This article currently has one or more unidentified weapons. If you can help identify any of the weapons labelled "unknown," please do so.
Project Wolf Hunting 늑대사냥 Neukdaesanyang
Theatrical release poster
South Korea
Directed by
Kim Hong Sun
Release Date
Korean English Japanese
Cheum Film Contents G
The Contents On (South Korea) Well Go USA Entertainment (USA)
Project Wolf Hunting (Korean title: 늑대사냥, Neukdaesanyang; lit. "Wolf Hunt") is a 2022 Korean science fiction action-horror film. The film follows a group of hardened Korean prisoners being held in the Philippines. After their public extradition back to Korea is disrupted by a suicide bombing, a plan is formed to privately transfer the prisoners by sea instead, with a team of Korean police officers monitoring them. As the criminals break free and threaten to overthrow the officers, a powerful and nigh-invincible superweapon being kept under the ship awakens and threatens the lives of both the prisoners and the police officers transferring them. The film drew mixed reviews for its underdeveloped plot and characters, but earned praise for its action and over-the-top practical gore effects, where a whopping 2.5 tons of fake blood across 57 deaths (according to the film's director) was used throughout production.
The following weapons were used in the film Project Wolf Hunting:
Beretta 92FS
Multiple characters throughout the film use the Beretta 92FS.
The criminals' insiders open a supply crate filled with Berettas.
One of the criminals holding the 92FS.
The same pistol on the floor.
Alpha (
Choi Gwi-hwa) aims the 92FS at Gun-bae and Myeong-ju.
The 92FS is dropped on top of the elevator shaft.
In a flashback, Lee Do-il (
Jang Dong-yoon) aims a 92 at a Filipino police chief (Christian Lagahit).
A 92FS in a helicopter pilot's holster.
The pilot shoots Kyung-ho with the 92.
Beretta 92FS Compact
The Beretta 92FS Compact is used by multiple characters throughout the movie. The gun appears in multiple continuity errors with characters that use the original Beretta 92FS instead.
Beretta 92FS Compact - 9x19mm
Kim Kyu-tae (Jung Moon-sung) holds the ship's captains at gunpoint with a silenced 92FS Compact.
Kyu-tae destroying a radio with the 92FS Compact.
Kyu-tae holding one of the co-captains of the ship at gunpoint.
Da-yeon disarming Kyu-tae. The pistol is fully visible in this shot.
One of the criminals' insiders aims the pistol at Alpha.
Close-up of Alpha firing the criminal's 92. When viewed at full size, the marking "MOD.92FS COMPACT" can be seen.
Oh Dae-woong (
Sung Dong-il) shoots Choi Myeong-ju with his 92FS Compact.
Dae-woong shoots Lee Da-yeon with his Beretta.
Glock 26
Lee Da-yeon (Jung So-min) uses a Glock 26 throughout the film. Lee Kyung-ho (Lee Sung-wook) takes the pistol after her death.
Glock 26 (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm
Da-yeon holding the pistol while in cover. Note the sticker on the slide.
The Glock 26 on the floor of the ship's bridge.
Da-yeon (Jung So-min) aiming the pistol.
Da-yeon attempts to arrest Dae-woong and his soldiers while holding the Glock.
Lee Kyung-ho (Lee Sung-wook) threatens a pilot into flying them away from the ship with the Glock.
Nambu Type 14
In a flashback, several Imperial Japanese officers are seen using the Nambu Type 14.
Nambu Type 14 - 8x22mm Nambu
An Imperial Army officer aims his Nambu at Alpha.
An officer aims his pistol.
An officer drops his Type 14 as he is killed by Alpha.
The officer from earlier finds himself at the mercy of Alpha.
Alpha picks up a bloody Type 14 on the ground.
Unknown Glocks
Some Filipino police officers can be seen aiming unknown Glock-made pistols in a flashback.
Filipino police officers are seen aiming unknown Glocks at Lee do-il (
Jang Dong-yoon) after he shoots another officer.
Holstered pistols
Multiple holstered pistols appear throughout the film.
A Filipino police officer's holstered pistol in news footage.
Filipino policemen stand ready for the arrival of the bus carrying the Korean prisoners. Pistols are visible in their holsters.
