The following weapons were used in the television series Intelligence:
SIG-Sauer P226
A SIG-Sauer P226 is carried by Gabriel Vaughn (Josh Holloway) as his sidearm, first seen in "Pilot" (S1E01). A nickel-plated variant is seen in the hands of a Mexican drug cartel gunman in the middle of "Rescue" (S1E05). Luther Vick (Ronnie Blevins) takes one from an unconscious black ops commando and tries to shoot himself in the chin in order to avoid being apprehended near the end of "Patient Zero" (S1E06). Ex-Chechen guerrilla fighter Jano (Dean Chekvala) is forced to use a P226 when he was ordered to create a neurotoxin bomb in "Cain and Gabriel" (S1E10).
A factory black (K-Kote) SIG-Sauer P226 pistol chambered in 9x19mm. This is a real movie gun and has appeared in several motion pictures.
Gabriel opens fire with the P226 at Ministry of State Security agents in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Gabriel with the P226 after taking cover. (S1E01)
Luther tries to pull the trigger of the P226 after the barrel is pointed at his chin near the end of "Patient Zero" (S1E06).
Jano forced to fire the P226 at a ex-mobster turned pest exterminator.
Jano aims the P226 underneath a picnic table at Eric Hansen.
Nickel SIG-Sauer P226 pistol - 9x19mm. This is another real movie gun and has been adapted to fire full flash motion picture blanks.
A drug cartel gunman threatens to shoot his hostage at her temple in "Rescue".
SIG-Sauer P226R
A Black ops commando working for General Greg Carter in "Patient Zero" (S1E06) uses a SIG-Sauer P226R when he confronts Gabriel and Riley in Cedar Park, Texas.
SIG-Sauer P226R - 9x19mm, updated P226 with accessory rails, now the standard production version for the P226 (IMFDB still refers to this model as the "P226R" to distinguish between newer and older models).
A black ops commando fires the P226R from the driver's seat of the Suburban in "Patient Zero".
The commando aims the P226R at Riley.
SIG-Sauer P228
The SIG-Sauer P228 is carried by Riley Hale (Meghan Ory) in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Riley fires the P228 at MSS agents in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Beretta 92FS Inox
Mei Chen (Faye Kingslee) uses a Beretta 92FS Inox as her sidearm, first seen in "Mei Chen Returns" (S1E03).
American made Beretta 92FS Inox, note the black controls (slide release, thumb safety, safety switch, hammer, magazine release button, rear sight, trigger), magazine bottom plate, grip and Allen/hex grip screws distinguishing it from the Italian 92FS Inox - 9x19mm
Mei Chen searches an abandoned flat under construction in downtown London in "Mei Chen Returns". (S1E03)
Mei Chen fires the suppressed 92FS Inox to assassinate a Chinese Embassy staff member. (S1E03)
Beretta Px4 Storm
A drug cartel gunman is armed with a Beretta Px4 Storm before being disarmed and killed in "Rescue" (S1E05). A Novyi Svit Revolyutsioneriv terrorist briefly uses one in the middle of "The Grey Hat".
Beretta Px4 Storm - 9x19mm
The drug cartel gunman aims the Px4 Storm at the door after hearing footsteps in "Rescue".
A NSR terrorist searches a storeroom while armed with the Px4 Storm in "The Grey Hat".
In this shot, you can see the same NSR terrorist armed with dual Px4 Storms.
Heckler & Koch HK45C Tactical
The Heckler & Koch HK45C Tactical is used by hired assassins throughout "Being Human" (S1E13).
Heckler & Koch HK45CT with low profile Meprolight night sights - .45 ACP.
A good closeup of the HK45CT with the mounted suppressor.
Thomas Olivier infiltrates the Vaughn residence while he aims the suppressed HK45C.
Olivier searches the Vaughn residence with a suppressed HK45C.
A hired assassin grabs a mobile phone while gripping a suppressed HK45 before a wounded Tetazoo takes aim with his Glock 17.
Heckler & Koch Mark 23
A Heckler & Koch Mark 23 was used as the main sidearm of John Norris (Matt Gerald) throughout "Delta Force" (S1E08) with and without a suppressor mounted.
Heckler & Koch Mark 23 - .45 ACP
Norris armed with an unsuppressed Mark 23 in 2006 when he was a Delta Force operator in Afghanistan.
