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Alone in the Dark (2024)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Alone in the Dark (2024)
Alone in the Dark 2024 Steam header.jpg
Steam Header
Release Date: 2024
Developer: Pieces Interactive
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Series: Alone in the Dark
Platforms: PC
PlayStation 5
Xbox Series X
Genre: Survival Horror

Alone in the Dark (2024) is a 2024 remake of the original 1992 survival horror title developed by Pieces Interactive.

The player plays as either Detective Edward Carnby (voiced by David Harbour) or Emily Hartwood (voiced by Jodie Comer) as they search for her uncle Jeremy in the mansion turned private mental institution, Derceto Manor.

The following weapons appear in the video game Alone in the Dark (2024):

Colt Detective Special

Edward Carnby carries a Colt Detective Special as his sidearm. While most weapons are shared between the characters, Emily and Edward use different pistols.

Colt Detective Special (1st generation) with square butt - .38 Special
A close up of Carnby's Colt.
The Colt in Carnby's holster.
Carnby holding his Detective Special upwards when close to an obstruction with a nice bit of trigger discipline (which is an anachronistic practice for the 1930s).

Remington Model 51

Emily Hartwood's sidearm is a Remington Model 51, marking the first known appearance of this pistol in a video game. It holds 7 rounds, suggesting that it's chambered in .380 ACP.

Remington Model 51 - .380 ACP
Closeup of the Model 51.
Emily holds her Model 51 upwards when close to an obstruction.
Emily with her pistol and a Molotov in a cutscene.
A box of "Pistol Bullets", which are used by both Carnby's Revolver and Emily's handgun. The box is marked ".32 ACP", which could be correct for Emily's Model 51 (though a .32 ACP model would hold 8 rounds instead of 7); the actual rounds, however, seem closer to the .38 Special that Carnby's Colt would use instead.

Double Barreled Shotgun

A 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun of unclear manufacture appears in a gun cabinet in the parlor. It is unavailable until completing the "Lost Children" collectible set which unlocks the cabinet.

L.C. Smith side-by-side Field shotgun - 12 gauge
Closeup of the Shotgun.
The shotgun in the locked cabinet.
Carnby holding his newly acquired shotgun.
Ammo for the shotgun.

M1928 Thompson

A M1928 Thompson with a foregrip and 20-round magazine appears as the "Tommy Gun" and is found in the shipping warehouse. It's appearance is likely a reference to Alone in the Dark 2, which infamously opened with a prolonged combat section of Carnby fighting zombie mobsters with both sides making heavy use of Tommy Guns (though the Tommy Gun in that game had underloaded drum magazines that hold 30 rounds).

M1928 Thompson with 50-round drum magazine - .45 ACP
Closeup of the Tommy Gun.
Emily finds the Tommy Gun.
Emily picks up the Tommy Gun.
Carnby pulls back the Thompson's bolt at the start of the reload.
Carnby then changes the magazine.
Tommy Gun ammo.

Webley & Scott No. 1 Mk. III*

The Webley & Scott No. 1 Mk. III* appear as the "Flare Gun" and appears as the final weapon in the game.

Webley & Scott No. 1 Mk. III* Signal Pistol - 1 inch - brass frame and barrel.
Flare Gun Closeup.
The Flare Gun's pick-up image.
Flare Gun ammo.
Carnby reloads his flare gun after firing a flare into the woods.

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