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The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid

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The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid (1972).

The following weapons were used in the film The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid:

Winchester Model 1892

Winchester Model 1892 rifles tend to be the rifle of choice on both sides of the law, carried by Pinkerton detectives, vigilantes Allen (Dana Elcar), A.R. Manning (Donald Moffat), and Wilcox (Robert H. Harris), as well as Cole Younger (Cliff Robertson) and Frank James (John Pearce). Jim Younger (Luke Askew) and Clell Miller (R.G. Armstrong) carry them when posing as bank guards two days before the robbery.

Manning was said to have carried a breech-loading single-shot Winchester from his hardware store when fighting against the actual robbers in 1876.

Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.
A Pinkerton detective with his Winchester.
Cole Younger fires his Winchester.
Vigilantes surround Alonzo Bunker outside the bank after the robbery.
Allen and Manning during a shootout with another posse.

Single Action Army

Most of the characters carry variations of the Single Action Army.

Single Action Army Artillery Model (5.5" barrel)

Frank James (John Pearce) is referred to in the narration as carrying two "Navy Colts" but in fact carries two stag-gripped Artillery SAAs in his holsters. Jim Younger (Luke Askew) carries two in his holsters. Bob Younger (Matt Clark) carries one. Cole Younger (Cliff Robertson) has a nickel SAA Artillery and Jesse James (Robert Duvall) carries one in a shoulder holster in addition to his two Cavalry SAAs. Pinkerton (Herbert Nelson) carries one in his shoulder holster; it is also the sidearm of choice of Pinkerton's detectives.

In real life, Jim was said to prefer top-break Smith & Wesson models and Frank was known for the Remington revolvers he carried, having carried a .44-40 Model 1875 on the day of the Northfield raid. Cole's weapon of choice on the day of the Northfield raid has led to more speculation, either a Colt 1860 Army Richards-Mason or a long-barreled SAA with a Moore .32 rimfire revolver as his backup.

Colt Single Action Army w/ 5.5" barrel known as the "Artillery" model - .45 Long Colt
A Pinkerton holds his SAA Artillery on a prostitute in Missouri.
Jim Younger fires his two Artillery Models.
Bob Younger fires his SAA Artillery during a gunfight.
Jesse James fires his SAA Artillery at a civilian.
Bob Younger fires his SAA Artillery at Gustavson outside the bank.
Cole Younger, his nickel SAA in his hand, returns to the bank to pick up his wounded brother Bob.
Jim unloads one of his two SAA Artillery Models.

Single Action Army Cavalry Model (7.5" barrel)

Jesse James (Robert Duvall) keeps two Cavalry Model SAAs as his main sidearms. Like the others, Jesse was actually believed to be carrying a Smith & Wesson Schofield Model 3 on the day of the Northfield robbery, as was his custom.

Colt Single Action Army w/ 7.5" barrel known as the "Cavalry" model.
Jesse holds one of his Cavalry SAAs on Wilcox inside the bank.
Jesse pushes Wilcox against Heywood and the vault.
Jesse, twitching, fires both of his Cavalry SAAs into Heywood.

Double-Barreled Shotgun

Clell Miller (R.G. Armstrong) uses a Double Barreled Shotgun when he rejoins the gang to rob the Northfield bank.

Clell Miller holds his shotgun outside of the bank.
Clell Miller aims his shotgun.
Clell Miller with his shotgun.

Colt Lightning Shopkeeper

Alonzo Bunker (Elisha Cook Jr.), a crooked bank employee, carries a Colt Lightning Shopkeeper, which Wilcox (Robert H. Harris) eventually takes from him.

In real life, the weapon was recalled to be a small .32-caliber Smith & Wesson, which Charley Pitts took away from him.

Colt Lightning Shopkeeper model
Bunker hides his Colt behind a bag of money as Wilcox speaks to Cole Younger.
Bunker bends down to pick up the bag of gold with the Colt in his hand. The trigger is clearly seen to be double-action here, differentiating it from the somewhat similar-looking Colt SAA Sheriff's Model.
Wilcox raises Bunker's Lightning Shopkeeper while inside the bank.

Trapdoor Springfield 1873 Cavalry Carbine

Henry Wheeler (Barry Brown), a young to-be vigilante, carries a Springfield 1873 "Trapdoor" Cavalry Carbine as his rifle. It had been slightly modified for accuracy by Cole Younger (Cliff Robertson) for Wheeler. In reality, Wheeler found a Sharps Carbine in the Dampier Hotel and used it against the robbers, rather than a Cavalry Carbine modified by Cole Younger just for him.

Replica Springfield Model 1873 Cavalry Carbine "Trapdoor Springfield" built by Uberti Arms - .45-70
Wheeler carries his Cavalry Carbine while walking with Wilcox, Younger, Allen, and Manning.
Cole Younger teaches Wheeler how to aim his rifle.
The adjustment Cole made for Wheeler's Cavalry Carbine.
Wheeler aims his Cavalry Carbine during the robbery.
The vigilantes stand armed inside the bank.

Trapdoor Springfield 1873 Rifle

Charley Pitts (Wayne Sutherlin) carries a Trapdoor Springfield Rifle as his weapon of choice when posing as a bank guard and during the subsequent robbery.

Replica Springfield Model 1873 "Trapdoor Springfield" built by Uberti Arms - .45-70 Government
Pitts with his Springfield rifle while disguised as a guard.

Colt 1874 Gatling Gun

Pinkerton's men carry a Gatling Gun aboard the train.

Colt Model 1883 Gatling Gun with 104-round Accles Drum - .45-70 Government
The Gatling Gun dismantled on the floor of the train.

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