The Blacklist - Season 1
No. of Episodes
Main Cast
The following weapons were used in Season 1 of the television series The Blacklist:
Beretta 92FS
Raymond Reddington examines a photo of a Beretta 92FS in a clear evidence bag in "Pilot". It's seen in a weapons cache of the Courier in "The Courier (No. 85)". One is seen in the armory of the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)".
Raymond examines the photo of a 92FS in a clear evidence bag in "Pilot".
A Beretta 92FS is among the many weapons owned by the Courier in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S01E05).
The Beretta 92FS on the wall rack in the armory.
Colt M1911A1
What appears to be a Colt M1911A1 is seen behind the Beretta 92FS in "The Courier (No. 85)".
Nickel Plated Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
A Colt M1911A1 is among the many weapons owned by the Courier in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S01E05).
Colt Mark IV Series 80
Reddington uses a Colt Mark IV Series 80 as his main sidearm throughout "The Good Samaritan (No. 106)", which he describes a "Colt .45 1911".
Colt MK IV Series 80 Post 2003 Model- .45 ACP.
Red shoots an armed bodyguard of a money launderer in "The Good Samaritan (No. 106)". (S01E11)
Red takes a magazine full of .45 ACP bullets from the unloaded pistol. (S01E11)
Field stripping the pistol in front of Aram. (S01E11)
Colt M45A1 CQBP
A Colt M45A1 CQBP is used as the main sidearm of Anslo Garrick (Ritchie Coster), first seen in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Part 1". This is, in fact, the first appearance of this specific handgun in a television or movie event.
Colt M45A1 Close Quarter Battle Pistol (CQBP) - .45 ACP
Anslo Garrick (
Ritchie Coster) aims his silenced
Colt M45A1 CQBP at a truck driver, coercing him to park the truck by the elevators in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Part 1".
Garrick threatens to execute Assistant Director Harold Cooper in the middle of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Part 1".
Garrick aims the M45A1 at the head of Dembe near the end of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Part 1".
You can the picatinny railing of the M45A1 on Garrick's leg near the end of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion".
Elizabeth finds a CZ 75 SP-01 PHANTOM in a box underneath the floorboards of her apartment belonging to her husband in "Pilot". In the box also include wads of American dollars and several passports. The weapon is specifically identified in an FBI dossier as a "CZ 75 SP-01 PHANTOM."
CZ 75 SP-01 PHANTOM - 9x19mm
Discovering the box with the SP-01, multiple passports and wads of American dollars.
Elizabeth examines the pistol.
The PHANTOM can be seen again in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S01E02) when Elizabeth repacks the box.
Elizabeth prepares to fire the SP-01 on several soaked phone books to serve as a makeshift ballistic sponge in "Wujing (No. 84)".
CZ 83
An early model CZ 83 is used by Nestor (Bjorn Dupaty) to stop Liz and Ressler's investigation in "The Cyprus Agency (No. 64)" (S01E13).
CZ 83, early model with rounded trigger guard - .32 ACP
An early model
CZ 83 is used by Nestor (Bjorn Dupaty) to stop Liz and Ressler's investigation in "The Cyprus Agency (No. 64)" (S01E13). Note the rounded trigger guard which indicates that this is an early model.
FN Five-seveN USG
A FN Five-seveN is among the many weapons owned by the Courier in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S01E05).
FN Five-seveN USG (U.S. Government) model - FN 5.7×28mm
Just visible in this shot is the MIL-STD-1913 rail indicating that this is the later USG model. Also note that the pistol is either fitted with an extended 30 round magazine, or a 20 magazine that is simply not inserted all of the way into the pistol.
The Five-seveN can be seen in a case when the Courier's weapons are found by the FBI.
Glock 17
Glock 17s are used by various FBI personnel throughout the series. One is most likely seen on the wall rack of an armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". One of the armed men working for "The Judge" uses a Glock 17 when he captures Agent Cooper in "The Judge (No. 57)". A loaded Glock 17 is seen in an evidence photo near the end of "Ivan (No. 88)". Bank security guards use Glock 17s at the start of "Berlin (No. 8)".
Glock 17 (3rd Gen) - 9x19mm.
FBI Police officer aims his Glock 17 at Reddington while he gets arrested at the J. Edgar Hoover Building.
The FBI officers surround Reddington with their Glock 17s.
The Glock 17 on the wall rack next to the MP5A3.
An armed man working for the "Judge" aims his Glock 17 at Agent Cooper after being disarmed.
Keen examines the evidence photo of a loaded Glock 17.
