, British, and Canadian soldiers battling across Normandy, jumping into occupied Holland and holding the line against the German counterattack in Belgium.

2) New Weapons and Vehicles: Over a dozen new weapons and vehicles can be used, including several new Wehrmacht weapons.

3) More Classes: Players can call in artillery from the front lines with the help of Artillery Officers and Radio Telephone Operators (RTO's), and deploy playable mortars for fire support.

4) New Gameplay Features: Players under fire can hear supersonic ballistic cracks, suffer dehabilitating bullet suppression, be temporarily dazed by artillery and explosions, suffer wounds specific to body parts (i.e, getting shot in the legs impedes movement), mantle walls and, in some maps, parachute in from the skies.

In addition, Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45 has an active modding community that is constantly adding new features, maps, vehicles, and weapons to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging. With the November 2016 update 7.1 release, for example, the Eastern Front Theater was also introduced. Several later updates also made various weapons available for both sides.

The following weapons appear in the video game Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45:

Allied Weapons


Colt M1911A1

The Colt M1911A1 is the main sidearm for the US faction in-game. It is carried by Sergeants, Snipers, Support Gunners, Machine Gunners, Artillery Officers, Anti-tank soldiers Riflemen, and Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commanders and Crewmen. Some maps allow for all the classes to carry a back-up .45.

Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
The Colt M1911A1 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the M1911A1 ironsights.
The melee in action.
Loading a new magazine into the .45.

Enfield No. 2 Mk. I*

The Enfield No. 2 Mk I* appears in-game as the sidearm for British and Canadian troops, carried by Corporals, Snipers, Machine Gunners, Artillery Officers, Tank Hunters, and Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commanders and Crewmen. Some maps allow for all the classes to carry the revolver as a back-up weapon.

Enfield No. 2 Mark I* - .38 S&W
The Enfield No.2 Mk.1* in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Looking down the sights.
"Pistol-Whipping" with the butt.
Reloading a new cylinder.

Nagant M1895

The Nagant M1895 is the standard issue sidearm for the Soviet Anti-Tank Soldier, Machine Gunner, Sniper, and Tank Crewman classes. The Squad Leader can also equip the Nagant M1895 as his secondary weapon. A suppressed variant was added with the October 2022 v11.0.2 update and is playable on the Halloween Haunted maps.

Nagant M1895 - 7.62x38mmR
The "Nagant M1895" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
After the player character takes the Nagant in his left hand, he is about to open the loading gate.
Ejecting a spent casing.
Loading in a new 7.62x38mmR round.
Closing the gate.
Nagant M1895 with Bramit suppressor (modern replica) - 7.62x38R Nagant
The "Nagant M1895 (BraMit)" in-game.
A good profile view of the right side during reloading.

Tokarev TT-33

The Tokarev TT-33 is the second available sidearm for the Red Army in the game. It is the default secondary armament for the Fireteam Leader and Squad Leader classes but can also be chosen for the Anti-Tank Soldier.

Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The "TT-33" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Meleeing with the empty Tokarev offers a view of the chamber.
Pressing the magazine release button.
Pushing in a full magazine...
...and let the slide glide forwards.


Winchester Model 1897

The Winchester Model 1897 is available for the US Pioneer class.

Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" - 12 gauge
The "Winchester Model 1897" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Pumping the action.
Reloading the Winchester with loose rounds.
Finishing off the reload by pumping the action.

Submachine Guns

Korovin PPK-41

The Korovin PPK-41 was added with the 2020 v9.5.0 update and is available for the Soviet Anti-Tank Soldier class.

Korovin PPK-41 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The "Korovin 1941" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Taking the empty magazine...
...and replacing it with a full one.
Giving the new mag a punch.
Pulling the charging handle. The reload animation is reused from the PPS-43.

M1A1 Thompson

The M1A1 Thompson is the main submachine gun for the US faction in-game and a secondary for the British and Canadian factions. It is carried by Sergeants, British and Canadian Corporals, Lance Corporals, and Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commanders. It fires from a 20-round magazine and can switch between semi-automatic or full-automatic.

M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
The M1A1 Thompson in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Looking down the ironsights.
Meeleing with the butt.
Loading a new magazine.

M3A1 "Grease Gun"

The M3A1 "Grease Gun" appears in-game as a secondary submachine gun for the US faction. It often appears as an alternative to the M1A1 Thompson or the M1 Carbine. It can be carried by Sergeants, Anti-Tank soldiers, Combat Engineers, RTO's and Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commanders.

M3A1 "Grease Gun" - .45 ACP
The M3A1 "Grease Gun" in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Looking through the iron sights.
The melee in action.
Loading a new magazine. Note the .45 ACP rounds.

M1928A1 Thompson

The M1928A1 Thompson was added with the 2020 update v9.5.0 and comes with a 20, 30, and 50-round magazine. Each variant can be switched between full and semi-automatic and has a mounted cutts compensator. In contrast to many other video games including the other Red Orchestra mod Mare Nostrum, the charging handle is never pulled back during reloading but remains in place due to its automatic bolt hold-open mechanism. However, this only applies to the 20 and 30 variants.

It is usable for American, British, and Soviet classes in the game.

M1928A1 Thompson with 20-round magazine - .45 ACP
The "M1928A1 Thompson (20rd)" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Removing the used magazine which however still contains .45 ACP rounds.
Loading in a new 20-round magazine.
Using the buttstock during the melee attack.
M1928A1 Thompson with 30-round magazine - .45 ACP
The "M1928A1 Thompson (30rd)" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Getting rid of the (now) empty magazine.
Brandishing the Thompson...
...and loading in a new 30-round magazine.
Switching the fire mode.
M1928A1 Thompson with 50-round drum magazine - .45 ACP
The "M1928A1 Thompson (50rd)" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Swinging the Thompson offers a view of the drum magazine.
Pulling the charging handle at the start of a reload.
Loading in a full 50-round drum magazine.


