A Fistful of Dollars Per un pugno di dollari
It should be noted that Clint is seen armed with a Colt 1860 Army on this DVD cover, yet never uses one throughout the Leone series.
West Germany
Directed by
Sergio Leone
Release Date
September 12, 1964
English Italian Spanish
Jolly Film Polyphony Digital
A Fistful of Dollars is a 1964 Western film starring Clint Eastwood as a stranger who finds himself entering a small Mexican town in the midst of a battle for control between two warring families. He then sees an opportunity to make some money by working on both sides. The film was directed by Italian western Sergio Leone and his reinvention of the genre came to be known as the "spaghetti western". The plot appeared to resemble the Kurosawa film Yojimbo and the production was a subject of a lawsuit (which was settled out of court). The film was the first in what came to be known as the "Dollars/Man with No Name" trilogy, which includes 1965's For a Few Dollars More and 1966's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
It was recently revealed that Euro Gang Entertainment plans to remake the film, under the production of Gianni Nunnari and Simon Horsman.
All the firearms in this film were supplied by Aldo Uberti Inc. of Italy.
The following weapons were used in the film A Fistful of Dollars:
Single Action Army
Joe (Clint Eastwood), aka "The Man With No Name" uses a Single Action Army 5 1/2" Artillery with a color case hardened frame as his weapon of choice in the film. The infamous "Silver Rattlesnake Grips" were first seen in Rawhide, the 1959 television series he starred in, in which an outlaw used the same SAA and his character, Rowdy Yates, killed him and took the gun for himself.
Multiple other characters are also seen using SAAs.
Uberti Replica of Colt Single Action Army with 5 1/2" "Artillery" barrel with rattlesnake grips carried by "The Man with No Name" - .45 Long Colt
"Joe" (
Clint Eastwood), aka "The Man with No Name", raises his Single Action Army revolver. His revolver is the one he had carried in the 1959 television series
Joe single-handedly takes out the four men with his SAA.
"My mistake, four coffins". Joe holsters his SAA. Note the snake grips.
Joe taps the butt of his SAA on a wine barrel.
Joe fires his SAA while in the compound.
Close up on Joe's SAA after he takes down all of the Rojo thugs.
Joe shoots down Silvanito (
José Calvo) as he hangs from a rope by his arms.
Joe rushes to load his SAA when facing Ramón.
"When a man with a .45 meets a man with a rifle, you said the man with the pistol is a dead man. Let's see if that's true."
Colt Single Action Army with 5 1/2" "Artillery" barrel - .45 Long Colt
One of the men who "insults Joe's mule" reaches for his single-action revolver - possibly made in the 1950s by Hawes, judging by the brass backstrap.
Joe plants a SAA on a dead soldier to trick the Rojos into thinking the graveyard is guarded.
Colt Single Action Army with 7.5" Cavalry barrel - .45 Long Colt
When Joe tries to inspect the Mexican Army cart, he is greeted by a 7.5" Cavalry Model.
One of the Rojos fires his SAA at the Baxters in the graveyard.
One of the Baxters fires his SAA.
One of the Rojo thugs reaches for his SAA after Joe attacks their compound to frame the Baxters.
A beaten-up Joe practices shooting a Cavalry SAA when preparing to face the Rojos.
A close up on the Cavalry as Joe fires it.
Another shot of the same scene.
Winchester Model 1892
Ramón Rojo (Gian Maria Volontè) uses a Winchester Model 1892 throughout the film, although it tends to switch to a Winchester Model 1894 rifle and a '92 Saddle Ring Carbine in some scenes.
Winchester Model 1892 - .38-40
Ramón armed with his Winchester 1892 in the graveyard.
Ramón fires his Winchester '92 at the Baxters.
Ramón fires his Winchester '92 rifle at Joe.
Note how in this particular scene the rifle is a saddle ring carbine with the ring removed. This particular sequence was also seen on a television set in the film
Back to the Future Part II.
Ramón rushes to load his '92 rifle when facing Joe.
Ramón chambers his '92 rifle.
Winchester 1894
Ramón can also be seen using a Winchester Model 1894 in some scenes, taking the place of his Winchester '92 rifle. Some nameless thugs are also seen armed with '94 rifles as well.
Winchester 1894 Saddle Ring Carbine - .30-30
One of the Rojo thugs disguised as a Union soldier armed with a Winchester Model 1894 .
One of the Baxter thugs armed with a Winchester '94 rifle.
Ramon cocks his Winchester '94 rifle when coming to retrieve Marisol (Marianne Koch).
Ramón fires a Winchester '94 rifle at an armored suit.
Ramón talks to Joe with his '94 rifle in hand.
Ramón uses his rifle to shoot at the Baxters as they exit the flaming building.
Mauser Model 1893
Nearly all of the Mexican soldiers at the meeting are armed with 1893 Spanish Mauser rifles, which are anachronistic to the film, like most of the guns featured.
Mauser Modelo 1893 - 7x57mm Mauser
A soldier armed with a Mauser 1893 gets shot.
Double Barreled Shotgun
A 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun is seen several times in the film, most notably used by a Rojo thug to try to shoot Joe after he defeats Ramón before he is killed by the bartender, Silvanito (José Calvo), who uses a sawed-off shotgun.
J. Stevens & Company 1878 shotgun - 12 Gauge
Silvanito (
José Calvo) points his sawed-off shotgun at the Rojo thugs when they gather outside his bar.
Esteban Rojo prepares to shoot Joe with his shotgun.
Silvanito fires his sawed-off shotgun at Esteban Rojo.
Fake Mitrailleuse Machine Gun
Ramón uses what appears to be a Mitrailleuse Machine Gun to mow down soldiers during the meeting. In reality, the machine gun appears to be a cross between a Mitrailleuse and a Maxim gun, but it is meant to imitate a Mitrailleuse machine gun which was in use in the French army in the 1860s and 1870s.
Contrary to popular belief, this is not the same gun that was used in Django, as evidenced by the muzzle end. This prop has way more holes in the muzzle end than one used by Franco Nero. Unlike Django, in Companeros, Franco Nero uses a gun that looks very similar to this one.
Montigny Mitrailleuse - 11mm
Ramón fires the fake Mitrailleuse Machine Gun at the soldiers.
Ramón continues to fire the faux Mitrailleuse Machine Gun.
The machine gun appears to be a cross between a Mitrailleuse and a Maxim gun.
Mitrailleuse machine gun's front end is seen.
The machine gun is finished being fired.