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User talk:Kloga
Здравствуйте. Прошу прощения за столь длительное отсутствие. Нашёл одного из админов: http://www.imfdb.org/index.php/User:Gunmaster45. --RedCharger 15:40, 31 March 2010 (UTC)
- Здравствуйте. Отсутствие не длительное. :) Но это админ этого сайта, наверное. Я боюсь, вы меня не поняли, я ищу админа сайта kiwe.ru, который скорее всего здесь есть. Хотя, все равно спасибо за помощь. :) --Kloga 16:51, 31 March 2010 (UTC)
- Приветствую. Я админ указанного сайта. Связаться со мной можно по почте [email protected]. --Kinofob 14:51, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
No Cyrillic guys, Sure you can post in any language you want but be warned. Don't be surprised if any foreign language posts are deleted, and foreign language posters banned as SPAMMERS. IMFDB has banned many spammers from Russia, so in the future, so we know that you are NOT a spammer, post in English. MoviePropMaster2008 01:24, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
- I think, there was NOT spammers among cyrillic posts. I think that you need to write on main page : "If you're russian languaged user, you can be interested in kiwe.ru". I think now, when i knew admin of this site it will be much better. --Kloga 12:03, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
Sorry to say but a lot screenshots you uploaded have to be deleted since you take TOO many screenshots for the same gun (some of them even have the respective gun appearing in them) and bows & arrows, knives,etc are strictly not allowed in IMFDB. Another thing... keep the size of the screenshots at the page between 400-500px because 200px is too small for them.--SB2296 16:55, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
- Actually, what does it mean "strictly not allowed" ? Bows, knifes, etc. are weapons too, so i think it will be great to write not just about guns, more interesting to reader, cause knives, swords, bows as interesting to people as guns and explosives.So i disagree with your position in this situation. :( At least why tank cannon was removed ? And you removed screnshots of the pistol and rifle, that i most liked. :( This article about comedy show, why i just can't write funny things ? And it's even April Fools Day today...
P.S. Well, why we can't do section "Other weapons" and write about not firearms but other things that can be considered as weapons ? --Kloga 17:55, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
- See its a common prejudice about IMFDB is that its a database for any "weapons" appearing in movies, television, video games, etc. However if see the full form of IMFDB, its actually Internet Firarms DataBase and as I said anything outside guns (and explosives devices like grenades,etc) are barred from this site. I recommend you better talk with the admins cause they are the rulemakers here:
........Like Ben41 said it would be best to keep the non-guns in the discussion page.--SB2296 13:50, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
- I think that discussion pages for discussion, not for other weapons. Maybe it will be better to use something like this instead of discussion page ? --Kloga 16:22, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
- You take TOO many screenshots for a gun appearing in the same scene and some of those screenshots do not show the gun quite well. You should better see the pages of IMFDB to learn about how to take screenshots. Take this for example:
--SB2296 17:23, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
- Why to many ? Just want to show all the aspects , cause there's one or two unclear screenshots on other pages and i didn't like this. I really like to see all in details and examples. Yes, for a INCORRECT VISUAL EFFECTS MUZZLE FLASH from REVOLVER ! :) Just wanted to show two examples (there's match more in the film, actually). In case of Dollarhydes handgun - what on my screenshots - it's what you actually only see in the movie. I think, they didn't even used the gun for this scene. Don't delete this pictures, until i post them into page, then read and then decide - delete them or not. Relax. Take it easy. And why you deleted my pages about Mr.Bean other weapons. :( It was just an experiment in how people will like this ... --Kloga 17:33, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
- It is best to keep such incorrect special effects,etc in the trivia section just like I did. It seems like the Manhunter page was better than the earlier pages you screencapped.--SB2296 04:38, 3 April 2010 (UTC)
- That's cause i made manhunter screenshots with Media Player Classic, while Mr. Bean screenshots was made by my regular dvd player. --Kloga 12:42, 3 April 2010 (UTC)
- It is best to keep such incorrect special effects,etc in the trivia section just like I did. It seems like the Manhunter page was better than the earlier pages you screencapped.--SB2296 04:38, 3 April 2010 (UTC)
- I removed the second picture in the unknown revolver section of the Manhunter talk page since I found it was the same as the first picture, just the text you wrote was different, a very silly mistake made by you!. Coming to your last post, I recommend you use VLC media player. BTW when somone sends you a message in your talk page do not reply in your talk page only, write it in the respective user's talkpage.--SB2296 16:35, 3 April 2010 (UTC)
- Greetings,
- I must echo SB2296. I do understand that there are some people on the 'Net who are into swords and other weapons, but this is the Internet Movie Firearms Database, and that is the bottom line. I think it is best to keep to keep other weapons outside of the main page. I apologize truly, but this site is only to document firearms in movies, no other weapons. Hope you understand. -MT2008 15:01, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks for your answer. Now what about this ? I think it's more useful then using discussion pages.
