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Remember (2022)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Theatrical release poster
Country South Korean flag.jpg South Korea
Directed by Il-Hyeong Lee
Release Date 2022
Language Korean
Studio Moonlight Film
CJ Entertainment
Distributor Acemaker Movieworks (South Korea, theatrical)
815 Pictures (USA, theatrical)
Main Cast
Character Actor
Han Pil-ju Lee Sung-min
Park In-gyu Nam Joo-hyuk
Kim Chi-deok Park Geun-hyeong
Kang Young-sik Jeong Man-sik

Remember (Korean title: 리멤버, Rimembeo) is a 2022 Korean thriller-drama film based on the 2015 Canadian film of the same name. The film stars Lee Sung-min as Han Pil-ju, an aging Alzheimer's patient and veteran of the Imperial Japanese colonization of Korea who, with the help of his young friend Park In-gyu (Nam Joo-hyuk), sets out on a mission to kill all of the Japanese collaborators who were responsible for the deaths of his family.

The following weapons were used in the film Remember (2022):



Beretta 92FS

A police officer in the film's climax can be seen aiming a Beretta 92FS.

Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
A police officer (behind the green-clad officer aiming a Glock 17) aims a Beretta at Pil-ju.

Glock 17

A police officer in the film's climax can be seen aiming a Glock 17.

2nd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm
A police officer (on the far right) aims their Glock at Pil-ju.

Heckler & Koch P30

One of Gen. Kim Chi-deok's guards uses a Heckler & Koch P30 in the film's climax.

Heckler & Koch P30S - 9x19mm
The guard aims his P30 at Pil-ju.
After Pil-ju gets Chi-deok to order him to lower his gun, the guard ejects the loaded magazine...
...and clears the chamber. Note the cartridge in mid-air.
The guard puts the pistol down on a table.


Type 26 Revolver

Han Pil-ju (Lee Sung-min)'s weapon of choice throughout the film is the Imperial Japanese Type 26 Revolver, implied to be from his service in the Imperial Japanese Army. Throughout the first act of the film, the revolver is equipped with an improvised suppressor made from a plastic bottle stuffed with cotton balls.

Type 26 Revolver - 9x22mmR Japanese Revolver
A shot of the revolver's frame as Pil-ju takes it out for the first time. The inscription on the frame reads "清原" (Kiyohara, Pil-ju's adopted Japanese family name as revealed much later in the film).
Pil-ju (Lee Sung-min) practices his aim on a lantern.
Pil-ju attaches an improvised suppressor to his Type 26 while preparing to execute Jung Baek-jin in his hospital room. In reality, the improvised suppressor (which is further suppressed with a pillow) would be extremely ineffective in quietening the revolver due to the cylinder gap.
Pil-ju aims the suppressed revolver at Yanagawa Yusuke/Yang Sung-ik.
The revolver being fired as Pil-ju kills Yanagawa. The revolver stays unsuppressed throughout the rest of the film after the improvised suppressor is crushed in Yanagawa's door in this scene.
As a cornered Pil-ju aims his revolver at Sergeant Kim, the latter grabs the revolver's cylinder, preventing the gun from cycling and firing.
Pil-ju aims the revolver at Kim Chi-deok (Park Geun-hyeong) in the film's climax.
Pil-ju puts the gun to his head in the film's climax.
The revolver falls to the ground.
The Type 26 as it appears in one of the film's posters.

Unknown revolvers

Multiple unknown revolvers are seen throughout the film.

Police detective Kang Young-sik (Jeong Man-sik) aims his revolver into the elevator that Pil-ju was in.
Multiple police officers aim revolvers at Pil-ju.

Submachine Guns

Heckler & Koch MP5A3

The SWAT officers in the film's climax are equipped with the Heckler & Koch MP5A3. They appear to be airsoft replicas.

Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with slimline handguard - 9x19mm
SWAT officers exit a van with their MP5s ready.
An officer aims their MP5 at Pil-ju.
Two officers aiming their guns at Pil-ju.
A close-up of a SWAT officer's MP5.

Bolt-Action Rifles

Arisaka rifle

In a flashback to his parents' past, an Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) soldier restrains Pil-ju's mother with an Arisaka Rifle.

Arisaka Type 38 rifle - 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka (for reference)
An IJA soldier restrains Pil-ju's mother with his rifle.


Improvised smoke grenade

Han Pil-ju creates improvised smoke grenades to use as a distraction during his plan to assassinate Tojo Hisashi.

The smoke grenade's schematics pinned to Pil-ju's secret evidence board.
Pil-ju pokes holes into the completed smoke grenade inside the hotel's bathroom.
Pil-ju lights a second smoke grenade.

Taser X26

Two police officers in the film are equipped with the Taser X26.

Taser X26E
The officers move in to Pil-ju and In-gyu's last location with their Tasers ready.
The officers search the cafe while holding their Tasers.
The officers look down at an escaping Pil-ju and In-gyu.


S.K.I.L.L - Special Force 2

Park In-gyu can be seen playing S.K.I.L.L - Special Force 2 in the film.

In-gyu's character holds a Colt M4A1 in the game.
In-gyu's character drops the rifle as he is killed.

Statue rifle

A soldier depicted in a statue of Kim Chi-deok is seen holding an unknown rifle.

The soldier to the left of Chi-deok holds an unknown rifle.

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