A bank security guard orders bank clients to stay put due to the risk of infecting the public.
Glock 19
A few FBI agents can also be seen with Glock 19s throughout the season with Ressler carrying it as his main sidearm for the rest of the season. One of Zamani's men has a Glock 19 in "Pilot". Wujing (Chin Han) and his thugs use Glock 19s in "Wujing (No. 84)". Reactivated CIA agent Meera Malik (Parminder Nagra) uses a Glock 19 as her main sidearm in the season, which first appears in the same episode. Reddington takes Ressler's Glock 19 and uses it for a short time in "Anslo Garrick" (No 16) Part 1". Owen Mallory (Campbell Scott) seizes Liz's Glock 19 and attempts to fire it before he's wounded by Ressler in "The Cyprus Agency (No. 64)". A loaded Glock 19 is seen in an evidence photo near the end of "Ivan (No. 88)". Stragenly enough, a Public Security Police officer is armed with a Glock 19 at the start of "The Pavlovich Brothers (No. 119-122)". Berlin agents operating in New York appear to use the Glock 19 as their primary sidearm.
Glock 19, 3rd generation - 9x19mm
One of Zamani's men, disguised as a hazmat worker, aims his Glock 19 at a wounded Elizabeth inside the wrecked Chevrolet Suburban.
An FBI SWAT team member loading his Glock 19 in "Wujing (No. 84)" (S01E03). Note the slide markings which confirm that this is a 9x19mm Glock 19.
Two of Wujing's thugs hold Glock 19s on Keen and Reddington.
Wujing holds a Glock 19 on Keen and Reddington. Note the angled portion cut off the front of the Glock's barrel hood (the portion of the slide which locks into the ejection port when the pistol is in battery) which is a necessary alteration required for a theatrical blank fire gun to function correctly.
Wujing aims the Glock 19 at Reddington.
CIA Agent Meera Malik opens fire with his Glock 19 at the fleeing Courier's SUV in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S02E05).
Both Malik and FBI Special Agent Elizabeth Keen (
Megan Boone) carry Glock 19s in the Virginia operation.
Ressler with his Glock 19 in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S02E05).
FBI Special Agent Elizabeth Keen (
Megan Boone) aims her Glock 19 at Barnes in "Frederick Barnes (No. 47)" (S01E07).
Keen surrendering her Glock 19 in "Frederick Barnes (No. 47)" (S01E07).
Reddington fires Ressler's Glock 19 at steam pipes during the attack on the FBI's black ops compound.
Meera with the Glock 19 while leading a raid on Aram's residence.
Mallory aims the iron sights of Liz's Glock 19. (S01E13)
A good closeup of the Glock 19 in Ressler's right hand near the end of "Mako Tanida (No. 83)".
Keen examines the evidence photo of a loaded Glock 19.
A PSP officer trains his sidearm on an ambulance in "The Pavlovich Brothers" (No. 119-122). The depiction is wrong since they use Chinese-made firearms, although the various SWAT units use Glock 17s and Glock 26s. In addition, PSP uniforms are suppose to be fully dark blue.
A Berlin agent fires the Glock 19 to execute an ex-air traffic controller near the end of "Berlin (No 8.)"
Glock 26
Special Agent Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone) carries a Glock 26 as her main sidearm, which showed up first in "Pilot" (S1E01). She somehow changes her sidearm to the Glock 19 in "The Courier (No. 85)". Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) seems to use one in order to execute the Cowboy in the middle of "Mako Tanida (No. 83)" (S1E16).
Glock 26 subcompact pistol - 9x19mm
Elizabeth drawing her Glock inside the crashed car.
Elizabeth emerges out of the wrecked SUV.
Elizabeth operating an elevator with her Glock 26 in hand in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S1E02).
Elizabeth aims her Glock 26 at Dembe near the end of "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S1E02).
Tom pulls the slide of the Glock 26.
Glock (unknown type)
A Haitian man appears to have a Glock pistol tucked in his waistband in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)". There's not enough details to determine what type of Glock pistol it is.
The Haitian man appears to pull out the Glock after Reddington receives a call from Liz.
Heckler & Koch Mark 23
A Heckler & Koch Mark 23 is among the many weapons owned by the Courier in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S1E05).
Heckler & Koch Mark 23 - .45 ACP
The Mk 23 is the upper most pistol in this shot.
A clearer shot of the Mk 23 when the Courier's weapons are found by the FBI. Note that it is fitted with a MIL-STD-1913 rail adapter on the proprietary H&K rail.
