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GoldenEye 007
Goldeneye 007 is a 1997 first-person shooter video game for the N64 developed by Rare and published by Nintendo. A license of the 1995 movie Goldeneye, the game went though numerous revisions as first a platform game using pre-rendered sprites and then an on-rails shooter based on Virtua Cop, before finally becoming one of the earliest successful console FPS games.
A port to the Xbox 360 with enhanced graphics was planned and according to some reports fully finished, but ultimately was never released due to conflicts over intellectual property between Microsoft and Nintendo. Instead the identically named 2010 game Goldeneye 007 was released for the Nintendo Wii, later ported to the Xbox 360 and PS3 with enhanced graphics as Goldeneye: Reloaded.
The following weapons appear in the video game GoldenEye 007:
Goldeneye allows the player to hold every weapon they encounter during a level in their inventory. Weapons are divided by class, with all weapons in a class using the same pool of ammunition; most pistols and all SMGs, for example, draw from one pool, despite including weapons which use everything from .32 ACP to 5.7mm rounds. Weapons are referred to by fictional names which approximate their real ones; early builds used real weapon names, but apparently Rare were advised there may be legal issues in using the correct names in the final game without proper licensing.
One sacrifice made by the game due to the N64's poor texture buffer memory is that weapons used by enemies in a particular level tend to "inherit" textures used in the level in question; this means many weapons end up made from clearly incorrect materials, such as the all-black P90 ending up with white and brown wood textures. Weapons also do not have reload animations, and all reload at the same speed.
Walther PPK
James Bond's distinctive Walther PPK is included in the game as the "PP7." It is Bond's main weapon, typically one of those given to him at the start of the level, and is used in all the single-player missions. In the earlier missions up to Bunker 2 it is suppressed, with only the unsuppressed version available afterwards. Unsuppressed versions are also occasionally seen in the hands of enemies, and Boris attempts to use one during Control but fumbles it. Gold and Silver versions are available as cheats, retaining the weapon's magazine size and fire rate but firing bullets which respectively have the stats of bullets fired from the Golden Gun and Ruger Blackhawk.
FÉG Tokagypt 58 (TT-33)
The Tokarev TT-33 is present in the game, called the "DD44 Dostovei." On closer inspection it rather strangely turns out to be a Egyptian contract Tokagypt Type 58 copy (chambered in 9x19 mm), and not the original Soviet model. This can be seen in that the grips have a lateral texturing and bulged backstrap opposed to the vertical texturing and flat backstrap on the normal TT-33 grips, an additional safety (albeit located in a not quite correct place), and a characteristic "heel" on the bottom plate of the magazine. The weapon is dual-wielded by enemies in the missions Bunker 2 and Archives and can sometimes be found singly in the hands of officers, such as the one in the mission Dam. It is used by General Ourumov in Silo, and if attacked Defence Minister Mishkin will draw one in Archives. A DD44 will be also be drawn by some neutral NPCs (such as scientists) if the player attacks them.
Its widespread use by the Soviets is also rather inaccurate, since by that time it had already been supplanted by Makarov PM for at least 20 years, as in the original movie. This was probably done purely to distinguish it from the PPK in the game.
Ruger Blackhawk
A stainless steel Ruger Blackhawk is called the "Cougar Magnum," though in early builds of the game it is known to have been called both the "Ruger Magnum" and "Blackhawk Magnum." The weapon has the ability to fire through doors and multiple enemies. It can only be unlocked with cheats outside multiplayer; the only time it is seen in the singleplayer campaign is in the hands of Natalya in the mission Jungle.
"Golden Gun"
The Golden Gun weapon, used by Christopher Lee in The Man With The Golden Gun, can be found in the Egyptian bonus level. It can also be unlocked and used in multiplayer mode. The weapon is usually an instant kill to anyone it hits, and started a tradition of "golden" instant kill weapons in video games.
Submachine guns
Micro Uzi
A Micro Uzi with the folding stock removed is available, called the "ZMG (9mm)" and scaled up to the size of a regular Uzi. It is the main weapon used by enemies in the last two levels of the main campaign, typically dual-wielded.
