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The A-Team - Season 1
The following weapons were used in Season 1 of the television series The A-Team:
Browning Hi-Power
The Browning Hi-Power is the usual sidearm carried by Col. John "Hannibal" Smith (George Peppard) in Season 1. The pistol is notably in "Black Day at Bad Rock" (S1E06).

Beretta M951
A Beretta M951 is briefly seen in the hands of a skyjacker, who is swiftly disarmed by "Howling Mad" Murdock (Dwight Schultz) in "The Beast from the Belly of a Boeing" (S1E13).

Colt M1911
The M1911 and many variants are carried at various times by A-Team members, U.S. Military Police pursuing the A-Team, and various bad guys.

Heckler & Koch P9S
A Heckler & Koch P9S is used by the A-Team and various bad guys.
Star Model B
The Star Model B is seen on few occasions during Season 1. A suppressed Star Model B is seen in the hands of Hannibal (George Peppard) during "The Rabbit Who Ate Las Vegas" (S1E07).
Star Model BM
The main sidearm of B.A. Baracus (Mr. T) is a nickel plated Star Model BM with ivory (perhaps Mother of Pearl) grips.
Colt Lawman MK III
A nickel plated Colt Lawman MK III is used primarily by Lt. Templeton "Faceman" Peck (Dirk Benedict).

Colt Python
One of the skyjackers is seen pulling a Colt Python on Peck in "The Beast From The Belly Of A Boeing" (S1E13).

Colt Detective Special
The Colt Detective Special revolver is another firearm seen in Season 1, used by Police Inspector Ed Maloney (Norman Alden) in "A Small and Deadly War" (S1E05).

Colt Detective Special (3rd Generation)
What appears to be a 3rd Generation Colt Detective Special is seen used by Scully (Robert Tessier) in "The Out of Towners" (S1E08).

Smith & Wesson Model 10
The Smith & Wesson Model 10 is another firearm seen in Season 1. Amy Allen (Melinda Culea) takes a revolver with a 3" barrel from a security guard in "The Beast From The Belly Of A Boeing" (S1E13).

Smith & Wesson Model 14
Sheriff Hank Thompson (Ed Lauter) carries two Smith & Wesson Model 14 revolvers in crossdraw holsters in "Black Day at Bad Rock" (S1E06). Hannibal uses one of them as well!

Smith & Wesson Model 29
The Smith & Wesson Model 29 is seen used by Warden Beale (Clifton James) in "Pros And Cons" (S1E04).
Webley Mk VI
The leader of the Guerrillas can be seen using a Webley Mk VI.in "Mexican Slayride" (S1E01).

Submachine Guns
Thompson M1928
The Thompson M1928 is used in the two-parters "Judgement Day" and "Mexican Slayride".

Thompson M1928A1
In "The Out-Of-Towners" (S1E08), the thug Digger (Albert Popwell) can be seen firing an Thompson M1928A1 with a drum magazine.

Smith & Wesson 76
A Smith & Wesson 76 makes a brief appearance during "The Rabbit Who Ate Las Vegas".

The MAC-10 is seen being used by B.A. in ""Till Death Do Us Part" (S1E12). A MAC-10 fitted with a Sionics suppressor is wielded by a hijacker in "The Beast from the Belly of a Boeing" (S1E13).
Fake Uzi Submachine gun aka "The MAC-Uzi" (modified MAC-10)
A MAC-10 mocked up to look like an Uzi with fake Uzi furniture mounted on the barrel and receiver can be seen being used by Murdock (Dwight Schultz). These same Uzi mock-ups can be seen in Raw Deal, The Dogs of War, and also Stripes (they were all built by a company called Special Effects Unlimited, which provided the weapons used in the first two seasons of this show).

Spitfire Carbine
Members of the A-Team and various bad guys use special submachine guns in the pilot episode "Mexican Slayride" (S1E01). These SMGs strongly resemble the Spitfire Carbine or the "Poorman's Thompson", an American semi-automatic carbine chambered in .45 ACP which is aesthetically based on the Thompson Submachine Gun.

The M16/SP1 is probably the most high-profile firearm in the first 4 seasons, being used by bad guys and members of the A-Team on dozens of occasions. Most of the M16 SP1s used on the show have been fitted with M16A1 flash hiders, in order to stand in for the newer rifle (though some genuine M16A1s also appeared on the show).

MGC M-16 Model Gun Corp Replica Rifle
Some of the M16 rifles used by the rebels during the pilot episode "Mexican Slayride" (S1E01) are in reality MGC Replicas of the rifle.
In "One More Time" (S1E11), Hannibal, Face, and B.A. are seen with XM16E1's.
Valmet M71P
The Valmet M71P is seen in the hands of Rashaad's men in "One More Time" (S1E11). As what was common for US productions in the 1970's and 1980's, the Valmet rifles were seen used as a substitute for the AK-47.
Arisaka Type 99 sporterized
Used only when the script calls for a trained assassin is a Arisaka Type 99 rifle. Specifically, the Type 2 takedown paratrooper variant.

Remington 700
In "A Nice Place to Visit" (S1E14), a Remington 700 BDL appears to be the rifle seen in the home of Ray Brenner. The rifle is seen in the hands of Trish Brenner (Joanna Kerns), Amy Allen (Melinda Culea) and Face (Dirk Benedict) in the episode.

Ithaca Model 37
Sheriff Hank Thompson (Ed Lauter) carries an Ithaca 37 shotgun in "Black Day at Bad Rock" (S1E06). It's also seen in the episode mounted in the weapon rack in the sheriff's office along with multiple other shotguns. Another Ithaca is carried by Sheriff Jeff Lewis (Burton Gilliam) in "A Nice Place to Visit" (S1E14).

Ithaca 37 (sawed off)
The bartender in "The Out-Of-Towners" (S1E08) uses an Ithaca 37 with sawed-off stock and barrel.

Machine Guns
Browning Automatic Rifle
Malavida Valdez (Sergio Calderón) uses a Browning Automatic Rifle throughout the pilot episode "Mexican Slayride" (S1E01).

M14E2 Light Machine Gun
An M14E2 Light Machine Gun is featured only once in the Season 1 finale "A Nice Place to Visit" (S1E14).

The M60 was the regular squad support weapon in the series, almost always used by Hannibal Smith (George Peppard) and rarely by B.A. Baracus (Mr. T) even though he would have been the obvious choice but was more often relegated to using a nickel plated Star Model BM with ivory grips. The M60 is prominently used by Hannibal in Season 1's finale "A Nice Place to Visit" (S1E14), as he retrieves from the trunk of a fallen former Green Beret.

The M60D can be seen as door guns on the UH-1, seen in stock footage used in the opening credit sequence.

Vickers-Berthier Mk.1
The right hand man of Malavida Valdez (Sergio Calderón) is seen carrying a Vickers-Berthier Mk.1 light machine gun during the Season 1 Pilot episode "Mexican Slayride".

Federal Gas Riot Gun
Hannibal uses a Federal L-5 Gas Riot Gun modified as a grenade launcher in "Holiday in the Hills"

Mk 2 Fragmentation Grenade
Hannibal (George Peppard) retrieves Mk 2 Hand Grenades from the trunk of Ray Brenner, a fellow Green Beret, in Season 1's finale "A Nice Place To Visit" (S1E14). One of the grenades is used by Murdock later in the episode.