Heckler & Koch P30
In "Berlin: Conclusion (No. 8)" (S01E22), Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader) uses a suppressed Heckler & Koch P30 when confronting Milos Pavel Kinsky (Andrew Howard).
Heckler & Koch P30 w/ Suppressor - 9x19mm.
In "Berlin: Conclusion (No. 8)" (S1E22), Raymond "Red" Reddington draws his suppressed
Heckler & Koch P30 on Milos Pavel Kinsky.
In "Berlin: Conclusion (No. 8)" (S1E22), Reddington holds the P30 while talking about his memory of people's names and how it's critical to his survival. All that ends with him basically saying he has no clue who Kinsky is.
Reddington holds his P30 on Tom Keen, who is using a
SIG-Sauer P232 to threaten Elizabeth Keen.
Heckler & Koch USP Compact
A Wild Bunch mercenary holds Keen with a Heckler & Koch USP Compact aimed at her neck at the start of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion".
H&K USP Compact with full un-bobbed hammer - 9x19mm.
The WB mercenary aims his USP Compact at Keen's neck in a showdown with Special Agent Mojtabai.
Jericho 941 RPSL Semi-Compact
An Jericho 941 RPSL Semi-Compact is used by Eric Trettel (Ryan O'Nan) aka the Alchemist near the end of "The Alchemist (No. 101)" as his main sidearm.
Jericho 941 RPSL Semi-Compact, polymer framed - 9x19mm
Eric aims the barrel of the RPSL at the cashier at a convenience store in Virginia.
Eric confronts an armed man after threatening the cashier to drop the phone.
Makarov PM
A Makarov PM is used by Reddington in "Wujing (No. 84)" (S01E03)
Reddington fires the Makarov.
Reddington hand the Makarov back to the guard he took it from.
Ruger P89
A Ruger P89 is used by Milton Bobbit (Damian Young) to threaten a businessman near the end of "Milton Bobbit (No. 135)".
Milton brandishes the P89 when he sees MPD and FBI vehicles approach the cemetary.
SIG-Sauer P226
One of Dechambou's henchmen in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S02E05) carries what appears to be a SIG-Sauer P226.
The pistol has a double stack step on the frame and a hooked trigger guard which suggest that it is a P226.
SIG-Sauer P229
A SIG-Sauer P229 is used by FBI Special Agent Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff), first seen in "Pilot". One of Dechambou's henchmen is armed with a P229 in the middle of "The Courier (No. 85)".
Special Agent Ressler opens fire at an armed mercenary.
One of Dechambou's henchmen aims a P229 at Special Agent Ressler in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S02E05).
SIG-Sauer P229R
In "Pilot" (S1E01), Special Agent Ressler can also be seen using a SIG-Sauer P229R. This is most likely a continuity error, although it could be justified as Ressler would have lost his original pistol when jumping from the bridge during the kidnapping. Special Agent Aram Mojtabai (Amir Arison) uses one handed to him by FBI Assistant Director Cooper in the middle of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". Mako Tanida (Hoon Lee) uses a P229R as his main sidearm when he arrives in America in the middle of "Mako Tanida (No. 83)". One is seen seized by the Metropolitan Police Department near the end of "Ivan (No. 88)". Danny (Isiah Whitlock Jr.) uses one in the middle of "Milton Bobbit" (No. 135).
Special Agent Ressler aims his sidearm at the suspect, who is supposed to be Reddington in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Tanida struggles with Ressler while the former aims the P229R over the latter's right shoulder in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)" (S1E16).
Keen examines a MPD evidence photo of an unloaded P229R in (S1E17).
Danny (
Isiah Whitlock Jr.) aims the P229R at a politician in "Milton Bobbit" (No. 135) (S1E18).
SIG-Sauer P229 E2
MPD officers in "Frederick Barnes (No. 47)" (S01E07) carry SIG-Sauer P229 E2s. One of these pistols is later taken by Frederick Barnes (Robert Sean Leonard).
SIG-Sauer P229 E2 - 9x19mm
An MPD officer with his holstered P229.
Barnes holding a P229 on the MPD officer he took it from. Note the external extractor which identifies this as a current model P229 rather than the older P228R.
SIG-Sauer P232
A stainless steel SIG-Sauer P232 is used by Perry (Wass Stevens) to murder an NYPD officer and a woman at the start of "The Cyprus Agency (No. 64)" (S1E13). A non-gun pistol that resembles a blued P232 is used by a rogue Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) officer coerced to hijack an unmarked cargo plane near the end of "Berlin (No. 8)". A blued SIG-Sauer P232 is used by Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) is first used as his personal sidearm in "Berlin" (No. 8)".