Heckler & Koch MP5K
A Heckler & Koch MP5K is available in the game, referred to as the "D5K Deutsche." The MP5K is used by the majority of Janus troops until the mission Caverns, when they swap these for Micro Uzis. A unique version with a suppressor is a starting weapon on the mission Frigate, and uses the suppressor sound effect for the PPK.
SITES Spectre M4
A grey Spectre M4 missing the top-folding stock is available, referred to as the "Phantom" and only present in the mission Frigate. The weapon seems to have been something of an afterthought in development; early builds do not have it at all, and it does not appear in multiplayer modes or even have its own firing sound, instead using the one for the KF7 Soviet.
Sa vz. 61 Skorpion
A Sa vz. 61 Skorpion with the top-folding stock folded is present, referred to as the "Klobb" after Rareware employee Ken Lobb. When the gun names were changed from real ones during development, its name was originally changed from "Skorpion" to "Spyder," and later changed to Klobb; this was apparently due to fears the game's "paintball mode" would lead to infringement claims from the manufacturers of a paintball gun called the "Spyder." The game's manual was created before this change, and still refers to the gun as the Spyder: it is also still listed in the game files alphabetically as if it were named Spyder, appearing between the unused item "Spy File" and the "Staff List" item from Bunker 2. The Klobb is generally considered to be the most lackluster firearm in the game, having poor hitting power, a weak firing sound effect, dismal accuracy, and a small magazine size. It is seen in both versions of Surface and Bunker, and in the mission Archives.
FN P90
A highly inaccurate reproduction of the FN P90 is available, called the "RC-P90." It is shown with wooden grips, a misproportioned carry handle with no hole, and an 80 round magazine due to an error in programming (50 in hexidecimal is 80 in decimal). Rare seem to have been unaware of what the magazine was, resulting in it becoming a huge white block taking up most of the midsection of the weapon. One of the most powerful weapons in the game, it fires quickly and is able to shoot through doors and destructable objects. Xenia Onatopp carries a P90 in a unique pairing with a grenade launcher in Jungle, and P90s are used by Janus soldiers in Caverns, in pairs towards the end of the level.
The "Shotgun" is a pump-action shotgun with a pistol grip, no stock, and an extended tube magazine and heat shield. Aesthetically it is closest to the Winchester Model 1912 "Trench Gun", but also has a pistol grip and some type of shell holder mounted atop the receiver. This weapon has a 5-round capacity, and if the player's reserve amount of shells is less than five, the shotgun model's shell holder will reflect this. It is not used in either the singleplayer campaign or multiplayer deathmatches, and can only be accessed with the "all guns" cheat. It is chiefly distinguished by being the second-loudest weapon in the game, after the tank cannon.

"Automatic Shotgun"
The "Automatic Shotgun" is a short-barrelled stockless shotgun with a ventilated heat shield and wooden furniture. The gun itself looks almost like a wannabe Franchi SPAS-12 (specifically the short variants), although it's full of modeling errors (unlike the unused pump-action shotgun), as the grip is clearly too short and the trigger group is completely missing. Similarly to the other shotgun, this one is fitted with a shell holder attached to the receiver which also tracks its user's reserve shell count if it falls below five rounds. Enemies spawn with the Automatic Shotgun in Statue after Bond speaks with Trevelyan, and guards spawn with them at the end of the mission Caverns. Trevelyan himself is armed with a shotgun during Statue, though he will never fire it. The name is something of an artifact, as both shotguns are shown as firing in semi-automatic, so this does not actually distinguish it from the cut "pump-action" shotgun in gameplay; though this can be attributed to the in-game pump-action being an unfinished weapon.
Norinco Type 56-1
The Norinco Type 56-1, modified to resemble an AKS-74 as seen in GoldenEye is referred to as the "KF7 Soviet." It is shown with the hooded front sight distinctive to the Type 56, along with a long AK-74 style muzzle brake. During development, a slightly different model was used, labelled as "AK-47." As with other weapons in the game with folding stocks, the stock is not present in the game. Like the "AR33" rifle, it is capable of firing fullauto by holding the trigger, three-round bursts by tapping it, or single shots by tapping while using the zoom mode. This is not a feature available on either the Type 56 or the AK-47, though some AK variants with 4-position fire selectors do exist.
