Daybreak (Le jour se lève)
Original Theatrical Poster
Directed by
Marcel Carné
Release Date
Productions Sigma
Main Cast
Jean Gabin
Jules Berry
Jacqueline Laurent
Daybreak (original title Le jour se lève) is a 1939 French drama movie directed by Marcel Carné and starring Jean Gabin as a factory worker named François who commits a murder with a handgun, and then barricades himself in his apartment. As the stand-off with the police plays out, François recalls the events that led to his tragic downfall.
The following weapons were used in the film Daybreak:
Ruby Pistol
François (Jean Gabin) uses a pistol of Ruby family. The position of the safety and the shape of cocking serration allow to identify this particular pistol as Destroyer (manufacturer unknown, supposedly one of numerous small factories in Eibar, Spain).
Destroyer, a version of Star Ruby pistol - .32 ACP
François shoots at the door when the police order to open.
François clutches his pistol after gunning down Valentin.
A flashback scene reveals Valentin (Jules Berry) drawing his pistol when he visits François.
Valentin throws his pistol on the table.
Close up of François' pistol laying on his mantle amid shards of broken glass.
Mle 1892 Revolver
The police responding to Valentin's murder carry the MAS Mle 1892 revolver.
Mle 1892 Revolver - 8 x 27mm SR
Two police officers carry revolvers in holsters.
French police hide behind bullet proof shields as they attempt to blast their way into the barricaded François' apartment with their revolvers.
Another view of the same scene.
Berthier Carbine
Soldiers of a French Army unit are armed with Berthier carbines. Some of these carbines can be identified as Berthier Mle 1892 Artillery Carbine, others may be of same or another model.
Berthier Mle 1892 Artillery Carbine - 8x50mm R
Soldiers leave a lorry with carbines in hands. The carbine, seen at the left, turns out to be an Mle 1892 Artillery model. The turned down bolt handle can be seen.
Soldiers with Berthier and Gras carbines disperse the crowd.
Soldiers stand in formation with carbines.
Gras Carbine
Some soldiers are armed with Gras carbines.
Mousqueton d'artillerie Gras Mle 1874/80 with Chassepot bayonet
The barrel of a Gras carbine is seen. The bayonet lug matches the Artillery version of the Gras carbine.
Most soldiers in the formation are armed with Berthier carbines but at least one Gras is also seen.