SIG-Sauer P232 (Stainless Steel finish) - .380 ACP
Perry fires the P232 at the back of the uniformed NYPD officer at the start of "The Cyprus Agency (No. 64)" (S1E13).
SIG-Sauer P232 - .380 ACP
Tom inserts the silencer on the barrel of his P232.
Tom aims the silenced P232 at the downed Reddington agent.
The FSIN officer shoots his colleague in the head.
Note the pistol's barrel is very different from the actual P232, which leads to the conclusion that it's a non-gun due to safety reasons.
In "Berlin: Conclusion (No. 8)" (S1E22), Tom aims the P232 at Liz's temple.
Smith & Wesson 3914
A Smith & Wesson 3914 (NYPD DAO Auth. variant) is used by ex-SPLA guerrilla fighter Dembe Zuma (Hisham Tawfiq) near the end of "General Ludd (No. 109)".
Smith & Wesson 3914 - 9x19mm
Dembe aims the 3914 at the head of Nathaniel Wolff.
Dembe calmly aims the 3914 at Nathaniel Wolff.
Dembe aims the 3914 at Nathaniel Wolff.
Smith & Wesson M&P
Special Agent Mojtabai carries a Smith & Wesson M&P of undetermined caliber (but not .45 ACP) in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)" and uses it to fatally shoot one of the Wild Bunch in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion."
Special Agent Mojtabai does a quick brass check on the S&W M&P issued to him before he took refuge in a generator room.
Special Agent Keen does a quick brass check on Special Agent Mojtabai's sidearm.
Solothurn ITM AT84S
A Solothurn ITM AT84S is used by Ranko Zamani (Jamie Jackson) in "Pilot". A Solothurn is also used by an assassin to kill a CIA agent in Shanghai in "Wujing (No. 84)" (S01E03).
Solothurn ITM AT84S with factory wood grips - 9x19mm
Zamani draws his pistol on Elizabeth.
A closer view of the Solothurn.
A Solothurn is also used to kill a CIA agent in Shanghai in "Wujing (No. 84)" (S01E03).
The assassin firing the Solothurn through the car window.
Star Firestar
The Star Firestar is seen in "The Kingmaker (No. 20)".
Star M43 Firestar, you can see the distinctive oval shaped slide stop and thumb safety
The Firestar taken from a drawer in "The Kingmaker (No. 20)".
Walther P99
An armed General Ludd militant uses a two-tone Walther P99 when engaged in a shootout with Special Agents Keen and Ressler in "General Ludd (No. 109)".
Walther P99 with silver slide - 9x19mm
A masked General Ludd militant opens fire with his P99.
Walther P99QA
The man surveiling Agent Keen's apartment in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion" (S01E10) carries a two-tone Walther P99QA.
Walther P99QA with titanium coated slide - 9x19mm
The barrel of the two-tone P99QA pressed against Agent Keen's neck.
Smith & Wesson Model 36
A Smith & Wesson Model 36 is used by Reddington near the end of "The Good Samaritan (No. 106)" to wound Henry in the leg. Also uses it again when he confront Meera Malik at her house by the end of "The Alchemist (No. 101)", now being used as his personal sidearm.
Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver with square butt - .38 Special.
Red aims the Model 36 at Henry's leg.
Red speaks to Henry after he fires the revolver.
Threatening Janice after Red locks her in a closet.
Aiming the revolver at Meera in her house.
Red fires the revolver to assassinate Diane Fowler at the end of "The Cyprus Agency" (No. 64).
The M36 being brandished by Red, aimed at Liz, as FBI SWAT teams and agents surround him from all sides near the end of "Berlin: (No. 8).
Smith & Wesson Model 640/642
Either a Smith & Wesson Model 640 or a 642 revolver was used by Dr. Gideon Hadley (Ezra Knight) near the end of "The Cyprus Agency (No. 64)".
Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial - .357 Magnum
Smith & Wesson Model 642 Airweight Snub nose revolver chambered in .38 Special
The revolver being grabbed by Dr. Hadley after being confronted by Special Agent Ressler. (S1E13)
Submachine Guns
FN P90
A FN P90 is seen on the wall rack of an armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Part 1". A mercenary working under Anslo Garrick uses one in storming the compound in the same episode before Liz kills him and seizes the weapon from his corpse.
The P90 hanging on the wall rack below the FN SCAR-L.