The Soviet Assault Trooper and Combat Engineer class can use the PPD-40 on early war maps.

PPD-40 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The "PPD-40" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Grapping the empty drum magazine,...
...seating a new one,...
...and mashing it in with force.
Pulling the charging handle.


The Soviet Assault Trooper, Fireteam Leader, Squad Leader, and Tank Crewman classes can also choose the PPS-43.

PPS-43 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The "PPS-43" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Using the folding stock during a melee attack.
Taking away of the empty magazine.
Inserting a new one...
...which is punched in.
Charging the PPS-43.


The PPSh-41 was first available with a 71-round drum magazine from the base game and is playable for the Assault Trooper, Fireteam Leader. Another variant with the 35-round stick magazine is available with the 2020 v9.5.0 update which is chosable for the Fireteam Leader and Squad Leader classes.

Shpagin PPSh-41 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The "PPSh-41 (35rd)" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Releasing the magazine....
...and removing it.
About to load in a full one.
Cocking the action.
PPSh-41 with 71-round drum magazine - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
The "PPSh-41" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Engaging the magazine release.
Taking the used drum magazine.
Dropping in the new mag.
Giving the mag a slap.
Pulling the charging handle.

Sten Mk. II

The Sten Mk II is the main submachine gun for the British and Canadian factions. It can be switched between semi-automatic and full-automatic. It is carried by Corporals, Lance Corporals, Tank Hunters, and Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commanders.

Sten Mark II - 9x19mm
The Sten Mk II in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming with the ironsights.
The Melee in action.
Loading a new magazine.

Sten Mk. III

Some British classes have access to the Sten Mk III. It was added in the October 2021 v10.1.0 update and has the same animation like the Mark II.

Sten Mark III - 9x19mm
The "Sten MkIII" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Melee attacking the air.
Pressing the mag release...
...to free the empty magazine.
Inserting a full one.
Pulling the charging handle.

Sten Mk. V

The Sten Mk V is issued to British paratroopers. Like the Mark III, the Mark V was also added with the v10.1.0 update in October 2021.

Sten Mark V - 9x19mm
The "Sten Mk.V" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Brandishing the Mark V offers a view of the wooden pistol grip and stock.
Engaging the mag release.
Loading a fresh magazine.
Unlike to the Mark II and II, the Mark V is charged with the left hand.


Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I

The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I is the main weapon for the British and Canadian factions. It can be fitted with a "pigsticker" bayonet. It is carried by the Rifleman, Combat Engineer, Artillery Officer, RTO, Mortar Observer and Mortar Operator classes.

Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mark I - .303 British
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Looking down the iron sights.
The melee in action.
Working the bolt.
Loading a new stripper clip.
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mark I with No. 4 spike bayonet - .303 British
Fixing the "pigsticker" bayonet.

Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T)

The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T) is used by the British and Canadian Sniper class, fitted with a No. 32 Mk. I scope.

Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mark I (T) with No. 32 Mk. I scope - .303 British
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T), fitted with a No.32 Mk.I scope, in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Looking through the scope.
The melee in action.
Chambering the new round.
Loading a new .303 British round into the chamber.

M1 Carbine

The M1 Carbine is also used by the US faction. It is mainly issued to the Ant-Tank Soldier, Combat Engineer, and Mortar Operator classes, and some maps allow it as an alternative weapon for the Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commander, Rifleman, and RTO classes. Note that the animation includes the twin-magazine pouch on the buttstock.

M1 Carbine - .30 Carbine
The M1 Carbine in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the ironsights.
The melee in action.
Loading a new magazine.

M1A1 Carbine

The M1A1 Carbine is used by American Paratrooper classes.

M1A1 'Paratrooper' Carbine - .30 Carbine
Unfolding the stock while drawing an "M1A1 Carbine" in-game.
Holding the 'Paratrooper' Carbine.
Aiming down the sights.
Meeleeing with the 'Paratrooper' Carbine reveals that the animations do not fully match the weapon.
Removing the drained mag.
Slamming in a new mag.
Working the charging handle.

M1/T17 Automatic Carbine

The T17 Automatic converted selective-fire version of the M1 Carbine was added to the game with the January 2021 update v9.10 for the late-war American Corporal class.

The "M1/T17 Automatic Carbine" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Switching the fire mode to semi-automatic.
Changing the magazines.
Releasing the charging handle.

M1 Garand

The M1 Garand is the main battle rifle of the US in-game. It can be fitted with an M7 bayonet. It is the standard weapon of the Corporal, Rifleman, Artillery Officer, RTO, and Mortar Observer classes.

M1 Garand - .30-06 Springfield
The M1 Garand in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Looking down the ironsights.
Meeleeing with the weapon.
Loading a new en-bloc clip.
M1 Garand with M7 bayonet - .30-06
Fixing the M7 bayonet to the barrel.

M1903A1 Springfield

The M1903A1 Springfield was added with the July 2020 v9.8.0 update and is used by the Rifleman and Pioneer class.

M1903A1 Springfield - .30-06 Springfield
The "Springfield M1903A1" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Cycling the bolt handle.
Topping off the chamber with a five round stripper clip.
Slamming the bolt forward.
Bringing in backup rounds.
Springfield M1903 with M1905 bayonet - .30-06 Springfield
Affixing an M1 10-inch bayonet.

M1903A4 Springfield

The M1903A4 Springfield, fitted with an M84 scope, is used by the US faction Sniper class.

M1903A4 Springfield with M84 scope - .30-06 Springfield
An M1903A4 Springfield fitted with an M84 scope in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Looking through the scope. Note that, unlike most games, the scope view is limited: a consequence of not being able to completely press the scope against the eye on account of the buttstock.
The melee in action.
Working the bolt.
Loading a new .30-06 round.

