Doctor Who (New Series) - Season 8
No. of Episodes
Main Cast
The following weapons were used in Season 8 of the television series Doctor Who (New Series):
Luger P08 (Modified)
In "Mummy on the Orient Express", Captain Quell (David Bamber) and his security team carry modified Luger P08's as their sidearms. Despite their modifications, they appear to fire standard bullets.
An Orient Express guard with his holstered pistol in "Mummy on the Orient Express".
A guard (right) aims his PO8 at The Doctor in "Mummy on the Orient Express".
A terrified guard opens fire on the mummy in "Mummy on the Orient Express".
Captain Quell draws his sidearm in "Mummy on the Orient Express".
A good side view of the captains modified Luger in "Mummy on the Orient Express".
SIG P226
In "Death in Heaven", two plainclothes UNIT operatives are briefly seen armed with SIG P226's.
The UNIT operative pulls her P226 out of her handbag in "Death in Heaven".
Another UNIT operative aims his P226 at the Cybermen and Missy in "Death in Heaven".
A UNIT soldier guarding Missy with a holstered P226 in "Death in Heaven".
Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 4.3
In “Death in Heaven", a plainclothes UNIT operative is seen gripping a Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 4.3.
Airsoft Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 4.3-6mm Ball Bearing
A closeup of the Hi-Capa in "Death in Heaven".
Glock 26 Advance
In "Death in Heaven", one of the plainclothes UNIT operatives and some UNIT soldiers are seen armed with a fictional Glock 26 Advance (an airsoft pistol designed by Tokyo Marui).
Tokyo Marui "G26 AdVanced"
The female operative (right) aims her G26A in "Death in Heaven".
A side view of the operatives G26A in "Death in Heaven".
What appears to be a G26A (based on the grip shape) in a UNIT soldiers holster in "Death in Heaven".
Heckler & Koch USP
In "Death in Heaven", a few plainclothes UNIT operatives are seen armed with Heckler & Koch USP's.
Heckler & Koch USP - 9x19mm
A UNIT operative pulls out his USP in "Death in Paradise".
The female operative (left) aims her USP in "Death in Heaven".
A side view of the USP in "Death in Heaven".
Walther P99
In "Death in Heaven", some UNIT soldiers are seen with holstered Walther P99's as their sidearms.
A UNIT soldier with what appears to be a holstered P99 in "Death in Heaven".
Another UNIT soldier with a holstered P99 in "Death in Heaven".
HA-125 SA Vector
In "Death in Heaven", a plainclothes UNIT operative is briefly seen with a pistol that appears to be a HA-125 SA Vector, an airsoft pistol manufactured by HFC.
HFC HA-125 SA Vector Airsoft Pistol
The airsoft pistol in "Death in Heaven".
Unknown Pistol
In "Death in Heaven", Colonel Ahmed (Sanjeev Bhaskar) is seen with an unidentified pistol in his duty holster.
Another unidentified pistol in Colonel Ahmeds holster "Death in Paradise".
A brief glimpse of the grip of Colonel Ahmed's pistol in "Death in Paradise".
Assault Rifles
Enfield L85A2
In "Dark Water", Danny Pink (Samuel Anderson) is seen armed with an L85A2 in flashbacks to his time in Afghanistan.
Enfield L85A2, 5.56x45mm NATO
Pink with his L85A2 in Afghanistan in "Dark Water".
Pink fires his L85A2 into a building in "Dark Water".
Heckler & Koch G36C
In "Death in Heaven", UNIT soldiers are seen carrying the Heckler & Koch G36C as their primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mm
A UNIT soldier aims his G36C at the Cybermen in "Death in Heaven".
Two UNIT soldiers alongside Osgood with their G36C's in "Death in Heaven".
UNIT soldiers stand guard over The Doctor at the air base in "Death in Heaven".
CGR Pistol
In "Into the Dalek", Lieutenant Journey Blue (Zawe Ashton) and other Combined Galactic Resistance soldiers carry a fictional laser blaster as their sidearm. It contains a built in screen on the side.
Lt. Blue draws her sidearm on The Doctor after he teleports her into the TARDIS in "Into the Dalek".
Journey stands watch over Clara with her pistol drawn in "Into the Dalek".
A pistol (circled) lies discarded next to a dead CGR soldier in "Into the Dalek".
CGR Rifle
In "Into the Dalek", Combined Galactic Resistance soldiers carry a fictional laser rifle as their main weapon. It is seen used by Colonel Morgan Blue (Michael Smiley, and soldiers Gretchen Carlisle (Laura Dos Santos) and Ross (Ben Crompton). They appear to come in long and short barrelled variants.
CGR soldiers with short barrelled variant stand guard aboard the
Aristotle in "Into the Dalek"
Gretchen Carlisle aims her long barrelled variant in "Into the Dalek"
Colonel Blue and other CGR soldiers open fire on a Dalek in "Into the Dalek".
A closeup side view of one of the rifles in "Into the Dalek".
Karabraxos Stun Rifle
In "Time Heist", security guards in the Bank of Karabraxos are seen escorting a prisoner with fictional stun rifles.
Armoured security personnel escort a prisoner in "Time Heist".
Another view of the stun rifles in "Time Heist".
Karabraxos Stun Pistol
In "Time Heist", human security guards in the Bank of Karabraxos are seen armed with smaller stun pistols.
The lead guards holstered stun pistol in "Time Heist".
Tranquilliser Pistol
In "Death in Heaven", a UNIT soldier uses a tranquilliser pistol to neutralise The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Missy (Michelle Gomez).
The UNIT soldier prepares to tranquillise Missy in "Death in Heaven".
A closeup of the tranquilliser pistol in "Death in Heaven".
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