The mercenary searches an abandoned room with the shouldered P90.
Liz reloads the P90 with a fresh magazine.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Emergency Response Team operators sweep the kitchen of a restaurant in Montreal, Quebec armed with Heckler & Koch MP5A2s in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S01E02). A few FBI SWAT operators are armed with the MP5A2 when they search for Elizabeth near the end of "The Stewmaker (No. 161)" (S01E04).
Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight and Navy trigger group - 9x19mm
A RCMP ERT operator searches for Reddington. Note the shoulder patches, which are not official RCMP ERT patches since the agency refuses to allow film/TV production companies to use any insignia that closely resembles the official RCMP insignia unless they are paid royalties.
The FBI SWAT operator holding the MP5A2 (circled in red) while searching a cabin to secure Elizabeth. (S1E04)
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
FBI SWAT operators use them as their main submachine gun throughout the season. Some of the RCMP ERT operators are armed with Heckler & Koch MP5A3s in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S01E02). One is used by the Courier as his main weapon when he engages Liz and Malik in the middle of "The Courier (No. 85)". A few mercenaries working for Anslo Garrick are armed with MP5A3s that have railed handguards attached in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)" and in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion". A few MP5A3s are partially seen on the wall racks of the FBI black ops compound's armory in the former episode. Most of Reddington's own mercenaries use them as their primary weapon near the end of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion". A Syrian Embassy security guard is seen armed with the MP5A3 in the middle of "Madeline Pratt (No. 73)". Berlin agents operating in New York use the MP5A3 as their primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with SEF trigger group - 9x19mm
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Navy trigger group, railed handguard, RIS foregrip, and M68 Aimpoint red dot scope - 9x19mm.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Surefire Weaponlight and "SD"-style stock.
A RCMP ERT operator searches for Reddington. Note the shoulder patches, which are not official RCMP ERT patches since the agency refuses to allow film/TV production companies to use any insignia that closely resembles the official RCMP insignia unless they are paid royalties.
A FBI SWAT operator armed with the MP5A3 (circled in red) in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)" (S01E04).
The Courier (
Robert Knepper) uses an MP5A3 with a railed handguard at several points in "The Courier (No. 85)".
FBI Special Agent Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) examining one of the Courier's MP5s when searching his home.
The mercenaries fire their suppressed MP5A3s at FBI SWAT officers in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16).
A mercenary opens fire with his suppressed MP5A3 when FBI SWAT officers show up at the underground parking lot.
The buttstock of the MP5A3 next to a Glock pistol.
The MP5A3 with a tactical flashlight underneath the barrel on a wall rack behind Agent Mojtabai.
A good shot of the MP5A3s outfitted with railed handguards and barrel suppressors in the hands of Reddington's own mercenaries as they infiltrate Garrick's observation post.
A Syrian Embassy guard confronts Reddington in "Madeline Pratt (No. 73)".
FBI SWAT operators raid a public park to search for the missing effigy.
Berlin agents secure the hijacked armored car in "Berlin (No. 8)".
Heckler & Koch MP5K
A Heckler & Koch MP5K can be seen in Gina Zanetakos' appartment in "Gina Zanetakos (No. 152)" (S01E06).
Heckler & Koch MP5K with "Navy" trigger pack - 9x19mm
The MP5K is on the right.
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
A Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW is used by Anslo Garrick as his primary weapon, first seen in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". At least one of the Wild Bunch mercenaries uses one when Reddington's mercenaries storm Garrick's covert observation post near the end of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion".
The MP5K-PDW slung on his left shoulder as Garrick executes one of his wounded mercenaries.
A WB mercenary takes cover from a frag grenade attack while wielding a suppressed MP5K-PDW.
Heckler & Koch UMP
A Heckler & Koch UMP is carried by one of the RCMP ERT operators in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S01E02). The magazine is not seen so it is not possible to determine the caliber.
Heckler & Koch UMP - .45 ACP
The UMP stock and rear sight are visible in this shot.
An IMI Uzi is used by cartel gunmen to ambush FBI agents transporting a drug cartel suspect in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)" (S01E04).
IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
A cartel gunman opens fire with the Uzi at FBI agents in an ambush.
KRISS Vector
One of the mercenaries who participate in raiding the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)Part 1" is armed with a KRISS Vector outfitted with a suppressor and ACOG. Another mercenary in Garrick's hideout in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion" is armed with a Vector outfitted with a suppressor, EOTech sight and Surefire-type vertical foregrip.