Just guns
Well sometimes, people like to put in grenades and rocket launchers, but really, swords and knives don't need to be on a page. Sure Rambo has one, but it's the Rambo knife. As a general thing, this IS a wiki about guns and nothing else.
Also I guess cheap chinese airsoft do count, just I don't use them for skirmishes. Mine and my team and the people I've played against cost hundreds of dollars. Any airsoft fires 6mm bbs Excalibur01
- Thanks for your answer, too. Rambo knife it's of course something mythic. But I wanna do pages about Highlander films, where a lot of firearms used, but they're secondary to swords.
I think pages like this one can be instead of posting this kinds of information in discussion pages, that for discussion, not for posting.
About airsoft. I know, that professional airsoft is cool weapon replicas, using gas, electricity etc. I even read in a magazine that you can find even airsoft M134 Minigun. (Always wanted to have one, but don't know where to find and how much it can cost) So, even if i've got cheap chinese toy, in which this every bullet need to be loaded in the barrel separetly, it can be considered as an irsoft gun ? It's cool, cause i've got many of this things - started to collect this things in my childhood and didn't stop even now. Nice things. :) --Kloga 16:22, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
Use of other weapons
Well, we hear requests like this all the time. Unfortunately the short answer is no. Please note this important rule taken from the RULES page:
IMFDB is an information resource, not our private playground
- This is a source of Information for weapons and movie buffs around the world. Certainly it is tempting to think of IMFDB as one's own personal 'playground' but please realize that we do this work to serve others.
Yes, it would be 'fun' for fans of the show or anyone who was curious about each and every instrument that can be used as weapon. But it (a) takes up space (b) more importantly, it takes up SERVER SPACE ... we've had to do two upgrades already according to Bunni (Wikisysop and fearless leader) and (c) it clutters up the pages and distracts from the PRIMARY purpose of IMFDB. So all members must adhere to the primary focus of the site and resist all temptation to veer it away, due primarily to the clutter and massive size it would create. Also I seriously doubt that anyone would wonder what type of plastic knife or suction cup arrow was used in a TV show. This entire site was create to educate people as to the realities of armorers and movie guns in Movies & TV. Only later it expanded to Video Games and Anime when people asked the question "What type of gun is that? And does it exist in the real world?" We have a LONG way to go before we are complete in the realm of MOVIE and TV Pages (considering that we are the Internet MOVIE FIREARMS DataBase) which is our primary focus. Since we have so many incomplete or lame pages, we want to discourage any sort of expansion into other realms. Thanks for your inquiry. MoviePropMaster2008 19:01, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
- :( --Kloga 19:05, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
We don't need a Category SLASHERS
We don't want too many categories and it's ridiculous to have so many subcategories. I am removing the SLASHERS subcategory. Horror is fine. MoviePropMaster2008 19:20, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
- Horror is too primimtive, actually. :( --Kloga 19:25, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
Here is a thought
I get a lot of the pics of Western weapons here on this site. Can YOU contribute by getting good pics of the Eastern European weapons for this site? How good of a photographer are you? Can you do it? We don't have many members from Eastern Europe, and alot of the Eastern European guns are crappy pics jacked from Guns of the World.ru MoviePropMaster2008 00:19, 3 April 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry, but i think that I cant be much useful in this situation, I'm a movie geek, not the weapons expert. I have some books about weapons, but photos in this books even more bad then on Guns of the World.ru and mostly even black and white, cause they're printed on bad quality paper. But i can search photos of needful firearms in russian internet pages - there are many interesting sites, that unknown for western users. All that i can photograph is my bad quality chinese airsoft guns collection. :) But, if my help is needful in someting, ask. If i can, i'll help you. --Kloga 16:54, 3 April 2010 (UTC)
I think those might be a bit too small, but then, I thought the others were also pretty small. Also, a Wiki for bladed weapons seems like a fine idea, though I am personally not into swords or knives. -MT2008 03:05, 28 April 2010 (UTC)
Olympic 6
Creating a page for guns dosen't mean you have to add every picture of that gun you find on the internet. That is why I removed the unnecessary pictures about the revolver.--SB2296 16:59, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