Mosin Nagant M91/30

With the release of the 7.1 update in November 2016, the infantry and sniper-exclusive PU-scoped variants of the Mosin Nagant M91/30 were made available for many Red Army classes, including the Combat Engineer and Rifleman classes. The v11.0.2 update introduced another sniper variant with the PE scope, which is in contrast to the PU-scoped variant playable for the early war maps.

Mosin Nagant M91/30 - 7.62x54mmR
The "Mosin M91/30" in-game. Like in the base game, it is modeled with a pre-1936 "hex" receiver.
Aiming down the sights.
Reloading with loose rounds.
Ejecting a spent casing operating the straight bolt handle.
Bringing out a full five-round stripper clip.
Reloading the 7.62x54mmR rounds.
Mosin Nagant M91/30 with spike bayonet - 7.62x54mmR
Affixing the spike bayonet.
Mosin Nagant M1891/30 with PE scope - 7.62x54mmR
The "Mosin M91/30 (PE)" in-game.
Looking through the PE scope.
Cycling the down turned bolt handle.
Reloading a few loose rounds.
Mosin Nagant M91/30 with PU 3.5x sniper scope and down turned bolt handle - 7.62x54mmR
The "Mosin M91/30 (PU)" in-game.
Looking through the PU scope.

Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine

The Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine is used by the Soviet Combat Engineer, Radio Operator, and Rifleman classes. The Anti-Tank soldier can also select it on some maps. Since it is transformed from the base game, it retains the hex receiver which was taken from already-produced pre-1936 stocks and fitted to the M38 carbines.

Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine - 7.62x54mmR
The "Mosin M38" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
A view of the empty chamber and the hex receiver at the start of a reload.
Seperating the five 7.62x54mmR rounds from the stripper clip.
Sending the bolt handle home.

Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine

The Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine can be chosen with the Soviet Combat Engineer, Radio Operator, and Rifleman class. It can also be equipped for the Anti-Tank Soldier class on late-war maps. The M44 Carbine is the only Mosin Nagant with a rounded receiver.

Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine - 7.62x54mmR
The "Mosin M44" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Performing a bayonet charge.
About to drop in a fresh load of 7.62x54mmR rounds.
Loading a single round.


The Soviet Anti-Tank Soldier class has access to the PTRD-41. The Combat Engineer can also use PTRD-41 on late-war maps. Some PTRDs can be picked up on the map "Frühlingserwachen".

PTRD-41 - 14.5x114mm
Carrying the "PTRD-41 Anti-Tank Rifle" in-game.
Aiming down the sights while deployed on a stone wall.
Sliding in a new 14.5x114mm round.
Closing the chamber.

Tokarev AVT-40

The fully automatic version of the SVT-40, the Tokarev AVT-40 was added to the game with the December 2019 update v9.4.0 for the Sergeant and Squad Leader classes. Using the SVT's animations, it can be switched between semi-automatic and full-automatic and holds ten rounds in its magazine.

Tokarev AVT-40 with 15-round magazine - 7.62x54mmR
The "AVT-40" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Firing the AVT-40 shows the cycling of the action.
Inserting a fresh mag.
Yanking the open-bolt charging handle.

Tokarev SVT-38

The Tokarev SVT-38 was brought into the game with the October 2020 v9.9.0 update and is carried by the Soviet Fireteam Leader and Squad Leader. The empty reload animation is reused from the Gewehr 41 (W).

Tokarev SVT-38 - 7.62x54mmR
The "SVT-38" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Bashing the air with the buttstock.
After opening the chamber, the player character gets the first five-round stripper clip.
Seperating the 7.62x54mmR rounds from the clip.
Pushing in the second five rounds.
Working the charging handle. Note the empty stripper clip in his hand.
The tactical reload is done by removing the magazine and filling it with loose rounds.

Tokarev SVT-40

The Soviet Fireteam Leader and Squad Leader classes can use the Tokarev SVT-40. The SVT-40 with a PU sniper scope is available for the Sniper class.

Tokarev SVT-40 - 7.62x54mmR
The "SVT-40" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Taking out a magazine.
Reloading a full ten-round magazine.
Charging Tokarev SVT-40.
Tokarev SVT-40 with PU sniper scope - 7.62x54mmR
The "SVT-40 (PU)" in-game.
Looking through the PU sniper scope.
Patting the just-inserted magazine during a non-empty reload.
Brandishing the scoped SVT-40.

Machine Guns

Browning M1919A4

The Browning M1919A4 appeared in-game, used by the US, British, and Canadian faction Machine Gunner classes. Oddly enough, it is fitted with a deployable bipod despite the real-life M1919A4 using an M2 tripod.

Browning M1919A4 - .30-06 Springfield
The deployed Browning M1919A4 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Reloading the M1919A4.

Browning M1919A6

Added with the February 11.4 update, the Browning M1919A6 replaced the M1919A4 for the Western Allied Machine Gunner classes.

Browning M1919A6 - .30-06 Springfield
Holding the "Browning Cal 30 MG" in-game.
Hip-aiming the Browing.
Using the sights while deployed.
Opening the top cover.
Placing a new belt of .30-06 rounds.
Closing the feed cover...
...followed by pulling the charging handle.

Bren Mk. I

The Bren Mk. I appears in-game as the squad machine gun for the British and Canadian armies. It can be fired from the hip, or deployed on a bipod.

Bren Mark I - .303 British
The Bren Mk. I in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.
Loading a new magazine.
The Bren, deployed.
Reloading the deployed Bren.

Degtyaryov DP-27

The Degtyaryov DP-27 is the standard light machine gun for the Red Army in the game.

Degtyarev DP-27 - 7.62x54mmR
Holding the "DP-27" in-game.
Using the sights while deployed.
Firing the Degtyaryov; the pan magazine actually moves which can be recognized by the position of the D-ring on the right edge.
Knocking out a spent pan magazine.
Getting a new one in position.
Bashing the magazine.
Charging the DP-27.