TDI / KRISS USA Vector Blank Fire with EOTech red dot sight - .45 ACP
A Wild Bunch mercenary leaps from the compactor of a garbage truck armed with the suppressed KRISS Vector.
The Vector can also be seen briefly in the background whilst Garrick is talking to Reddington. Visible in this shot are the suppressor and ACOG that are fitted to the weapon.
The mercenary on the right is armed with a suppressed Vector, which has the EOTech sight and the Surefire-type vertical foregrip.
Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion
A Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion is seen on the wall rack of an armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Part 1".
Sa. Vz. 61 Skorpion - .32 ACP.
The Vz. 61 Skorpion on the wall rack next to the 92FS.
Special Weapons MP-10
One of the Wild Bunch mercenaries carries a Special Weapons MP-10 fitted with a suppressor and EOTech sight in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)" (S01E09). A pair of MP-10s also appear in the armory of the FBI's black ops compound in the same episode.
Special Weapons MP-10 - 9x19mm
A WB mercenary waits for the signal to raid the black ops compound. Note the MP-10 in the rectangle.
The same mercenary can be seen on the left of this frame as the Wild Bunch move through the parking garage on their way into the compound. Note the suppressor and EOTech sight.
The MP-10s on the wall rack of the black ops compound's armory.
Assault Rifles
Public Security Police officers manning a covert Laogai at the start of "The Pavlovich Brothers (No.119-122)" are armed with AK-47s. They aren't used by the actual PSP since AK-based weapons are relegated to state-backed People's Liberation Army Militia and various reserve forces.
A PSP officer prepares to secure an ambulance.
One Russian mobster near the end of "Madeline Pratt (No. 73)" is armed with what appears to be an AKM.
The Russian mobster (in rectangle) appears to be armed with an AKM.
A couple of AKS-47s are seen in the hands of Russian mobsters near the end of "Madeline Pratt (No. 73)".
Type III AKS-47 - 7.62x39mm
The Russian mobster (in rectangle) stands guard while being armed with an AKS-47.
An AKS-74U with a railed handguard is used by assassins to kill a CIA agent in Shanghai in "Wujing (No. 84)" (S01E03). Gina Zanetakos also has one in her apartment in "Gina Zanetakos (No. 152)" (S01E06). The same weapon is seen on the wall rack of an armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". Russian mobsters use them when they confront the FBI near the end of "Madeline Pratt (No. 73)". All the Pavlovich brothers use them as their main weapon in "The Pavlovich Brothers (No. 119-122).
AKS-74U with railed handguard - 5.45x39mm
Note the railed handguard.
The AKS-74U can be seen laying on a counter in Zanetakos' apartment.
Note the folded stock of the AKS-74U visible in the bottom left of this shot.
The AKS-74U (in red circle) on the armory's wall rack.
The Russian mobster in front is armed with an AKS-74U.
Russian mobsters open fire with their AKS-74Us at FBI SWAT operators.
The Pavlovich brothers confronts Red at their hideout.
One of the Pavlovich brothers aim his AKS-74U at Tom's Ford Mustang.
Colt Law Enforcement Carbine
Colt Law Enforcement Carbines are used by FBI SWAT/HRT operators and other personnel instead of Colt M4A1s as their main assault rifle. One is apparently seen in an Interpol red notice profile of ex-Sudan People's Liberation Army guerrilla fighter turned bodyguard Dembe in "The Freelancer". Bomb Squad officers of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia are armed with LE Carbines in the same episode. One Colt LE is seen with an EOTech holographic sight mounted on the upper receiver via picatinny railing in the armory of the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". Virigina State Police Tactical Operations Team operators use Colt LE carbines near the end of "The Alchemist (No. 101)" after being summoned to deal with a hostage situation. One of the Pavlovich brothers in their Serbian hideout examines an LE Carbine at the start of "The Pavlovich Brothers (No. 119-122)"
Colt LE6920 SOCOM Carbine - 5.56x45mm
An armed FBI SWAT operator escorts a US Marine officer near the end of "Pilot".
A MPDDC Bomb Squad officer armed with a LE carbine slung on his shoulder in "The Freelancer".
An Interpol red notice profile has the photo of Dembe in his SPLA days in "The Freelancer".
Several FBI SWAT members can be seen with Colt LE Carbines as they arrest Wujing in "Wujing (No. 84)" (S01E03). One of the rifles, seen here, is fitted with a Ballista Tactical Systems Nautilus Rotating Rail handguard.
A FBI Special Agent runs for cover under fire in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)".
