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An American Haunting

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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An American Haunting
American Haunting poster.jpg
Film Poster
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Directed by Courtney Solomon
Release Date 2005
Language English
Studio Allan Zeman Productions
Midsummer Films
Remstar Productions
Distributor Redbus Film Distribution (UK)
Odeon Films (Canada)
Freestyle Releasing (US)
Main Cast
Character Actor
John Bell Donald Sutherland
Lucy Bell Sissy Spacek
Richard Powell James D'Arcy
Kate Batts Gaye Brown
John Bell Jr. Thom Fell

An American Haunting is a 2005 horror film written and directed by Courtney Solomon. The film stars Donald Sutherland, Sissy Spacek, James D'Arcy, and Rachel Hurd-Wood in a retelling of the Bell Witch Haunting, an alleged paranormal occurrence that affected the Bell family of early 19th century Tennessee.

The following weapons were used in the film An American Haunting:

Flintlock Pistol

John Bell (Donald Sutherland) owns a replica Flintlock Pistol. In one scene, Lucy Bell (Sissy Spacek) disarms him. Later, John gives his weapon to Kate Batts (Gaye Brown).

Hadley of London 1760 (Non-firing replica by Kosler)
John Bell gives his pistol to Kate.
Kate Batts reloads the pistol...
...and puts it to John's head.
Kate Batts takes aim with the pistol.
A closer view of the muzzle.
John draws his pistol.
Lucy disarms John.

Brown Bess Flintlock Musket

John Bell (Donald Sutherland), as well as John Bell Jr. (Thom Fell) and Richard Powell, (James D'Arcy) own replica Brown Bess Flintlock Muskets, which they use while hunting. Later, John Bell uses it to protect himself from the ghost.

Denix Land Pattern musket "Brown Bess', England 1722
John rests the musket on his shoulder. Note the barrel band which is not present on authentic Brown Bess muskets.
American Haunting musket 2.jpg
Closer view of the barrel.
American Haunting musket 4.jpg
John holds his musket.
A close-up of the flintlock offers a view of the inaccurate rear sight.
American Haunting musket 7.jpg

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