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Lemonade Joe

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera
Lemonade Joe
Lemonade Joe-DVD.jpg
DVD Cover
Country CZE.jpg Czechoslovakia
Directed by Oldrich Lipský
Release Date 1964
Language Czech
Studio Filmové studio Barrandov
Distributor Allied Artists Pictures
Main Cast
Character Actor
Lemonade Joe Karel Fiala
Dough Badman Rudolf Deyl
Horác Badman alias 'Hogofogo' Milos Kopecký
Tornado Lou Kveta Fialová
Winnifred Goodman Olga Schoberová
Ezra Goodman Bohus Záhorský
Grimpo Josef Hlinomaz
Pancho Kid Karel Effa
Barman Vladimír Mensík
Sheriff Oldrich Lukes

The following weapons were used in the film Lemonade Joe:


Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model (Commercial Version)

Lemonade Joe (Karel Fiala) is equipped with dual Smith & Wesson revolvers with a nickel finish and custom pearl grips. The revolvers appear to be a commercial version (also known as "civilian") of the Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model.

P.S. There were different commercial versions of the Russian S&W, including a snubnose and target models. The revolvers used in the film are a version identical to the military model (only without trigger spur). These commercial revolvers in various configurations were produced both in the USA and Russia, and in various European and South American countries (often being unlicensed copies).

A commercial aka "civilian" version of the Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model - .44 Russian
Lemonade Joe pulls his gun in the whisky bar.
Cards and guns on the table! Note the typical Russian S&Ws long protrusions under the barrels and "pointed" upper ends of the grips.
Horác Badman alias 'Hogofogo' (Milos Kopecký) disarms Lemonade Joe.
Tornado Lou (Kveta Fialová) fells gunmen by shooting a revolver hidden in the camera.

Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model

Grimpo (Josef Hlinomaz) in one scene holds a common Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model military revolver.

Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model - .44 Russian

Remington Double Derringer

Horác Badman alias 'Hogofogo' (Milos Kopecký) carries a Remington Double Derringer revolver.

Remington Double Derringer - .41 R.F. Caliber. Blued with black grips.
Horác Badman alias 'Hogofogo' draws his weapon at the cemetery.
Lemonade Joe (Karel Fiala) and Horác Badman play a decisive poker game!
"Sign it and nothing will happen to you!" Joe said, handing a letter of recommendation for lemonade to 'Hogofogo'.

Smith & Wesson Model M&P

Sheriff (Oldrich Lukes) uses the Smith & Wesson Model M&P revolver. Some other characters, including 'Hogofogo' (Milos Kopecký), also are seen with M&P revolvers.

Smith & Wesson Model M&P Revolver with 5" Barrel - .38 Special
Sheriff tries to arrest Horace Badman alias 'Hogofogo' at the bar.
'Hogofogo' fires the M&P revolver during the firefight with Lemonade Joe.

Rast-Gasser M1898

Gunslinger Grimpo (Josef Hlinomaz) uses a Rast-Gasser M1898 revolver. Also some other characters are seen with these guns.

Austrian Rast Gasser 1898 - 8 x 27mm Gasser
Grimpo shoots into the saloon ceiling.
One of the bank robbers holds the revolver.
A Bank officer returns the gunfire.

Gasser Montenegrin M1880

The Gasser Montenegrin M1880 is seen in the hand of one gunmen during the bank robbery.

Gasser Montenegrin M1880 - 11.75 x 36mm Gasser
In the hand of one gunmen the Gasser M1880 can be recognized.

Russian Nagant M1895

One of gunslingers fires a Nagant Revolver.

Nagant M1895 Pistol - 7.62x38N cartridge (aka 7.62 Nagant ammo).

Single Action Army

During the bank robbery, one of the gunslingers uses the Single Action Army revolver.

Colt Single Action Army with 4.75" barrel, case colored and blued, referred to as "Quick-Draw" or "Civilian" model - .45 Long Colt
The scene is a little blurry because of the gunpowder smoke, but the weapon can be easily identified.


Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine

Several gunmen, including Grimpo (Josef Hlinomaz), are armed with Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbines.

Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.

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