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Mechanic: Resurrection

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Mechanic: Resurrection
Teaser Poster
Country Flag of the United States.jpg United States
Directed by Dennis Gansel
Release Date 2016
Language English
Main Cast
Character Actor
Arthur Bishop Jason Statham
Gina Thornton Jessica Alba
Riah Crain Sam Hazeldine
Max Adams Tommy Lee Jones
Mei Michelle Yeoh

Mechanic: Resurrection is the 2016 sequel to the 2011 action film The Mechanic, which itself is the remake of the 1972 movie of the same name. Jason Statham returns as the assassin Arthur Bishop, who is forced to perform three seemingly impossible eliminations in order to free his captive girlfriend Gina (Jessica Alba). The film's cast also includes Jessica Alba, Sam Hazeldine, Tommy Lee Jones and Michelle Yeoh.

The following weapons were used in the film Mechanic: Resurrection:


Beretta 92FS

Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) uses a suppressed Beretta 92FS as his main weapon of choice throughout the film.

Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
A couple of Berettas are seen along with Glocks in the beginning.
Bishop takes a Beretta from a different case in Thailand
Bishop fires his suppressed Beretta.
He hides the body of a goon, Beretta in hand.
Bishop points the Beretta at Max Adams (Tommy Lee Jones).
He fires his pistol while hanging from a pipe.

Colt M1911A1

Colt M1911A1 pistols are seen holstered by corrupt police forces.

Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
An M1911A1 is vidible on the far left.
Another officer at the left with his holstered M1911.

CZ 75

On Frank's boat, Bishop finds a CZ 75 and inspects it.

"Pre-B" CZ 75 - 9x19mm
Bishop takes the CZ 75.
The pistol is seen on the left.

Glock 17

The Glock 17 is carried by some of Crain's men, including Jeremy Cocs (John Cenatiempo). During the finale, it is used by Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) and Riah Crain (Sam Hazeldine).

Glock 17 (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm
Glock pistols are seen in Bishop's weapons case in the beginning.
Crain's Glock-holding henchman is overpowered by Bishop.
Jeremy with his Glock 17.
Bishop advances with a Glock 17.
He takes another Glock and fires
Crain takes cover with his sidearm.

Glock 19

One of Crain's men uses a Glock 19.

Glock 19 (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm
The henchman holds the Glock 19 while taking Gina Thornton (Jessica Alba) away.
Note the lanyard plug fitted to the bottom of the pistol grip.

Orion Flare Gun

Bishop (Jason Statham) uses an Orion Flare Gun to destroy a boat after pouring gasoline on it.

Orion flare gun - 12 gauge
Bishop cocks the hammer...
...and fires.

Unidentified compact pistol

At the beginning of the film, Crain's courier Renee Tran (Yayaying Rhatha Phongam) carries an unidentified pistol.

Renee attempts to draw her hidden pistol.
Renee chases after Bishop.

Unidentified pistol

One of Renee Tran's men uses an unidentified sidearm.

The henchman fires at Bishop through the ceiling.

Unidentified pistols

Max Adams' guards carry unidentified pistols.

The guards draw their pistols following an explosion.
They prepare to exit the elevator.
The guards escort Adams to the safe room.

Submachine Guns

Heckler & Koch MP5A3

Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns fitted with flash hiders are seen in the hands of Crain's men. Bishop picks one up and uses it during the assault on Crain's boat.

Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with original "slimline" forearm - 9x19mm
One of Crain's men holds an MP5A3.
Bishop advances with the MP5A3.

Heckler & Koch MP5A5

Most of Crain's men use Heckler & Koch MP5A5 submachine guns. At some point, Bishop's MP5A3 temporarily switches to an MP5A5 in a continuity error.

Heckler & Koch MP5A5 - 9x19mm
Corrupt police forces pull their MP5A5s on Bishop.
The MP5A5s of Crain's men are fitted with flash hiders.
Bishop with the MP5A5 in a continuity error.

Heckler & Koch MP5K

Two of Crain's henchmen are seen carrying Heckler & Koch MP5K submachine guns.

Heckler & Koch MP5K - 9x19mm
The guard on the left holds an MP5K in Crain's villa.
A henchman searches for Bishop.



Max Adams' guards are armed with the AK-47. Some of Crain's men use it as well.

AK-47 - 7.62x39mm
Several AK rifles are seen in a photo in Crain's dossier.
Some of Adams' guards are seen with AKs through a security camera.
One of Crain's men is gunned down while carrying an AK-47.


Max Adams' guards also carry the AKS-47.

AKS-47 with stock folded - 7.62x39mm
A couple of guards with their rifles.
One of them turns around before being wounded by Bishop.


One of Max Adams' guards is seen holding an AKS-74U.

AKS-74U - 5.45x39mm
The second guard from the right holds the carbine.


The AKMS is used by some of Crain's henchmen.

AKMS - 7.62x39mm
Note the ribbed receiver cover, which indicates that this is an AKMS.

Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III*

Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* rifles are carried by Malaysian prison guards.

Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* - .303 British
The rifles are visible on the right.
A guard holds a Lee-Enfield.
Another guard opens fire on Bishop.


M4A1 carbines with ACOG scopes are used by Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) and Riah Crain (Sam Hazeldine), as well as by some of Crain's men.

Colt M4A1 with 4 position collapsible stock, RIS foregrip, folding rear sight and ACOG scope - 5.56x45mm
Bishop loads his M4A1.
Crain's henchman aims his carbine.
Bishop fires the weapon.
Crain uses an M4 during the finale.

Type 56

An archival photo of Krill (Femi Elufowoju Jr.) shows him carrying what appears to be a Chinese Type 56.

Type 56, milled receiver - 7.62x39mm
The front sight seems to be hooded, which indicates that this is a Chinese AK.

Sniper Rifles

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum

Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) also uses an Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum.

Accuracy International AWM-F - .300 Win Mag
Bishop adjusts the elevation on the scope.
Another angle of the sniper rifle.
Bishop prepares to fire.

Machine Guns


Bishop sets up an M60 machine gun on a tripod. He attaches a zip tie between the pistol grip and the trigger, and connects it to a wire, which allows the M60 to fire by itself when a henchman trips on the wire.

M60 machine gun with bipod folded - 7.62x51mm NATO
Bishop mounts the M60...
...and loads it.
The M60 is about to fire.
A closeup of the muzzle.
The M60 is nearly empty.


One of Krill's soldiers is seen carrying a PKM in an archival photo.

PKM - 7.62x54mm R
The PKM is seen on the right.



Another of Krill's soldiers is shown holding an RPG-7 in an archival photo.

RPG-7 - 40mm
A photo of a soldier holding the RPG.


M26 hand grenade

Bishop uses M26 hand grenades during the film.

M26 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
An M26 grenade about to explode on an elevator's rope.
Bishop picks up more grenades.

M67 hand grenade

During the finale, Bishop takes an M67 hand grenade from a goon and uses it.

M67 fragmentation grenade
Crain's gunman is seen with an M67 grenade.
Bishop pulls the pin...
...and throws the grenade.



During the meeting with Crain, a Semtex charge is revealed under Bishop's seat, with the intention of dissuading him from moving until Crain gives him the instructions.

The charge is shown...
...and is now armed.


Frank (Anteo Quintavalle) picks up a speargun and tries to use it against Bishop.

The speargun is seen on a bag.
Frank picks up the speargun...
...which is then grabbed by Bishop.


In the opening scene, one of Crain's men attempts to use a Taser on Bishop.

Bishop retaliates against Crain's men and grabs the Taser.
Bishop uses the Taser on a spilled alcoholic drink...
...with fantastic results.

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