The Avenging Angel
The Avenging Angel (1995)
Directed by
Craig R. Baxley
Release Date
Esparza Katz Productions
The Avenging Angel is a 1995 American made-for-television Western film directed by Craig R. Baxley and starring Tom Berenger in the role of Miles Utley, a Mormon bodyguard to church head Brigham Young (Charlton Heston), who is forced to go on the run when he uncovers a conspiracy targeting Young.
The following weapons were used in the film The Avenging Angel:
Springfield Model 1807 Flintlock Pistol
One of the Danite members uses a Springfield Model 1807 Flintlock Pistol during the film's introduction.
One of the Danites holds his Springfield Model 1807 flintlock pistol as he and his group watch a family leave the hut that the Danites set on fire.
The Danite points his Flintlock Pistol at the family...
...and he shoots. Note the rather distinctive barrel band and wooden ramrod identifying it as a Springfield.
Remington Double Derringer
One of the hitmen who attempts to shoot Brigham Young (Charlton Heston) uses a Remington Double Derringer, which is later stolen by the Mormon church leader (Kevin Tighe).
Remington Double Derringer w/ polished steel finish and pearl grips - .41 Short Rimfire (RF)
A good shot of the Remington Derringer in the hands of one of the assassins who makes an attempt on Brigham Young's life.
Miles Utley holds the assassin's Remington Derringer after shooting him to save Brigham Young's life.
Colt 1860 Army
Miles Utley (Tom Berenger), Alpheus Young (Daniel Quinn), and several minor characters carry a Colt 1860 Army throughout the film. Milton Long (Jeffrey Jones) and other minor characters are briefly seen carrying a Colt 1860 Army. Porter Rockwell (James Coburn), Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) and Milton Long (Jeffrey Jones) use a 3" barrel variant (popularly known as "Avenging Angel" model) during the film.
Colt 1860 Army - .44 caliber
One of the Mormon church members points his Colt 1860 Army at Miles.
A good close-up shot of the Colt 1860 Army.
Milton Long gives Miles a Colt 1860 Army during his stay in prison.
One of Alpheus Young's men aims his Colt 1860 Army during the gunfight in the swamp canteen.
Another Colt 1860 Army in the hands of one of Alpheus Young's men just as Miles blows up a lantern.
Another Colt 1860 Army being aimed by one of Alpheus Young's men just before being shot and falling out the window outside the canteen.
Colt 1860 w/ 3" barrel (Uberti replica) - .44 caliber
Miles arms himself with his little Colt 1860 Army when he notices armed men in the Mormon church where Brigham Young is staying.
A good close-up of the Colt 1860 Army being fired by Miles Utley at one of the assassins.
Milton Long surprises Miles with a Colt 1860 Army at Brigham Young's mansion.
Porter Rockwell orders Alpheus Young and his men to let Miles go while holding his Colt 1860 Army.
Miles steals some horses while Rockwell aims his Colt 1860 Army at their owners.
Colt 1862 Police
Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) carries a Colt 1862 Police during his reunion with Porter Rockwell (James Coburn) in the Mormon Mountains. This is a continuity error, as Miles is seen carrying a Colt 1860 Army in earlier scenes.
Colt 1862 Police (Uberti replica) - .36 caliber
Miles aims his Colt 1862 Police at Porter Rockwell in the Mormon Mountains.
A better shot of the Colt 1862 Police in the hands of Miles as he hears something important from Rockwell.
Miles stops pointing his Colt 1862 Police at Rockwell, which gives a better view of the right side of the revolver.
Single Action Army
One of the guards at Brigham Young's mansion (David Kirk Chambers) carries a Single Action Army during the climax of the film. Later, Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) arms himself with this Single Action Army for use in the film's final duel.
Colt Single Action Army w/ 7.5" barrel - .45 Long Colt
The mansion guard slowly approaches the door leading to one of the mansion's corridors with his Single Action Army.
A good close-up shot the guard's Single Action Army being cocked in front of the gate.
A good shot of the Single Action Army holstered in Miles Utley's belt.
Miles fires his Single Action Army during the duel in Brigham Young's room.
A good side shot of Miles' Single Action Army being fired.
Smith & Wesson Model 3
Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 3 throughout most of the film to defend himself against members of the Mormon church who want to kill him.
Smith & Wesson Model 3 American 2nd Model - .44 S&W American
Miranda Young hands Miles a Smith & Wesson Model 3 through the bars of his cell.
Miles grabs the Smith & Wesson Model 3.
Miles takes a quick look at the Smith & Wesson Model 3 before tucking it under the pillow in his cell.
Miles opens the barrel of his Smith & Wesson Model 3 and loads a few rounds from the box of ammunition Miranda Young delivered with the revolver.
Miles uses his Smith & Wesson Model 3 to defend off Alpheus Young and his men at the swamp saloon.