Heckler & Koch USP
A drug cartel gunman is seen armed with the Heckler & Koch USP in the middle of "Rescue" (S1E05). Gabriel, during his time as a Delta Force commando, uses a USP chambered in .45 ACP in "Delta Force" (S1E08).
Heckler & Koch USP - 9x19mm
The USP in the hands of a drug cartel gunman, aimed at Riley after a botched hostage rescue in "Rescue".
Heckler & Koch USP - .45 ACP. Note the slightly longer barrel/slide and grip compared to the 9mm and .40 S&W models above.
The USP .45 held by Gabriel while being assisted by Norris due to a leg wound. Note the magazine baseplate, which confirms that he is using a .45 ACP variant.
Gabriel gripping the USP .45 in his left hand during his time in Afghanistan.
Norris, now a CIA operative in Bolivia, aims a USP Tactical at Gabriel during a showdown.
Kimber Warrior
Beginning in "Red X" (S1E02), Gabriel begins to carry a Kimber Warrior as his main sidearm to replace his P226.
Gabriel draws his pistol during a confrontation in "Red X" (S1E02).
The Kimber Warrior drawn out after confronting Mei Chen when she appears in Gabriel's cyber-rendering in "Mei Chen Returns" (S1E03).
Gabriel aims the Warrior while he rescues a CIA agent in Syria in "Secrets of the Secret Service" (S1E04). Note the rail underneath the barrel. You can also see the "Kimber" markings on the slide also.
The Warrior being fired by Gabriel at the thin wall to take out a NSR terrorist in "The Grey Hat" (S1E11).
A M1911A1 with pearl grips was seen in the shoulder holster of a MSS agent killed by Gabe in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Rock Island Armory M1911A1 Pistol that was
bright nickel plated by the owner (with Pearl grips) - .45 ACP.
The holstered M1911A1 with the pearl grips visible. (S1E01)
Glock 17
The Glock 17 appears throughout the season as a frequent pistol in 2nd and 3rd generation variants, notably in the hands of USCC members as their standard pistol instead of the M9.
2nd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm. This model added finger stepping and cuts to the backstrap of the frame to make it easier to hold than the Generation 1 model.
A bit of continuity error shows up when Luther aims the Glock 17 at Riley's temple. Note the absence of a rail, which indicates that it is at least a 2nd generation version.
Chris scopes out the exterior of a CIA-owned safehouse in the outskirts of La Paz.
Nelson loads up on a Glock 17 after the attempted hostage exchange goes bad.
Riley with the Glock 17 aimed at Mei during a raid at her London safehouse in "Mei Chen Returns" (S1E03).
Rogue CIA analyst Kate Anderson (
Annie Wersching) with the Glock 17 aimed at her British contact to make sure he is not bugged in "Mei Chen Returns" (S1E03).
A Syrian Army Republican Guard soldier goes down after being shot during a hostage rescue in "Secrets of the Secret Service" (S1E04). This is unusual since they would be armed with either Soviet/Russian-made pistols or with the High Power.
Luther Vick shows off the Glock 17 he confiscated from Tom-Tom Benitez in "Patient Zero". Note the trigger discipline.
Gordon opens fire with the pistol at Gabriel and Riley.
Jin Cong aims a Glock 17 at Nelson.
Cyber Command agent Chris Jameson (
Michael Rady) opens fire with the Glock 17 at incoming enemy reinforcements.
Lillian fatally shoots Jin Cong at the end of "Athens".
A 3rd generation Glock 17 dropped on the floor by a disarmed Cyber Command soldier in "The Event Horizon".
Gabriel uses a Glock 17 when he apprehend Adam Weatherly near the end of "Being Human".
IMI Jericho 941
A few MSS agents are armed with the IMI Jericho 941, first seen in "Pilot" (S1E01) with Gabriel taking one for himself after being captured. Eric Hansen (John Pollono) uses a stainless steel IMI Jericho 941 in "Cain and Gabriel" (S1E10).
Jericho 941 R (early model) - 9x19mm.
A MSS agent aims his Jericho 941 at Gabriel in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Another shot of the Jericho 941, which confirms that it is not the current R variant. "Pilot" (S1E01)
Riley takes down a MSS agent with the Jericho 941 in a non-lethal takedown. (S1E01)
Gabriel aims the Jericho 941 at Jin Cong in a showdown in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Stainless IMI Jericho 941 F (note decocker on frame)- 9x19mm
Eric aims the stainless Jericho 941 at Jano in a park in San Francisco.
