Rebuild of Evangelion is a four-film series from Studio Gainax that is a re-imagining of the Neon Genesis Evangelion television series. Each movie is given a numerical designation (1.0, 2.0, etc.) upon its theatrical release. The number is then amended (1.1, 1.11, etc.) for its home video releases as more footage is added. The first and second films re-told a highly modified version of the storyline from the original series which covered the major events up to the end of episode 20, while 3.XX and 3.0 + 1.0 are set fourteen years after the end of 2.0 and cover a completely new sequence of events.
Evangelion: 1.XX You Are (Not) Alone
Evangelion: 2.XX You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.XX You Can (Not) Redo
Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
The following weapons were used in the anime film Rebuild of Evangelion:
A Glock 19 appears to be used by WILLE staff member Midori Kitakami and others in 3.0 + 1.0.
Glock 19 (2nd Generation) - 9x19mm.
Midori takes the Glock from a small bag in 3.0 + 1.0 inside NHG Buße.
Midori aims the Glock at Shinji after he puts the DSS Choker on his neck.
Wille staffs try to intercept Mark9's attack with Glocks.
Heckler & Koch USP
Ryoji Kaji is seen in the Evangelion 3.0 "preview" at the end of 2.0 aiming what resembles a Heckler & Koch USP with a laser sight mounted underneath the barrel. Ritsuko Akagi appears to use it in in 3.0 + 1.0.
Heckler & Koch USP - 9x19mm
Kaji aiming the USP in the Evangelion 3.0 preview. It appears this preview was designed to mislead, since this scene, like every other scene in the 3.0 preview, never actually happens in the third movie.
Ritsuko aims the USP at Gendo in 3.0 + 1.0.
Ritsuko opens fire at Gendo inside NHG Buße.
The R-92 is used by WILLE officer Sakura Suzuhara in 3.0 + 1.0.
R-92S revolver - 12,3x22 мм R
Sakura aims the R-92 at Shinji in 3.0 + 1.0 after she goes in NHG Buße, making things way complicated.
The R-92 with the loaded chamber.
Shot of the dropped revolver.
Submachine Guns
Heckler and Koch MP7A1
NERV Tactical soldiers can be seen armed with what appear to be Heckler & Koch MP7A1 submachine guns.
Heckler & Koch MP7A1 with factory magazine and iron sights - 4.6x30mm
NERV Tactical soldiers armed with MP7A1s while Eva-02 is being transferred to the Geofront in 2.0.
Assault Rifles
Heckler and Koch XM8 Carbine
WILLE soldiers aboard the AAA Wunder are armed with Heckler & Koch XM8 Carbine in the third/fourth movie.
Heckler & Koch XM8 Compact Carbine with full stock - 5.56x45mm
WILLE soldiers surround Shinji while he's being examined by 2nd Lt. Sakura Suzuhara inside AAA Wunder in 3.0. Note that the uniform and gear is a reference to End of Evangelion, which the JSSDF uses HK assault rifles and black/purple BDUs.
WILLE soldiers secure Shinji after he gets back to the Wunder in 3.0 + 1.0.
Machine Guns
Browning/Sumitomo M2HB
The Sumitomo M2HB is seen in the first three movies used in UN Army military vehicles.
Browning M2HB - .50 BMG. The Sumitomo M2HB is a license-made version of the Browning M2HB for Japanese use only.
UNA MBTs fire a tank volley on Sachiel after NERV detects its presence. These are probably supposed to be Type 10s, though they bear little resemblance to the real tank.
What appears to be a UNA Type 10 MBT is parked in a parking lot in 2.0. You can see the mounted M2HB as an anti-personnel/aircraft weapon.
The M2HB on top of a UNA Type 10 MBT.
Abandoned UNA Type 90 MBTs are inside the remains of NERV HQ in 3.0.
Phalanx Block 1A CIWS - 20x102mm. The Block 1A has a new electronic system which allow it to integrate with other weapons systems aboard ship, as well as introducing a barrel restraint to increase accuracy.
UN Navy ships transporting civilian vehicles from Tokyo-3 in 2.0.
Some WILLE ships armed with the CIWS in 3.0.
CIWS mounted on a WILLE ship serving as a defensive weapon during the decontamination of France in 3.0 + 1.0.
A CIWS mounted on the stern ship of a Kredit-manned ship.
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1s are seen with UN Air Force Sukhoi SU-34 fighters throughout the second movie.
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 - 30x165mm
UNAF SU-34s escort the bomber-type transport carrying Unit 02 with Asuka inside in 2.0.
UNAF SU-34s break off after Unit 02 is deployed to engage the 7th Angel.
Three UNAF SU-34s are seen on the left side of a UN Navy aircraft carrier during the second movie's preview of the next movie.
NSVT Machine Gun
The NSVT Machine Gun is present on UN Army T-80UN MBTs stationed in NERV's Bethany Base and later on, inside NERV HQ in the second and third movies.
NSV-T heavy machine gun mounted on a Ukrainian T-84 - 12.7x107mm
UNA T-80UNs await to ambush the Third Angel after it broke out of confinement in 2.0. It's mounted on top of the turret.
UNA T-80UNs engage the Third Angel.
Abandoned UNA T-80UN MBTs are inside the remains of NERV HQ in 3.0.
PKT Machine Gun
The PKT Machine Gun is present on UN Army T-80UN MBTs stationed in NERV's Bethany Base and later on, inside NERV HQ in the second and third movies.
PKMT - 7.62x54mm R. A modified version of PKT, put into service in 1998.
UNA T-80UNs await to ambush the Third Angel after it broke out of confinement in 2.0. It's either mounted next to the turret's gun or on top of the turret.
UNA T-80UNs engage the Third Angel.
Abandoned UNA T-80UN MBTs are inside the remains of NERV HQ in 3.0.
Sumitomo Type 74
The Sumitomo Type 74 is seen in UN Army Type 74 MBTs as a secondary weapon in the first movie.
Vehicle-mounted Type 74 machine gun - 7.62x51mm NATO.
UNA Type 74 MBTs await Sachiel's arrival, the Type 74s mounted in the turrets next to the gun in 1.0. This scene is a homage to the first episode of NGE.
Mounted Weapons
Bofors 40mm
Misato's fleet, seen in the third movie, includes five Iowa-class battleships: this is one more than were ever built in real life, though given 1980s refits of the never-built USS Illinois and USS Kentucky turned up in the original series, it seems the Evangelion world works a little differently in that regard. Strangely, these five are shown in their WW2 configuration, with multiple Bofors 40mm quad installations which were removed from all real Iowas during their refits.
Bofors 40mm L/60 quad mounting - 40x311mmR
A WILLE Iowa-class battleship escorted by a Russian Udaloy-class destroyer and a Japanese Atago-class guided missile destroyer prepares to engage in battle in 3.0.
M269 Launcher Loader Module
M269 Modules mounted on UN Army-controlled MLRS are used to fire M269 rockets at Sachiel when it begins to approach Tokyo-3 in the first movie. This scene is based on a similar scene from the first episode of the original TV series.
M269 Launcher Loader Module mounted on an M270 MLRS - 227mm
A shot of the UN Army MLRS firing another rocket payload at Sachiel.
Oerlikon 20mm Cannon
In addition to their 40mm Bofors guns, the Iowa-class battleships in Misato's fleet also retain their Oerlikon 20mm Cannons.
Oerlikon Cannon - 20mm
A WILLE Iowa-class battleship escorted by a Russian Udaloy-class destroyer and a Japanese Atago-class guided missile destroyer prepares to engage in battle in 3.0.