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Transporter 2

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Annihlator 2000.jpg

Nice, but where's the trigger?

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The following weapons were used in the film Transporter 2:

Transporter 2 (2005)


Beretta 92FS Inox

On the movie's promotional material (such as the poster above), a pair of Beretta 92FS Inox pistols can be seen being dual-wielded by Frank Martin (Jason Statham), though are never seen on-screen.

Beretta 92FS Inox (flip side) - 9x19mm

Beretta 93R

A guard is briefly seen what could be either an actual Beretta 93R or a Beretta 92FS made to look like the 93R.

Beretta 93R - 9x19mm
The guard gives us a look at his gun while doing a back-flip after being taken out.
The guard falling with his Beretta in hand.

Glock 17

When responding to the incident at the doctor's office, Miami P.D. officers can be seen wielding Glock 17 pistols, though they are no match for Lola's automatic Glock 17s.

Glock 17 - 9x19mm
A Miami P.D. officer draws his Glock 17 on Lola moments before being mowed down. Evidently this is not a professional police officer as wrapping your thumb over the wrist of your firing hand means that the tip of your thumb joint would be sliced by the sharp slide rails as the gun cycled!

Glock 17 (Converted to full auto)

In several scenes, a gunslinging femme fatale named Lola (Kate Nauta) wields twin Glock 17s modified to fire full auto and fitted with suppressors, Laser Devices BA-2 laser sights, and extended high capacity magazines; even using one to shoot down a Miami PD helicopter. The Glocks, and several other weapons in the film, seem to fire some kind of tracer round, as the rounds can be seen flying through the air. Most definitely an effect added in post production as no film crew in their right mind would use live ammunition for a shoot.

Glock 17 9x19mm with 33-round extended magazine
Lola drawing one of her Glocks on the nurse.
Lola firing her two converted Glock 17s in the doctor's office. Note lack of selector switch.

Ruger KP95

During Frank and Gianni's first meeting, Gianni pulls a Ruger KP95 on him when telling him to leave, firing a shot at his feet to emphasize his point.

Ruger KP95 9x19mm
Gianni aims a Ruger KP95 at Frank

SIG-Sauer P226

The U.S. Marshals Frank encounters at the doctor's office and the FBI agents at the Billing's residence can be seen carrying SIG-Sauer P226 pistols, though are quickly relieved of them via Frank's martial arts skills. Dimitri (Jason Flemyng) can be also be seen using one when Frank raids his apartment. He fires it at Frank (who easily dodges the shots) and he throws it away when it jams on him. A stainless SIG-Sauer P226 can be seen in the trunk of Frank's Car, along with a few magazines, a tactical knife, smoke grenades, and a few spare suits.

SIGSauer P226 9x19mm
U.S. Marshal Brown (Marc Macaulay) with a SIG-Sauer P226.
Dimitri loading his P226 as he is packing his stuff in his apartment.
US Marshals searching the Billing's house when they notice there is a security breach.
Dimitri discharges the weapon at Frank.

Heckler & Koch USP Match

When Dimitri (Jason Flemyng) believes he's been injected with the virus and demands the antidote, he pulls a Heckler & Koch USP Match and uses it to shoot Tipov (Gregg Weiner) when he finds out there's only two samples of it. He tries to shoot Frank with it when he reveals that he'd only been injected with water, but is disarmed. Frank then holds the gun on the Sonovitch, the virologist, who has the antidote and demands he give it to him, but loses the pistol as he dives out the window after Sonovitch tosses the antidote out the window.

Heckler & Koch USP Match 9x19mm
Dimitri aims a Heckler & Koch USP Match as he demands the antidote for the virus he thinks he's been injected with
Dimitri firing the H&K USP Match out of anger after he learns he was lied to about the injection...
...only to result in Frank dodging and disassembling the gun.

Jericho 941 R

When Frank (Jason Statham) makes his raid on Gianni's home, he carries a stainless steel Jericho 941 R pistol.

Jericho 941 R - 9x19mm
Frank with his Jericho as he gets into a standoff in the basement of Gianni's house.
We get a look of the Jericho's business end as Frank prepares to drop it.
Frank aims his Jericho as he confronts Gianni.

Para-Ordnance P-14

One of guards in the basement pulls a Para-Ordnance P-14 as he comes down the stairs.

Para-Ordnance P-14 (Two Tone) - .45 ACP
The guard pulling the P-14 as he comes down the stairs.
Another view of the P-14 seconds before being smacked in the face by a python Frank kicked out of the other guy's hand. Note the double stack bulge on the frame.
The guard somehow ejects the magazine when he gets smacked in the face.