tell your buddy, NO CYRILLIC on this site or he gets banned. How are we supposed to know what he's doing if he's posting in Russian. I speak Russian, but I'm not willing to bother trying to translate anything on this site. Even personal messages, he should not be surprised if he gets banned. We've banned tons of spammers from Russia. Thanks for helping us out here. MoviePropMaster2008 01:22, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
- Well, i talk with Red Charger in russian. I'm very surprised, that you speak russian. --Kloga 12:03, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
RedCharger came back
Hi. Sorry for a long absence. I was in deep depression. I updated my profile and created some articles. Also, I like your articles. About my pictures - it's made by me. I very like draw something, as example - caricatures. The situation on second picture was real. And thanks for advice :) I see, cyrillic prohibited here. So, I cannot write on my language. If you like to talk with me you can write the messages on my E-mail: [email protected]. Talk with you - really interesting for me.--RedCharger 12:22, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
- Cyrillic prohibition here really upset me. Oh, you can register on kiwe.ru - russian languaged site like this one. I'm one of the admins in it now. :) --Kloga 15:53, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Where did you get the screencaps for the Grindhouse trailers? I ask this because the full Grindhouse DVD has not been released yet. Because of this, these will be removed until the DVD comes out. --Ben41 20:59, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
These will be kept up for now, but you have to be specific of where you got the screencaps from. (Just because it's on youtube doesn't mean it's been officially released). --Ben41 21:16, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- I wasn't taking about just the Machete trailer stuff. I was talking about all of Planet Terror and Death Proof, but Ben thought it will be easier keeping them separate. I think he's right. But some of those Hobo with a shotgun caps will be deleted you have way too many of them. So put the ones you don't care about on the talk page. You get 6 max to keep on the page. --Predator20 21:53, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Put them on the talk don't just take them off the page. They need to be physically deleted.--Predator20 21:57, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
- Oops sorry, just the Ithaca 37 section.--Predator20 22:02, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
Yeah it was me, in the this screencap it's easy to tell it was a 92FS. Note the exposed barrel. Most guns have certain identifying features. The Ithaca was by the forend and mag-tube cap.--Predator20 18:10, 17 September 2010 (UTC)

- No, only when something that was identified that stumped most users do we that. If I hadn't checked the Grindhouse page an hour later someone else whould had have identified them.--Predator20 21:43, 17 September 2010 (UTC)
The Molotov was removed because we've stopped adding those to pages. And that pistol IS a VP70. Note the single-piece frame, European magazine catch, the shape of the slide, the shape of the frame, the shape of the triggerguard, and the fact that it's DAO. NONE of these features even come CLOSE to a Jericho.--PistolJunkie 01:49, 21 January 2011 (UTC)
Two George Millers?
Thanks for clearing that up. --Ben41 21:38, 29 January 2011 (UTC)
Director categories
In the future, please don't make categories for directors who have less than 3 films on the database. (Jason Eisener really only has one director's credit). It would be best to put your efforts towards adding more films to the database than to add more needless categories. --Ben41 00:58, 5 February 2011 (UTC)
More categories
Instead of making a category for Yojimbo, I would rather see a "See Also" on the relevant pages. Take a look at The Departed page at the bottom for an example. Or you could write about it in a synopsis at the top of the movie pages (take a look at I Am Legend). --Ben41 01:37, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
"Moonlit Night" article
There's really no need for both of those first two screencaps. They're only about two frames apart.--PistolJunkie 23:34, 21 February 2011 (UTC)
Alain Deleon
I moved the photo to the discussion page because it shows another actor pointing the firearm at him. We strive to have screencaps showing the actors using firearms. Especially on that actor's page. If you can get a screencap from the movie in question showing him using a firearm then I would have no issue with the screencap being replaced. --Jcordell 21:06, 28 February 2011 (UTC)
Bruni Olimpyc 6 (not Olympic)
As you may have seen, I made some small revisions on pages you created. I noticed that we both had a page for the Bruni Olimpyc 6, but you had it spelled 'Olympic' which is incorrect if you check the Bruni website (www.bruniguns.com). I agree it does not make sense, but that's probably a marketing trick from Bruni...