M16 Rifle
A very inaccurately rendered M16 rifle is present as the "AR33" (called "US AR33 Assault Rifle" on the watch menu) and was called "Commando M16 A/2" in development. It is hard to call it as an A2 or A3 version, since it is able to fire in both fullauto mode (by holding the fire button down) and burst (by tapping it); it is also able to fire single shots while the zoom mode is used. The weapon is used by enemies during the missions Jungle, Caverns and Aztec, and is used by Alec Trevelyan when he is fought as a boss in Cradle and Jaws when he is encountered during Aztec; in the latter case, Jaws carries two. A secret crate found in Caverns allows Bond to dual-wield the two-handed rifle himself.
"Sniper Rifle"
The "Sniper Rifle" is a suppressed sniper rifle with wooden furniture; it bears a passing resemblance to a couple of real-life sniper rifles, but none clearly enough to make a good judgment as to precisely what it was based on. Notably, the midsection is completely undetailed, the weapon having no clear action or magazine location. However, the rifle's scope layout and markings appear similar to the night vision scope on Bond's Walther WA 2000 in The Living Daylights.
When one of these weapons is in the players' inventory, the standard hand to hand karate chop attack is replaced by using the buttstock of the rifle as a makeshift melee club. The weapon uses a telescopic sight, though this simply zooms the entire screen in and out, and is found only in the missions Dam and Surface 1.
In game, the weapon is shown as semi-automatic, though this might simply be because there are no weapon-operating animations of any kind. Leaked footage of the cancelled Xbox 360 remake showed the high-definition version of the weapon would have been modelled as a bolt-action rifle, while the 2010 GoldenEye game shows the weapon in the remade Dam as an SVD Dragunov.

"Grenade Launcher"
The "Grenade Launcher" is a fictional weapon possibly loosely based on the custom grenade launcher used in the movie Predator. The weapon is a rare sight in singleplayer, appearing once in the mission Surface 1, and later in Streets in the hands of Russian soldiers. Xenia Onatopp uses a grenade launcher rather awkwardly paired with a P90 when she appears as the boss of the level Jungle.
Type 69 RPG
A miscoloured and under-detailled Type 69 RPG is present as the "Rocket Launcher;" while the weapon is probably supposed to be an RPG-7, it is only shown with a single pistol grip. Russian soldiers use rocket launchers to attack Bond in the level Streets, and a cache including a rocket launcher and ammunition can be found in Depot.

Mk 2 hand grenade
Simply called the "Hand Grenade," the Mk 2 hand grenade is commonly used by enemies in the game, who will occasionally pull out and throw a grenade instead of firing their main weapon; even some neutral NPCs will draw a grenade if injured by the player. Unusually even for a modern first-person shooter, the grenades are thrown with the pin and safety lever clearly detached, and unusually for the time they can be "cooked" by holding down the fire button. A grenade makes a distinctive metallic "clink" regardless of what kind of surface it lands on.
Fictional land mines
In the game four different mines are seen, three based on the fictional Remote Mine design seen in GoldenEye (the "Remote Mine", "Timed Mine", and a "Proximity Mine"), and large disc-shaped anti-tank mines seen in the level "Streets." All mine types can be defeated by shooting at them, provided the player is able to spot them before they're detonated.
Other weapons
"Moonraker Laser"
The "Moonraker Laser," referred to as "Military Laser" in the watch menu, is a copy of the prop weapon from the movie Moonraker, in turn based on a plastic toy IMI Uzi. The weapon only appears in multiplayer and the unlockable mission Aztec, and has unlimited ammunition and the ability to shoot through doors and destructable objects.

A comically designed weapon known in-game as the "Tazer," can be unlocked with the "All Guns" cheat. This weapon appears to have been designed as a contact electroshock device (holding down the fire button holds the weapon out in front of the player) but in terms of game mechanics the weapon is simply a gun which fires a single weak bullet.
Generic rotary gun
In the single-player levels Runway, Bunker 2, Control, Caverns, Aztec and Egyptian, numerous automated gun turrets equipped with low-detail multi-barrel guns are present. These lack detail to the extent that declaring a precise model would be giving entirely too much credit; the entire barrel group is just a solid hexagonal block. A second type of drone gun, a stand with two mounted guns, is seen in the level Jungle.