Walther P99
Jin Cong (Will Yun Lee) uses what appears to be a Walther P99 when threatening Riley in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Walther P99 - 9x19mm. Note the ramped trigger guard, small slide serrations, closed and proprietary accessory rail, short magazine release and slightly more curved 'tail' of the pre-2004 models.
Closeup of Jin Cong with the
Walther P99 when threatening Riley in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Jin Cong (
Will Yun Lee) threatening Riley in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Smith & Wesson Model 28
A Smith & Wesson Model 28 was used in the middle of "Being Human" by both Gabriel & Mrs. Vaughn (Debra Mooney) to take on Thomas Olivier.
Smith & Wesson Model 28 - .357 Magnum. Essentially the same gun as the Model 27, except for a non-checkered top strap and a less high polish blued finish.
Gabriel aims the revolver on Olivier.
Mrs. Vaughn slightly raises her hands to compensate for the revolver's recoil.
Mrs. Vaughn picks up the revolver after Gabriel leaves her house.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
A Black ops commando working for General Carter in "Patient Zero" (S1E06) uses a Heckler & Koch MP5A2 to fend off Gabriel in Cedar Parks, Texas.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with early "slimline" handguard - 9x19mm
A black ops commando emerges out from a Chevrolet Suburban with the MP5A2 in "Patient Zero".
The commando fires the MP5A2 at Riley to cover his colleague's retreat.
Heckler & Koch MP5A4
A Black ops commando masquerading as a US Army soldier uses a Heckler & Koch MP5A4 in "Patient Zero" (S1E06) when his team apprehends Gabriel and Riley with a restrained Luther Vick. He is later disarmed with Riley later using the weapon to apprehend Luther again in the same episode.
Heckler & Koch MP5A4 - 9x19mm. The A4 has an additional option on the selector for '3 round burst' thus possessing four fire options - Safe, Semi Auto, 3 round burst and full auto.
The commando aims his MP5A4 at Gabriel and Riley while masquerading as a US Army soldier in "Patient Zero".
The commando searching the burning shed after hearing signs of Gabriel and Riley breaking out.
Riley with the MP5A4 after Gabriel gives it to her.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD6
Rogue MSS agents led by Jin Cong disguise themselves as American soldiers while being armed with Heckler & Koch MP5SD6 submachine guns in "Athens" (S1E09). Nelson and Riley arm themselves with the SD6 after they disarm the agents guarding them.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD6 with Stock Extended and 3-round trigger group - 9x19mm
Rogue MSS agents disguised as American soldiers storm Cyber Command after killing the sentries.
A MP5SD6 lies near Nelson after he knocks out the agent. Note the trigger group shown, which shows that the the submachine gun is a SD6 variant.
Nelson wildly fires the SD6 with his right hand at the ceiling. Since he is a civilian, he doesn't know how to handle the weapon correctly.
Riley fires the SD6 at incoming enemy reinforcements.
Heckler & Koch MP5K
A few Mexican drug cartel gunmen are armed with the Heckler & Koch MP5K in "Rescue" (S1E05).
Heckler & Koch MP5KN - updated with the Navy Trigger Group - 9x19mm. The Navy trigger group dates to 1985, the MP5K-PDW to 1991. The MP5K is available in the newer MP5KN, MP5KA4, and MP5KA5 configurations, which all have the ambidextrous trigger group. Another 'well used' actual movie blank firing gun.
A drug cartel gunman wields a MP5K with a sling after being shot by Gabriel after the exchange goes south.
A CC surveillance video showing a drug cartel gunman with his hand on his MP5K.
IMI Micro Uzi Pistol
A MSS agent in Maryland uses an IMI Micro Uzi pistol when confronted by Gabriel and Riley in "Pilot" (S1E01).
IMI Micro Uzi with 15 round magazine - 9x19mm.
A MSS agent goes down after being shot by Riley in the chest in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Assault Rifles
AK-47s are seen in the hands on Indian soldiers stationed at the Himalayas near the Indian-Pakistani border in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Authentic AK-47 built from US Receiver. This is an
Actual Screen used AK-47 from the film
We Were Soldiers (built by Cinema Weaponry) - 7.62x39mm
An Indian Army soldier inside an army jeep with an AK-47 in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Syrian Army Republican Guard soldiers are armed with AKMs as their main assault rifle in "Secrets of the Secret Service" (S1E04).