I added my data (for Razor Blade Smile) in your file and redirected the page to the correct naming with 'Olimpyc'. Again, it may be a little thing but I think we should keep matters as close to reality as possible. I trust you can agree with my small revision, --PeeWee055 11:43, 17 September 2011 (CDT)
Just to let you know, I spoke with an Admin this afternoon and we agreed that indeed 'Olympic' is the correct spelling as this is written on the frame and sounds most logical. Reason I thought 'Olimpyc' was correct is that this is used on the official Bruni website, but upon closer inspection, they also say 'Olimpic' on their official website (see screenshot below). They don't know themselves hahahahaha
Take care and best greetings, --PeeWee055 10:26, 18 September 2011 (CDT)
Thanks for good words on my contribution. :) I've been away for some time but returned now and will try to do something more. You can email me to gereint at gmail.com. Greg-Z 01:33, 12 April 2012 (CDT)
Hello! Have you plans of creating a page about Igla Remix? In this version Dina uses some M1911-style pistol. Greg-Z (talk) 23:54, 21 November 2013 (EST)
- Thanks for good words, I'm really the first admin from Russian-speaking lands. :) So I'm trying to help Russian-speaking users to feel more comfortable here. You know my email so you can mail if you need something concerning IMFDB. Greg-Z (talk) 12:57, 23 November 2013 (EST)
Razor Blade Smile
Good to see there is at least 1 person who likes low-budget movies too :-) For your info, 'Razor Blade Smile' can be found on Youtube so have a look if your want to see the whole movie, PeeWee055 (talk) 09:17, 25 November 2013 (EST)
Great. Next time, don't just put "TBA." Thanks. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:31, 30 November 2013 (EST)
Animation credits
Voice acting does not count here is the actor doesn't actually hold the gun at any time. And please remember to italicize any media titles. Thanks. --Funkychinaman (talk) 17:44, 9 December 2013 (EST)
- I did bring it up when I finished the Tintin page, but I think it still doesn't qualify because the guns themselves are still animated. --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:14, 9 December 2013 (EST)
- Just go with Title - Character - Note/Episode - Date. --Funkychinaman (talk) 23:36, 9 December 2013 (EST)
Cyborg was deleted because the only gun listed was a paintball gun and the page was poorly made. --Funkychinaman (talk) 10:49, 14 December 2013 (EST)
- Are there no other guns in the film? --Funkychinaman (talk) 11:24, 14 December 2013 (EST)
Don't Add Gun Images
Please do not add any more gun images without having an example ready to be put on the site. A user was recently banned for continually doing this even after being warned. As for Serpico, which part of the film was the weapon used? --Ben41 (talk) 19:07, 14 December 2013 (EST)
Chasing Two Hares
Please take a moment to crop the black space out of your screencaps and reupload. Thanks. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:10, 14 December 2013 (EST)
- It can wait. Go to bed. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:28, 14 December 2013 (EST)
Re:Za dvumya zaytsami
New version of an image would be seen after several hours. Or you can change the size of the thumbnail for 1 px (from 400 to 401, for example), and the updated image would be seen immediately. Greg-Z (talk) 14:32, 15 December 2013 (EST) P.S. And please put new entries on Talk pages on the bottom of the page, not on the top. Greg-Z (talk) 14:33, 15 December 2013 (EST)
There aren't any real Villar-Perosa SMG here. As you stated, it's only a mockup. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:57, 15 December 2013 (EST)
- If you looked at the discussion page for the Bergmann, you'll notice my objections there as well. My job is to enforce the rules as they exist. As you were told above, "IMFDB is an information resource, not our private playground." Also, as someone who puts a lot of time into the pages I create, I'm offended by half-assed efforts and those who believe others should do the heavy lifting for them. And no, my house is quite cluttered, since I'm a bit of a pack rat. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:44, 15 December 2013 (EST)
- If you look deeply into the Sherlock Holmes SMG, you'll notice that no one has been able to determine what it is or what it's supposed to be. I should know, I capped the page. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:46, 15 December 2013 (EST)