Degtyaryov DT-29

The Degtyaryov DT-29 was introduced as a man-portable light machine gun with the release of the August 2023 v11.5.0 update.

Degtyaryov DT-29 - 7.62x54mmR
Holding the "DT-29" in-game.
Using the sights while deployed.
Removing the empty magazine.
Replacing it with a new one.
Driving the magazine down
Pulling the charging handle.

M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle

The M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle is used by the US faction Squad Machine Gunner class. It can be fired from the hip, or deployed on a bipod with rear leaf sights for stable firing. The player can also choose to fire at a controlled 450 rpm, or at the full 600 rpm.

M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle - .30-06 Springfield
The M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the iron sights.
Melee combat.
Reloading. Note the rounds in the new magazine.
The M1918A2, deployed.
Chambering a new magazine whilst deployed. Note the ejected brass near the weapon.


M1A1 Bazooka

The M1A1 Bazooka is used as an anti-tank weapon by the US faction. Note that, in the game, it is possible for rocket launchers to be reloaded either by the user or a teammate.

M1A1 Bazooka - 2.36 inch
The M1A1 Bazooka in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.
Loading a new rocket.

M9A1 Bazooka

The M9A1 Bazooka is the standard anti-tank launcher for the late-war US Army. It was added with the September 2022 update v11.0.0 "Tank Hunters".

M9A1 "Bazooka" - 2.36 inch
The "M9A1 Bazooka" in-game.
Looking through the optic.
Shoving in a 2.36 inch rocket.
Note the connected warhead to the battery.

M2 Mortar

The M2 Mortar is used by Allied Mortarmen in-game. It fires High-Explosive and White-Phosphorus smoke rounds.

M2 Mortar - 60mm
A deployed M2 Mortar in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Firing the M2 Mortar.


The PIAT is used by the British and Canadian faction Tank Hunters.

PIAT - 3.25 inch
The PIAT in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming the PIAT.


F-1 Hand Grenade

The F-1 Hand Grenade is the standard grenade used by the Soviet forces in-game.

F-1 Hand Grenade
Holding an "F1 Grenade" in-game.
Pulling the pin.

M15 Smoke Grenade

The M15 Smoke Grenade replaced the following M18 smoke grenade for the American and British classes. It comes in two variants: red and white.

Holding an "M15 Smoke Grenade"

M18 Smoke Grenade

The M18 smoke grenade is used by the Allied faction. Oddly enough, it is referred to as the M15 in-game. It comes in White, Red and Purple.

M18 Smoke Grenade
The M18 Smoke Grenade in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
The M18 in mid-air.

Mk 2 Hand Grenade

The Mk 2 hand grenade is used by the Allied faction.

Mk 2 Hand Grenade
A Mk 2 Hand Grenade in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
A live Mk 2.

RDG-1 Smoke Grenade

The Combat Engineer, Fireteam Leader, and Squad Leader classes are equipped with the RDG-1 smoke grenade.

RDG-1 smoke grenade diagram
Holding an "RDG-1 Smoke Grenade" in-game.
Readying the smoke grenade by opening the top cover.


The RPG-43 Anti-tank Grenade is available for the Soviet Anit-Tank Soldier and Combat Engineer classes. It also appears on the map "Frühlingserwachen" as pickup equipment.

RPG-43 anti-tank grenade
The "RPG-43 Anti-Tank Grenade" in-game.
Pulling the pin.

Mounted Weapons

40 mm Bofors

The Bofors 40mm is the buildable anti-aircraft gun for the British faction in the game. It can fire Armor-Piercing (AP) and High Explosive Cartridge (HE-T) shells despite having no feed source; the cartridge clips are not modeled. In addition, four Bofors in wheeled trailer mountings are stationed in the center park on the Kharkov maps; the only scenario where the Red Army can use anti-aircraft guns in the game.

Bofors L/60 - 40x311mmR
The "Bofors 49mm gun" in-game.

45 mm M1937 (53-K)

The standard anti-tank gun for the Red Army is the 45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K) which fires Armor-Piercing, Ballistic Cap (APBC), and High Explosive (HE) shells. The M1937 (53-K) can be used on some maps set in Stalingrad.

M1937 (53-K) - 45mm (1.77 in)
The "45mm 53-K (1937) AT gun" in-game.

45 mm M1942 (M-42)

The 45 mm anti-tank gun M1942 (M-42) can be used on the Kharkov maps. In addition to the APBC and HE shells, it can also fire Armor-Piercing, Composite Rigid (APCR) ammunition.

M1942 (M-42) - 45x386mmSR
The "45mm M-42 AT gun" in-game.

57 mm M1941 (ZiS-2)

The 57 mm anti-tank gun M1941 (ZiS-2) is very limited seen on maps set in 1941 to 1943.

M1941 (ZiS-2) - 57x480mmR
The "57mm ZiS-2 AT gun" in-game.

76 mm M1927 Regimental Gun

The 76 mm regimental gun M1927 is the buildable light howitzer for the Soviet Army in the game after the October 2021 update v10.0.0.

Regimental Gun M1927 - 76.2x385mmR
The "76 mm regimental gun M1927" in-game.
A view of the moving barrel...
..and the opened breech.

76 mm M1942 (ZiS-3)

The 76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) is the most usable artillery piece for the Red Army.

M1942 (ZiS-3) - 76.2x385mmR

3-inch Gun M5

The 3-inch Gun M5 is the American buildable heavy anti-tank gun in-game which can fire Armour-piercing, capped, ballistic capped shell (APCBC) and HE rounds.

The "3-inch Gun M5" in-game.

Besa Machine Gun

The Besa Machine Gun is mounted coaxially and at the Radio Operator's seat on the Cromwell Mk IV.

