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I Killed Lúcio Flávio (Eu Matei Lúcio Flávio)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Eu Matei Lúcio Flávio (1979)

I Killed Lúcio Flávio ( Eu Matei Lúcio Flávio) is a 1979 Brazilian exploitation film directed by Antonio Calmon. The movie was a sort of "response" to 1977's Lucio Flavio; inspired by the life of detective Mariel Mariscot (who also inspired the "Moretti" character in the 1977 film) who was part of an underground death squad within Rio's police. Lucio Flavio is portrayed as his nemesis (while in the 1977 film, he is a former accomplice).

The following weapons were used in the film I Killed Lúcio Flávio (Eu Matei Lúcio Flávio):


Smith & Wesson Military & Police (Spanish version)

Mariel uses a nickel plated revolver during the drug store robbery. It appears to be a Spanish copy of the Smith & Wesson Military & Police (ironically, a very similar weapon was used by the title character in Lucio Flavio).

S&W Model 10 copy made by Guisasola Hermanos - .38 Long Colt
Mariel fires the revolver at a robber. Note the placement of the screws.

Unidentified Revolvers

A policeman draws an unknown snubnose revolver

The policeman holds the revolver.

Various revolvers are seen at the police firing range.

The trainees fire their weapons. The instructor tells them to aim for the heart, use a two-handed grip, and fire in double-action.

One of the robbers at the drugstore uses a snubnose revolver

The robber gestures with the revolver and asks for syringes.
The gun is seen up close.
The robber holds the gun after being injured.

A revolver is used by another robber

The robber fires the revolver while holding a knife on his other hand.
The robber holds the gun after being injured.

Some of the policemen who arrest Mariel are armed with unknown revolvers.

The policemen point their guns at Mariel.

Smith & Wesson Model 13

Mariel's partner (Anselmo Vasconcelos) uses what appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 13 during the drugstore robbery; Mariel borrows it later. Note that it has a fairly similar barrel and receiver, although it could be another revolver since its hammer differs a little from that of the Smith & Wesson Model 13.

Smith & Wesson Model 13 w/ 3" barrel - .357 Magnum
He fires the revolver at a robber. Note that he holds the gun with one hand wrapped around his wrist.
Another shot of the revolver.
Mariel executes a robber with his partner's gun.


FN 1900

Mariel (Jece Valadão) uses a nickel FN Model 1900.

FN Model 1900 with nickel finish - .32 ACP
Mariel holds the FN 1900 during the assassination attempt on the politician.
Mariel holds the FN 1900 in one hand and the CZ 50 in the other.

CZ 50

Mariel also uses a CZ 50 with brown grips. This is one of the first film appearances of this weapon outside the Eastern Bloc.

CZ 50 - .32 ACP
Mariel fires the weapon at the police firing range. The instructor says to aim for the heart, use a two-handed grip, and fire in double-action.
The gun is seen up close.
Mariel holds the FN 1900 in one hand and the CZ 50 in the other.

Heckler & Koch VP70M

Mariel uses a Heckler & Koch VP70M during his assignment as a bodyguard. This is the first known appearance of the VP70 in any sort of media and the only known appearance of the VP70M in a live-action production.

Heckler & Koch VP70M with stock - 9x19mm
The weapon is seen up close. The buttstock indicates this is a military model capable of burst fire.
Mariel holds the weapon while watching over the politician.
The weapon is seen in a production still.

Smith & Wesson 59

What was initially thought to be an M1911-style pistol is actually a Smith & Wesson 59, used by Mariel while working as a bodyguard.

Smith & Wesson 59 - .9x19mm Parabellum
The gun is seen in his waistband. Note the dark grips.
Mariel twirls the gun.
The weapon is seen in a production still.

Unknown Pistol

A policeman is seen with an unknow pistol.

The policemen in the pink shirt points his gun at Mariel.


One of the robbers at the drugstore use what appears to be an M1911 pistol with dark grips.

Colt M1911 Pistol - .45 ACP
The robber points the gun at a clerk.
The robber's gun jams.
A policeman carries what appears to be the same gun. Note that the grips appear to have no screws.


Sawed-off Shotgun

A policeman uses a side-by-side 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun with a cut-down barrel.

Sawed off Stevens 311 shotgun - 12 Gauge
The policeman holds the shotgun.

Single Barrel Shotgun

A Single Barrel Shotgun is seem in Mariel's living room.

The shotgun is seen hanging on the wall next to the bathroom door.


INA Model 953

The INA Model 953 is used by police and gangsters. A gangster uses what appears to be a Model 953 with the stock removed.

INA Model 953 - .45 ACP
The gangster holds the weapon.


Unknown Sniper Rifle

Lúcio Flávio (Paulo Ramos) uses an unknown sniper rifle.

Lúcio Flávio holds the weapon.
He aims the weapon at Mariel.

Unknown Rifle

A gangster uses an unknown rifle.

The gangster holds the rifle.

Urko Carbine

The locally made Urko Carbine is used by police and gangsters. The weapon is fitted with a pistol grip and a wooden forward grip; it might be a custom gun, or even one of the rare folding stock variants (which have a shorter barrel and were sold to police and cash transport companies) with the stock removed.

Urko Carbine - .22 LR
A gangster holds the Urko. The weapon appears to have a long magazine (perhaps one of the 16-round models).
A policeman holds the Urko.
The policeman points the gun at Mariel.
The gun is seen up close; the Urko's hooded front sight can be seen in this shot. The weapon appears to be fitted with a non-standard barrel shroud.

M6 Aircrew Survival Weapon

A policeman uses an M6 Aircrew Survival Weapon. An odd choice since the weapon was issued to the United States Air Force and never adopted by any police force. This is likely the same gun that was used in other Brazilian films from the 1960s and 1970s.

M6 Aircrew Survival Weapon - .22 Hornet/.410 Bore
The policeman holds the M6.
The weapon's muzzle is seen up close.
The policeman in the brown jacket points the gun at Mariel.

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