A FBI SWAT officer is armed with a Law Enforcement Carbine in "Gina Zanetakos (No. 152)" (S01E06). Note that his rifle is fitted with an EOTech EXPS3 holographic sight in flat dark earth (FDE) finish; at the time that this episode was filmed (2013), the EXPS3 was brand-new on the commercial market, and had not yet replaced the EOTech 553 as the issue SU-231 in USSOCOM’s SOPMOD Block II program.
The Colt LE at the FBI black ops compound's armory with the mounted EOTech holographic sight.
FBI SWAT operators move in to secure the abandoned blacksite near the end of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion".
A VSP TOT operator aims his Colt LE Carbine in "The Alchemist (No. 101)" at a gas station in a hostage situation.
One of the Pavlovich brothers checks the mounted ACOG sight on the LE carbine at the start of "The Pavlovich Brothers (No. 119-122)".
Colt M16A2
What is presumably a Colt M16A2 is seen on the wall rack of an armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". Abashiri Prison guards in Hokkaido, Japan are armed with M16A2s outfitted with torchlights at the start of "Mako Tanida (No. 83)" when Mako Tanida escapes from prison.
Colt M16A2 Rifle - 5.56x45mm
The Colt M16A2 (highlighted in a red circle) hanging on the wall rack.
An Abashiri Prison guard with a M16A2 slung on his back with a German Shepard hunting for Tanida. This is unusual since Colt-made firearms are not used in general issue in the Japanese law enforcement community.
Enfield SA80 AFV
An Enfield SA80 AFV is seen hanging from a rack at the armory in the FBI's black ops compound after being raided in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". As this rifle was essentially only ever a prototype (along with never being exported) it is incredibly unlikely that this is a real weapon, instead being an airsoft gun.
SA80 AFV prototype with SUSAT scope - 5.56x45mm NATO
The SA80 AFV hanging on the rack above the FN SCAR-L.
A FN SCAR-L is among the many weapons owned by the Courier in "The Courier (No. 85)" (S02E05). One is seen hanging on a rack at the armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)".
Only the rear portion of the weapon is visible so it is not possible to determine the barrel length.
The FN SCAR-L on the wall rack below the Enfield L22A1.
Heckler & Koch G36K
A Heckler & Koch G36K is seen hanging at a wall rack of an armory at the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Part 1".
Heckler & Koch G36K with ZF 3x4° dual optical sight - 5.56x45mm.
The G36K on the wall rack above the SG 552.
Heckler & Koch G36C
A Heckler & Koch G36C is used by one of Zamani's henchmen in "Pilot". Some of the RCMP ERT operators are armed with the G36C in Montreal in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S01E02).
One of Zamani's henchmen opens fire with a G36C at FBI HRT officers. You can see two 30-round magazines clamped together via studs.
The officer entering from the left is carrying a G36C in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S01E02).
A front view of the officer's G36C.
In a bit of continuity error, LWRC M6A2s are used sometimes to take the place of Colt LE Carbines in various episodes in the season.
LWRC M6A2 with Crane stock, Magpul MIAD pistol grip, & PMAG magazine - 5.56x45mm NATO
Special Agent Donald Ressler aims the M6A2 during the kidnapping in the pilot episode.
Agent Ressler drops the M6A2 to help Keen. It appears in this shot that the M6A2 may be a rubber or a stunt replica.
A mercenary with an M6A2 being shot by Elizabeth.
Two FBI HRT operators at the FBI Special Ops Division armed with M6A2s in "The Freelancer (No. 145)" (S01E02).
One of the MPDDC Bomb Squad officers has a M6A2 slung on his shoulder.
Meera opens fire on Garrick's mercenaries with a scoped M6A2 in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)".
Baz (
Bazzel Baz) storms Garrick's covert observation post in the middle of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion". It has a suppressor, riflescope, railed handguard and a Magpul-type buttstock.
You can see the Magpul buttstock and the riflescope attached on the picatinny railing on the rifle's upper receiver.
Another good view of the rifle with the railed handguard and the Magpul PMAG attached.
SIG SG 552
A SIG SG 552 is seen hanging on the wall rack of an armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)". A Wild Bunch mercenary guarding Garrick's covert observation post is seen armed with the SG 552 before Reddington's mercenaries gun him down near the end of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion".
SIG SG 552-2, version with permanent scope rail - 5.56x45mm
The SG 552 as seen in the wall rack below the G36K.
A WB mercenary goes down while gripping the pistol grip of his SG 552.