Besa Mark II - 7.92×57mm Mauser
The Besa Machine Gun mounted coaxially and at the Radio Operator's seat on the Cromwell Mk IV in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.

Bren Mk. I

The Bren Mk. I is also mounted in the bow of the Universal Carrier.

Bren Mark I - .303 British
The Bren Mk. I, mounted in the Universal Carrier.

Browning M2HB

The Browning M2HB is mounted on American vehicles like the M3A1 Half-truck. The M45 Quadmount, on the other hand, is the standard American buildable anti-aircraft gun and is also mounted on the M16 half-track vehicle. Both configurations have two reserve magazines.

Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
Browning M2HBs in M45 Quadmount on M55 Trailer Mount - .50 BMG
The "M45 Quadmount" in-game.

Browning M1919A4

The Browning M1919A4 is also mounted on the turret of the LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) and the M3A1 Halftrack, and pintle-mounted on the M8 Greyhound, M5A1 Stuart and the Mk II, M4A1 and M4A3 Sherman tanks.

Browning M1919A4 - .30-06 Springfield
The Browning M1919A4 mounted on the turret of the LCVP.
Reloading the LCVP M1919A4.
The Browning M1919A4 mounted on the turret of the M3A1 Halftrack.
The Browning M1919A4 mounted coaxially on the M8 Greyhound.
The Browning M1919A4 mounted coaxially and at the Radio Operator's seat on the M5A1 Stuart.
The Browning M1919A4 mounted coaxially and at the Radio Operator's seat on the Sherman Mk II.
The Browning M1919A4 mounted at the Radio Operator's seat on the M4 Sherman. The coaxial MG is not visible in this screencap.

Degtyaryov DT-29

A variant of the DP-27 designed for vehicle use, the Degtyaryov DT-29 is mounted on various Russian vehicles like the T-34 medium tank.

Degtyaryov DT-29 - 7.62x54mmR

M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun

M1 Anti-Tank Gun - 57x441mmR

M116 75 mm Pack Howitzer

The M116 75 mm Pack Howitzer is the support gun for the American and British factions in the game. Added with the October 2021 update v10.0.0, it is able to fire HE and High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) shells.

M116 “Pack” howitzer - 75x272mmR
The "75mm Pack Howitzer M1" in-game.

Ordnance QF 6-pounder

The Ordnance QF 6-pounder standard anti-tank gun for the British Army in the game. is stationed on maps at British defense points on the map "Arnhem Bridge".

Ordnance QF 6-pounder - 57x441mmR
The "6-pounder Mark IV" in-game.

Ordnance QF 17-pounder

The British heavy anti-tank gun in-game is the Ordnance QF 17-pounder which can be built by the Pioneer and Sergeant classes. Like its American counterpart, it uses APCBC and HE rounds.

Ordnance QF 17-pounder - 76.2x583mmR

German Weapons


Browning Hi-Power

The 2020 v9.5.0 update added the Browning Hi-Power for the German Corporal, Gruppenführer, and Sniper classes. Despite being issued to the German faction, the in-game pistol is called "Browning Hi-Power" instead of its German military designation "Pistole 640(b)". It uses the reload animation from the Walther P38.

Commercial Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm
Cocking the hammer while equipping the pistol.
The "Browning Hi-Power" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Ejecting the spent mag.
Pressing a fresh one in.
Letting the slide forward.

Kongsberg M/1914

The Norwegian variant of the Colt M1911, the Kongsberg m/1914, is an available sidearm for the Gruppenführer, MG-Schütze, and Scharfschütze class for late war maps. It was released with the v9.10 update in January 2021 and being related to the M1911 it shares the same animations with it.

Kongsberg M/1914 - .45 ACP
The "Kongsberg Colten M/1914" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Extracting the empty magazine.
Inserting a fresh magazine offers a view of the grip with the two diamonds.
Thumbing the slide release.

Luger P08

The Luger P08 appears in-game as a secondary sidearm for the German faction. It is carried by Squad and Fireteam Leaders, Snipers, Machine Gunners, Artillery Officers, Anti-tank Hunters, and Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commanders and Crewmen.

Luger P08 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Luger P08 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the Luger sights.
Charging a new magazine.

Mauser C96

The Mauser C96 was added with the 2020 v9.5.0 update and can only be reloaded when it shot empty. It is usable for the Officer, Machine Gunner, and Tank Crewmember classes.

Mauser C96 "Pre-War Commercial" - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Cocking the hammer back while drawing the C96.
The "Mauser C96" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Meleeing with the empty Mauser.
Grabbing a new ten round stripper clip.
Thumbing the 7.63x25mm Mauser rounds into the magazine.
After pulling out the clip the C96 is chambered.

Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer

The Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer appears in-game as a secondary weapon for Tank/Reconnaissance Vehicle Commanders, firing at both semi and full-automatic. It is fitted with a broom handle stock.

Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer - 7.63x25mm Mauser
A Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.
Melee with the stock.
Loading a new magazine.

Wz. 35 Vis

The 2020 v9.5.0 update added the Polish Wz. 35 Vis for German officer classes. Like the Hi-Power, it is called by its Polish military designation "ViS wz.35" rather than the German "Pistole P35(p)". It uses the animations from the M1911A1.

Wz. 35 Vis - 9x19mm
The "ViS wz.35" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Hurling with the pistol to attack the air.
Getting rid of the empty magazine.
Sliding in a new one.
Releasing the slide.

Walther P38

The Walther P38 is the main sidearm of the German faction. It can be chosen over the Luger P08 by the same classes.

Walther P38 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Walther P38 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.

Submachine Guns

Beretta Model 38A

The Beretta Model 38A was added with the 2020 v9.5.0 update and is currently issued to the German Corporal, Sturmpionier, and Stosstrupp classes but will certainly also be available for the Royal Italian Army, which has been confirmed as a playable faction. The in-game model appears to be reused and refinished from the Red Orchestra mod Mare Nostrum but with new animations for handling and reloading.