AKM, Stamped Steel Receiver w/ slant muzzle brake - 7.62x39mm
A good closeup of the AKM's receiver as held by a Republican Guard soldier securing a diplomatic meeting site in Damascus.
A Republican Guard soldier stationed at the front entrance of a Syrian military detention center.
In "Pilot" (S1E01), Gabriel brings up a rendering of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack where Lashkar-e-Taiba gunmen wield AKMS rifles.
AKMS, stamped steel receiver w/ slant muzzle brake and under-folding stock - 7.62x39mm
Amelia Vaughn (
Zuleikha Robinson) is seen with an AKMS in Gabriel's rendering of the attack in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Colt M4A1
The Colt M4A1 is also seen used as the main assault rifle for American law enforcement and military personnel.
Colt M4A1 Carbine with M68 Aimpoint reflex optic, Knight's Armament RAS railed handguard and vertical forward grip - 5.56x45mm
In "Red X" (S1E02), a US Marine is armed with an M4A1 in Kabul when confronting a stranger blocking a convoy.
A Cyber Command soldier opens fire with the M4A1 near the end of "The Grey Hat" at Novyi Svit Revolyutsioneriv (NSR) terrorists.
Colt Model 933
Colt Model 933s are used by Cyber Command tactical team operators throughout the season.
Colt Model 933 with bayonet lug deleted - 5.56x45mm NATO
A Cyber Command tac team operator aims the rifle at General Carter near the end of "Patient Zero".
Note the very short barrel.
Cyber Command tac team operators rush to secure a site after Gabriel flees with a gunshot wound near the end of "The Event Horizon".
IMBEL M964 A1 ParaFALs are seen throughout "Delta Force" (S1E08) in the hands of various characters in La Paz, Bolivia.
Imbel M964 A1 ParaFAL - 7.62x51mm NATO
A paramilitary soldier working for a militant opposition leader in La Paz rushes into a brothel with a ParaFAL.
A local gunman searches the outskirts of a CIA safehouse for Norris. Note that there are some rails installed on the handguard and on the upper receiver of this ParaFAL.
Nestor Junaro (
Jaime Zevallos) armed with a ParaFAL when he prepares to leave the basement. The upper receiver appears to have a picatinny railing installed.
Some of the drug cartel gunmen are armed with IWI Galil MAR rifles in "Rescue" (S1E05). Gabriel later takes one of them for himself and uses it near the end of the same episode.
IMI Galil MAR - 5.56x45mm NATO
One of the drug cartel gunmen escorting Hector Villareal is armed with the MAR. Note the folded buttstock.
A drug cartel gunman is shot by Riley when he barges into the room.
Gabriel with the MAR shouldered while providing cover for Riley as she escorts a hostage.
Gabriel aims the iron sights of the MAR at Hector Villareal in a confrontation.
Norinco QBZ-97
MSS agents operating in Maryland are armed with QBZ-97s as their main assault rifle, first seen in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Norinco QBZ-97 - 5.56x45mm
A MSS agent armed with a QBZ-97 ambushes Gabriel and Riley at a Cyber Command safehouse in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Norinco QBZ-97B
In addition to the aforementioned QBZ-97, MSS agents can also be seen using the QBZ-97B carbine while operating in Maryland, first seen in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Norinco QBZ-97B - 5.56x45mm
A MSS agent aims his QBZ-97B at Riley at a MSS safehouse. (S1E01)
Noveske N4 Diplomat
Noveske N4 Diplomat assault carbines are used by Riley and Secret Service agent Charlie Griffin (Michael Trucco) to rescue a CIA agent from Syrian Army Republican Guard soldiers in the middle of "Secrets of the Secret Service".
Noveske N4 Diplomat - 5.56x45mm
Riley aims the EOTech sight mounted on top of the N4 Diplomat when she fires the assault carbine at a Republican Guard soldier.
USSS agent Griffin with the N4 Diplomat after he sees Riley gun down the last Republic Guard soldier.
Zastava M70B1
Some Indian soldiers in "Pilot" (S1E01) are armed with Zastava M70B1s as their main assault rifle.