- If you had read the rules, you'll also notice that "IMFDB is not a gun encyclopedia. We don't need pages for every gun ever made, only guns which have actually appeared in something. Please refrain from creating new pages for guns that don't appear in any movie, television show, anime or Video Game. Just because it exists somewhere doesn't mean we want it here." Want to read about the Villar-Perosa, there are places you can go to do just that. Read the Rules, Standards and Principles, and it'll save everyone a lot of time. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:06, 15 December 2013 (EST)
- Very well. See how much time you could've save both of us by putting in a little work? --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:11, 15 December 2013 (EST)
- If you had read the rules, you'll also notice that "IMFDB is not a gun encyclopedia. We don't need pages for every gun ever made, only guns which have actually appeared in something. Please refrain from creating new pages for guns that don't appear in any movie, television show, anime or Video Game. Just because it exists somewhere doesn't mean we want it here." Want to read about the Villar-Perosa, there are places you can go to do just that. Read the Rules, Standards and Principles, and it'll save everyone a lot of time. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:06, 15 December 2013 (EST)
- If you look deeply into the Sherlock Holmes SMG, you'll notice that no one has been able to determine what it is or what it's supposed to be. I should know, I capped the page. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:46, 15 December 2013 (EST)
This was a very long time ago. I am guessing, but at the time we had many badly done or incomplete pages that had no one working on them. Since then we have improved the pages and eliminated many of the one which only had a short description and some bad pics. For years now people have been updating and 'fixing' bad pages. There is no reason for deleting a page for a title that qualifies to be in IMFDB unless it is a crap page. Since no one at the time (as is usually the case) was bothered to do the page, it is better to not have a page then to have a really bad looking one. Anyone interested in doing a good page for ANY title, is free to do it as long as they stick to the IMFDB guidelines. Many of the other admins were deleting pages that horrible as well. I wasn't the only one. But as I said, having to delete whole pages has become rarer and rarer as we get more and more members who are well versed in creating quality pages. MoviePropMaster2008 (talk) 02:36, 16 December 2013 (EST)
I won't delete anything that's eligible and well done. That being said, I'm a strict constructionist when it comes to the rules. As for crossbows, you can mention then on media pages, but they cannot get their own weapon pages. And that's not just me, that's the established precedent. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:35, 17 December 2013 (EST)
- Like I said, it's all in the rules. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:38, 17 December 2013 (EST)
- You're ignoring the heading. "This is the Internet Movie FIREARMS Database." The emphasis on the word "Firearm" is not mine. A crossbow, automatic or not, is not a firearm, and there is no exception in place for it. And as far as I know, Rambo's bow does NOT have it's own page here, nor would one be allowed. --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:01, 17 December 2013 (EST)
- Discussion is over, boat has sailed, run aground and the hull was turned into a pub around 300 years ago. Bows are not guns, therefore bows do not get gun pages. Much as enthusiasm is nice, please direct it at something other than arguing the site should be about things it is not about. Evil Tim (talk) 19:07, 17 December 2013 (EST)
Reason why you were banned
You were banned for a day because you continued to argue for something that an admin said was not going to be allowed. Like I have said, please concentrate your efforts on eligible items for the site in the future. --Ben41 (talk) 19:47, 17 December 2013 (EST)
Hello back, Mad Max, etc.
Am I doing it right? I've been registered since 2010 but haven't posted/edited much until recently. Still trying to learn the ins and outs of the system.
You're working on the MM motion comic? Cool. I attend/work Wasteland Weekend every year and E3 brought their game trailer and a promo car out this year. In case you weren't aware of it (and I'm sure you must be a member already), there have been a bunch of firearms discussions on the madmaxmovies.com forum. And, of course, we're rehashing all the old discussions on Facebook now.