Beretta Model 38A - 9x19mm
The "MAB 38" in-game; unlike to Mare Nostrum, the bolt is correctly opened.
Aiming down the sights.
About to grab the empty magazine.
Inserting a topped off magazine.
Pulling the bolt back open. Note the visible 9x19mm inside the chamber.

Gerät Potsdam

The Gerät Potsdam was made available during the 2022 Halloween event and can be played on Haunted maps. It comes in two variants, the basic, which is the same as the Sten Mk II, and a variant with a mounted electronic device. The second one is a pickup weapon which can be found on the Haunted maps.

Sten Mark II - 9x19mm
The "Gerat Potsdam" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
The "Gerat Potsdam II" in-game.

MP 38

The October 2020 v9.9.0 update released the MP 38 which is available for the Gruppenführer and Stosstrupp classes. It has the same animations as the the following MP 40 which was already in the modification from the beginning.

MP 38 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The "MP-38" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Locking the bolt back at the beginning of an empty reload.
Pressing the mag release.
Inserting a fresh 32-round magazine.
Then, allow the bolt to slip out of the safety notch.
Using the extended stock during a melee attack, shows the fluted upper part of the receiver.

MP 40

The MP 40 is the designated submachine gun for the German faction. It can be used by the Squad and Fireteam Leaders, Assault Troop, Combat Engineer, Tank Hunter and Tank/Reconnaissance Commander classes.

MP 40 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The MP 40 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.
Reloading. Note the bullets in the new magazine.

MP 41

The Gruppenführer class is equipped with the MP 41 on some maps. It was added with the October 2022 v11.0.2 update.

MP 41 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The "MP 41" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Swinging the stock at nothing in particular, giving a good view of said stock and the fire selector just above the trigger guard. And the fact that the MP 41 re-uses the MP 40's animations, which aren't quite a perfect fit.
Pushing the magazine release button.
Switching the magazines.
Freeing the bolt from the safety notch.

MP 41(r)

The Sturmpionier class can equip the MP 41(r) after the release of the January 2020 v9.6.0 update. It is also available for the "Schütze der Osttruppe" class.

MP 41(r) - 9x19mm Parabellum
The "MP 41(r)" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Triggering the mag release on the magazine well adapter.
A better view of the MP 41(r) while the player character is getting a new magazine.
Inserting an MP 38/40 magazine.
Moving the charging handle.

MP 3008

The MP 3008 was introduced with the 2021 Halloween event and is carried by the Assault Trooper on maps set during 1945.

MP 3008 - 9x19mm Parabellum
The "MP 3008" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Meleeing with the MP 3008 offers a view of the stock...
...and the receiver.
Depressing the release mechanism.
Loading a new magazine.
Racking the charging handle.


FG 42/I

The FG 42/I is used by the Fallschirmjäger sub-faction Squad/Fireteam Leader class. It can be fired from the hip (at the cost of stability) or deployed on a bipod, and fired at semi or full-automatic. A scoped variant with the ZFG 42 was added with the April 2024 v11.7.0 update.

FG 42/I - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The FG 42/I in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
A good side-view during a melee attack.
The FG 42/I, deployed.
Charging a new magazine whilst deployed.
FG 42/I with ZFG 42 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The "FG 42 (ZF42)" in-game.
Looking through the scope.

Gewehr 41(W)

The Gewehr 41 is used by the Fallschirmjäger sub-faction Fireteam Leader and Mortar Observer classes. Note that the Gewehr 43 would be more appropriate.

Gewehr 41 (Walther Design) - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Gewehr 41(W) in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Loading the first of two 5-round stripper clips.

Gewehr 43

The Gewehr 43 is used by the German Artillery Officer and Squad/Fireteam Leader classes, as well as as alternate Rifleman class on some maps. A model fitted with the Zeiss ZF 4 scope can be used as an alternative to the Karabiner 98k.

Gewehr 43 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Gewehr 43 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.
Gewehr 43 with Zeiss ZF 4 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Gewehr 43, fitted with a Zeiss ZF 4 scope, in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the Zeiss ZF 4.
Melee. Note that serial number on the scope.
Reloading. Note the 7.92x57mm bullets in the new magazine.

Karabiner 98k

The Karabiner 98k is the main rifle of the German faction. It is used by the Riflemen, RTO, and Mortar Observer/Operator classes. A 98k fitted with a Zeiss ZF 42 is the main weapon of the Sniper class and a variant fitted with a ZF41 1.5x scope for the Marksmen Class. It can be fitted with a S84/98 III bayonet. A variant without a hooded front sight was added with the July 2020 v9.8.0 update and the scoped ZF41 variant in the August 2023 v11.5.0 update.

Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Karabiner 98k in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.
Attaching the S84/98 III bayonet.
Chambering a new round.
Reloading with the 5-round stripper clip.
Karabiner 98k fitted with Zeiss ZF 42 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The Karabiner 98k, fitted with a Zeiss ZF 42 scope, in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the scope.
Chambering a new round. Note the ejected brass.
Reloading using individual 7.92x57mm Mauser rounds.
Karabiner 98k with Zeiss ZF41 1.5x scope and hooded front sight - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Viewmodel of the ZF4 Kar98k.


The Hungarian FÉG M31 short rifle is available for the German Rifleman and class. Being an improved variant of the Mannlicher M1895 it shares the same animation with the M95/30.

The "31.M Rifle" in-game. Note the striking hooded front sight.
Aiming down the sights.
Pulling the straight bolt handle after firing.
Taking a look at the five round 8x56mmR en-bloc clip during an empty reload.
Mid-reloading; the game does not track the number of rounds fired on this rifle. Although only one shot was fired in this case, the clip contains two cartridges.