Zastava M70B1 fixed stock rifle - 7.62x39mm
Gabriel attacks an Indian soldier from the back, who was armed with a Zastava M70B1 in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Some of the Indian Army soldiers disembarking from the truck transport are armed with M70B1s. (S1E01)
Zastava M70AB2
Some of the Indian soldiers chasing after Gabriel in "Pilot" (S1E01) are armed with Zastava M70AB2s.
Zastava M70AB2 folding stock rifle - 7.62x39mm
An Indian Army soldiers chases Gabriel in the forest with a Zastava M70AB2. (S1E01)
Kel-Tec KSG
A Kel-Tec KSG is used by some Novyi Svit Revolyutsioneriv (NSR) terrorists throughout "The Grey Hat" (S1E11).
Kel-Tec KSG with Magpul RVG foregrip - 12 Gauge
The NSR terrorist prepares to conduct a door breach with the KSG.
A NSR terrorist armed with the KSG during a firefight between them and Cyber Command forces.
Over and Under Shotgun
Over and Under Shotguns are used near the end of "Being Human" (S1E13).
Remington Premier 12 or 20 gauge, or a combination.
Governor Christy Cameron (
Bonita Friedericy) ports an Over and Under shotgun during a bird hunt.
Adam Weatherly (
Tomas Arana) confronts Governor Cameron while porting the Over and Under shotgun.
Serbu Super Shorty
A NSR terrorist named Piotr is armed with a Serbu Super Shorty when he confronts Gabriel and Riley in "The Grey Hat" (S1E11).
Serbu Super Shorty Shotgun made from a Mossberg 500 - 12 Gauge
Piotr grips the pistol grip of his Serbu Super Shorty during a confrontation.
Sniper Rifles
Blaser R93 LRS2
During a hostage rescue mission, Gabriel is armed with a Blaser R93 LRS2 to provide cover for Riley in "Rescue" (S01E05).
Blaser R93 LSR2 with Parker & Hale bipod - .338 Lapua Magnum
Gabriel takes aim with the Blaser R93 LRS2 during a hostage rescue operation.
DRD Tactical Paratus-16-LR-B
A hired assassin uses a DRD Tactical Paratus-16-LR-B as a short-range sniper rifle in an attempt to snipe Gabriel and Mei near the end of "The Event Horizon" (S1E12).
DRD Tactical Paratus-16-LR-B - 7.62x51mm
The assassin unloads the Paratus's magazine after being spotted.
The M99 is seen in "Pilot" (S1E01) as a cyber-rendering image when Gabriel investigates something outside the Cassidy residence.
The M99 as a cyber-rendering image via Gabriel's microchip in "Pilot" (S1E01).
Remington 700PSS
A Remington 700PSS is possibly used by Mei Chen in "Mei Chen Returns" (S1E03).
Remington 700PSS with Leupold Mark 4 scope and Harris bipod - .300 Win Mag
A Remington 700PSS equipped with a laser sight and riflescope when Gabriel does a cyber-rendering of an assassination in London.
Springfield M1A with JAE-100 Stock
What appears to be a Springfield Armory M1A outfitted with a JAE-100 Stock is used in "Pilot" (S1E01). This is likely the same rifle seen in Almost Human as both series are shot in Vancouver, Canada.
M1A with JAE-100 stock - 7.62x51mm NATO
A MSS agent aims the M1A at Gabriel and Nelson in "Pilot" (S1E01). This shot confirms that it's not a M99.
Jin Cong (
Will Yun Lee) shows the M1A to Dr. Cassidy in "Pilot" (S1E01). Strangely enough, he identifies it as the M99, which is incorrect.
The rifle is used by Shenendoah Cassidy (
John Billingsley) near the end of "Pilot" (S1E01).
Machine Guns
Browning M2
A Browning M2HB is seen mounted atop a Marine Humvee in "Red X" (S1E02).
A US Marine mans the M2HB in "Red X" (S1E02).
A DShK is seen mounted on a Syrian Army Republican Guard Land Rover near the end of "Secrets of the Secret Service" (S1E04).
DShKM on tripod - 12.7x108mm
A Republican Guard Land Rover with a DShK mounted at the rear.
A NSR terrorist opens fire with a machine gun mounted in the interior of a van.
Mk. 2
A Mk. 2 frag grenade is used in a Mexican jumping bean trap in "The Rescue".
The Mk. 2 in the restrained hands of a hostage in Mexico.