Thanks! --Max Deployment (talk) 14:57, 19 December 2013 (EST)
The poster with revolvers in "For a Cop's Hide"
It was already discussed here. So it's better to put such entries into Trivia or Footage section or even move then on Discussion page. Greg-Z (talk) 02:33, 20 December 2013 (EST)
Re: A few suggestions
I think that Viy, like other movies with flintlock-era firearms, is eligible, but I don't advise to implement other plans that you mentioned. If the movie include firearms only in footage stock, it's not enough to make a page. Creating a Kin-dza-dza page wouldn't be a good idea, such page would be deleted in short time. The same concerning Soviet animation. I myself made a study, searching for photorealistic depiction of firearms in Soviet/Russian animation, but found nothing that can be eligible. A single revolver in "Ograblenie Po..." (in "French" part) which is a photo montage in animation, several pistols in Priklucheniya Vasi Kurolesova that resemble real guns - that's all. I see in your "To Do" various movies that are certainly eligible (like Igla Remix or Ostrov Sokrovish) - so it would be better to concentrate your efforts on them. Greg-Z (talk) 13:28, 20 December 2013 (EST)
- Of course, I've seen all these animations. And yes, there is a lot of firearms there (and in numerous animations covering the theme of Great Patriotic War or Civil War), but many of these images are quite generic (unlike the photorealistic images in anime). So I think that such images wouldn't fit the rules. And one more: all these animations are short meter. This is also a problem. I still recommend you to concentrate your efforts on something less controversial. Greg-Z (talk) 08:58, 21 December 2013 (EST)
Prop Weapon entries
Please do not add prop weapon entries to actor pages if they are clearly not based on real weapons. --Ben41 (talk) 16:21, 20 December 2013 (EST)
Discussion page only
I apologize if I am not clear enough, but please Do NOT create any new pages for failed pilots or TV series. If you want add something about Darkman, it can be put in the Talk:Darkman section. If you want to add something about Mad Max, please add to the Talk: Mad Max page. But please be warned that these are subject to removal by the admins. --Ben41 (talk) 17:38, 20 December 2013 (EST)
- We answered the Darkman question almost a week ago. All admins enforce the same rules, you will not get a vastly different answer from one that you won't get from another. --Funkychinaman (talk) 17:53, 20 December 2013 (EST)
- Failed pilots yes, if there are screencaps to back the IDs. No on your Mad Max NES game. It was deleted because the 8-bit graphics made it impossible to make a proper ID. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:20, 20 December 2013 (EST)
- I want to be polite about this, but please STOP trying to ask other admins for permission to do something that you've been clearly told not to do. You recently received a ban because of this and would hate it if that has to be done again. You appear to have enthusiasm for the site and your energy would best be put to other parts of the site. --Ben41 (talk) 18:22, 20 December 2013 (EST)
Mad Max game
I really don't know how you could possibly make the Max Mad game eligible. 8-bit graphics can only look so clear. You can put it on your discussion page if you want, but it will never made it as a regular page. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:30, 20 December 2013 (EST)
- Please don't link to it from a regular page. We are here for the guns, not for the franchises. If a page isn't eligible, then it's not eligible. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:34, 20 December 2013 (EST)
Mad Max 4
Just wait until there's a trailer. As we discussed, the fourth Mad Max film won't be out for another eighteen months, so it'll be a while. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:51, 21 December 2013 (EST)
- And make sure your behind-the-scenes images are from legal sources as well. The only ones allowed are from official webpages that have been cleared for release. --Funkychinaman (talk) 12:52, 21 December 2013 (EST)
Alexander Aja
Please do not create a director category if there are less than 3 films are applicable on the site. --Ben41 (talk) 17:38, 22 December 2013 (EST)
Sean S. Cunningham
Sean S. Cunningham doesn't appear to qualify for his own category, since he only has one official directing credit. Producing and writing credits can be counted only if the person otherwise qualifies as a director. --Funkychinaman (talk) 00:24, 23 December 2013 (EST)
Weapons on posters
Only add these in a Trivia section, but NOT as a separate weapon. --Ben41 (talk) 17:32, 24 December 2013 (EST)
- Is the weapon in question even a real weapon? It looks like a drawing. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:41, 24 December 2013 (EST)
- Fair enough. Merry Christmas to you as well. --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:40, 24 December 2013 (EST)
- I have a firm position: any weapon that can be seen on a poster is not a weapon used in the movie. It's an artist's concept, more or less similar to a real one, but it's not a screen used weapon. And there can be dozens various posters for a single movie that can show various weapons, even those that have never appeared in the film - so we'll collect them all and put on the page? An absurd, I'll say. Greg-Z (talk) 13:58, 25 December 2013 (EST)
- Fair enough. Merry Christmas to you as well. --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:40, 24 December 2013 (EST)
Put it in the discussion section
When in doubt, put it in the discussion page, and not on the main page. --Ben41 (talk) 19:45, 24 December 2013 (EST)
The thing is, you can't just describe a film as a "Post Apocalyptic film," it has to be a "Post Apocalyptic <insert genre> film." You CAN describe blaxploitation films as just that. ("Shaft is a blaxploitation film.") --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:01, 29 December 2013 (EST)
- Just keep it on the category talk page to simplify things. --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:15, 29 December 2013 (EST)
Sherlock Holmes
