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Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption
VTM Redemption artwork.jpg
Release Date: 2000
Developer: Nihilistic Software
Publisher: Activision
Platforms: Windows
Genre: Action role-playing

Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption is an action RPG developed by Nihilistic Software and released in 2000 based on the World of Darkness tabletop franchise.

The player takes the role of Christof Romuald, a french crusader who is left to recover at a Convent in Prague after being wounded in battle, while recovering he falls in love with a Nun named Anezka and slays a Tzimisce vampire harassing the town, only to then find himself forcibly embraced into the Brujah clan afterwards with Christof struggling with his damned soul and love of Anezka as he battles against other vampire clans.

The game is notably split into two eras, starting in 1141 Prague and later Vienna with a time skip where Christof awakens in 1999 in London and travels to New York. (With firearms obviously only being available without cheats in this second half of the game.)

Notably most firearms have a "Modified" or "Sighted" version, these appear visually identical to their normal counterparts but have a boost in damage or accuracy respectively.

The following weapons appear in the video game Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption:



The Pistol is Christof's first weapon after awakening in 1999, taken from a Society of Leopold member who attacks him. (With Christof getting unique dialogue upon picking it up.) It holds 11 bullets and in addition to a Modified and Sighted version, has a unique "Dragon's Breath" version (despite the fact Dragon's Breath rounds are a type of shotgun shell) that deals fire damage. (Which is considered Aggravated damage so it bypasses most armor/vampire defenses unlike regular bullets which deal Bashing damage.)

Notably the Pistol (and to a lesser extent, the Revolver) are extremely common drops from containers/enemies (even if they don't use it) in the Modern Day, Christof and his Coterie can easily obtain several dozen pistols before leaving London from drops alone.

The Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun are used by New York police guarding the New York hub and will use them against Christof and his Coterie if they are caught feeding on or attacking civilians.

"A metal sling that hurls deadly stones. Tis' simple to use, yet murderous beyond measure. I see that man has not rested in his quest to create ever more powerful weapons."
Christof and his Coterie with the handgun, notably weapons appear smaller in Lily's hands.


A Revolver is available and holds the expected 6 shots. It appears to be based on the Smith & Wesson Model 10 family, given the cylinder release and unshrouded ejector rod, with a nickel finish and "combat" rubber grips.

Nickel plated Smith & Wesson M&P with S&W "combat" grips - .38 Special
VTM Redemption Revolver.jpg


Double Barrel Shotgun

A Double Barrel Shotgun is available as simply the "Shotgun", it has a Modified version available and holds 10 or 20 shells (as the shotgun and various other firearms have a second magazine type that holds double the ammo) before needing to be reloaded.

It seems to be incredibly confused as to what kind of shotgun it is, the inventory icon seems to depict it as an Over and Under Shotgun, the 3D model is a side-by-side double barrel that seemingly has the heat shield from a Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun and the firing animation has it be visually and audibly pumped between shots. (Except making this even weirder, it's only pumped depending on the shooter as some characters do not pump it between shots with the pump sound effect also not playing.)

Christof and Pink hold their shotguns infront of your sterotypical London Bobby.
A Ventrue guard holds his shotgun which appears to have a heat shield or something similar textured on the barrel.

Submachine Gun


The IMI Uzi appear as the "Submachinegun", has a Modified version and holds either 16 or 32 bullets.

The Uzi's model is notably also modified for the "Incinerator" weapon that essentially functions as a weaker one-handed version of the game's flamethrower

IMI Uzi - 9x19mm
VTM Redemption Uzi.jpg
The Incinerator in-game.



A M16 rifle appears as the "Assault Rifle", it has Modified and Sighted versions available and holds 20 or 40 bullets before reloading.

A notable animation error for Christof has him soundlessly pumping it like the shotgun after firing.

Colt M16A1 with 30 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Christof and Pink with the Assault Rifle.
New York weapons dealer Hank Winchester is always cleaning an M16 with a rag.


The Rifle is a scoped and suppressed rifle and can be loaded with 11 or 22 rounds ammo pickups, it can be purchased at modern day weapon shops or randomly dropped by NYPD officers. Ammo pickups for the Rifle are oddly a possible drop from most human and vampire foes in the modern day despite only used being by NYPD officers and the player's party. It has a bolt textured on but characters simply fire it as if it was semi-automatic.

A NYPD officer and Samuel with the rifle.
Unused icon in the game's files of an unscoped rifle.



The same grenade model is used for Concussion, Fragmentation and White Phosphorus grenades.

Grenades on the ground.

Chemical Grenade

The "Chemical Grenade" uses a unique "Disease" damage type which appears to be unfinished or bugged as in practice it only deals 30 damage but bypasses all defenses.

Chemical Grenades on the ground.

Satchel Charge

VTM Redemption Satchel Charge.jpg

Grenade Launcher

VTM Redemption Grenade Launcher.jpg

Mk 153 SMAW

The Mk 153 SMAW appears as the "Rocket Launcher" can be loaded with packs of either 1 or 3 rockets.

It appears whoever created the model only had a collapsed SMAW for reference.

Collapsed Mk 153 Mod 0 SMAW - 83mm
VTM Redemption Rocket Launcher.jpg



Crossbows and Bows (with different versions for the dark ages and modern nights) are available to Christof and his party, they are somewhat more effective than firearms due to dealing Lethal damage and both bows have flaming versions which are even more effective.

All arrow-based weapons "hold" 20 arrows before requiring another quiver.

Erik with the dark ages crossbow.
Lily with the modern crossbow.


VTM Redemption Chaingun.jpg


A Flamethrower is available and uses the same Napalm canisters as the Incinerator.

Lily and Samuel with the flamethrower.

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