Les Misérables
Movie Poster
United Kingdom
United States
Directed by
Tom Shankland
Release Date
December 30, 2018
English French
Lookout Point BBC Studios PBS Masterpiece
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Main Cast
Jean Valjean
Dominic West
David Oyelowo
Fantine Thibault
Lily Collins
Monsieur Thénardier
Adeel Akhtar
Felix Tholomyès
Johnny Flynn
Col. Pontmercy
Henry Lloyd-Hughes
Monsieur Gillenormand
David Bradley
Bishop Myriel
Derek Jacobi
Les Misérables is a British BBC mini-series based on Victor Hugo's novel of the same name and was first released on BBC One at the end of 2018 until the beginning of 2019 and was written by Andrew Davies, who had previously worked on an adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. In early 19th century France, Jean Valjean is released from prison after 19 years. He strives for a better life, but the shadows of his past keep catching up with him.
The mini-series was produced in six parts but was also published in eight parts.
The following weapons were used in the miniseries Les Misérables:
Flintlock Pistols
Pistolet Mle. An IX
An IX Cavalry Pistols are used by Javert (David Oyelowo), Grantaire (Turlough Convery), Enjolras (Joseph Quinn), Courfeyrac (Archie Madekwe), Marius Pontmercy (Josh O'Connor), Jean Valjean (Dominic West), and various other characters.
Pistolet modèle An IX - .69 cal
A Pistolet in the hand of Javert sitting opposite of Jean Valjean. Another one is tucked into his trousers.
Javert yells at Sister Simplice (Natalie Simpson)...
...and turns his attention to Jean (Ep. 3).
Two pistols placed by Javert on the desk in front of Marius as an offer (Ep. 5).
Marius fires the two pistols simultaneously for a signal.
Enjolras fires at an incoming cavalryman.
Grantaire shoulders his pistol during Enjolras' speech (Ep. 6).
Jean uses the ramrod to load his pistol received from Enjolras...
...and fires it into the air (Ep. 7) Note the belt hook along the left side of the gun.
Denix Pistol
Thénardier (Adeel Akhtar) is seen with a Denix replica pistol in Episode 4.
"1830" marked flintlock pistol non-firing replica by unknown Spanish manufacturer. Most likely Denix. It appears to be one of the many "Hadley of London 1760 Flintlock Pistol" replicas.
After Thénardier has caught up with Jean and Cosette (Lia Giovanelli) he threatens Jean with his pistol.
Another view of the same scene from a different angle.
Jean in control of Thénardier's pistol (Ep. 4).
Another pistol is seen checked by the police officer to the right (Ep. 7).
Pistolet Mle. 1777
A Charleville Mle. 1777 Cavalry Officer Pistol is used by Gavroche Thénardier (Reece Yates) in Episode 7.
Pistolet Charleville modèle 1777 - .69 cal
Gavroche points his pistol at the tied up Javert which is interrupted by Enjolras.
A closer view of Gavroche doing the same.
He pulls the trigger during an engagement with a soldier but the pistol fails to fire.
Saint Etienne 1810 An XIII
Javert (David Oyelowo), Courfeyrac (Archie Madekwe), and French Army officers are seen with Saint Etienne 1810 An XIII pistols.
Saint Etienne 1810 Model An XIII Cavalry - .69 cal
Javert holds the pistol taken from the table.
A French Army officer (Gilles Vandeweerd) aims at Marius.
Courfeyrac holds the An XIII after shooting a soldier (Ep. 7).
Charleville Replica
Charleville Musket replicas made by Denix are widely wielded by French policemen and soldiers.
Charleville Musket (Denix reproduction) - 69 caliber
Several Charleville replicas lie among the dead soldiers after the Battle of Waterloo.
British soldiers start aiming their Charleville replicas; a scene before their were armed with accurate Charleville muskets. The
Brown Bess was the standard musket for British troops during that time period.
A prison guard with a replica hanging around his back shows the muzzle (Ep. 1).
A policemen of Montreuil-sur-Mer holds his replica musket.
Two other policemen approached Jean Valjean to escort him to prison.
A policemen on the left stands guard with his Charleville replica as Jean walks by (Ep. 3).
The right side is seen as a guard escorts convicts (Ep. 5).
Parisian citizens raise their replicas while facing-off light cavalry blocking the street at the
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel triumphal arch (Ep. 6).
Disguised Javert with a Denix replica at the barricade.
French soldiers try to open a locked door after storming the barricade (Ep. 7).
Charleville Mle. 1777
The Charleville Mle. 1777 is used by British and French soldiers.
Mousquet Charleville Modèle 1777 - .69 caliber
Three British soldiers search the battlefield of Waterloo for looters on June 19, 1815.
Members of a prison guard firing squad commanded by Javert prepare their Charleville muskets (Ep. 1).
A closer view of the muzzle of Courfeyrac's musket while taking cover.
An insurgent aims his Mle. 1777...
...and emerges from the barricade to fire at charging soldiers.
Another insurgent fires his musket at soldiers.
French soldiers hold their Charleville muskets while encountering two insurgents. The "Grizzled Army Officer" (Victor Gardener) on the right holds a Mle. An IX pistol.
The soldiers formed a firing squad and executed them on the spot (Ep. 7).
Gribeauval Cannon
What appears to be French Gribeauval cannons are seen in Episodes 1 and 7.
Two views of one cannon on the aftermath of the battle of Waterloo (Ep. 1).
A cannon being fired at the barricade (Ep. 7).
See Also