I moved the page and I started the disambiguation page. Please fix the links on the actor and weapons pages to reflect the move. Thanks. --Funkychinaman (talk) 14:24, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- Let me stop you first. Just because it resembles a weapon doesn't mean it counts as one. That weapon in The Three Musketeers is clearly not actually a Nartov mortar. --Funkychinaman (talk) 14:46, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- Make a page for that game first then. --Funkychinaman (talk) 14:57, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- You know I can always just restore the page whenever you're ready. Or you can work on it in a sandbox environment. --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:03, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- I'll give you 24 hours, although I'm not sure my fellow admins will agree. In the future, don't create the page without knowing if it actually qualifies for inclusion. --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:51, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- You're putting in a lot of work to justify keeping such a trivial weapon around. You'll get a few weeks for Cossacks, and it better look amazing when it's done. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:59, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- You can put it on the talk page. It's a disambiguation page, not a history of Sherlock Holmes in cinema. --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:06, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- You're putting in a lot of work to justify keeping such a trivial weapon around. You'll get a few weeks for Cossacks, and it better look amazing when it's done. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:59, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- I'll give you 24 hours, although I'm not sure my fellow admins will agree. In the future, don't create the page without knowing if it actually qualifies for inclusion. --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:51, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- You know I can always just restore the page whenever you're ready. Or you can work on it in a sandbox environment. --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:03, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- Make a page for that game first then. --Funkychinaman (talk) 14:57, 3 January 2014 (EST)
You're going to be shocked by this, but this site and the rules that govern it are not based around you or your desires. You are being singled out because your edits are beyond the norm and for no other reason. Remember what I said about the squeaky wheel getting the grease? You're being very squeaky. --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:25, 3 January 2014 (EST)
- The fact that you feel that your upcoming edits warrant a warning is worrisome. So I'm warning you, play by the rules and standards or your time here will be limited. Have a good night. --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:45, 3 January 2014 (EST)
You're wrong, I AM willing to try new things. You may be the first user to ever get a three month ban. See you in spring. --Funkychinaman (talk) 07:46, 4 January 2014 (EST)
Please remember to italicize proper titles. Please also refrain from linking to non-existing pages. Thanks. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:49, 5 April 2014 (EDT)
- If it's a custom flamethrower, I'd err on the side of caution and hold off. As for John Dies at the End, I had heard of it because David Wong writes for Cracked.com, which I frequent, and the reviews for decent. I don't know if would've watched it if I hadn't come across a copy at my local library though. As for going airsoft only, I can certainly understand the reasons for doing so, The Raid: Redemption went all airsoft as well. Both films obviously met the distribution and length requirements though. --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:49, 5 April 2014 (EDT)
- Okay, put up some images and we'll take a look. The Blu-Ray for The Raid had some great special features, and they showed the actors going through real firearms training with Indonesian special forces teams. I have a feeling it was all airsoft for legal reasons rather than for cost. --Funkychinaman (talk) 11:54, 6 April 2014 (EDT)
- I can't really tell. Is he a beekeeper or something? The trouble with flamethrowers is that not all of them are considered weapons, since they have industrial and agricultural uses. I'd move on. As for Dan Grimaldi, can't you make a page for him based solely on his Sopranos work alone? --Funkychinaman (talk) 16:01, 6 April 2014 (EDT)
- Okay, put up some images and we'll take a look. The Blu-Ray for The Raid had some great special features, and they showed the actors going through real firearms training with Indonesian special forces teams. I have a feeling it was all airsoft for legal reasons rather than for cost. --Funkychinaman (talk) 11:54, 6 April 2014 (EDT)
Regarding subpages, I'm flexible as to subpages, just as long as you understand that it's part of your personal page, and not a real page on the wiki. As for youtube releases, check the eligibility criteria on the Rules page. If it was just released on Youtube, it will not be eligible. For something like Razor Blade Smile, I can go on Amazon and buy a copy. If you have any questions regarding eligibility, it's better to ask. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:09, 26 June 2016 (EDT)
- The 2012 TMNT series page was deleted since the guns were too generic. I recall the 1987 series, and I don't think that's eligible either. Please upload a few examples from the Robocop series for approval. Being anime-inspired or having Japanese animators does not make something automatically eligible. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:20, 26 June 2016 (EDT)
- I flipped through two episodes of the Robocop series on Youtube, and I don't think that's eligible either. They're not even guns, they go the laser route like G.I. Joe. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:32, 26 June 2016 (EDT)
- The Auto-9 doesn't look anything like the Auto-9 in the film. Like I said, I flipped through a few episodes on YouTube. Please focus on eligible titled. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:52, 26 June 2016 (EDT)
- I flipped through two episodes of the Robocop series on Youtube, and I don't think that's eligible either. They're not even guns, they go the laser route like G.I. Joe. --Funkychinaman (talk) 20:32, 26 June 2016 (EDT)
- There is a Work in Progress banner to denote a work on progress.