FN Mauser Mle. 1924

The 2023 v11.5.0 update added the FN Mauser Mle. 1924.

Fusil Mauser Modèle 1924 - 7x57mm Mauser

Gustloff Volkssturmgewehr MP 507

The Gustloff Volkssturmgewehr MP 507 appears as the "VG 1-5" and can be used on late-war maps by the Assault Trooper. It was added with the v9.10 update in January 2021.

Gustloff Volkssturmgewehr MP 507 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
The "VG 1-5" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Popping out the spent mag.
Driving the mag in.
Operating the charging handle.

Mauser Gewehr 1898

The Gewehr 98 was added to the game with the v11.5.0 update for the late-war Rifleman and Tank Hunter classes.

Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The "G 98" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Cycling the straight bolt handle which offers a view of the DANZIG 1918 markings.
Shoving the 7.92x57mm Mauser rounds off the clip.
Preparing to close the chamber...
...which pushes out the empty stripper clip.
Seitengewehr 98/05
Sticking an SG 98/05 bayonet on to the Gewehr 98.

Mauser Puška vz. 24

The VZ-24 Czech Mauser was also introduced via the v11.5.0 update and can be used by the Radio Operator, Rifleman, and Sturmpionier classes. A scoped variant is available on the haunted Pariser Platz map.

Puška vzor 24 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The "Vz. 24 Rifle" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Refilling the chamber with Mauser rounds.
About to knocking out the stripper clip.
Reloading with loose rounds.
The "Vz. 24 Rifle (IOR)" in-game.
Topping off individual rounds.

Steyr Mannlicher M1895/30

Another rifle added with the v11.5.0 update to the game is the Steyr Mannlicher M1895/30. It can be used by the Rifleman and Tank Hunter classes.

Karabiner-Stutzen M1895/30, System Mannlicher - 8x56mmR Steyr
The "Mannlicher M95/30" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Working the straight bolt handle.
About to shove in a fresh en-bloc clip.
Ejecting the clip during a tactical reload...
...which also holds three rounds left although only one was fired.

Volksgewehr 5

The Volkssturmkarabiner VK-98 was added with the October 2020 v9.9.1 patch for the German Rifleman and Tank Hunter classes. It is available on maps set in 1945.

Volksgewehr 5 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The "VK 98" in-game.
Aiming down the last ditch sights.
Chambering the rifle.
Thumping the Mauser rounds from the stripper clip.
The kicked out clip flying in mid-air.
Attacking with the buttstock.

Assault Rifles

MKb 42 (H)

Introduced into the game with the August 2023 update v11.5.0, the early prototype of the iconic Sturmgewehr 44, the MKb 42 (H) is a pickup weapon on some Eastern Front maps like "Lyes Krovy". The StG 44 already included in the game was used as the basis for the model and the animations.

Haenel MKb 42 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
The "MKb 42(H)" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.

Sturmgewehr 44

The Sturmgewehr 44 can be used by the Assault Troop, Corporal, and Squad/Fireteam Leader classes. It can be fired in either semi- or fully automatic. An StG 44 with a ZF 4 scope was added in 2022 with the v11.0.0 update as a pickup weapon on the maps "Fury", "German Village", "Haunted Flugplatz", "Kriegstadt", "Noville", and "Rederitz".

Sturmgewehr 44 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
The Sturmgewehr 44 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming down the sights.
Loading a new magazine.
StG 44 with ZF 4 scope - 7.92x33mm Kurz
Holding the "StG 44 (ZF4) in-game.
Looking through the ZF 4 scope.
The melee attack offers a closer view of the scope.

Machine Guns

MG 34

The MG 34 appears in-game as an alternate weapon for the German faction Machine Gunner class, firing from a Gurttrommel 34 50-round drum magazine. It can be fired from the hip, but at the cost of accuracy.

MG 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG 34 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
The MG 34, deployed.
Loading a new drum magazine.
Changing the barrel.

MG 42

The MG 42 is the standard weapon for the German Machine Gunner class and has to be deployed to fire.

MG 42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG 42 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
The MG 42, deployed.
Loading a new belt-magazine. Note the smoke from the overheated barrel.
Replacing the barrel.

ZB vz. 30

The ZB vz. 30 was added with the September 2022 v11.0.0 update to the German Machine Gun class as a third main alternative to the more common MG 34 and MG 42. The "Schütze der Osttruppe" sub class can also use the ZB vz. 30.

ZB-30 (deactivated) - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Racking the charging handle while equipping the machine gun.
The "ZB-30 Machine Gun" in-game.
Aiming down the sights.
Removing the empty magazine...
...and replacing it with a full one.


8 cm kurzer Granatwerfer 42

The Kurzer 8 cm Granatwerfer 42 can be used to provide fire support for German infantry in-game. Like its American counterpart, it fires High-Explosive and White-Phosphorus smoke rounds.

Kurzer 8 cm Granatwerfer 42 - 81.4mm
The Kurzer 8 cm Granatwerfer 42 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Firing a High-Explosive Round.


The Panzerfaust appears in some maps instead of the Panzerschreck as the weapon for the Tank Hunter class.

Panzerfaust - 44mm with 149mm warhead
The Panzerfaust in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming the Panzerfaust.

Panzerschreck RPzB 54

The Panzerschreck RPzB 54 appears in-game as the main weapon for the German Tank Hunter class.

Panzerschreck RPzB 54 - 88mm
The Panzerschreck in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Aiming the Panzerschreck.
Loading a new 88mm rocket.


Model 13/15 Kugelhandgranate

The Model 13/15 Kugelhandgranate was made available during the Halloween Special 2022 event for the Berserker and Zombie Leader classes as the "Trench Mace".

