A Certain Scientific Accelerator (July 12 – September 27, 2019).
The following weapons were used in the anime series A Certain Scientific Accelerator:
Beretta 92F
The Beretta 92F is seen with armed guards inside a research center in "Friend".
The guards open fire in "Friend". Some details resemble the actual 92F/FS like the hooked trigger, decocker, slide details, etc.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 is seen in the show, at least with Anti-Skill officer Aiho Yomikawa as her sidearm.
Glock 17 with Streamlight TLR-2 weaponlight/laser module - 9x19mm
Yomikawa aims her Glock while on call in "Accelerator".
Closeup of her Glock 17 in "DA". Note that it seems that the weaponlight module is attached via clamp instead of a rail.
A view of the pistol aimed from Yomikawa's perspective in "Download".
Taser Pistol
A four-barreled taser pistol is used by Nishio in "Necromancer" to subdue Estelle Rosenthal non-lethally.
Nishio fires the taser at Estelle in "Necromancer".
Walther P99
The Walther P99 is seen as the sidearm of Disciplinary Action forces in the show.
A first person view of the P99's rear in "Necromancer".
The DA assaulter disarmed by Estelle during close quarters combat.
The DA officer gets his sidearm out in "Third Number".
In this shot, you can see a profile of the P99.
Yomikawa examines a DA report where the P99 is shown.
Closeup of the P99's trigger/trigger guard in "DA".
A masked DA assaulter reloads his sidearm during a showdown with Yomikawa.
This poor fella lost his mind when his DA unit is attacked by a turned Hirumi in "Perfect Golem".
Submachine Guns
FN P90
The FN P90 is seen with DA officers in the show. This is in contrast to the manga source, where they're known to use the Heckler & Koch G36 family as their primary weapon.
Fabrique Nationale P90-TR - 5.7x28mm
A shot of Nishio with his FN P90 in "Necromancer".
A couple of DA assaulters secure the entrance of the unnamed hospital.
A DA assaulter infiltrates the hospital.
In "Third Number", you can see the wideshot of a couple of DA assaulters armed with P90 TRs.
Yomikawa examines a DA report where the P90 is shown.
DA assaulters open fire from behind a makeshift barricade at the start of "DA".
Closeup of the P90 to show it's supposed to be held.
Nice angle of the P90 in "Perfect Golem".
Assault Rifles
SIG SG 552
The SIG SG 552 is seen once with Anti-Skill as their main assault rifle.
SIG SG 552-2 fitted with C-More sight - 5.56x45mm.
A shot of Ito with his carbine while raiding the research center.
Closeup of the barrels while being fired at Youko Takada.
Takahashi engages DA forces during a raid in "DA".
AS officers sweep a dark corridor with attach taclights.
A good shot of Yomikawa's SG 552.
Ito holding his SIG carbine during an attack by the Tarantula.
AS officer evacuate School District 16 in "Memory of Death".
Machine Guns
Tarantula Machine Gun
The Tarantula is equipped with a multi-barrel machine gun, first seen in "DA".
The Tarantula being activated in "DA".
Closeup of the machine gun being fired at AS forces.
Taotie Machine Gun
The Taotie coffin is equipped with a multi-barrel machine gun, first seen in "Download".
The Taotie's multi-barrel machine gun, first seen in "Download".
The Taotie fires the machine gun at Accelerator in "Memory of Death".
Grenade Launchers
Milkor MGL
What seem to be Milkor MGLs are used by AS to take out in "Perfect Golem".
ICS-191 GLM, an Airsoft replica of the Milkor MGL Mk 1L.
An AS officer shoulders the MGL in "Perfect Golem".
Takahashi with the recently fired MGL.
Unknown Underbarrel Grenade Launchers
Poorly rendered underbarrel grenade launchers are seen with both AS and DA, first seen in "Catastrophe".
Yomikawa's SIG SG 552 with a UBGL in "Catastrophe".
A DA assaulter's P90 TR with a UBGL, which is realistically impossible. Then again, they're working in Academy City...
An angle of the DA assaulter's P90 TR in "Perfect Golem".
Pistol Carbine
A pistol carbine of unknown make is shown with a DA officer during a montage explanation in "Third Number" when Accelerator is given the lowdown on DA.
CZ P-09 in CAA Tactical RONI-G4 conversion kit.
The DA DA assaulter posing with the PC in "Third Number".
Airsoft Glock 17 in an APS Carbine stock.
The DA DA assaulter posing with the PC in "Third Number".
A shot of the carbine's body in "Scavenger".
A decent shot of the carbine. Note the barrel.
You can see the shot of the PC. Shame that Ya's leg has to block it.
In this shot, it appears that the P99 is used as the basis for the carbine stock.