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Talk:Colbert Report, The

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Revision as of 02:23, 12 July 2010 by Anonymous (talk | contribs)
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How ironic we have a page for a left wing antigun jerk like Colbert on IMFDB :)

And say what you will about Colbert, but at least he's not a hypocrite. Look at how much space we've devoted to Sylvester Stallone. --funkychinaman 00:54, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

what exactly makes him a jerk? Just because he's not a conservative gun nut?

We better put some kind of disclaimer on the page, since we're all humorless right wing gun nuts and any illusion of this being any kind of impartial catalog of weapons in film and television went out the fucking window a long time ago.

- Yeah, sure. Why not? :b StanTheMan 00:37, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, ironic that a couple of anonymous douchbags User: and User: spout anti gun left wing sarcasm. Nice to know that the rest of us are "fascists" in your eyes. I wonder why those gun hating folks even POST HERE! MoviePropMaster2008 01:37, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
Name anything I've said that's "anti-gun." You're just ranting and raving about things that have no bearing on reality. And the way you guys go on about the conspiracies of liberals and "the left" to come take your guns away is embarassing, and nothing to do with me. I'm only anti-raving hypocrite who pretends to run an impartial encyclopedia. --TheSouthpawOutlaw 23:46, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Actually, I love guns. I'm a firm supporter of the second ammendment. The only catch is that I'm also a proud liberal, atheist, pro gay marriage and all of the other stuff. Just because I don't preach from the bible of Beck and Limbaugh doesn't mean I'm a communist-socialist-facsist-or any other scary sounding word ending in "ist". I am liberal and love guns, and I also despise the constant right-wing rhetoric that surrounds the whole "gun-culture". I think it hurts the us all because a lot of people have this stereo-typical view of gun-owners as ignorant rednecks and it alienates the shooters who think differently and it scares away the non-shooters. I don't hate conservatives, just the extreme ones who spout non-sense at anyone who disagrees with them. This ain't directed at anyone in particular,just a general statement/ ShootingLiberal

Uh, no. The gun owning crowd are NOT far right rednecks, but the damned LIBERALS sure like to make sure that this shallow stereotype is all that people recognize. Sorry, but being a proud card carrying Liberal and supporting guns is a contradiction, since Liberals by their philosophy see government as the best caretaker of the population, whereas the conservative sees the individual as the best caretaker of himself. Gun ownership is contradictory to the power of the state if the state wants all the power. Your quote was incredibly stupid and douchebaggy. Criticizing US as being humorless right wing gun nuts? The LEFT has no sense of humor (and your post proves it). Also quit being a douchebag and stop posting anonymously. All of our worst contributors pop in anonymously, type ridiculous posts and then either leave or are banned. Thanks for listening. MoviePropMaster2008 03:10, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." - Barack Obama, 2008. --funkychinaman 02:18, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

^This. Seriously, I love how liberals like to pretend that gun owners are knuckle dragging idiots. Except, of course, when they're a gun owner; then they're responsible but everyone else can't be trusted. I absolutely agree, as well, that liberalism (much like socialism, communism, and marxism) views the government as the group best equipped to act as caretaker for the whole populace. Let's look at Obama's policies for a quick case in point; they're better equipped to determine prices of private goods, they're better equipped to determine what's best for you (you gotta buy that health insurance or pay a fine), they're best equipped to run private car manufacturers, they're best equipped to give out student loans, they're best equipped to run banks, etc. By the way, I especially enjoy how, when something occurs that actually lies in the purview of what the government is supposedly best equipped to handle, they botch it ridiculously (oil spill). Gun ownership goes against the liberal belief that the people best equipped to use firearms are, of course, chosen by the government. And the fact that you live such a contradictory lifestyle raises questions about your own willful ignorance.--Asmkillr323 03:30, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

- Oh goody, political bullshit. Not that I disagree really, but.. Bah. StanTheMan 03:51, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

^ Me and him (ShootingLiberal) are in the same boat, 'cept I'm a agnostic BeardedHoplite 03:07, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

I knew there was something I didn't like about you! ;) LOL MoviePropMaster2008 03:10, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Oh crap, the guy with the warehouse full of guns doesn't like me BeardedHoplite 03:20, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Naw, just a nauseated feeling of suspicion and distrust. Don't worry. I believe in the first amendment. You can believe whatever you want. But that crack sounds kinda like that 'this guy is dangerous because he has a lot of guns' crap that a lot of gun haters spout. Just noting ;) MPM

Oh, not at all. It a simple jibe is all. I apologize for the misunderstanding BeardedHoplite 05:23, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Oh, Okay! :) Cool. But it's true.... I AM dangerous (quote from Top Gun) MoviePropMaster2008 06:07, 11 July 2010 (UTC)

Hoplite, we'll just use Obama's secret rights-stealing task force to take his guns.