Alpha grabs a pistol from an operative's holster in the film's climax.
Colt Python
Snubnose Colt Pythons are the standard sidearm of the South Korean police in the film.
Colt Python Snub Nose with 2.5" barrel - .357 Magnum
After shooting a fellow criminal with it, Jong-doo tosses away a dead policeman's Python.
A group of detectives holding their Pythons.
A Python being aimed in the engine room confrontation.
A detective aims his Python at one of the criminals.
Lee Seok-woo (
Park Ho-san) looks down an elevator shaft with his Python in hand.
Close-up of Seok-woo's Python.
Unknown revolvers
In multiple continuity errors, the Colt Pythons used by the film's characters change to unknown revolver models several times throughout the film.
After hearing about a fellow criminal's intention to take Da-yeon for himself, Park Jong-doo (Seo In-guk) shoots him with a dead policeman's revolver.
Kim Jin-suk (Kim Moon-hak) aiming a revolver.
Lee Woong-jae (Kwon Oh-yool) holds a revolver.
Seok-woo and Jin-suk fire at the criminals.
Lee Seok-woo (
Park Ho-san) loads a revolver while in cover.
Seok-woo with the revolver.
A dropped revolver on the floor of the ship's bridge.
One of the detectives aims a revolver while holding another one in the engine room.
Submachine guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 is used by the Aeon Genetics soldiers in the film's climax. Some of MP5s are equipped have Surefire weaponlight forends.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Navy trigger group and MP5F stock - 9x19mm
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight - 9x19mm
An Aeon soldier aiming his MP5 in the foreground.
A shot of Dae-woong and the soldiers. Some of them can be seen holding MP5s.
The AKS-74U is used by both the criminals and their insiders.
An AKS-74U in a supply crate.
The rifle being carried on a sling.
An AKS-74U being aimed by one of the insiders.
One of the criminals pulls the charging handle of his AK in the engine room.
Park Jong-doo (Seo In-guk) with the rifle.
Jong-doo desperately pulls the empty rifle's trigger after unloading a magazine into Alpha and a fellow criminal.
Arisaka Type 99
In a flashback, several Imperial Japanese officers are photographed with Arisaka Type 99 rifles.
Arisaka Type 99 standard rifle - 7.7x58mm
A group of Imperial Japanese officers pose for a group photo with their Korean prisoners.
Colt M4A1
A custom Colt M4A1 is used by multiple characters in the film's climax.
Colt M4A1 with 4 position collapsible stock, RIS foregrip, folding rear sight, and ACOG scope - 5.56x45mm
One of the Aeon Genetics soldiers holding a customized M4A1.
Dae-woong talks to Choi Myeong-ju (Jang Young-nam) as a soldier next to him holds an M4.
Lee Do-il fighting a soldier with the M4.
Do-il blocking bullets with an M4. The bending foregrip reveals that the rifle is actually a rubber prop and not a genuine firearm.
The FN SCAR-L CQC is used by some Aeon Genetics soldiers in the film's climax.
FN SCAR-L CQC Black - 5.56x45mm NATO
The barrel of the SCAR-L is visible on the right.
The SCAR being held by multiple soldiers.
A soldier aiming his SCAR.
A soldier aiming his SCAR at Lee Do-il.
Another soldier holds his SCAR.
Winchester Model 1897
A Winchester Model 1897 is briefly used by Piercing (Lee Hong-nae).
Winchester Model 1897 Riot - 12 gauge
The 1897 on two boxes on the right.
Piercing (Lee Hong-nae) happily pumps the 1897 as Alpha attempts to kill him.
Piercing aiming the shotgun.
Alpha catches up to Piercing.
Alpha (
Choi Gwi-hwa) disarms Piercing, providing a clear view of the barrel.
Light Machine Guns
FN M249 Paratrooper
Kim Kyu-tae (Jung Moon-sung) uses an M249 Paratrooper in the confrontation at the ship's bridge.
M249 Paratrooper with Picatinny rail and 200-round drum - 5.56x45mm
The M249 in its case, along with some ammunition.
The gun being taken out of its case, with the forend fully visible.
Kim Kyu-tae (Jung Moon-sung) getting ready to fire the M249.
Kyu-tae loading a new box.
The charging handle being pulled back.