Steyr AUG
A Steyr AUG is seen hanging on the wall rack of an armory in the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)".
Steyr AUG - Austrian Army Version - 5.56x45mm
The Steyr AUG A1 (highlighted in a red circle) in the armory's wall rack.
Mossberg 500 "Persuader"
One of Reddington's mercenaries is armed with the Mossberg 500 "Persuader" near the end of "Anslo Garrick (No. 16) Conclusion" as the team infiltrates Garrick's covert observation post.
Mossberg 500 "Persuader" (left view) with door breaching brake, folding stock and shell holder - 12 gauge.
A Reddington mercenary secures the rear of his team prior to storming the covert observation post. Note the folded stock.
Remington 870
A FBI Special Agent uses a Remington 870, but without firing it in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)". One is used by a mercenary when Anslo Garrick leads a raid on the FBI's black ops compound in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)", which consist of a short barrel, a short picatinny rail on the receiver and a M4-based stock.
Remington 870P with rifle sights and SpeedFeed Standard Stock - 12 Gauge
A FBI Special Agent ports the Remington 870 while coming under attack in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)".
A FBI Special Agent is shot to death by a cartel gunman in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)".
Remington 870 Police Breacher System - 12 gauge
Remington 870 MCS Masterkey - 12 Gauge.
A mercenary fires his Remington 870 at Agent Ressler's leg after being shot in the chest in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)".
Reddington slings the shotgun at his right shoulder after he fires Ressler's sidearm at the downed mercenary.
Reddington opens fire with the modified Remington 870 MCS at incoming mercenaries in the FBI black ops compound.
Sniper Rifles
Remington 700PSS
A Virginia State Police Tactical Operations Team sniper uses a Remington 700PSS near the end of "The Alchemist (No. 101)" during a hostage situation. One is seen in Tom's hideout in the middle of "Mako Tanida (No. 83)". A FBI SWAT sniper uses one near the end of "Milton Bobbit (No. 135)".
Remington 700PSS with Leupold Mark 4 scope and Harris bipod - .300 Win Mag
The TOT sniper aims the Remington 700PSS at the gas station's convenience store.
A Remington 700PSS with the riflescope and bipod equipped.
Keen examines a photo of the 700PSS seized by the Metropolitan Police Department as evidence near the end of "Ivan (No. 88)".
A FBI SWAT sniper takes aim with the 700PSS at Milton Bobbit near the end of "Milton Bobbit (No. 135)".
Machine Guns
M61 Vulcan
A US Navy Grumman F-14 Tomcat uses a M61 Vulcan as its main machine gun, seen near the end of "Berlin (No. 8)".
GE M61 Vulcan Cannon - 20mm
A Tomcat prepares to take off from the runway of the USS Abraham Lincoln after receiving word that an unidentified airplane has breached New York airspace.
The Tomcat chases the unregistered cargo plane after it appears over New York airspace.
The Pavlovich brothers use RPK light machine guns as their main weapon while they undergo a mission to capture Tom in the middle of "Pavlovich Brothers (No. 119-122)".
RPK with cleaning rod removed, folded bipod and 40-round magazine - 7.62x39mm
Two of the Pavlovich brothers encircle a Berlin hideout while porting their RPKs.
One of the Pavlovich brothers port an RPK.
Rocket Launchers
FIM-92 Stinger
Reddington oversees the selling of FIM-92 Stingers in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)". He claims that the models are an improved version of the original FIM-92.
A Haitian man checks the launch tube of the FIM-92.
A RPG-7 is used by a cartel gunman to take out a Department of Homeland Security helicopter in "The Stewmaker (No. 161)". It's also seen in an evidence photo taken by the US military in the hands of a Taliban fighter in "The Judge (No. 57)."
The cartel gunman aims the RPG-7 via iron sights.
A black and white photograph of a Taliban fighter armed with a RPG-7.
Model 7290 flashbang grenade
A Model 7290 flashbang grenade is used by Reddington to stun a couple of mercenaries shooting at him in "Anslo Garrick (No. 16)" during the raid on the FBI's black ops compound.
Model 7290 flashbang grenade
Reddington prepares to hurl the primed flashbang after the safety pin is removed.
Smoke Grenade
A mercenary working for Zamani hurls a smoke grenade inside the wrecked SUV in "Pilot".
A smoke grenade discharges smoke throughout the interior of the wrecked FBI Suburban SUV.
Evidence Photo
An evidence photo examined by the FBI task force is seen in "Mako Tanida (No. 83)".
The task force examines an evidence photo (middle) with an array of small arms.