Hahahaha. Just what I expected! ;) MPM

and MPM2008: You are completely over-reacting to what I'm trying to say. Not all liberals are communist, vegetarian, demons hell bent on turning the USA into the USSR. I believe in what Liberals believe, there are actually a lot of people like us, on specified boards and other gun forums. I've heard of tons of libs and moderates being afraid to identify themselves as such because they fear the backlash they might recieve. I just recently saw a confessed liberal getting ripped on 1911forums.com just for having it in his username, his post was about Military 1911's, nothing political to it and he still got ripped. Take a trip over to theliberalgunclub.org and you'll find that we enjoy guns just as much you or anyone else. There really is a conservative taste to the culture of gun-owners in America, a trip to any forum or gun range will show you that. It alienates many and scares off even more./ Shooting Liberal

Well it's gotta be EXPECTED, being that Liberals are the PERSECUTORS of gun owners. Kinda like being a German and a NSDAP member in a Jewish community in the 1930s and saying "Hey! I don't like how I have to hide the fact that I'm a German AND an NSDAP member" Doh! Or did you forget that Liberals are the backbone of the gun prohibition movement? It's got to be expected. How can you guys expect anything else? Sorry about that. I don't bash Liberals in my many OTHER forums because it's not an issue. I am in many forums for filmmaking, technical aspects of film, special effects, film editing. Personally I don't care what a person's politics are. But consider that anti gun LIBERALS (yes I said it) have driven MOST of the movie armorers out of business, have driven most of the movie industry OUT of the U.S. (mostly due to their rampant love of taxation and red tape and anti business bias) and seek (indirectly mind you) to eliminate guns in films in general. Kinda ironic eh? MoviePropMaster2008 04:50, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
It's not limited to driving firearms out of Hollywood, either. Liberals have been doing their best to destroy the people's ability and God-given right to keep and bear arms for decades. Recall the attempt to allow gun manufacturers to be sued for what their product was used for (no other product in America carries the same rules), the repeated attempts at standardizing ridiculous, ineffective, and prohibitively expensive 'safety' devices that make no one more safe, and, of course, the liberal leadership on the fight to destroy the gun show through various ridiculous methos, even though all data suggests criminals get their firearms from burglary more than anywhere else. 'Shooting Liberal', you're deluding yourself, and I suggest you look around you, because with every vote you cast for some liberal jackass, you're destroying your right to keep and bear arms.--Asmkillr323 13:40, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
By the way, liberalism is, in of itself, basically nanny-statism, and any nanny-state will eventually demand the firearms of their serfs. Liberalism makes everyone equally miserable except for the well-connected and political, much like communism. And, of course, there's that whole 'share the wealth' bullshit, because apparently I deserve to be taxed for creating jobs and making a legitimate wage so that someone can sit at home and watch cable TV or gamble at a casino with my tax dollars. Liberalism and the anti-gun agenda go hand in hand, and if you disagree, you're ignoring it.

You know, it's not only liberals who go forward with this anti-gun stuff. You'd be surprised how many Republicans support some of these gun control measures. Plus, since our Liberal president took office, your gun rights have actually grown. Now you can carry in a National park and transport firearms on an amtrak. Like I said earlier, a lot of Liberals are no where near what you think, we are people too :) and some of us are adament supporters of the right to bear arms

