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Talk:Carl Gustaf m/45

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Carl Gustaf m/45B - 9x19mm‎. With suppressor.
The CG M/45BE - Tear gas launcher. The red sticker on the weapon was to act as a reminder that the weapon was a tear gas only weapon (which fired blanks as a propellant) and not to be used for regular ammo usage.


Am I the only one who thinks this gun looks really ugly and has no "cool" look to it for film practicallity? - Gunmaster45

Yep, you're the only one..............................MoviePropMaster2008 05:07, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, you do seem to be the only one. Now if only there was a version with rails everywhere... Spartan198 (talk) 01:32, 20 January 2014 (EST)
I have actually seen a US modified M/45 on youtube featuring a rail with a special site mounted on it: M/45 with rail youtube video. Dudester32 (talk) 15:45, 6 February 2014 (EST)☺
I don't know but it seems to have been widely used in the world so I see no problem with it's inclusion. --AdAstra2009 03:25, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
Given its' interesting history with the US Special Operations community, especially in Vietnam, I would think it has a massive cool factor. As I understand it there are some sanitized (all serial numbers and markings removed) versions on display in the JFK SWC museum both suppressed and standard. --Charon68 22:11, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

M45 and M45B

Just thought I'd drop a little info on the M45. First of all it used the 9mm parabellum, in Swedish named "9mm sk ptr m/39B". In Sweden there were two main variants used in the field: The original M45 and the later M45B. The Swedish Police used the M45B with a single-fire selector. The differences between the M45 and M45B are small but easy to spot: The rearmost part of the gun (not the stock) is reinforced as to prevent detachement when firing. The original M45 also had a detachable magazine housing which the later M45B does not have. One of the two guns featured on the "Carl Gustav M/45" article seems to have a selectable single/automatic fire switch, meaning it is probably a police and/or civilian export version of the M45B. Though honestly I do not know if any exported versions had the single-shot selector on it. The Port Said version is Egyptian like the main article states. As I understand it, during the 1950's the arms company that made the M45 sold the actual machines used to manufacture the M45 to Egypt from which the Port Said version came to be. In any case I hope this info helps or if anything is still interesting :). You can see an original M45 alongside the M45B on this site. Dudster32 02:44, 21 September 2011 (CDT)

kids metal work project

used this weapon with the irish army cheap and nasty no safety any every body had a story to tell of a negligent discharge (ND) the thing always made me ultra cautous any time i saw or handeled it it always reminded me of some kids school metal work project daddy daddy look what i made at least the american clones had a safety on it thank crap they adopted the styer--Seekerdude 19:35, 20 April 2012 (CDT)

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