Stielhandgranate Modell 13/15 with Poppenberg'sche System

Model 24 Stielhandgranate

The Model 24 Stielhandgranate is the standard "stick" grenade in use by the German forces in-game.

Stielhandgranate Modell 24
The Model 24 Stielhandgranate in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Arming the grenade.

Geballte Ladung

The Geballte Ladung ("Bundled Charge") was introduced to the game with the 2020 v9.5.0 update for the Sturmpionier and Tank Hunter classes.

Modell 24 "Geballte Ladung"

Nebelhandgranate 39

The Nebelhandgranate 39 appears in-game as a smoke grenade that covers a large area in white smoke. They are typically carried by Squad and Fireteam leaders but also the Tank Hunters and Sturmpionier classes on some maps can use them.

Nebelhandgranate 39
The Nebelhandgranate 39 in Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45.
Arming the grenade.

RG 34

The Czechoslovak RG 34 is carried by some German classes like the Rifleman and Stosstrupp.


Mounted Weapons

2 cm FlaK 38

The 2 cm FlaK 38 can be used on some maps. It is also mounted on the Sd.Kfz 10/5.

FlaK 38 - 20x138mmB
An Sd.Kfz 10/5 with a mounted 2 cm FlaK 38.

2 cm KwK 38

Sd.Kfz. 234/1 armored cars are equipped with 2 cm KwK 38 autocannons.

2 cm KwK 38 - 20x138mmB

2 cm Flakvierling 38

The 2 cm Flakvierling 38 appears on some maps.

Flakvierling 38 - 20x138mmB
A "2cm Flakvierling 38 gun" in-game.

5 cm KwK 39

The 5 cm KwK 39 in a fixed anti-tank gun configuration can be used on the map "Pegasus Bridge". It is also mounted on the Sd.Kfz. 234/2 armored car.

KwK 39 L/60 - 50x419mmR

5 cm Pak 38

The 5 cm Pak 38 can be built or used on mid-war maps like Moscow but also on the map "Cean Advance". It can fire APCBC, APCR, and HE shells.

Panzerabwehrkanone (PaK) 38 - 50x419mmR
A "5 cm Pak38 AT gun" in-game.
Using the anti-tank gun.

7.5 cm le.IG 18

The October 2021 update v10.0.0 added the 7.5 cm le.IG 18 infantry support gun to the German Army which can fire HE and HEAT shells. It can be built by the Pioneer and Sergeant classes and is also seen on the map "Omaha Beach".

le.IG 18 - 75x89mmR
A "7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18" in-game.
Manning the gun.
A view of the opened breech which moves by itself. However, an ejected shell is never seen.

7.5 cm PaK 40

The 7.5 cm PaK 40 can be controlled on some maps and is the most available anti-tank gun for the German Army.

Panzerabwehrkanone (PaK) 40 - 75x714mmR

8.8 cm FlaK 37

8.8 cm FlaK 37 anti-aircraft guns are seen on various maps.

Flugabwehrkanone 37 - 88x571mmR

8.8 cm PaK 43

The 8.8 cm PaK 43 is seen on some maps set in 1944 and 1945.

PaK 43/41 on Rheinmetall split trail carriage - 88x822mmR

10.5 cm leichte Feldhaubitze 40

Four 10.5 cm leichte FeldHaubitze 18 howitzers are stationied on the map "Brecourt" inside the German artillery position.

Leichte Feldhaubitze 18 - 105x155mmR

15 cm Nebelwerfer 42

Panzerwerfer 42 with top-mounted 15 cm Nebelwerfer 42 multiple rocket launchers are stationed on some maps.

Nebelwerfer 42 - 158 mm (6.22 inch)
A Panzerwerfer 42 on the map "Omaha Beach" which is a destructible target for the US Army.

MG 15

MG 15s are mounted on the rear gunner position of Ju 87 Stuka dive bomber wrecks.

MG 15 - 7.92x57mm Mauser

MG 17

The Stuka wrecks have MG 17s mounted in their wings.

MG 17 - 7.92x57mm Mauser

MG 34

The MG 34 is also the main vehicle-mounted machine gun for the German faction. It can be found on the turret of the SdKfz 251 Ausf D Haltrack, Marder III Tank Destroyer, and Stug III Assault Gun.

MG 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG 34 mounted in the turret of the SdKfz 251 Ausf D Haltrack.
The MG 34 mounted on the turret of the Marder III Tank Destroyer.
The MG 34 mounted on the turret of the Stug III Assault Gun.

MG 34 Panzerlauf

The MG 34 Panzerlauf is mounted coaxially and at the Radio Operator's seat on the Panzer III, Panzer IV, Panther, and Tiger tanks, and coaxially only on the the Jagdpanther and Jadgtiger tank destroyers.

MG 34 Panzerlauf - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG 34 pintle-mounted on the Panzer III Tank.
The MG 34 mounted on the Panzer IV Tank.
The MG 34 mounted on the Panther Tank.
The MG 34 mounted on the Jagdpanther Tank Destroyer.
The MG 34 mounted on the Tiger Tank.

MG 42

The MG 42 is also mounted coaxially on the SdKfz 234/1 and SdKfz 234/2 "Puma" Armoured Cars and the Jagdpanther IV/48 and IV/70 tank destroyers.

MG 42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
The MG 42 mounted coaxially on the SdKfz 234/1 Armoured Car.
The MG 42 mounted coaxially on the SdKfz 234/2 "Puma" Armoured Car.
The MG 42 mounted coaxially on the Jagdpanzer IV Tank Destroyer.

MG 131

The same Messerschmitt Bf 109 G fighter wrecks with two nose-mounted MG 131s are seen on several maps.

MG 131 - 13x64mmB

Reibel Mle. 31

Wrecks of French Renault R40 light tanks have turret mounted Reibel Machine Guns.

Mitrailleuse Reibel Modèle 31 - 7.5x54mm French

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