WTF? Obama would NEVER increase gun rights on his own. The National park carry was PUSHED by Republicans! (and some pro gun Democrats). But I don't bash Obama for gun control, he hasn't done any (in fact you'll never find a bash on him by me anywhere on this site) Where do you live? It depends a lot on where you call home. In California we have a LOT of liberal fascists (i.e. liberals who are evil and crush all dissent). I have liberal friends who are HONEST liberals (i.e. they may have an opinion but they support the rights of others to have different opinions), but in SAN FRANCISCO and LALA land (especially the Hollywood crowd), the Liberals are intolerant bullies. I suppose that skews one's view of them. MoviePropMaster2008 06:07, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
Also, Obama didn't have any fingerprint on the law allowing carry in a national park. That was written and signed into law during the Bush administration; when Obama took power, he immediately halted it, and then it was reintroduced and re-signed later along with a bunch of other socialist things Obama wanted. AMTRAK legislation was ony passed because what it was attached to was a big part of Obama's agenda to destroy this country and strip people of as many freedoms as possible. Don't sit there and kid yourself, thinking Obama is a fan of the second amendment. He is not, by any stretch, a fan of your right to keep and bear arms. If you think he is, you're delusional. And as for 'republicans' who are anti-gun, note also that their voting records often reflect being more D than R, much like Arlen Specter. Just because you call yourself a Republican doesn't make you one. On the other hand, liberals are all against 2nd amendment rights, because you're too stupid to be able to handle such a dangerous item, but the people the government chooses for police departments are not.--Asmkillr323 13:40, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
PS.You seem to have conveniently forgotten the things Obama has done trying to destroy the right to keep and bear arms, including the attemtped scapegoating for the drug war in Mexico, the destruction of brass, and the fact that Hillary Clinton says she will sign the UN Weapons Ban. --Asmkillr323 13:46, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
First off, wow, this got ugly fast. And second, I think the Dems may be a little smarter now when it comes to gun control after they saw what happened to Al Gore after him and Clinton went a little too far (Florida wouldn't have mattered as much of Gore had actually won his home state.) Ironically, Barry is probably the best thing to happen to the gun industry in a long time. Sales went through the roof after he got elected due to the perception that he's going to go nuts on gun rights. Sure, he had the record, but I think he has bigger fish to fry (two simultaneous wars, horrible unemployment, the fact that none of his promised hope and/or change has come about, etc) , and as we have seen here, he may risk alienating the more socially conservative people in his party if he goes too far, like all the union-loving yet gun-happy Dems in Michigan. (And the only states that allow unrestricted carry are Arizona, Alaska and... Vermont?!) --funkychinaman 00:45, 12 July 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, I don't disagree that after the response to much of the anti-gun nonsense occurring in the first year of Obama's term, they've realized what a touchy subject people's right to keep and bear arms is. Having said that, look at all the times that Obama and his administration have blatantly ignored the wishes of the American people. As for Democrat senators, I think they're starting to realize that it's not politically wise to be anti-gun, except for in a few liberal bastions in the country (shitholes like Chicago, New Jersey [which, I too, escaped, decades, and am thankful to have left], New York, California, etc.) where people who care for their rights are far outnumbered by those who want government handouts.

As for the 'bigger fish to fry' argument, I disagree. Look at all that Obama's socialist regime has done in the name of 'safekeeping the citizenry. It'll come in some way that you don't expect if he has time to get to it; it's not like he's been spending any time on those 'bigger fish' he ought be frying.--Asmkillr323 00:55, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

Well, aside from healthcare, which might not last long beyond January 8th, 2011, he's really got nothing else to tout. Yes, he has a Nobel Peace Prize. But to be fair, he only got it after he pulled us out of both Iraq and Afghanistan, closed the prison at Gitmo, allowed gay to marry and openly serve in the military and-- oh wait, that's right, he's done none of those things. And everybody on Fox News, Tea Party yahoos in a tricorner hats, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh will remind everyone of that until November of 2012. --funkychinaman 01:07, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

I'm from New Jersey, and I completely understand the way you feel. I'm just saying that it isn't only Liberals who are fucking with yours, mine, and everyone elses gun rights.

Ah the Democratic People's Republic of New Jersey, where slingshots, pellet guns, and rubber band guns are considered firearms and require a permit to purchase. I'm so glad I got out. --funkychinaman 00:45, 12 July 2010 (UTC)

I live in Oregon, a state that has been very consistantly liberal on most subjects, but has fairly pro-gun rights firearms laws. Gun rights are much more of a geographic issue than a party one. Last year a failed amendment to a bill that would have made concealed carry permits from one state valid in all states failed by only two or three votes. Many southern and western democrats supported this bill while many north-eastern republicans opposed it. Also, as a centrist who identifies with the Libertarians more than anyone else, I think this discussion has become a little bit too polarizing and mean-spirited. This is a valid debate, but I think withholding some of the more inflammatory language would greatly improve the tone of the discussion. -Anonymous

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