Vektor CP1

At the beginning of the film, a teenage girl (AnnaLynne McCord) working with a gang of carjackers holds Frank Martin (Jason Statham) at gunpoint with a two-tone Vektor CP1. She threatens to shoot Frank with it after he single handedly beats up the other carjackers, but loses her nerve when he confronts her, throwing the pistol to the ground as she flees. In a continuity error, her Vektor CP1 starts as all black but turns into two-tone for the rest of the scene.

Vektor CP1 9x19mm
The girl pulls her Vektor CP1 on Frank.
The girl forcing Frank out of the car at gunpoint.Note:The gun switches to two-tone.

Walther P99

When Frank confronts Gianni aboard his Gulfstream jet, Gianni pulls a Walther P99 on him, though loses it when the plane goes out of control.

Walther P99 9x19mm
Gianni greeting Frank with a P99.
The P99 on the floor of the plane when it gets knocked out of Gianni's hand.


Colt Python Snub

One of Gianni's guards is armed with a nickel plated Colt Python Snub.

Nickel plated Colt Python Snub with rubber grips - .357 Magnum
A guard surprises Frank by pulling his Colt Python snub.
Another shot of the same scene.

Submachine Guns

Heckler & Koch MP5

In the scene where Tarconi (François Berléand) is taken into custody at Frank's home, several Miami P.D. SWAT members can be seen wielding Heckler & Koch MP5A2's and Heckler & Koch MP5A3's, among other weapons. Another MP5A3 can be seen in the hands of another SWAT member when Jack Billings (Hunter Clary) is recovered. The MP5A2 seen at Frank's home has a Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight with the light removed. Many members of Gianni's security force also carry MP5s.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2 9x19mm with Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 9x19mm
One of Gianni (Alessandro Gassman)'s men can be seen holding MP5 equipped with a red-dot sight.
Tarconi (François Berléand) is met with a group of guns to his face when he opens the door. The H&K MP5A2 is in the upper left and the H&K MP5A3 in the lower right. Note: The flashlight in missing on the MP5A2.
The SWAT officer on the right can be seen holding a MP5A3 as Audrey forces her way past them.

Heckler & Koch UMP

There are several appearances throughout the film of the Heckler & Koch UMP, both in the hands of Gianni's men as well as being used by at least one of the Miami P.D. SWAT members who take Tarconi into custody.

Heckler & Koch UMP45 .45 ACP
When Tarconi is taken into custody the Miami S.W.A.T. officers pull (counter-clockwise from top left) a Heckler & Koch MP5A2, Heckler & Koch UMP, Heckler & Koch MP5A3, and an M4A1 carbine
A SWAT officer can be seen holding a UMP45 fitted with a light and EOTech sight as they take Tarconi into custody.
A guard firing his UMP45 fitted with a light and ACOG sight.
One of the guards holding his empty UMP45 after unloading the mag into the taxi Frank drove onto the compound.



When Frank makes his raid on Gianni's house, one of his guard can be seen with a DSA SA58 OSW.

DSA SA58 OSW with M68 Aimpoint red dot scope - 7.62x51mm NATO
The guard aiming his DSA SA58 OSW fitted with an ACOG sight and tactical light.
The guard opening fire with this DSA SA58 OSW.

Heckler & Koch G36C

When Frank and Gianni (Alessandro Gassman) first meet, his henchmen can be seen wielding Heckler & Koch G36C's, among other weapons. They can be seen being equipped with laser pointers, flashlights, and red-dot sights.

Heckler & Koch G36C 5.56x45mm
One of Gianni's henchmen with a Heckler & Koch G36C aiming.
A closer look at the load-out on the G36C.

Heckler & Koch G36K

When Frank makes his raid on Gianni's home, at least one of Gianni's men can be seen carrying a Heckler & Koch G36K.

Heckler & Koch G36K 5.56x45mm
The guard firing his G36K fitted with a tactical light.
The guards trying to get to the armory to grab extra magazines because apparently all the guards figured they should only carry one mag one them. The G36K can be seen in the hands of the guard leader.

M4A1 Carbine

When Tarconi is taken into custody, some of the SWAT members can be seen wielding M4A1 carbines.

M4A1 5.56x45mm with RIS foregrip and M68 Aimpoint scope
When Tarconi is taken into custody the Miami S.W.A.T. officers pull (counter-clockwise from top left) a Heckler & Koch MP5A2, Heckler & Koch UMP, Heckler & Koch MP5A3, and an M4A1 carbine
The SWAT officer on the left can be seen holding a M4A1 as Audrey forces her way past them.


Heckler & Koch SL8

The SWAT sniper could possibly be using a Heckler & Koch SL8.

The SWAT sniper with what could be an SL8.

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