- You can put images of variants that haven't appeared on the talk page. --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:43, 13 July 2016 (EDT)
- You can create a page for the 2019 blaster. --Funkychinaman (talk) 22:57, 13 July 2016 (EDT)
- It's a modified Bulldog, not a modified Steyr. And the fact that the Blaster now has its own page means you don't need a separate page where the parts came from. --Funkychinaman (talk) 10:41, 14 July 2016 (EDT)
- Can you group it in with the Steyr Mannlicher Model L page? Other than the stock, there's pretty similar. --Funkychinaman (talk) 11:26, 14 July 2016 (EDT)
- No. Like I said, the blaster has its own page now. --Funkychinaman (talk) 13:02, 14 July 2016 (EDT)
- Can you group it in with the Steyr Mannlicher Model L page? Other than the stock, there's pretty similar. --Funkychinaman (talk) 11:26, 14 July 2016 (EDT)
Page idea
We have block pages in place for repeated attempts at ineligible pages, like Halo or The Simpsons . If you want to make these pages and stick them on your personal page that's fine, but I don't think a formal page is necessary. The eligibility requirements are pretty clear, and we usually don't run into many issues. --Funkychinaman (talk) 21:05, 15 July 2016 (EDT)
- You're the only person who would actually update a page like that. Most of the time, people pay attention to the rules and they accept when told that a page is ineligible. The only user who consistently had issues with ineligible titles is you. --Funkychinaman (talk) 01:04, 16 July 2016 (EDT)
- I looked through the deletion log for the past few months, and almost all the non-spam page deletions are due to no effort. This is not a problem that would require such a solution. --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:47, 16 July 2016 (EDT)
Actor pages
I'm not sure why you're insisting on adding brackets to an actor's name on his or her actor page. It doesn't do anything. And please use redirects. Both are covered in the Style Guide. Thanks. --Funkychinaman (talk) 07:16, 20 July 2016 (EDT)
- I don't have a problem with bold-facing the actor's name, creating a hyperlink just seems to be the worst way to do it. As for the plastic bag rule, what we mean when actors are just holding a bagged gun like this. If he or she is still otherwise using it, that's fine. --Funkychinaman (talk) 23:08, 20 July 2016 (EDT)
- I don't have accounts in any of those things. --Funkychinaman (talk) 23:16, 20 July 2016 (EDT)
Luke Cage
If there's a trailer you can cap, that's fine. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:30, 26 July 2016 (EDT)
- I'd hold off on those if I were you. --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:24, 26 July 2016 (EDT)
- It would best to put the suggestion out there first before starting to create the page. A lot of your pages have been questionable and I would hate to delete all your work because your page was ineligible. --Ben41 (talk) 20:06, 26 July 2016 (EDT)
- It's just a bit too cartoony. The fact that the guns resemble anything at all appears to be more of a coincidence than anything. --Funkychinaman (talk) 23:55, 26 July 2016 (EDT)
- It would best to put the suggestion out there first before starting to create the page. A lot of your pages have been questionable and I would hate to delete all your work because your page was ineligible. --Ben41 (talk) 20:06, 26 July 2016 (EDT)
Black Lightning
In the future, please try to screencap from a source that does NOT have the logo imprint. --Ben41 (talk) 19:53, 26 January 2018 (EST)