Milton Long prepares to duel Miles Utley at Brigham Young's mansion with Utley's Smith & Wesson Model 3.
After the Mormon church leader wounds Miranda Young, Miles Utley knocks him to the ground and points his Smith & Wesson Model 3 at him.
But he decides not to shoot him at Miranda's request, while the Mormon leader starts talking to himself.
Miles Utley holds his Smith & Wesson Model 3 as he begins to cry over the mental state of the man who was once his mentor.
Hawken Flintlock Rifle
Bill Hickman (Tom Bower) is seen carrying what appears to be a Hawken Flintlock Rifle into the Danite camp at the beginning of the film.
Hawken Flintlock Rifle - .30 caliber
Bill Hickman loads his Hawken Flintlock rifle at the Danite camp.
Another shot of the Hawken Flintlock rifle.
Henry 1860
Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) is given a Henry 1860 by Will Heaton (Drew Snyder) so that he will have a gun on hand that he can use to defend himself against Alpheus Young's men during his trip to the Mormon Mountains.
Will Heaton gives Miles the family's Henry 1860 before leaving for the Mormon Mountains.
Miles sees a possible threat approaching the Heaton farm and pulls the lever on the Henry 1860.
A focused shot of the Henry 1860's barrel being pointed by Miles.
Miles points his Henry 1860 at the stranger after knocking down his horse.
A close-up shot of Henry 1860's receiver.
Miles uses his Henry 1860 as a club to knock out one of Alpheus Young's men who was chasing him.
Miles holds his Henry 1860 as he prepares to leave for the Mormon Mountains, where he will meet Porter Rockwell.
M1841 Mississippi Musket
One of the Danites carries a M1841 Mississippi Musket during an ambush on a group of US Army soldiers.
M1841 Mississippi Musket - .58 Minié ball
The Danites prepare to ambush a group of US soldiers, one of whom moves to another position with his M1841 Mississippi Musket in hand.
Springfield Model 1842
Another Danite member is seen with a Springfield Model 1842.
Springfield Model 1842 - .69 Smoothbore
A shot of the Springfield Model 1842 in the hands of a Danite.
Spencer 1860
What appear to be Spencer 1860s are used by US Army soldiers and a member of the Danites during the film's introduction.
Spencer 1860 Sporting Rifle - .46 Rimfire
A good shot of the receiver of the Spencer 1860 Rifle being aimed by one of the Danites at a shipment with
a fistful of dynamite from the US Army.
A more detailed shot of the Spencer 1860 Rifle in the hands of the Danite.
A focused shot of the Spencer 1860's barrel.
Spencer 1860 Carbine - .56-56 Rimfire
One of the US Army soldiers holds his Spencer 1860 Carbine as he runs away from the explosion caused by the Danites.
Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy"
Alpheus Young (Daniel Quinn) and several members of the Mormon church carry Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" rifles during the search for Miles Utley (Tom Berenger).
Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" Rifle - .44 Rimfire
A member of the Mormon church shows up armed with a Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" to capture Miles and lock him up in the local jail awaiting trial.
A good side shot of Alpheus Young's Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" as he rides toward Miles.
Alpheus Young points his Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" at Miles Utley.
12 Gauge Double-Barreled Shotgun
Liza Rigby (Leslie Hope) gives Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun when he has to leave the Rigby family home. Later, Alpheus Young (Daniel Quinn) arms himself with Miles' Double-Barreled Shotgun.
J. Stevens and Co. Double-Barreled Shotgun (Circa 1878) w/ exposed hammers - 12 gauge
A close-up shot of the open barrels of the Double-Barreled Shotgun.
Miles inserts a shotgun shell into his Double-Barreled Shotgun.
...and closes the barrel.
A good side shot of Miles Utley's Double-Barreled Shotgun.
Miles says goodbye to Liza Rigby by taking the family's Double-Barreled Shotgun so he can have something for self-defense.
Miles holds his Double-Barreled Shotgun as he watches Alpheus Young and his henchmen desecrate a grave in the local cemetery.
Miles points his Double Barreled Shotgun at the Young's gang and threatens them to tell all they know.
Alpheus arms himself with Miles' Double-Barreled Shotgun after Porter Rockwell orders Utley to drop the gun.
One of Alpheus' bodyguards is armed with a Double-Barreled Shotgun in the swamp canteen where Miles has just arrived.
Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun
One of the assassins who tries to shoot Brigham Young (Charlton Heston) carries a Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun. One of the guards at Brigham Young's mansion is armed with a Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun, which Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) later arms himself with.
Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun w/ exposed hammers - 12 gauge
The hitman pulls a Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun from a bag during Brigham Young's speech at the Mormon Church.
A good shot of the top of the Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun's two barrels.
After shooting the mansion guard, Miles grabs the Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun from the floor.
Miles cocks the hammers of his Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun before entering the hallway of the mansion.
Miles fires his Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun through the wall to kill one of the mansion's guards.